Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

Secondhand pain is a thing. He walked in not only just in time to watch Yukari took the blow from the basketball directly to the face, but also witness how the ball travelled. It did not take his deep understanding of physics to understand that it probably hurts real bad. If it had been him, it would for sure. Acion didn't wait for anyone cueing him. Upon seeing the girl bouncing off the ground from the effect of the ball, he entered the gym and jogged straight up to Yukari.

"Are you okay?"

Eventually, he did recognize this girl as his classmate, in particular that incredibly elastic girl that twisted herself into a small bottle somehow. Though that never was his impression with her. His impression from that particular performance was the almost perfect coordination between her body parts. Therefore, it never occurred to him that the seemingly clever and agile one would take a basketball right into her face. But it happened to the best of us sometimes.

"Are you Yozakura-san from hero class?" He asked.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


After a delightful lunch in the cafeteria together with her new friends Carol and Nadeko, Saki started to explore the school a little in the free time she had left. Perhaps find an outlet for her to charge herself in the meantime. It would be kind of weird to charge herself in the hallway so perhaps in a room if she can find somewhere she is allowed in during lunch. There were a few in the gym but... which way was it again.

Saki had wandered around about half the school before finally finding the gym, there were a few spots that did seem nice and relaxed to charge herself but were currently occupied by other students. It would be kind of weird to sit on the ground next to them to charge herself. Going into the changing rooms she undid her shoes and already found some places she could sit. The soft dribbling inside of the gym caught her off guard however, there was already someone here? Saki opened the door towards the gym and could see the girl from her class. Not a moment later the basketball that she could hear dribbling before hit her right in the face. Saki gasped at the sight of the poor girl, that must have hurt and exclaimed herself

"Uwa! It didn't swoosh at all~!"

Exposed from her cover behind the gym door she walked into the gym as well. The girl was already quickly helped up by her fellow classmate Acion. Saki hurriedly got towards Yukari and stood by Acion as she faced the girl lying flat out on the ground. Saki gave a quick wave towards Acion as greeting but was promptly back on track with the hurt Yukari. Quickly bending over her with a concerned smile on her face as she generally just seemed dazed about the hit.

"Are you alright~? You took quite the hit~"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Maeda Nadeko


Stage fright? Stage fright?

Did the sensei even see her performance? Her quirk was a dud. It was inefficient, multi step, and almost useless. Carol went back to the locker room more or less puzzled. As she got out of her gym clothes, wearing her summer gym clothes, she put her school uniform back on with the leggings scarf and mittens.

She saw the others in her class leave for lunch. She didn’t know what to expect the first day, and so it was best prepared that she had her own lunch in plasticware and eventually found her way to the lunchroom, by mostly seeing Saki as she turned a corner.

Since no one seemed to give her a dirty look, the initial disappointment and confusion had dulled a bit. She wasn’t going to give up. She had to be useful in other ways. Maybe supporting the class.

Support Class… hmm.

“Hey!” She seemed nice enough at the demonstration with her robot abilities. “Hey Shaki.” She said, her antlers a warm welcoming yellow, but then Nadeko came into view with her vibrant red hair. So much the better. She raised her hand in greeting. “Hey Nadeko. Want to eat together?” He hoped Saki overheard the welcome.

Nadeko raised her….magnet, and smiled in response as she walked closer. ”Hey, Carol! Sure! I don’t have any other plans!” She turned her head to look at Saki, the robot girl. ”You wanna come too?” she asked.

The hero of festivities that was before her in the quirk display came up to Saki. It was heartwarming to see her antlers give that bubbly yellow color while slipping her tongue on Saki her name. Saki put her hand up in a greeting manner and sweetly smiled at the girl.

“Oh hello Carol~ Your lights always cheer me up~”

She said as she blissfully watched the lights. Nadeko joined the two as well and asked Saki for dinner in the cafeteria together with Carol. Saki turned her still greeting hand towards Nadeko.

“Hmm, yes that would be quite nice Nadeko~”

Carol blinked. “Oh you like them? Watch this.” She settled her lunchbox on her shoulder as she waved her fingers left and right. “Do do do. Do do do. Do De do- do do.” She basically gave the little ‘jingle bells chime’ and her antlers seemed to respond in kind, the lights blinking back and forth in sequence or going through the various colors they were capable of shining. She laughed. “Maybe I could be the classh cheerleader.” She joked just as the three got to the cafeteria.

“Sho, what do you think of the classh?” She asked them. “Shome people got shum sherioush skills. Like you Shaki, that was nutsh!”

Nadeko oohed and ahhed, and clapped once the lightshow was finished. Or, she tried to clap. It was more like giving herself a fistbump, and made solid metal tapping noises instead of a clapping noise.

”That was cool! But the lights aren’t all you can do, thought, right, you used them to power a torch, didn’t you? So, you can convert the lights to power?

And yeah, the class was intense. I mean, this is a Hero school, but I wasn’t quite prepared for how I’d be blown out the water like that. I’m going to have to step my game up to stand out!”
Nadeko replied, visibly excited.

”Thatsh pretty much it exhactly. My lightsh are like, bashically sholid electrichity. I can charge phonesh with it too.” She stuck her tongue out. She got a little quiet when games stepped up was brought up. Everyone has a chance to stand out, except Carol.

When Saki told the antler girl that she liked her lights, Carol was immediately on the case to make them as pretty as they could be. Saki watched the glimmering lights float around her antlers in amazement as Carol hummed a melody. Saki lightly clapped as she slightly bounced up and down in excitement “Awa so pretty~” The light tudding of metal against each other caught her off guard. Saki glanced at Nadeko’s arms and softly smiled, she softly muttered “Cute~”

“I don’t really know anyone from the class yet but they seem nice~ Aha it is nothing special~” Saki warmly smiled at Carol. Nadeko had a point Carol could probably put out a lot of power if she tried. “Yes let’s keep trying to get better!~ We can help each other if we need too~” Saki put a softly clenched fist in the air next to her head. Carol didn’t seem as excited though. Saki gently picked up Carol her hand and softly held it with both her own hands smiling sweetly at the girl “It will be alright Carol~”

Carol piped back up with Saki and Nadekos talk. Getting better. It's why they're here. Maybe a little training and secondary prespective would help. She raised a mittoned glove with several yellow lights and two red at the tips. "Go classh." she attempted to cheer with Saki.

Then Saki got her hands, the antlers flashing a mix of purple and red. Mostly she was surprised but when Saki offered a strange comforting look, Carols white skin flushed red. She hid a little behind her scarf. It felt like pity more then encouragement. But that was her fault for being a downer. She had to remember herself.

She looked up through her glasses and fist bump with her free hand. "Darn tootin it ish! We got to keep up with the powershoushs, like Durga. Gosh she wazh a badassh."

As they walked into the crowded room Carol held up her lunch bag, a sky blue cloud pattern with little emblems of popular and thought provoking cartoon characters on it. "Got my lunch, Ill find ush a table. When we...ssssit… I gotta know more about you guysh. Magnetsh and tech are my jam."

"Dulga was something else~ what about Acion he looked very spectacular and skilled~"

"Got my lunch here as well~" Saki sat down opposite of Carol and put down her lunch and pre bought ice coffee. She already started unpacking her bento box as Carol was getting excited a out hearing their quirks. At the mention of it she shortly glanced at Nadeko, then at her arms. "Nadeko how do you like. Eat. If I can make it easier for you just ask~" It felt kind of sympathetic to ask but she wanted to help if she could. Saki unwrapped the cloth from her bento and undid the lid. There was a neatly packed bento box with unusual amount of rice. Rice didn't cost much so she liked to eat it. With a soft click she opened her ice coffee and took a sip for the taste.

"My quirk is more or less the same as yours Carol~ I use a battery that outputs energy for either my: agility, intelligence, strength or outlet. It is kind of limited though, oh and I can do most thing a computer can, not so fast though~ How about you Nadeko-chan~"

”Oh, I can use my magnets to either attract, or repel. But they’re quite strong. And I can make parts of them work. They’re more precise than they look. Speaking of, this is how I eat,” replied Nadeko, before taking an unwrapped, metal bento box from her bag.

It was fastened shut with clasps on either side, which Nadeko opened by pulling from either side, before lifting off the lid. Inside was curry and rice, and one metal spork. She then reached back into her back and retrieved a steel flask. With one magnet, she kept the flask steady. She put the other to one side of the lid and pulled, twisting the screw-top lid and opening her flask full of plain old water. Then, she held her magnet above the spork and it flew up to her arm with a tinny clink and stuck there. This whole process, she did naturally and efficiently. This was, after all, how she lived.

”Yeah, I need to use a spork, like a westerner. But it is what it is,” she chuckled as she ate a mouthful.

Saki watched quietly as Nadeko told her she would be fine with eating, as expected of someone who lived with magnet arms "looks like you have gotten used to it over the years~" Nadeko began the process of opening her bento as well which seemed to be even quicker then opening her own bento. Saki was impressed, she gave a warm smile towards the girl "Glad for you~ Ah curry~ I eat the last bit of my curry with a spoon as well do it is fine~"

Saki stuck her chopsticks in the rice as she took a big chunk as well, quietly eating. She took a moment to look at Carol "Tell us the details about your quirk too if you will~" before taking a bit of soft bamboo out of her bento and happily eating it with her hand softly placed on her cheek. "Just the way panda's like them~"

As a westerner. "I like shporksh." she wondered if that was a problem.

She unzipped her food box but honestly was watching with interest how Nadeko seemed to flourish everything. With metal, it was like she had telekinesis or something. It was strangely hypnotic. "I know thish shoundsh weird but I can watch that all day." she pulled out her bit of plastic ware. The interior was a fried chicken wrap, basted battered chunks with pieces of cheese, lettuce tomatos sticking out one end. There was celery and carrot sticks with some dipping sauce, and finally a cute little pink cupcake with an icing caricature of a smiling girl with antlers. A little and embarrassing addition by her mom. She snatched it up and ate it quickly, her antlers flashing red, purple, green for a moment.

Saki asked a question, almost causing Carol to choke before she went for the thermos of hot chocolate. After a refreshing drink she began. "Itsh really schiency. When I, and I quote, 'transform' Im jusht making an electric field around myshelf. It keepsh me from getting shocked. More importantly, it bashically allowsh me to create electrical energy in a shtable shtate. I need to move though. Itsh a byproduct of kinetic energy. I move, I make electric lightsh. Dont touch them though. They got a bit of a shock to them. Like licking a nine volt." that was pretty much it, though she was happy to show off her nerd a bit.

Nadeko smiled a small, almost shy, smile, and ate in silence as she listened. Her showing-off and confident experior was kind of an act, at the end of the day. A way to convince herself that she had no disability, and no need for pity. Still, seeing people genuinely impressed with her doing something normal, or at least normal to her, made her feel fizzy inside. It made her feel like she didn’t need to show-off or overcompensate to impress these two. They find the ways she’s shown ingenuity and adapted to get by just as impressive as a flashy show of power.

That said, Carol’s description of power left Nadeko with a question. ”Wait, so if I’ve got this right, the fast her move, the more power you generate, right?” She looked from Saki to Carol to see if either of them picked up what she was implying.

Carol nodded. "Ash long as I'm exerting, the more lightsh I get. I tried it shticking my head out the window of a car and it didn't work. I guessh bloodsh gotta be pumping."

"Yes same~ This is very interesting to watch~"
Carol her lunch seemed really diverse it has a lot of green, she knew people at these things but couldn't understand how it would be better then rice.
"Your lunch seems really nice Carol~ It looks… westerny~"
Carol began about her quirk explaining how it worked. It was sort of difficult to vision how it would work but it sounded powerful enough. Nadeko kept asking about her quirk and they came to the conclusion that it had to be movement made by herself to produce electricity.

Saki softly smiled and nodded at Nadeko. "I can spin you around Carol~ Like really really fast~ Maybe Nadeko can do so as well with magnets~"
Hearing Carol talk about her trying to activate her power by sticking her head out of the window "What do you transform into by the way?~" Saki knew it was probably something along the lines of a reindeer.

Carol nods, pushing her box a little towards Saki, ”It ish. I told the classh, I’m from Alashka. My mom and me are trying to get better with the local shtuff. I have to forche myshelf to like white rice.” She was chewing on the wrap when Saki recommended the spinning option. ”How will getting me dizzhy help?” She thought it was a joke.

She put down her food when she pointed to her nose. ”Remember, my noshe went red? I activate the electric field. Technically it’sh a transhformation quirk, and an emitter, and I guessh my antlersh make me a mutant too. Quirksh are weird. Here one shec.” She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and seemed to puff out her cheeks. The lights on her antlers went brighter, and the color of her pale cheeks and mostly her nose went red and bright, her nose almost glowing itself. Carol then grinned and booped Saki’s nose, her hair would get kind of staticy and the hairs on her arms would stand on end. Nadeko would feel the tingle of her electric field a few seconds later, like a field around her. Carol just grinned happily.

”That is so cool!” Nadeko exclaimed, eyes wide and leaning forward. ”Also, I didn’t know you were from Alaska! Isn’t it cold there?”

”It’sh friggin freezing!” She grabs the ends of her scarf and seems to tighten it. ”I shwear I shtill feel the wind blowing through me!”

"Plain rice is great though~ Adding some green helps as well~ Like bamboo <3~"

Saki had picked up a bit of rice and a slice of bamboo and held it in front of Carol her nose. Carol didn't see the plan go into fruition. Saki exclaimed it would work though "you need to exert force on your body right?~ If we spin you the kinetic energy will make electricity for you~"

Carol exclaimed that her quirk was every type of quirk. It did look kind of like that, she heard that quirks would mix a lot through the years so maybe she was an X tier user. Just like Saki, her quirk was a combination between her parents' quirks. I thought Carol was powering herself up and pushed Saki her nose in. Saki jumped up and felt her hair be on end. Saki awkwardly pushed her hair down so as not to let it float around too much. "Very static he~"

”Hehe, shorry.” Carol she disengaged her quirk, holding up her plate for Saki to drip on the suggestion. She would eat the rice and the bamboo, keeping the chopsticks in her mouth. As she seemed to contemplate. ”Shpin me around hmm? You guys want to try a few thingsh? Maybe after classh shometime? You ever hear of combosh? It’sh like, you put quirksh together, they have a shynergishtic effect.” She made a motion like putting a ball in her hand. ”Yo, we could pull off shome crazy shtuff!” She seemed excited, her antlers lighting up a bright yellow.

Nadeko nodded, and then smiled. A few seconds passed as she finished what was in her mouth before speaking. ”I’m not sure if that would actually work but it’s worth giving a try! I’m down for trying combo moves out of you two are!”

Saki put another bite in her mouth and blissfully smiled as she swallowed down her food “That sounds like a lot of fun Carol, Nadeko~! I’m sure we can think up some more moves together~”

And then came the planning, well not so much as one suggestion would segway to another conversation. But all and all friends were made. A great first lunch.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Nadeko

Mentions: @vancexentan

Nadeko finished her lunch, and the three girls parted ways. The other two left the cafeteria. Nadeko stayed and looked around. So many students here who weren't in the Hero class. She vaguely recognised a few from the Support class, but most were complete strangers. It really put into perspective how many pupils came to this Hero School not to become Heroes. Of course, some of them might have their own Hero classes later. Others might not. It was fascinating to her, and made her glad that she didn't have to give up regular high school life. Maybe she'd make friends with girls outside her own classes.

Looking around, she saw that most people were still talking to others in groups. But there was one boy sitting at a moderately populated table but not talking to those around him. He was one of the boys from her class. The one who had the air powers, she remembered. Was he trying to play the cool loner, or was he just a little shy? She remembered he wasn't very showy with his quirk and cited that using it too much gave him a headache. So probably not the type use their quirk in front of their mirror for hours solid as a child, pushing themselves to get stronger until their arms ached for the whole of the following day.

Nadeko sat at the free seat opposite from Kou, noticeably lacking a tray or any kind of lunch, and smiled. She didn't offer her hand to shake, because looking at her box-like magnet arms, how would that work?

"Hello. I'm Maeda-san. Mind if I sit here?" she asked cheerily.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 14 days ago

Kou bid well from the various kids who finished their lunches around them as he bid them a good day. He wasn't exactly sure what their names were but they were nice enough and it was the first day of school no doubt they were also getting over getting shy and stuff. Man teenage years were something...hormones, awkward lunch discussions, and other assorted nonsense. Hey at least it could be fun at times. He started chewing on the last bits of his own food when he saw one of the girls from his own class come over. He gave her a confident smile, and nodded. "Sure! I mean who would turn down an offer to talk to a pretty girl like yourself?" Kou said with a laugh. He meant it in good faith and she was rather cute. "What's up? I'm Majima-kun. Just call me Kou if you prefer though. I don't really care either way in all honesty. You don't look like you're here to eat just come for a chat?" questions Kou as he leans against the table while looking right at Nadeko.
Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Rescuing people, huh?"

In hindsight, that did sound ideal. People were usually frightened during hard times, weren't they? Thus, it would have made some sense then, people already frightened would have fueled her Quirk. In fact, Junko wasn't sure if there'd even be a time limit in that scenario. All the same, it would have been much easier to induce fear if she was intentionally scaring them; like a villain. "Heh, hm, hmm." Imagining herself as a villain crossed Junko's mind briefly for the slightest of moments, before she stored those thoughts away. Alas, she was here to learn about being a hero, not the opposite, though if anything was to be taken from Ms. Mako's shining example...

"Eh? Ah, yeah, so you paid attention when she called me out. Eheh...." Despite her near shriveled demeanour, Junko only shrugged as it was brought up. "Maybe, yeah. Would make sense since scaring people with a knife is bad school behavior. I thought she knew what our Quirks were before class today too but I guess not?" As she nodded along, a wiry grin spread itself to Junko's lips as another thought slipped into her mind. "It's really strange, huh. Most teachers of a Hero course would know about that. Maybe the staff here don't trust Ms. Mako yet? I think this is her first actual hero class now that I think about it...."

Dulga put her hand to her mask, deep in thought. What Junko said about Mako did make Dulga wonder if maybe Mako isn't as straightlaced as she might be. After all she was a former villain so maybe Mako would be more open to... Unconventional means. Still Dulga didn't trust her too much either simply because she was a teacher of a hero course, so there were some standards Mako might have to abide by regardless of her own personal feelings. "Yeah. She's a black sheep. Literally an ex-con. No one would trust her." This just made Dulga all the more cautious. She didn't know Mako at all, she might've lost her edge since she was captured and became a teacher. "Well, good luck with her. Maybe she'll be cool. Would hate to see you hold back."

"Mhmm..." From this close, Junko could see her fellow classmate in a new light, so to speak. Or rather, she caught details she doubted the other students noticed. What she saw was more than a bit grisly, but all the same, she couldn't help but feel a tingle of excitement. "Seems like the entire class is made of outcasts, right down to our teacher. Uhm...not to pry but...." Well, this was school and the point of it was to make friends, right? At least, that's what Junko told herself. It was why she continued sitting with Dulga despite being given good luck twice now as if the other girl wanted her gone. "So, uh, that is to say...do you wear a mask cause of your injuries? Not to judge or anything, but I think you'd look cool showing them off. And scary. But Junko left that part out unsaid.

"Er, but I mean, the mask look works too! Eheh, it makes you look spooky and intimidating, kind of like Donny."

Dulga wasn't surprised that Junko was curious. Someone was bound to ask. At least it happened now, in private, instead of in front of so many other people. Dulga turned her face away as she drew scribbles into the dirt. "No. The mask doesn't help. It belongs to my mother. Died in a fire." Dulga lifted up her cloak a bit too. Junko would be able to see that the extra two pair of arms on Dulga's body, which came out from her back, were also severly scarred. Only her "regular" arms look undamaged. It was like the skin was burnt away so Junko could see the muscles and veins. Dulga's hands were also mangled and many of her fingernails were missing. Despite the damage, they look rough and tough. "My cloak is hers too. I wear it in her memory, despite school rules."

It was now that Dulga came to the slight realization that Junko is the first person she's ever actually spoken to about her mask, cloak, or even what happened to her. No one, not even other students or teachers in middle school, ever worked up the courage to speak to her about any of it. Or speak to her at all. Though that might just be because Dulga doesn't start conversations about it and the fact she just isn't very approachable. Dulga turned back to Junko. "I don't care about being cool... But thank you anyways."

Junko raised an eye,both from the new information at hand as well as Dulga revealing more of her body. Some of this felt too personal to get into, but she wasn't going to stop the other girl if she wanted to share. All the same, she couldn't help but note the lifeless state the arms appeared in. They almost looked like zombie arms, and no doubt cool; but of this, Junko kept both thoughts to herself. "Ah, so it's like a memento. That's kind of cool, in its own way. And the fact you don't care makes you cool too, eheh." By now Junko had all but finished her lunch, packing up her discarded trash and making her way to the nearest bin, the same bin Dulga used actually, before flitting them away. "I'm, uh, sorry about your mom and the fire. But it looks like you're doing well for yourself...." She treaded carefully; truthfully she was no expert in these matters of people talk but she couldn't ignore the fact Dulga opened up to her as well. "Actually, eheh, my homemade hero costume has a mask too. It's kind of like yours, but more so to scare people...."

Standing up, Dulga followed after Junko to continue their conversation. She didn't comment on Junko's sympathy; Dulga has heard it a lot before and while she doesn't care for it, she also understands that Junko meant no harm by it. Instead Dulga suddenly remembered something that might be useful to the both of them. "Masks can be useful. This mask helps me breath in smoke. It's like... A gas mask." However that wasn't what Dulga wanted to talk about. She took out her phone and searched something up before showing her phone to Junko. "I remember a... An old school superhero. And I mean ancient."

On Dulga's phone was an image from all the way back to the early 2000's, of some man in a bat-theme super hero costume. "My mother had old comics of this guy. His name is Batman." Dulga had showed Junko a fanwikipedia page of him and some of his exploits. "He's a hero who uses terror and fear. Sounds good, yeah?" Dulga could respect it. Intimidation and psychological warfare are fair ways to defeat the enemy. Even Dulga knows not to get cocky with her strength when she's outnumbered or outgunned. Even run away if the odds aren't in her favor. "He doesn't have any super powers. Doesn't need it. Just skill, prep, and fear. Sounds right up your alley." Dulga pauses when she realized that she was also being very chatty. It surprised even herself how open and social she was being right now.

While Dulga may not have intended for the gas mask bit to be essential, it did make Junko's eyes light up a bit in giddiness. Maybe it was just luck she guessed that was the kind of mask she had on her costume but regardless, now the conversation was turning into something that was interesting for the both of them. Hobbling closer like an eager stray, Junko leaned over to look at Dulga's phone. "Oh hey, I think I know him. There were movies about this character, right? Eheh, I always liked how he scared people." It seemed Dulga was in the same boat and she nodded along to her words. "Right, right. Skill, prep, and fear...and maybe some tools and gadgets, eheh. It's a good thing we have the Hero Support class with us too. Now that I think about it, maybe it's a good thing I scared that kid back there. I bet someone in the Support class knows just the thing to help both of us for our costumes." Junko's eyes remained affixed and glued to the phone screen, clearly soaking in whatever she could.

"We, uh, should totally have more of these lunch conversations. We're finding out all sorts of scary things about each other, eheh. But scary is good and cool. We could use more heroes who don't rely on their Quirks so much, I think."

Dulga nods as she closes the window, revealing for a split second some sort of shady website selling gun parts. But Dulga put her phone away before too much could've been seen. "Yeah. I'm more of a Frank Castle person myself. Very no nonsense." Dulga wondered if Junko was familiar with all of these super old school heroes. They were around long before quirks were a thing. Dulga even vaguely remembered reading some news about how people have tried to replicate those old heroes using their quirks and the craziness that caused. But Dulga would put these thoughts aside as she looked at the clock. "Time is almost up. I'm going to my next class. I'll see you later?" Dulga asked Junko, wondering if maybe she was interested in meeting again.

"Frank Castle...I don't think the name sounds familiar, sorry." It might have rung a bell to Junko if "Punisher" was used and it might have not, but for now the girl only shrugged, ignorant of the character and what was on Dulga's screen. All the same, she was practically beaming at the other girl and wondered what her reaction would be when they showed each other their costumes eventually in class. She beamed even more under Dulga's next words. "Oh! Er, eheh, sure, if you don't mind. I like talking with you." She wondered if Dulga was interested in horror movies but that was a thought for another time. In the meanwhile, she quickly scooted up the rest of her stuff and moved in the opposite direction from Dulga, ready to part.

"I'll see you later, yeah, eheh."

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Nadeko

Mentions: @vancexentan

Kou's opening line caught Nadeko off-guard briefly. So, he wasn't shy after all, then. Not trying to play the cool loner either, actually. Maybe his friends had just already left. She grinned, tutted and shook her head. There might have been the hint of a flush there too. "I bet you say that to all the girls," she teased in a dramatic, soap-opera voice, before giggling and reverting to a more natural delivery. "Majima-kun it is, then. And yeah, I already finished but it's a new school on the first day, and none of us can really talk in class, so I'm just trying to talk to as many of my classmates as possible. School sucks without a couple of good friends. And I saw you were sitting alone when I walked past. So, what did you think of Hero class?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 14 days ago

Mentions: @Silver Carrot

"Well hey if I can make someone smile its worth it in my opinion. There's no room in the world for more complaining, and stuff. If I can get a smile or two out of ya its better for the both of us." Kou says as he grins at her he finishes his food and scratches his head as he listens to her talk for a moment. He wonders just exactly how many people she had already talked to? It was an interesting change of pace to see someone so proactive about going out and meeting people but she had a good point when it came to going out making sure you had someone to talk to. "You got a good point Maeda-San school really is a pain in the ass but we're all here to get better. Just gotta be careful with who you choose to talk to you know? Some people are still adjusting and may not be ready to talk like me. May be worth waiting a day or two for everyone to get settled down into the route so to speak. But by all means keep going. I think you've got a good idea going." Kou thought for a moment longer as he considered what he should say about class? It was...different so far but he hadn't experienced enough to form a proper opinion.

"Got to be honest with you I don't really got a real opinion. Think Teach has a lot of faith in us, and she wants to help us but...I can't exactly say if she's going to do a good job yet. Some people respond differently regarding how class is taught, and it being the first day I don't want to give her too much praise or too little. I'd say I have faith in our teacher, and our class to give it their best. That sounds about fair right?" Kou scratches his head wondering just exactly she wanted him to say.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 11 days ago

Eventually Donny would reach his lockers. As he doesn’t wear shoes, he could afford to stash the rest of his snacks in here. He put his bento box, his bread, and a few of his soda cans here so he could pick them up later. Unfortunately he picked a rather bad time to show up: a lot of students were crowding near the only exit, with many turning around to find another way out. ”Aya. Hmm hmm hmm…”

Donny needed to get around these students, and simply slithering beneath their feet would be easy enough. But he didn’t want to get in trouble on his first day for invading the personal space of his fellow students, nor get in trouble with any of the girls who’ll feel uncomfortable with him underneath them. That’s when he spied one of the open windows. It was a bit of a drop, only about ten feet, nothing he couldn’t handle. Not to mention he had a particular destination in mind. ”Yeah this oughta work.”

So gathering his things Donny flung himself out the window. However he grabbed onto the edge as his body slapped the wall with a heavy thud. The sticky parts of his ooze helped keep him attached, as well as the multiple tiny talons he produced from his body to help keep traction against the walls. Then like a grotesque sort of giant slug he began to crawl up the side of the wall and onto the roof tops. This would give him the highest vantage point to look at the students above and below him.

”Lets see lets see… Acion and Alice are probably flying around here somewhere…”
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

It was just her luck. Every time Yukari ended up doing something embarrassing, someone was nearby to witness it. Though she wasn't at all hurt physically, emotionally Yukari felt like she took a slap to the face. She recognized the voices that were talking to her, Nakamiji Acion and Hana Saki. Both of them were from her hero class. "I'm fine, I'm fine! I was uh... Just learning how to play basketball! You know, just something to do after lunch you know?" Quickly getting to her feet Yukari also wanted to quickly change subjects so no one had to ask her about her little flub. She wasn't sure why these two people were here but she figured she could distract them with some other topic. "S-So what are you two doing here? Did you come to play too? I'm not very good at most sports but I'm willing to learn anything!" Yukari stretched her hand out to grab the basketball that had bounced away, spinning it on her finger and expertly bouncing and rolling it around her body. While she was terrible at actually making the shots she could do tricks with it easily.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alice Nova

Eventually, Alice had split away from Acion as she had no real interest in spending the last few minutes of her break in the gym. Rather, she wanted to sip her freshly purchased box of orange-mango juice in peace somewhere quietly. Well, as quietly as the campus of a highschool would allow anyways. She had thought about flying up to the rooftop to spend her break there but... Alice genuinely thought that'd be a bit too much. A nice shadowy bench would do the trick for now. Luckily, the nocturnal girl quickly found one which exactly suited her requirements! A bench nicely secluded from the main area, right beneath a tree where she could listen to the rustling of the wind and which also provided shade.
Alice walked up to it, put her bag onto it, and sat down right next to the backpack with a relaxed sigh.
Only shortly after she used the provided straw to pierce a hole into the designated spot and then slurped her orange-mango juice. It was deliciously sweet!

Out of the corner of her eyes she spotted a familiar but no-less creepy frame... "climbing" up the building to reach the top of it. It appeared as though a certain Donny had similar ideas to the owl- The need for seclusion, peace and quiet. The girl chuckled at the sight as she just imagined the poor janitor who would have to clean this mess up later.
That did not matter at that moment though as Alice averted her eyes again and just watched the distant main part of the campus with the other students hanging out while drinking her beloved juice.

@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

"That's great." Seeing her seemingly unharmed like that was a little surprising and relieving to Acion, even though in hindsight her physicality allowed that kind of resistance. Nevertheless it would probably still hurt. It was indeed strange seeing Yukari capable of doing these sorts of tricks with the basketball yet she claimed not being good at most sports. He assumed that someone possessing this kind of expertise of hand-eye coordination would work well with sports, but some skills were yet to be transferred probably. He was certain that if she put efforts into learning them, she would probably master them quicker than anybody else.

"Uhh...you can say so. I'm just wandering around school, and I somehow ended up here seeing you hit by the ball. Now that I'm here, I can play something." Acion replied, as he gracefully took the ball from Yukari's fingers as she was spinning it with his own fingers. The ball's momentum carried on for a few seconds before he stopped it with his palm and proceeded to throw it towards the hoop. Unsurprisingly for any well-trained eyes, the ball was thrown with too much force that it hit the backboard at an upward angle instead of downward, thus it bounced off from it quite heavily.

"Damn it, excuse me." He didn't want to risk that ball hitting anyone, or having to walk all the way just to retrieve it, so he quickly opened all his wings and made a jump. One strong flap and he ran right into the ball's trajectory, catching it with his two hands. "Ahaha, I'm not good at basketball either." Acion laughed it away as he landed and returned the ball to Yukari. It really did appear that some skills definitely needed to be transferred.

"So do you guys play any sports? Or any interesting physical activities?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Mako sat at her desk, smiling. The clock almost mockingly declared that it was ten minutes past hometime. The teacher then stood up, and stood in front of the board. Detention had begun.

"So," Ms. Mako began in her usual sickly sweet voice. "Do you know why you're here? I want you to tell me why you think you're here."

"Um...because I broke a wall?" That was the most logical conclusion to come to, at least in Junko's mind. She wasn't too particularly worried about detention with her teacher, almost beaming at the prospect. To other students moving along and exiting their classrooms for the day, it was no doubt strange to see, maybe unnerving. But having a one on one conversation with the Madame Obsidian was almost a dream come true. All the same, Junko took a random spot in a random desk in front of Ms. Mako. No doubt she'd be setting an image for getting detention on the first day of school. "Eheh..." At least people would remember her. "Was it not for breaking the wall?"

"That's certainly part of it," Mako answered, before sighing and opening her eyes. Her smile had gone too. She looked...like a teacher now. "It's partly my fault for putting the prop knife in the box. But this class is to teach you, and everybody else in it, to become a Hero. You threatened a member of the support class. That's not something Heroes....typically do. At least not to bystanders. I wonder. Why did you sign up for this class? Forgive me for saying this, but, you don't seem like the heroic type."


In hindsight, threatening another student under watch from a teacher was grounds for being called out, and Junko couldn't find much flaw in that logic. "Eheh, it was nothing personal, really. Um, it was just to help my Quirk. I thought you knew how our Quirks functioned before class?" At least, one would have assumed a teacher would have known but Junko shrugged it off in response to the question posed at her. It sounded more like a repeat of their class introductions earlier in the day and so a repeat was given. "Well, like I said, I wanted to, eheh, join the course because I heard you were teaching it. I like using my Quirk, alot, eheh. But something tells me you won't be satisfied by that answer...." Junko nervously grinned, this time fiddling with her fingers and shifting in her seat. "It's hard to explain...I guess, I like the idea of a villain remedying themselves? Like, it's kind of ironic but also...cool that you're teaching hero stuff when you used to be a villain," she said, expression scrunching as she struggled to convey her words.

"I did know everyone's quirks," Mako answered. "But a piece of paper doesn't tell you a lot of important information, such as how they use it, or what they think is a good idea when asked to showcase it. I actually thought you were going to use the knife to scare your classmates. If it were up to me, the Support students wouldn't have been there. But, their first big project if to design Hero costumes for this class.

If we're going to continue your involvement in my class, you're going to have to promise me that you'll commit. That you'll take on board everything I teach, and try your hardest to become an upstanding citizen who protects the innocent and makes people smile. This is my first year teaching this class. Let's both do our best."

Now that was a surprise. So Ms. Mako did know their Quirks beforehand, but not how they worked? How did that work? Junko figured that the reputation of their school being poor was more true than just jibes and rumors if the staff couldn't even get that right. Although...Dulga's words also surfaced in her mind and she couldn't help but wonder if Ms. Mako intentionally didn't know for some other purpose or she was just that incompetent of a teacher. Oh well, it didn't much matter at this exact moment. "Oh, uh...well I suppose I could have scared the hero students, eheh. Though I don't know what the difference would be since either way I'd have threatened someone...." Once more, she got the feeling that wasn't the answer Ms. Mako wanted.

"Oh! Uh, sure. I can promise that, yeah, eheh...." Junko turned her face upwards to hit Ms. Mako with that crooked smile of hers. A nagging thought made itself manifest with a question she had though. "But, uh, you can see my Quirk isn't very, eheh, heroic at all. How am I supposed to make people smile when I can only make them scream?" It was a genuine question even as Junko looked at her teacher seriously. She never once considered her Quirk to work off smiles, let alone cause them.

Mako chuckled at Junko's comment about not knowing the difference, and then smiled again. "Tell you what, I'll tell you at the end of the year that you thought that, and I swear to you that you will be shocked to hear it. And I agree you quirk doesn't seem very heroic at first glance, but prevention is the best form of crimefighting. And if you struck fear into the hearts of criminals, they might think twice before commiting crimes. The quirk itself doesn't matter. It's the person behind the quirk that makes the Hero. That may be a corny cliche. But it's true."

Junko blinked. On some level, those words actually made sense, though to be honest, she didn't quite understand them completely. Then again, that was probably why she was in the role of student and not teacher. "I see. I guess I have alot to learn for the school year, eheh..." All the same, it was satisfying of an answer to hear, she felt. "Um, sorry about the wall. And scaring that kid."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Nadeko

Mentions: @vancexentan

"You have a point there," Nadeko replied, after Kou's remark that some of the classmates were still adjusting. "But it's usually pretty easy to spot the ones who won't appreciate being brought out of their shell. Besides, even they'll want friends. And yeah, the teacher wasn't...quite what I was expecting. But I'm optimistic. She at least lay down the law when that girl went crazy with the fake knife. I wonder what we'll be doing tomorrow."

She checked her phone briefly, and tutted. "Lunchtime's nearly over already. I have history next. What about you?" she asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 14 days ago

"Eh yeah I think I got history next...pretty boring all things considered since all we learn about is mostly pre-quirk stuff but hey everyone needs to know what happened before so we don't make the same mistakes right?" Kouji says as he gets up he grabs his trey and winks at Nadeko. "I'm going to go to the bathroom before that though so I don't need to leave during class. But I'd like it if we could meet up after school. Maybe call it a date?" he says to her flashing a smile at Nadeko. "But...I don't know I wouldn't presume a girl as pretty as you would like to consider it a date Maeda-San?" Kouji says to her as he waits for her response he feels just a tad bit nervous, and he doesn't expect a yes but you miss every shot you don't take, and its always nice to get a friend on your side regardless.

@Silver Carrot
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Nadeko

Mentions: @vancexentan

Nadeko stared at him for a beat or two, before suddenly giggling to herself. "Slow down there, Romeo! And you told me that just talking to people might be jarring for them! Listen, you seem pretty nice, so let's actually become friends first, okay? I'd take the offer to meet up but I've got to get straight to my parents and tell them how my day went. They'll be worried if I'm late, and I, uh, can't use cellphones. They don't play well with magnets, and they have touch screens and stuff. We'll arrange something in advance another time, okay? Anyway, see you in class!"

And with that, Nadeko got up to leave.

Hero class for day two was the last class of the day as opposed to the first. With a long second day of Math, Japanese, Science, Home Ec and other assorted classes, the class was probably drained at this point. Mako had accounted for this, and as the class filed in, she was smiling her foxlike smile as usual, and greeted every member of her class who walked in and took their seat. Once everyone was seated, she began.

"Now, I had thought about doing a more theory-based lesson about morality and duty, but as you've had a long day and are probably quite mentally drained, I decided to do something a little more fun and practical. As you know. This was once a serious dedicated large Hero Academy, so while the old Hero training facilities are out of date and in need of repair, we nonetheless have them at our disposal. So I thought why not do a good old round of Heroes vs Villains? This exercise seemed to be popular with previous Hero classes here. Now, instead of let you assign the teams, or assign you based on what I think you'd be good at," Mako briefly glanced at Junko, "I've decided to assign you Hero or Villain based on what I think you could gain from or learn from more. Or at the very least which one won't make any bad habits worse.

So, here's the Hero team; Alice Nova, Maeda Nadeko, Kaijiwara Homura, Hana Saki, Donny Yang and Kurowai Junko. I have chosen this team because I think you would have more to gain from being heroic and virtuous than by simply trying to win a competetive exercise. I want you to remember that. This exercise, for your team, will be scored not only by if you win, but how you win.

Here is the villain team; Carol Tennebalm, Yozakura Yukari, Dulga Tatara, Nakamiji Acion, Majima Kouji and Katō Emiho. If any of you are wondering why I chose you for the villain team, well, some of you need a little push in confidence. Others might benefit from getting their hands dirty or getting a taste for the bad guy's perspective so you can perhaps empathise in the future. This team will simply be playing to win.

Now, are there any questions? If not, change into your gym gear and we will all meet up at the old 'Cityscape' training ground. It's hard to miss. It's behind the gym and looks like an atom bomb went off in one of U.A's training grounds. Also a lot smaller than one of theirs. It...should...be safe enough. I'll go over the rules once we're all set."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 11 days ago

The first day of school wasn’t too bad. Though Donny wasn’t a fan of all of the homework they gave him, he did his best to do them before going to bed. The important thing was that it was done after all, and anything he didn’t understand he was certain he could figure out eventually. That night he had dinner with his grandfather, eating a somewhat fancy bowl of instant noodles with ramen eggs and fresh nori. He was rather excited and thought that his first day of school went pretty well for him.

The second day however was a drag. Most of Donny’s classes were rather boring lessons that nearly made him fall asleep and on top of that more homework. So much so that Donny seriously considered trying to get some of it done during lunch so he wouldn’t have to spend all night on it, but ultimately Donny simply ate his lunch and played with his cellphone instead. ”Ugh what a slog. Education’s important and all but you’d think they’d make learning more interesting in this day and age…”

Eventually Donny would reach his final class, Hero Course. Already fairly beaten down by the earlier classes Donny figured they would go back into boring stuff again, like the history of heroism or laws and such. Things that ordinarily may interest Donny but at this moment he just wanted to take a nap and eat some somen. However what surprised Donny was that Mako was going to put them straight into a practical exercise. Heroes vs Villains, though Donny wasn’t sure what exactly that entails. Did they have to chase down the villains? Protect an objective? Both? Additionally Donny was chosen to be on the hero team. While part of him was eager another part of him was worried. He’s never really done anything remotely heroic and a lot of people on the villain teams are really tough!

Donny was too nervous to really ask any questions and simply went to the lockers to change. Or rather, offload all the food he had stored inside of his body. Today he had brought chips and a thermos of barley tea. Neither which he figured would be of much use, so he stashed that away. He also put his wallet away in his locker and was considering putting his phone away too. However he decided to keep it: perhaps he could make use of the flashlight or something. As for his gym uniform, once more he simply took off his school uniform, folded it, and headed to the training ground. “Oh boy oh boy oh boy…”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

The rest of the school days were uneventful and grindy at worst. His curriculum put him in classes that lean more on the technical science rather than social, and as a result, Acion was rather surprised at how much assignments were given out to him on the first day, a stark contrast to the mere introductory classes before lunch. While the most of them would not be due the next day, he preferred if he got it finished while the iron is still hot. And to make even further use of his long commute time, Acion did some of them while on the train home. Once he was back, what greeted him was a silent and locked house, just as expected. His sister had already left for her hero works, but not before leaving a neat little dish of rice and salmon, accompanied by a bowl of Shchi soup. A pleasant surprise indeed, he hadn't had it for a while, and that time were still vivid as if they were yesterday. A cherry on-top for what was otherwise a successful start to his school year.

The next day's classes followed exactly the same pattern as the afternoon of the day before: long, grindy and uneventful, and more assignments. Despite knowing and having interests in science, the sign of fatique was plastered all over his face as he walked into his final class, which also happened to be the Hero class. From the back of his head, he begged for something interesting. If it's anything about hero history, organizations or definition, his neck would hurt after this. But thankfully, he wasn't disappointed.

'Villain? Very interesting.'

He actually never did this kind of exercise, let alone being a villain. But it might just end up being a 'Red versus Blue' kind of training, something in which he did know a little something about. The teacher did indicate that the Hero would be judged on how they conduct their exercise as well, something which did pique his interests. He'd probably have to face some sort of deficits to balance this out? Well, only one way to find that out.

After changing into his gym clothes, he made a beeline for the training ground. It really did look like ground zero of a cataclysmic explosion. Everything looked like it hadn't been touched for a very long time. Is this really safe like the teacher said? But considering he would probably not touch the area with a ten foot pole for like half the exercise, Acion could brush his concern off his shoulders for now.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The first day of school went about as one could expect and Junko had no real complaints. Well, not true, at least entirely. She was hoping Ms. Mako wasn’t going to use their pep talk as some inspiration of influence for the next day of class. And so far, she was proven relatively correct. School went by on the second day without much incident, though it was strange the hero course was slotted for the last class as opposed to the first. Maybe the school was still trying to fix their schedule? Regardless, she was much too braindead to really care what they were doing in class today-

“M-More exercise…!?” Junko visibly paled both at the idea of physical exertion from this so called “fun” activity and the fact she was certain Ms. Mako put her on the hero side because of their conversation. She caught her teacher’s quick glance at her before sighing belatedly. So it was practically confirmed…wait, who else was on that hero team? Donny? She would have liked if Dulga was on her team but all the same, she was still curious about the walking nightmare fuel of a boy. Being close to him in an exercise would yield all sorts of possibilities, maybe even the chance to make a new…friend?

“Heheh….” Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all. As soon as they were dismissed, the class was sent to change in their gym uniforms before making the trek out to the foreboding Cityscape. Junko was stunned upon arrival, fully expecting the school to not even have a budget for a training ground like this. Very quickly she noted Donny and Acion were both there before her. Approaching cautiously, more so out of nervousness than anything else, Junko kept control of her giddiness and scooted closer to Donny. “Eh, h-hi. We’re on the same team today as heroes. This feels weird…”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

After lunch, Dulga coasted through the rest of her classes. She had a few people stare at her for her very different reasons but she paid them no mind. When school ended she went straight home. Inside was unchanged just like how she left it. The only notable difference was the mail in the mailbox and it was just more advertisement and spam, nothing important. So Dulga spent most of that night doing a bit of school work, leaving to go do some practice, and picking up dinner from a nearby convenience store. Once it was starting to get around midnight Dulga put her school books away, washed up, and went to sleep. She had a lot to think about today and wondered if maybe she'd see anything in her dreams.

But when she woke up, she wouldn't even remember what her dream was about. She vaguely remembers the school but by the time she went to the bathroom to freshen up her memory of the dream was gone. A few minutes later she'd get dressed, eat some left over dinner, and head back to school for a second day. But the entire time she felt oddly restless. "It's just the second day. I can't expect a lot to happen so soon. Though... Maybe I ought to take the initiative too. My research hasn't bore any fruit. All the criminals on the news are just low level thugs and punks who even I could take on. I need a new approach." These thoughts were on Dulga's mind throughout classes and even through lunch. She had a very simple meal she could eat on the go as she went to the library to use the computers for research. "I can't be too obvious but I'm not good at lying. I should've spoken to Kurowai about Mako at lunch but it's too late for that now. I'll just be direct and if she's honest, I'll be honest. If she isn't than I'll just make my excuses and leave."

Finally it was hero class. Dulga wasn't sure why it was the last class of the day instead of the first like yesterday but she chalked it up to the first day being unique for everyone. Though Dulga was surprised at today's lesson. Heroes vs Villains, and Dulga was on the villain team. The way Mako explained her thoughts about who's on the villain team really made Dulga wonder if Mako does know about her past and if Mako was just trying to get under Dulga's skin, but she didn't visibly show any feelings about it. "She could just be stupid and didn't realize how I might feel about this. Or she does know and she's trying to get a reaction from me. I need to keep my cool or else... At least it'll be simple for me. I just need to win." Dulga changed into her gym uniform and met everyone else at the training grounds.

The Cityscape training grounds honestly didn't impress Dulga very much. It looked less like an atom bomb blew it up and more like a third world ghetto, though Dulga supposed both places are valid locations for heroes to be operating in. She didn't necessarily mind fighting in an urban environment though she was definitely out of her element here. Not to mention severely under equipped. Still Dulga scanned the area and was immediately mapping the place out in her head, thinking of what places would make good chokes points and vantages, and what places were a trap she either needs to avoid or exploit. She go stand near one of the bits of ruined rubble and casually break off a piece to get a feel for what the materials were made out of and how easy or hard it'll be for her to move around this sort of environment. Things like if this is real glass and thus is hard to break and could create sharp edges, or sugar that she could shatter with just a push. If the buildings were made of actual concrete or just plaster made to look like real cement. Matsubara may have been a legitimate hero school in the past but now they're just a regular high school clutching onto the remnants of their former glory.

"Heroes and villains. Who will win and who will lose? Time to test my skills."
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