Location: Dorm Room, Merryweather Institute
One year - that's how long Emiliano planned to stay before returning to Europe. There were several rules he needed to adhere to during his visit, most of which he had no issues in following. When it came to restricting a primalist's freedom, Merryweather seemed no different from its European counterpart. Forced to stay until they learn to harness their power for the good of mankind, something along those lines. He understood it was for safety reasons, but what happens if someone is incapable of meeting those graduation requirements?
In Emiliano's case, there is a possibility that he will never learn how to control his salt magic. Far more often than not, he would find a few grams of salt in his pockets, wondering where the hell it came from this time. The ground? A nearby saltshaker? Or a person? Regardless of its origin, Emiliano would never use it for cooking, unless he knew it came directly from the pantry.
Beyond his magic's practical uses in cooking, there is really nothing else he desired from this 'power'. And yet, the salt desired him. Emiliano wanted no part in this twisted romance, if you can call it as such. At least now, he remains optimistic to progress in his studies. The methods used back in Europe did little to inspire him, but here, there are opportunities aligned with his personal goals.
Which begs the question: Would he be able to sneak off campus? Emiliano wants to attempt this at some point for the sake of sightseeing. Never had a chance to since he arrived in America, with jet lag and all. To remedy this, he spent the next couple of days to adjust and settle in before the semester officially started.
Emiliano began the morning brimming with confidence for the day ahead. No more waking up at odd hours or struggling to remain quiet for his roommate's sake. Clad in his school uniform and a pair of dark-colored cargo pants to go with it, he waited for the microwave to warm up his milk. The plan for today was already laid out in his head. Go to orientation, attend classes, try out whatever they had to offer at the cafeteria for lunch, and see if he can get his hands on a hot plate to upgrade their dorm's sorry excuse for a kitchen.
Easy peasy! Well, depending on what his roommate has to say on the matter.
“Allora, John?” He called out, wondering if his roommate had not yet seized an early head start today.
“How would you feel about me smuggling in a hot plate?” Emiliano never posed the question directly beforehand, but it was implied by how discontent he is with their current setup. Vocal, but not excessive to the point it would annoy someone, unless they were short-tempered.