Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


The rest of the group had noticed Saki sprinting towards them, most of them continued on which was quite normal. Nadeko waited for her untill she had caught up. With her big arms poking out of her gym uniform she had waved towards her. Sweat dripping Saki waved her hand back at the magnet girl and slowed down catching her breath with her hands on her knees. Half gasping she spoke.

"N-no form anymore! he- Yes, I'm glad I got to see you before anything happened!~ Thanks for waiting~"

Saki gave her a troubled sigh and relaxed herself somewhat as Nadeko explained to her that she was gonna go to the center now. From the looks of it Nadeko was gonna pull herself towards some metal? She even got a warning which raised some suspicion. True, from her knowledge she knew that magnetic trains where once of the fastest types of vehicles on land but Nadeko couldn't possible go that fast right? It had to be faster then running at least.

"As long as there is no magnetic interference inside me I should be fine... I could use a lift just be careful okay~ I-I think I'm ready Nadeko."

Saki softly approached Nadeko and clamped her arms around Nadeko her body somewhat awkwardly. Squishy. Any magnetic interference with her brain could probably leave her out cold for a while. Perhaps it was wise to at least be ready for a reboot if it was needed.

One way or another they arrived Saki still being somewhat dizzy from the ride. She positioned herself like a soldier and smiled there after.

"H-Hana Saki, quirk Robot reporting for duty! Sorry I'm late~"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 11 days ago

"Alight. Okay! This is a good p-plan! Good luck everyone!"

Not much else to discuss. Who knows what the villain team is going to do, so once everyone had their task everyone moved as quickly as they could. As everyone separated Donny jumped into the air, his form taking on a vaguely worm like shape before he slammed into the ground. Using his bones to dig away at the ground and his blacken mass to consume the remains, he was able to tunnel with alarming speed even though the asphalt and cement. He dug at least five feet into the ground, his body spread wide in order to create a tunnel that was slightly large enough for Junko to at least stay on her two feet without crawling. Normally Donny makes much smaller tunnels that are thinner, a few inches in diameter at most, but obviously Junko wouldn't be able to follow him if Donny did that. Compared to the others he was moving slowly, but the fact he was moving underground at a consistent running pace meant he was moving quickly and stealthily. Or at least Donny hoped so. "I hope none of them have tremor sense or something..."

There was another hazard Donny needed to be aware of. Since his tunnels were slightly larger, he needed to make sure that he didn't tunnel into any foundation that might collapse on him. Which again, normally isn't much of a problem for Donny since he can just consume it before he gets crushed to death, but he didn't want to risk Junko's safety by inadvertently burying her under ground. There was also the matter of direction. Occasionally, Donny would send a single tendril towards the surface to get a glance of his surroundings just so he could get his bearings. Donny didn't see any brief cases as he was doing this, but he could at least make sure he was still within the testing grounds or possibly even spy someone from the villain team. Anyone else who might somehow glance at him would only see a small black dot from the ground, easily mistaken as a small oil spill or just some asphalt.

"Oh. That reminds me. J-J-Jun- Uh, I mean uh Kurowai-san, do you need a w-w-weapon?" As Donny continued to dig forward he took out his cellphone and turned it's light on so Junko could see him extend some limbs out from his body. One looked like a sharpen length of bone or perhaps a long claw that could be handled like a knife. The other was (presumably Donny's) skull on a stiff spine, a suitable bludgeon. The last one was just multiple bits of Donny's bones connected by his black membranes, creating a sort of organic whip or chain. "T-They're not very sturdy, but better than nothing, r-r-right? Feel free to t-t-t-t-take what you need!" Donny offered these weapons as he continued to dig forward, the sound of his talons scraping against the stone and dirt echoing through the tunnel. His body grumbled like a very loud stomach as it consumed every bit that touched his dark mass.

@liferusher@Silver Carrot@TheWendil@Melpaws

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The appearance of Saki was honestly uplifting. Even if Junko forgot what her Quirk did, it still meant more people on their side and thus, a greater chance of succession in the assignment. Suddenly confident about their chances now, she hastily waved at Saki and Nadeko before continuing to tag along with Donny. For the most part it wasn’t a difficult task, at least until the living dark blob started to dig underground. Junko skidded to a halt, expression creaking up.

“That’s….That’s so cool! Ahh, you’re so cool Donny!” She had no time to gawk and admire the creepy boy’s disturbing movements; with tunnels made specifically for her size, she leapt down after him and continued to keep up. No doubt the rest of their team had seen the inhuman display and just as before, that spark of surprise tainted by just a dose of fear was more than enough for her Quirk to continue driving itself. It wasn’t long before she was keeping up with Donny’s pace casually, both of them not moving too fast but faster indeed compared to above ground.

Most of their navigation would have to fall on Donny for now, Junko merely following where his path led. Relying on sound rather than sight, it was only when Donny illuminated the darkness with his phone could she make out the black mass she was following. Where others might have shrieked in fright from the image of his form outlined by the light outcropping his darkness, Junko just giggled some more, especially when the offer of weapons was given. However, she immediately thought back to her conversation and detention with their teacher just a day before.

“Um…I think I’ll take this one,” she said, grabbing the skull on a spine meant for smacking and bludgeoning. “Eheh…I got scolded yesterday for the knife stunt and I don’t think we’d get points for seriously harming the other students. We’re supposed to be heroes, so I think a good bonk on the head is better for us.” She was quite tempted to take the whip but knew that’d only give their team stranger looks. Hefting the weapon in her grip, she gave it one experimental swing before nodding to herself. “You ok big guy? This kind of looks like your skull and I don’t wanna swing your head around if it hurts or anything…”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

It wasn't very long before something happened. As everyone was about to leave Yukari heard something faintly flying through the air. At first she thought it might've been Alice, but then she heard a loud crash in the distance. Surely Alice was a more graceful flyer then that. Maybe it was Acion? Either way Yukari aimed to investigate. "Everyone, I heard something over there! I'll be right back." Yukari ran towards the direction where she heard the crash. She had it narrowed down to a small location, and if it was a person than she ought to be able to hear them move around. Though if it was an object, than Yukari guessed it might've come from Dulga. She was one of the first to get out there and somehow it wouldn't surprise Yukari if Dulga just threw stuff around. "I guess I should be more careful not to get distracted by random noises. But if I don't... It could be something important I miss... Oh this isn't easy."

Yukari found the briefcase that Dulga threw. She had a bit of a hard time identifying it at first, but once she was able to get a feel for it she figured that this was the thing they were looking for. It was heavy and sturdy but nothing Yukari couldn't carry. "I should get this back to base! I guess this is just how Dulga is going to pass these back. I hope she doesn't break any of them." Wrapping her arm around the handle tightly Yukari would head back to the base. Hopefully she'll catch up to the others before they leave, or maybe she ought to stay behind to guard the cases? After all it would be terrible if they worked so hard to grab the briefcases only for them to get taken away. "We'll just have to play it by the cuff I guess!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Melpaws
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Melpaws Envoy of the First

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Alice Nova

The situation was too tense to be crept out by some crooked smile- feeling no emotions at all would surely be more helpful and aid her in thinking rationally, is what Alice thought. Unfortunately however, Junko's encouraging joke went right over Alice's head. For all the smarts that she had, Alice was always a bit... socially dense.

"No. I can assure you that my quirk is all you can see." Alice replied reassuringly.

While she regretted not having any instructions for Nadeko on the fly, since the magnet-wielder appeared rather suddenly, the idea which Nadeko had more than made up for it. It just made sense! If the briefcases were influenced by her magnetism then she could probably easily steal it from anyone even at a longer distance, with the exception of the villain's hulk Dulga maybe.

"Good thinking Nadeko. I'll leave that part to yo-"

Yet another member appeared? It was the cheerful Saki whom Alice had met yesterday and who also was sitting in front of her in hero class. Maybe the number's disadvantage was a false initial impression? It could be that their team members were just late. While not an applaudable quality, Alice would never think of complaining about receiving additional backup, especially for an exercise of this caliber.

"Seems like you two want to go together. That's fine, working as a team is certainly smarter.

As the owl watched Donny and Junko begin to disappear underground, she made sure to give one last word of advice before taking off herself.

"I will mostly hold back on direct confrontations. I'll be your airial support for the exercise- Remember, I can hear you most likely from anywhere. If you need help, shout. Otherwise, I will shout callouts as I see fit. Good luck everyone."

And with those words, Alice flapped her wings and drastically increased her horizontal speed. She decided to keep a low profile for now as she zoomed past Nadeko and Saki. For now, being a watchful eye was certainly more appropriate than recklessly charging in, especially considering that some of the opposing members were quite adept at close quarter combat and physical confrontations.

Alice discovered a relatively large building about 3/4 of the way from the heroes' base to the center of the field and decided to land on top of it. To do so she ascended the wall facing away from villain spawn to make sure she could not be spotted.
Once on top the girl would squat near the edge of the roof and look down, keeping an eye out for anything unusual. It was her ear, however, that picked up the first unusual occurrence. A relatively loud bang emitting from the other side of the field, quite close to the villainous base.
"Too far away. No need to bother investigating Alice thought to herself.

Just as she expected, Alice was able to see the angelic boy Acion weave around the buildings in the distance. Keeping track of him was a bit difficult considering there were many buildings in between them so she could only see him fly through the few gaps that were there. As long as he stayed low like that she would not be able to predict any actions for now. However, the main target which Alice was searching for was someone else anyway. The "Raidboss", so to speak, Dulga. Using her owlish predatory vision, Alice would be able to see Dulga in the instance that she appeared anywhere visible to the owl. However, she would likely have to get closer to the center for that to occur.

"Gather as much intel as possible. Information is key.

@TheWendil @liferusher @Silver Carrot @Lucius Cypher
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Maeda Nadeko

Mentions: @liferusher@Ryonara

Nadeko looked troubled for a minute, and turned away from Saki to look towards the center of the area. After a few seconds and several 'hums', Nadeko turned back to Saki, just in time for Saki to embrace her and hold on tight. Nadeko cleared her throat and looked away before muttering "This is embarrasing..." but then put one of her arms besides Saki's midriff, acting as a bar to keep her in place. There was a gentle pulling feeling as Saki stuck to the arm. Nadeko was being very careful not to pill too hard.

"I don't think I'll mess with your head like this, though if there's any important electronics there, you might have a sore stomach. Anyway, hold on tight. I've actually never done this properly before as it would definitely break some laws in the real world, but I've thought about it a lot so we should be alright."

With that, Nadeko pointed her free arm at the nearest of the center buildings and pulled. She pulled very hard, and kept all the magnetic attraction forward, so none of it would affect Saki inn theory. She pulled as if her wish was to bring the building to them. Saki could feel her friend's body tense with the effort. Then, suddenly, they started to move, dragged along the floor like being pulled by an invisible rope. The pulling got faster and faster, and anything small made of metal flew towards Nadeko's outstretched arm and stuck to the front of it. Soon, they were going faster than their legs could carry them, and Nadeko leaned forward, forcing Saki's feet to leave the ground. Now, they were both flying towards the building. When they were close, Nadeko started to ease up and they slowed down enough for their feet to touch the floor again, before they came to a dead stop.

From here, Nadeko saw the tail-end of the first briefcase hitting the floor, and Yozakura-san picking it up and starting to run back to base. Nadeko pointed her out to Saki. "I'm too close to this building to do that again whilst carrying you, Saki. Can your quirk let you catch up to her?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

Dulga moved slow and low, keeping out of sight as best as she could. As she was moving further within she caught a glimpse of something flying through the air. It might’ve been Acion, or perhaps Alice. Maybe someone else who could fly through the air like Kou or maybe even Junko. Dulga didn’t get a good enough look so she was extra cautious. But she knew that both sides were moving in now and it was only a matter of time before there’s a clash.

”Focus on the objective.” None of the buildings Dulga had gone into had any gold briefcases. As the first building was short and unassuming, Dulga checked a few more similar buildings but didn’t find anything useful or important. She was also in the area with more towers and tall buildings so Dulga was certain what she was looking for was in there somewhere. But as she was passing through the street her eyes caught something interesting.

It was a staircase leading downwards. ”Of course. There are subways in the city. One of the briefcases might be down there as well.” Taking a quick look around to ensure she was being followed, Dulga went down stairs. Unsurprisingly, it was very dark. There were a few emergency lights near the entrances but nothing in the halls themselves. Dulga ripped off the metal handrail from the wall to use as a stick and check her path. Her eyes were slowly getting used to the darkness as she walked further and further through the tunnel.

By the time Dulga was in the tunnel long enough that she could make out shapes in the dark, she spotted something up ahead. It looked like a bench but when she got closer it turned out to be another stone podium with a gold briefcase. Dulga was about to go grab it when she paused. The hairs on her neck was starting to rise up as she hugged the wall as silent as a mouse. She listened carefully. ”Something is coming....”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

After inspecting from outside all the buildings, Acion realized he was just wasting his time. It would be too easy if the briefcases were visible. He definitely had to break in somehow. But thankfully, the buildings, having suffered some terrible conditionings, the sky entrance were loose and easy to open. For one of the tall buildings in the center, he just flew close to the building, slammed his legs onto the window a couple of times to make it slide open. Upon arrival, he immediately made his way into the other rooms deep into the building. The rather fruitless search on the top floor convinced him he needed to go lower, and lower, and lower, to which after spending minutes trying to navigate the maze of empty rooms, he finally found the briefcase in one of them.

'That consumed too much time.' He wondered if his teammate had already found briefcases. But on the flip side, nobody seemed to have noticed him...yet. If he was ambushed in this narrow hallway full of rooms, it would've been a disaster. Now that he got hold of the briefcase, Acion made his exit. But after seeing how close he was to the ground than before, the angelic boy decided against this idea. That one moment where he threw himself out there before he could ascend up could mean being knocked out if they noticed him. He didn't know how, but he knew the possibility. So instead, he made his way up to the top floor again, trying to exit where they would least likely be able to reach him.

Instead of making his way out via the window he used to get in, Acion opened another window on the other side, facing the center buildings, being careful not to break the rusty metal. Like this, the hero team wouldn't be able to notice him exit, due to the height, the direction and the timing. Well, except one. She could position and reposition herself really quickly on the field, so she could see this kiting briefcase thief if she was in a good spot. Let's just hope he could make his way back quick enough before she could act.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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Lucius Cypher Looking For Group

Member Seen 11 days ago

Donny continued to dig forward, building speed as he started hitting more dirt and less cement. At the rate he was going he was fairly certain they'd reach the other side of the testing grounds in a few minutes, and from there he can start looking around for the villain's base so he can destroy it. However he didn't expect to dig into a tunnel himself. "Whoa!" Going a bit too fast to stop himself Donny chewed through the wall and ended up in a subway. It was dark so he took out his cellphone, flashing it around so he could see. "Huh. A subway? Neat." As Donny looked around his eyes spotted something shiny in the darkness. It was a gold briefcase! The slime scooted over to it with curiosity. He doesn't remember if anyone was against his plan to take the briefcases for the hero team and securing them until the training was almost over.

"Sensei said acting heroic is key, so taking the briefcases is... Not really heroic but... This place isn't safe." Donny reached for the briefcase. He was still going to stick with his plan to wreck the villain's lair as well as his plan to safeguard the briefcases himself. He was certain that if push comes to shove, no one else could chase him down if he digs into the tunnels. Even if he had to make them big enough to carry the briefcases that's still too small for most of the students. The only one he was pretty certain could chase him was Yukari, and he doubts she'd want to try and go toe-to-toe with him in such an enclosed space. "Okay... Grab the briefcase and go. Simple and clean."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Saki wasn't the only one who found it to be quite awkward, Nadeko had wrapped her arm around the back of Saki. She could feel the big clunk of her body against the magnet arm. Her insides where churning, everything inside slowly being pulled to her back. How more Nadeko would pull on her body how much more magnetic her own body would turn with this much metal inside. Saki softly groaned as the magnet was slightly affecting her. It was clear she would never have Nadeko as opponent.

"Not a problem~ Okay, ready as can be~"

Nadeko pointed her second arm out towards the front and at first nothing seemed to happen, it was only that she was steadily increasing the power she was pulling with. Saki could feel her back gradually being pushed more & more, her feet were sliding over the floor. They were quite annoying to put down with them already moving a bit. Soon they were flying rather fast through the air, Saki couldn't tell what was happening. Her vision was statically and her memory of it faded a bit. They had stopped and they were both back on the ground, Saki dashingly watched around her.

"O-oh we're here~"

Nadeko pointed at Yukari fleeing with the briefcase in hand, Saki locked on and heard Nadeko out. Saki could handle this she was made for catching up! Saki gave Nadeko a small wave and a quick thanks as her eyes flashed green. This is what she came here for, getting more combat experience would definitly help her. Saki dashed towards Yukari with large long steps. Close by she launched herself above Yukari as surprise. Her panda hoodie fluttering after her.

"Found you~"

Saki creepily grinned as she saltoed above Yukari her eyes flashing red to activate her strength as she extended her leg in her spin bringing her leg down onto Yukari like an axe with groundbreaking force. She landed with her back flat and quickly pushed herself up right again to see if she had hit. She tried to grab the briefcase with her tail.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Before long, the strange duo of heroes made their way not within the villain’s base as expected, but in an underground tunnel of sorts far beyond the sight of light. Junko became more and more appreciative that out of the two of them, somebody remembered to bring their phone. She nearly stumbled in the dark were it not for Donny’s flash and the fact his bulking body was in fact somehow darker than the actual low light. It made picking him out easy enough.

“It, uh, can’t be that easy, right?” Then again, Junko didn’t doubt the school would hide these things in the most obscure corners like some kind of puzzle game so the location alone was a challenge. She doubted anyone would find this brief case without some dumb luck. “Hey, if we’re protecting them then that counts as hero work, eheh,” she reasoned. “Better to pick up anything while we can before the villains get a chance at it, right? Right.”

Happy to see Donny was in the same boat, Junko didn’t hesitate to dash forward and snatch up the golden prize for themselves. Clasping over the shiny handle, she was just about to relay back to Donny, only to pause in her step. The air was way too quiet and the horror fanatic knew the basics of little sound in situations like this; it meant someone or something was watching them. Nearly concealed in the blackness herself, she grinned eerily, clasping the handle of her skull bludgeon hard in her grip. Oh yes, if she just carefully searched around and let her eyes adjust then….

Without warning she tossed the briefcase over to Donny behind her, intent to put the valuables away from their would-be stalker. “Catch!” was all the warning she gave, knowing that the briefcase would easily stick to Donny’s massive mass anyway. She hoped. Regardless, her real focus zeroed in on what she made out to be Dulga’s shape, recognizing the outline of a masked girl anywhere, especially when she got a good look at her in daylight from before. “Found. You~” Junko sing-songed, already bringing down her skull club with enough force to smash a wall…aiming for just next to Dulga’s head of course. Violence wasn’t the key after all.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ryonara
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yukari Yozakura

Shortly after Yukari grabbed the briefcase, she heard someone arrive. Two voices stood out, it was Saki and Nadeko! She doesn't exactly remember what either of their quirks could due, since she never saw it. But from what she could infer Nadeko could control metal and Saki had some powers related to electricity. Yukari thought this would be easy until she heard Saki bound forward with amazing speed and even jump over Yukari. "Fast!" Yukari felt Saki's foot connect. On a normal girl this would've knocked them out cold easily. But Yukari was far from normal. Even though Yukari's head hit the ground she was able to stay on her feet as he neck stretched from the force of the blow. By the time Saki got back on her feet Yukari was able to take the force of the kick and literally bounce it back right at Saki. Yukari would deliver a devastating headbutt right towards Saki's chest.

"Two-on-one huh? That's a fair fight!" Even though she said this Yukari knew she had to get away fast. Using her extreme flexibility Yukari snaked her arm underneath Saki's tail and pulled the briefcase up to Yukari's shoulder. She'd tried to slip away as fast as she could, taking advantage of her rubbery body to bounce up onto the rooftops and put as much distance between her and the other two girls as she could. Yukari knew Saki was fast and if she doesn't get away from Nadeko she could easily use her powers to take the briefcase, so Yukari needed to give them the slip. "If I climb up to the rooftops, Acion might be able to spot me and help me out. If not, I can still safely fall from a big height but I doubt those two can, so they'll have to go down more slowly." Yukari thought as she extended her legs out to jump from one building to the next, even across the ruined streets.

@liferusher@Silver Carrot
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Norschtalen
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dulga Tarata

Staying low to the ground Dulga waited until she heard something pop through the wall. Having expected this she wasn't too surprised when she saw Donny come out from the wall. It was a bit unnerving though: it was almost as if he came out from some horror movie with the way he moved. What he said however reminded Dulga that he's just some young kid. What was more of an issue was that Junko was with Donny. This a true surprise as Dulga never expected the two to be working together and made Dulga's plans complicated. "Two-against-one isn't in my favor, especially if one is Kurowai. Yang is skittish enough that anything I do will likely send him into a panic, which will only strengthen Kurowai." The fact that they found the briefcase and planned to take it for safe keeping also made Dulga rethink her plan. Originally she was just going to beat a retreat and pick off whoever was left behind to defend it. But if they're taking the briefcase-

Dulga wouldn't have much time to think about it as Junko lunged towards Dulga. "Time to fight." Staying as calm as ice Dulga grabbed the cement pieces she had picked up earlier. As Junko got closer one hand grasped a large chunk of cement, crushed it, and tossed a dust cloud at Junko partially to blind her, but mostly to obscure what Dulga would do next. She saw that Junko tossed the briefcase back at Donny so Dulga tossed two chunks of cement with such force and speed that everyone in the tunnel would near a loud crack from the two stones. Dulga first aimed for the briefcase, ideally knocking it away from Donny or even better, destroying it outright. If Dulga couldn't take the briefcase than she wouldn't want the hero team to take it either. The second target was Donny's phone. It was the only source of light in this tunnel and hopefully taking it out would blind Donny and Junko enough for Dulga to separate the two.

After the throws Dulga jumped back a fair distance with only a bit of blood on her forehead where some stones had cut her due to Junko's strike. Dulga wasn't sure if Junko missed on purpose or not. The giant girl grabbed chunks of stone out from the floor and wall, crushing them into smaller pieces and tossing them with great force in Junko's direction. Dulga doesn't expect these stones to do any meaningful harm but to act as a sort of suppressive fire to force Junko to back off or be reckless. Dulga also made sure to stay low to the ground so her cloak hid her metal rod so next time Junko gets closer Dulga plans to swing the rod at Junko's legs. Even if she's tougher, it should hurt, and because Junko is tougher that also means Dulga doesn't need to be as careful with her strength. "I can take Kurowai on my own even in a dark tunnel. Even better if I can keep my distance. But I'm not going to test my luck against her while she feeds on Yang's fear. At worse I'll just have to retreat."

@TheWendil@Lucius Cypher
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 5 days ago

Acion Nakamiji

Alice Nova

Much to Acion’s dismay, and contrary to his hopes, he would not be able to make it back quick enough before Alice could either notice him or react. In fact, she had noticed him much earlier than likely anticipated. To be fair, loudly kicking against a window to open it while being in the center of the battlefield with a predator who was known for her precise senses, probably was not the smartest of ideas. Then again, he did not have many other choices unless he wanted to just talk in through the front door. Like this, however, by the time Acion was about to leave the building, it was already too late. The huntress had her sights on him and as he so carelessly opened the window on the other side of the building, little did he know that Alice was already well aware and in position to strike. Of course, it was a gamble on her part to expect that he would leave the building through the upper floors again. However, from her perspective, a ground-floor exit would make no sense for an airborne fighter.

By the time he stood on the window frame and prepared to leap off, Alice was standing two floors above him on the corner of the roof, ready to strike. The moment he would leave the building she would leap down upon him, grabbing his briefcase before he could even realise he was under attack. A silent surprise attack. At least, that was her plan. All she had to do was wait for the right moment.

Acion didn’t think much when he leapt out of the window. He only calculated the path back to base and nothing much else. The rest would be up to circumstances. But already from the get-go, his plan was already in tatters. Immediately after his departure, a large figure zoomed past him, and the next thing he knew, the briefcase in his hand was gone. It came so unexpectedly, with no prior warning of its arrival that shocked Acion for a second afterward. But combat experience returned to him quickly enough, as he looked for the attacker. There! The only thing indicating her presence was sight, as like the demonstration the day before, she flew downward in complete silence.

The angelic hero groaned internally for a brief second. Alice would indeed be the biggest pain in his zhopa for this fight, and there she was. But rationally speaking, being aerial capable automatically gave you countless benefits in a teamfight. So it made sense that they would counter that with their own. Fine. No matter who he’s dealing with, he’s taking them down.

Acion quickly gave chase. The next thing Alice knew, he would be behind her in hot pursuit.

The owlgirl had, of course, anticipated that Acion wouldn’t let off so easily. Whether it’d be his pride or his determination to win this exercise; Either way, it was almost a given that he’d pursue her. Though realistically the odds were stacked quite against him and Alice was very well aware of that. She wouldn’t start a fight which she cannot win. Thanks to their earlier conversation she was aware of the fact that her flying was superior to that of Acion, at least when it cames to dexterity and maneuverability.
After she successfully snatched the briefcase, Alice would continue to fall downward. She transferred the briefcase from her hand to her feet which were no longer human but rather large claws, those which one would expect to be of avian origin. Holding onto the briefcase with those claws was no issue at all and then she could morph her arms into those widely spanning owl-wings only shortly before she would hit the floor and then fly forward.
Right now they were flying towards the hero-base meaning the chance of any villain being there to backup Acion was neigh zero, meaning that Alice could fly as low as she wanted to.
She looked back one last time at her pursuer with those glowing eyes, notably lacking any glasses covering them since her transformed eyes very much made up for her poor eyesight as a human. Afterwards she’d make a very sharp, 90° turn around the next building only meters above the floor.

Despite being caught off-guard, he was gradually catching up to Alice, utilizing the great height he was falling from and the lift caused by his six wings. Acion realized that she was directing him toward the hero’s base, so she could get more support from her team, but he had worked hard to get that briefcase. Leaving Alice to carry it back to base would be a blow to his pride as a fighter. There was also the fact that these briefcases might take time to search, which meant that Alice could just replicate this hit-and-run tactic on him while he searched for the briefcases, and he would have no effective counter to it. That would be disastrous and embarrassing.

Before Acion could catch up to the briefcase hanging on her claw, the sharp 90 degree caught Acion, not by surprise, but by frustration. He was so close. Knowing he could not make that turn, he flew upward instead while also making a turn toward Alice’s direction. Again, this hit-and-run tactic, leading him to believe he had a chance then snatching it away from him. Alice knew him well, or at least what he was physically capable of. He should not let her dictate the engagement. Having gained enough height, he looked back down on Alice. Obnoxiously, because of her silent flight capability and the buildings close by, he would have to fly in close proximity for vision. But he was keeping up, flying up and down and using wings more when necessary. For just a brief period of time during the process, if Alice looked up, he wouldn’t be there above her anymore. He would just change his path a little, still following her but using the buildings for obstruction, being careful not to make any drastic movement, lest Alice pull off the same stunt on him again.

They were to reach a highway of sort soon. Before there though, Acion did the same trick again, using the buildings to obstruct visions. Of course she would know his general direction, but this time, he was flying downward. The moment they both poke out to the highway, Acion would turn straight toward Alice, expecting her to be turning toward the hero’s base.

Indeed his plan would work out exactly as he had hoped. Once she was in the position where he had anticipated her to be and they were finally facing one another she had nowhere to go but her home base. However, there was a slight problem for him… the briefcase was nowhere to be found. Her claws were quite literally empty and Alice used the chance to land on the floor while making sure to keep a precautionary distance. Afterwards, she casually adjusted her hair and gave a piercing stare towards Acion.

”I know what you are thinking. she started speaking calmly. It was as if everything was still under control for her, there was no ounce of panic or nervousness in her voice.
”But before you go looking for it, think hard. Are you sure I just dropped it? Are you sure it wasn’t earlier? It has probably been a while since you got a good look at me with all those maneuvers you were doing.”

Her stare wouldn’t let up, she’d not let him move an inch without her observing it.

”I’d like to do this nicely, villain.” She was certainly trying to roleplay the hero role now.

”Turn yourself in and come with me to be captured. Cooperation will be noted in your files and can give you time off your sentence.”

Upon not seeing the briefcase, Acion reflexively whirled away to avoid collision with Alice. He braked mid-air and landed on a lamp pole nearby. As adrenaline began to subside and the realization that all he had been trying to set up had been for nothing, that she simply outplayed him there completely was kicking in, he was met with an unusually intense stare from Alice. It kinda gave off a rather convincing image of a smart and stealthy hunter (huntress in this case).

It was rather frustrating, however, seeing how she pretty much pointed out exactly what he had been outplayed by, in a rather mocking tone he heard at first. As sad as it was to admit, he did get outmaneuvered. There were nitpicky things he could complain to himself about, like what Alice said, but the biggest concern he had for himself here was the fact that he let her dictate the engagement. It might have appeared that he was in control for the second half of the chase, but nope, she knew this all along. This did accumulate with a rather sour pirch of his lips.

Though his annoyance subsided as soon as she mentioned turning himself in for a reduced sentence. It seemed less of mockery and more like she’s really into this role. Acion gave out an amused laugh, covered by his knuckle to her supposed acting. Well done actually.

”You’re into this more than I do. I must say that was pretty scary.” He replied, before his gesture molded into the roleplay setting. His voice now hinted a strange accent. ”I see that little trick you pulled off there. Impressive.”

”But don’t think for a second that I will be under your control.” Acio widened his arms in a rather provocative manner, just immersing himself in this. ”If you want to, have at me.”

Despite being more light-hearted, if Alice actually wanted to, he’d happily entertain the thought. But he highly doubted that. She was knee deep in advantage now, she wouldn’t be so greedy. He also shouldn’t be greedy either. It’s best to acknowledge that he got screwed over now instead.

”Hmm…” He was still in the mood but couldn’t help but let out a sigh. ”You can have this comfortable victory. But don’t worry, I will be back.”

If not anything, he would take off and leave the area. He might still be circling around for a minute or two but after that he would actually leave, flying higher and higher to where he could finally recollect his thoughts.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
Avatar of TheWendil

TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Just as Donny was about to start tunneling back towards tunnel to start digging, Junko threw the briefcase at him. "Huh? Wha-" Before Donny could fully process what was happening Junko dashed towards the darkness. Before he could shine his light at the thing Junko lunged at, a stone smashed right into his phone and something slammed against the briefcase with enough force that he was actually staggared backwards. "Oh shit!" Everything went dark. Donny couldnt see a thing but he could hear that Junko was fighting something and rocks were being tossed around. His eyes were not adapted to the dark yet and he feared getting in Junkos way if he just charges in literally blindly.

There wasnt any time for Donny to hestitate but he had no idea what to do. So all Donny could do was follow Junko, but every time he got closer he got pelted by rocks. Hes been hit by a rock before so he was used to the pain, but this was different. These rocks were being thrown with such force they really hurt, and Donny couldnt see where the rocks were coming from. So what Donny did was produce a shield of bone in front of him and make his way forward, blocking the stones as best as he could while trying to catch up to Junko. "Hold on, Im coming to help ya!"

"Owwww. Now that's not very nice..." Junko huffed at Dulga, the initial spray of rock and debris hitting its mark and temporarily blinding her. However she was no reckless fool as much as her nerves screamed at her to be. Wiping at sediment from her eyes with a sleeve, she rooted herself in place against her better nature, smirk never fading in the darkness; a darkness that was deeper than before now that she had her eyes closed. "Running away? That's really the style of a villain, haha." Both hands on her makeshift club, Junko swung around blindly without moving. She didn't need to see the hits connect, hearing the rocks smash against her blunt weapon as she defended herself.

Of course, some got through, pelting her in nuisance but hearing Donny's call she knew all she needed to do was stay in place and wait for him. Speeding up the process, she slowly backed away, still swiping at the air in front of her to crush and deflect Dulga's barrage. "Heeeey, partner, long time no see. Maybe we should make a beat retreat?" she asked, grinning at Donny with closed eyes.

Dulga jumped back a few more times, her ears picking up Junko's voice getting further and further away. Was she not going to pursue? "Works for me. There are other briefcases to claim." While it was bitter that Dulga would have to give up on this one she at least knew where it was at and more importantly knew where Junko and Donny were at. She knew their plan was to safeguard the briefcase themselves which would mean that they would need to return to the podiums when the test was nearly over in order to score.

With that thought in mind Dulga stopped for a moment. The tunnel was straight forward however she was too far aware for even her dark vision to see where Junko and Donny were. Fortunately, where they were shouldn't matter too much. Raising four fists in the air Dulga slammed them into the ground, causing the ground to shake as she lifted up a sizable chunk of the subway floor. Hefting the concrete slab with only two arms, she hurled it with great speed and force. However she wasn't aiming for the other two students, thought she wouldn't mind if they got struck by the rock too. No, she was aiming for the podium: With it destroyed even if the heroes could keep the briefcases away from Dulga and her team the heroes would lose by default since they couldn't return the briefcases to their original spots.

"If I can't win I'll have to make sure they lose." Dulga thought to herself as she turned around and ran as quickly as she could out from the tunnels. She already found one briefcase, and she was certain that the rest of her team had found one on their own as well, so Dulga would just need keep her mind on the mission. And this time, to ensure complete victory she'll destroy the podiums after claiming a briefcase.

As Donny approached, his eyes ever so slowly adapting to the darkness, he responded to Junko. "Y-Yeah, we got the briefcase so it should be s-s-safe enou- OH FUCK!" In the dimmly light darkness, Donny couldnt see the rocks being thrown at him. But the boulder that Dulga threw was easy enough for even Donny to see as he threw himself to the wall and got as flat as he could to avoid getting struck by the boulder. If he had organs Donny mightve had a heart attack from seeing such a huge stone being flung towards him. Hes only ever seen that sort of thing happen in video games. He consideres himself lucky that he had the reaction time to even take cover.

He heard the stone crash in behind them, and when he tried to look via the dim emergency lights, he could see that the podium where the briefcase shouldve been was now reduced to rubble. "Cheezus. I dunno if she m-m-missed or meant to do t-t-that..." Donny gulped, fearful of what could happen if he had been down here alone. Even he doubts he could survive getting flatten by such a large stone, and Donny is the type of person who can and would crawl through pipes. "She... She must be trying to break the podiums, like h-h-h-how Im gunna smash up their b-b-b-base! I... We... Uh, you gotta stop her, Kurowai-san! I... I cant keep up with her, but y-y-you can! I gotta go do my job s-s-so we can win this!"

Donny wasnt sure if he was being smart or cowardly sending Junko off on her own to deal with Dulga. He knew their odds would be better if they both fought her together, but frankly speaking Donny had no confidence in his ability to fight someone like Dulga, who seemed much more vicious than him. All of his experience came from playing around and video games, he didnt have the guts for a real fight or even a practice one like this.

"Eh?" Curious as to why Donny stopped mid-sentence, Junko felt free to open her eyes to the dark light. It wasn't like Dulga was still tossing rocks after all-wait no. It's just she was tossing bigger, badder ones. "Woah!" Junko instantly dropped to the ground to avoid being flattened or crushed, not too keen on testing if her Quirk's strength could outmatch the coming projectile with so little time. But it seemed they weren't Dulga's targets anyway if the loud crunching noise behind them was any indication. "Sooo she's wrecking the place. Was that part of the rules?" Truthfully, Junko couldn't remember if they were supposed to keep the podiums safe or just keep the briefcases in one piece. Technically it should have really been the latter but who knew when the exercise had been running as long as it had. With a shrug, she nodded all too eagerly under Donny's suggestion.

"Hey don't sweat about it parttttner," she said, feeling her Quirk get a surge of energy from Donny's fright. The irony of the sludge monster feeling fear was almost hilarious were they not in a fight. "What matters if you got the brief case, yeah? It'll be fun making a heroic sacrifice cause isn't that what heroes do? Eheh..." Whether or not she was just using it as an excuse to mess with Dulga was unsaid because soon enough Junko was charging at her with full force, the ground beneath her shoes cracking from her Quirk-enhanced leap and a swing ready to hit. This time she was flat out aiming for Dulga, though only her arms.

Getting close to the exit Dulga was confident that she could escape the duo during the panic and confusion. But when she heard a crack behind her she barely had enough time to raise her guard as Junko swung right into Dulga's arms. There was a notable crack as Dulga was sent flying towards the wall in a momentary daze. "Tch..." Though not out of the tunnel, there was enough light for Dulga to clearly see Junko and her strange weapon. Where did she get a severed human spine and skull? Did Donny get her that or did Junko somehow smuggle it in? Perhaps it was a manifestation of her quirk? Questions Dulga would have to ask later because she needed to focus on the fight right now.

Gripping her hands into fists she could feel an intense pain in her lower right two arms. Not broken but definately bruised and Junko struck much harder than Dulga expected. While this won't prevent Dulga from using them in a fight she knew they'll have some difficulty with her usual sleights of hand. "Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to throw that boulder. At least it looks like Junko is alone." With Dulga's body still low to the ground and her cloak covering her body and arms she gripped a few pebbles she had on hand and flicked two of them right at Junko using her good hands. Despite being so tiny though, they would strike hard and fast like a low calibur bullet. Dulga aimed for the center of Junko's mass to maximize her accuracy as well as the surprise factor. "Bit by bit. Like hunting a stag you wear them down and then go for the kill." Dulga expects Junko to try and dodge, maybe even counter, but this time Dulga would be ready for her.

It was almost satisfying for Junko to hear her hit clearly connect even amongst the lowlight of the tunnels. But while most others would have retreated or fell back, Dulga persisted in no doubt an effort to turn her away, or even take her down. Regardless of her intentions, it manifested as more rocks being tossed at her, this time in smaller dosages that hit hard. "Ooof. Hey, that's no fair. You really play like a villain huh. I'm almost jealous, ehe-oww...." Rather than dodge or even counter, Junko remained in place and fell back to her prior strategy of batting aside the pelted rocks raining at her. Some of them made their mark, her club smashing them on impact. Some of them made their mark for Dulga too, hitting Junko in what was probably a war of attrition, though Junko was sure no one else knew about her Quirk's actual time limit. All the same, it didn't matter if she went down here, so long as Donny escaped with the brief case. "Sounds like a win to me, ehehe," she spoke to herself, pinned down by Dulga's barrage.

Junko was standing her ground. Maybe she wasn't as fast as Dulga thought she was, or maybe Junko already knew that Dulga had a counter ready for her. Either way this would work for Dulga as she doesn't plan to stay here for very much longer. She increased the amount of rocks being thrown at Junko to overwhelm her and in the midst of her barrage Dulga flicked a shard of glass right to Junko's thigh. This would certain hurt, likely cut deep, and should put Junko out of commision for a while. Dulga could imagine Mako getting on her case about this later but she didn't hestitate, and as soon as Junko reacted to the glass Dulga would already be beating another retreat. This time aiming for the surface and possibly into one of the taller buildings. This way if Junko was just stalling to let Donny ambush her, Dulga could foil that and reposition herself somewhere where such tactics would be more noticeable.

The air began to get more and more misty with pulverized debris and rocks both on front from Dulga's attack and Junko's tactics. Not only did it became harder to breathe but more importantly, harder to see as well. There was only the forewarning of a glint in the gloomy darkness before pain struck Junko's thigh. "Guugh, that's not fun..." She instantly wobbled and landed on her butt, noting the stinging pain and wetness forming from the glass pierced in her flesh. It wasn't a deep enough wound to be completely wounded but still enough to immobolize her. Panic was strewn across her features as she raised her club to bat away any attack Dulga might have used to take advantage; but the other girl was already gone, no doubt taking the time to retreat. That was fine by Junko, guessing Donny was fast enough to outmanuever Dulga anyway. "Eheh, well I did my part. Just gonna lie back and maybe pass out....hey Alice, if you can hear me down here, I could use a medic...."

While Junko and Dulga was duking it out, Donny had already been continuing his dig. He continued onwards faster this time as he could create smaller tunnels that arent as safe as he ones he made for Junko. "She'll be fine... She's strong. I got to keep going!" Donny had also stashed the briefcase somewhere underground in the path he was taking. Considering his tunnel was so narrow, he doubts anyone could get to it. And even if they could they'd need to be as good of a digger as him to get it out. But there was no word about what happened with the others. He hasn't heard anything from the others yet. That could be a good thing. "Focus Donny. Eyes on the prize!"

Soon Donny would pop out from the ground. He looked around the area. It looked... Like everywhere else. The only incidcator that it might be the enemy's base is that it was almost at the edge of the testing area. Wasn't any sign that this place was their base. Though there was one thing that Donny noticed. Cracks in the ground, like something big landed here. Or... Something big jumped from here. While most of the area looked in different states of abandoned and ruined no spot looked like this. "Someone moved from here, or maybe dropped something here? Either way I think this is where I ought to begin." Donny dug back underground but this time he began to circle around. It should not take him too long before this whole area is nothing but a big gravel pit.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
Avatar of Silver Carrot

Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Saki could feel the back of her foot hit Yukari right on the skull, Saki formed her mouth in a wry smile as she softened the blow somewhat. It would be awful if she broke something from the poor girl. She landed right besides Yukari and saw she was still or already standing again, did that not hit hard enough to knock her out at least?! Saki stood up with a warned look on her face and suddenly felt a devastating shock through her chest. The briefcase she was holding with her tail was silently picked out from her tail.

The hit felt somewhat like a baseball hitting you at the speed of a car. Metal clunked as Saki fell backwards onto her butt. Her skin felt somewhat cracked underneath her shirt, it hurted a lot. Saki bounced back onto her feet and took a boxer stance she had learned from tv to notice the briefcase was back in Yukari her possession. This girl was a serious problem, she had already bounced herself up onto the roof of the building. Saki gulped and looked back at Nadeko.

“Take the roofs Nadeko, I’ll try to cut her path”

This was more of an ordeal she would think it was. Nadeko would probably be faster with her magnets and could move around midair more freely then her. Saki's eyes flashed green as she used her speed to catch up to Yukari while using her enhanced intelligence to track her. The crane in the distance would definitely help her up.

Dashing over the rooftops, Yukari needed to think fast. Nadeko’s quirk would let her easily take the briefcase away from Yukari while Saki was simply fast enough to keep up with her, and together Yukari wasn’t sure if she could protect the briefcase. If this was a straight up fight Yukari wouldn’t have as many problems. ”Gotta think of something!” Soon Yukari ran out of roof. She could feel the subtle changes in the wind indicating that the area in front of her was very open, too far for her to stretch without building up some tension. She knelt down for just a moment, her ears perking up as she tried to listen carefully around her. She needed to sense everything she could to get an edge against these odds.

That’s when an idea struck her. On the rooftop was one of those ventilation chimneys. Saki was still a few buildings away and Nadeko was too far for Yukari’s senses to pick up, so she needed to act fast. Yukari would pry open the vent, tossing the briefcase inside as it fell down into the building. Yukari would then hastily put the vent back into place and keep running. As far as the other two would know, Yukari still had the briefcase. So now she needed to lead them as far away as she could, so she can keep the both of them away from the briefcase so Yukari can pick it up later. If anything, this would allow Yukari to start hunting down the other briefcases since she doubts any of the hero team would think that a briefcase was in a ventilation shaft.

”Now I just need to focus on taking them out!”

Saki suddenly dove up at the end of Yukari her roof. She had been making use of her agility to catch up to Yukari via pipes and smaller roofs. It might have not been so fast as her but at least she could compete.

"You won't be able to get away from me twice villain!~"

Saki softly let herself fall as her eyes glowed red she lunged herself at Yukari by kicking herself of the roof border and punched Yukari on impact.

Saki landed with her feet on the ground and noticed by her glance looking over Yukari that the suitcase had vanished. She could only hope her teammates didn't have it. She might be able to keep Yukari to stall for time. Quickly she swiped her foot at Yukari in attempt to let her fall and lock her down so she wouldn't escape.

"See how you like this~"

Nadeko, meanwhile, had been trying to solve the conundrum of catching up. There were buildings but they were too far away, so she ran. She ran until she was confident that at max power they wouldn’t be too much interference for her to pull herself to the building where Saki and Yukari were fighting. Once she zipped over, she saw that Yukari wasn’t holding the briefcase, and it wasn’t anywhere nearby. She had either dropped it or stashed it. If the former, they’d have to search. If the latter, they’d have to get Yukari to spill the beans. But they couldn’t arrest her. What did she need that they could take away?

Nadeko had an idea. They could find a way to trap Yukari. That way she’d be unable to look for more briefcases or help out her teammates. Then they would be in a position to bargain. But first, Nadeko needed to know what Yukari could do. After the several seconds Nadeko had been standing and staring while she figured this out, she sprung into action. While Saki was both stronger and faster in close quarters, Nadeko pulled a rusty shopping trolley towards her and fired it at Yukari.

It was a good thing Saki called out her attacks, because it made it easier for Yukari to know where she was coming and be ready. Despite her speed Yukari was able to raise her guard when Saki came to punch her, rolling with the hit so she could bounce back and throw a counter punch. When Saki tried to sweep her feet she only managed to knock one foot out from beneath Yukari, which wasn’t enough for Yukari to lower her guard. If anything this allowed her to suddenly start attacking Saki with both her hands and her foot as she used her extreme flexibility to start barraging Saki with a flurry of blows.

“You’re tough, but I’m not going down that easily!” Yukari said with a grin as she could easily take Saki’s blows thanks to her rubber body and keep on punching. But Yukari was so caught up in the excitement of the fight that she realized a little too late that something was flying towards her. The shopping cart hit her dead on and knocked her against the wall. This actually did hurt though not enough that Yukari was knocked out. “Ow… I guess, oof… Maeda-chan caught up...”

Hitting Yukari with her first crept a smile on her face only lasting a few seconds however as she was quickly met with twice the speed of her punch back. Saki staggered back feeling light in her head from the punch. Saki raised a hand to her head barely able to blink she was met by another two blows staggering back even more. Ten fist, no hundred fists were launched in quick succession at Saki feeling herself being driven back.

At the edge of the roof she braced herself and took a defensive stance after realising what was happening. It stopped as a loud slam got Saki her attention in stead, her eyes trailed after the wind the shopping cart had produced with Yukari lying against a roof wall. Full of dents and broken skin Saki launched up her thumb at Nadeko.

"Nice job partner!~"

Saki smirked and strode up towards the downed Yukari. She tore the shopping cart apart into a makeshift jail for Yukari. She somewhat doubter it would keep her but maybe there were limits to how flexible she could get.

"A cozy home for you Yukari-chan~ Where did you leave the suitcase villain!"

Nadeko was doubtful that it would be that easy but nevertheless pushed against the makeshift jail and kept a very close eye on Yukari.

Yukari felt around the metal that was around her. After a few seconds she figured out it must’ve been a shopping cart. Yukari could easily escape though maybe that wasn’t a good idea right now. Instead Yukari looked in the direction of Nadeko’s voice and smirked. “Do you really think it’ll be that easy for me to spill my team's plans? No way! I already passed it along to them. Even now we’ve already found half of the briefcases, so it’s just a matter of keeping them away from you and your team!” Yukari shuffled a bit closer to the cage and tried to speak softly so only Nadeko can hear.

“And between you and me, I think we both know what’s more important right now. But you also know both of you can’t just stay here to watch me either. So how about you let me go and I promise I won’t steal any more briefcases, okay?” Yukari said with a charming smile. “Pinky promise.”

Nedeko glanced to Saki, then turned back to Yukari with a blank, unimpressed look on her face. She then held out one of her magnet arms and pulled Yukari to her shopping cart and all, before holding Yukiar tight with one of her arms. She turned back to Saki.

“Where should we go now, prisoner in tow? Shall we look for the briefcase manually? That could take us the entiiiiire exercise! Would sure save a lot of time if somebody knew where it was!” she spoke, with a sly grin on her face.

Saki annoyingly smiled at Yukari for telling such blatant lies to them and after that she even tried buying Nadeko over from what she could tell. Saki kicked with her leg onto the cage rattling the bars.

“Quiet! Prisoners shouldn’t speak without the guards' permission~!”

Nadeko held the cage now with Yukari, it honestly looked really weird. Saki laughed somewhat and queued up on Nadeko her remark.

“Maybe if dear sweet Yukari would tell us a thing or two about where she has hidden it would certainly help us~
Saki sadistically smiled towards her partner and Yukari as well before she proposed an idea towards Nadeko.

“I know! Maybe she will remember after flying through the stratosphere in that metal cage of hers or being launched away like a rubber band from the edge of the building fufu~ Which one do you like more Yu-ka-ri-chan~”

“Oh no, please, anything but that.” Yukari said sarcastically. She’s done stunts like this before so she wasn’t all that scared. “Please please, I’ll tell you where the briefcase is at! It’s over there, by the giant chicken!” Yukari pointed off in a random direction where there was no chicken. “And besides, I’m not lying. The rest of my team has already gotten the briefcases! Don’t believe me?” Yukari said as she turned towards Nadeko. She kept staring at Nadeko, letting her get a clear look at Yukari’s cloudy eyes. “Look into my eyes. Do you see what I see? Then you’ll know that there’s no way I could find a briefcase on my own. That’s why I passed it along already!”

Nadeko shrugged, and turned to Saki. “It was worth a try. Still, you were following her. If you’re a robot, do you have a memory you could play back? If if you didn’t see where she dropped the case, you could track her route and that would narrow down your search. You’re the only one who can find the case. As for me, I’ll head back to the buildings, and I’ll take Yukari with me.”

With that, Nadeko started jogging back to the towers, Yukari still trapped in the trolley-turned-cage, which was stuck to Nadeko’s arm. Nadeko wasn’t running, probably because she was having to lift Yukari off the ground.
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