Just as Donny was about to start tunneling back towards tunnel to start digging, Junko threw the briefcase at him.
"Huh? Wha-" Before Donny could fully process what was happening Junko dashed towards the darkness. Before he could shine his light at the thing Junko lunged at, a stone smashed right into his phone and something slammed against the briefcase with enough force that he was actually staggared backwards.
"Oh shit!" Everything went dark. Donny couldnt see a thing but he could hear that Junko was fighting something and rocks were being tossed around. His eyes were not adapted to the dark yet and he feared getting in Junkos way if he just charges in literally blindly.
There wasnt any time for Donny to hestitate but he had no idea what to do. So all Donny could do was follow Junko, but every time he got closer he got pelted by rocks. Hes been hit by a rock before so he was used to the pain, but this was different. These rocks were being thrown with such force they
really hurt, and Donny couldnt see where the rocks were coming from. So what Donny did was produce a shield of bone in front of him and make his way forward, blocking the stones as best as he could while trying to catch up to Junko.
"Hold on, Im coming to help ya!""Owwww. Now that's not very nice..." Junko huffed at Dulga, the initial spray of rock and debris hitting its mark and temporarily blinding her. However she was no reckless fool as much as her nerves screamed at her to be. Wiping at sediment from her eyes with a sleeve, she rooted herself in place against her better nature, smirk never fading in the darkness; a darkness that was deeper than before now that she had her eyes closed.
"Running away? That's really the style of a villain, haha." Both hands on her makeshift club, Junko swung around blindly without moving. She didn't need to see the hits connect, hearing the rocks smash against her blunt weapon as she defended herself.
Of course, some got through, pelting her in nuisance but hearing Donny's call she knew all she needed to do was stay in place and wait for him. Speeding up the process, she slowly backed away, still swiping at the air in front of her to crush and deflect Dulga's barrage.
"Heeeey, partner, long time no see. Maybe we should make a beat retreat?" she asked, grinning at Donny with closed eyes.
Dulga jumped back a few more times, her ears picking up Junko's voice getting further and further away. Was she not going to pursue?
"Works for me. There are other briefcases to claim." While it was bitter that Dulga would have to give up on this one she at least knew where it was at and more importantly knew where Junko and Donny were at. She knew their plan was to safeguard the briefcase themselves which would mean that they would need to return to the podiums when the test was nearly over in order to score.
With that thought in mind Dulga stopped for a moment. The tunnel was straight forward however she was too far aware for even her dark vision to see where Junko and Donny were. Fortunately, where they were shouldn't matter too much. Raising four fists in the air Dulga slammed them into the ground, causing the ground to shake as she lifted up a sizable chunk of the subway floor. Hefting the concrete slab with only two arms, she hurled it with great speed and force. However she wasn't aiming for the other two students, thought she wouldn't mind if they got struck by the rock too. No, she was aiming for the podium: With it destroyed even if the heroes could keep the briefcases away from Dulga and her team the heroes would lose by default since they couldn't return the briefcases to their original spots.
"If I can't win I'll have to make sure they lose." Dulga thought to herself as she turned around and ran as quickly as she could out from the tunnels. She already found one briefcase, and she was certain that the rest of her team had found one on their own as well, so Dulga would just need keep her mind on the mission. And this time, to ensure complete victory she'll destroy the podiums after claiming a briefcase.
As Donny approached, his eyes ever so slowly adapting to the darkness, he responded to Junko.
"Y-Yeah, we got the briefcase so it should be s-s-safe enou- OH FUCK!" In the dimmly light darkness, Donny couldnt see the rocks being thrown at him. But the boulder that Dulga threw was easy enough for even Donny to see as he threw himself to the wall and got as flat as he could to avoid getting struck by the boulder. If he had organs Donny mightve had a heart attack from seeing such a huge stone being flung towards him. Hes only ever seen that sort of thing happen in video games. He consideres himself lucky that he had the reaction time to even take cover.
He heard the stone crash in behind them, and when he tried to look via the dim emergency lights, he could see that the podium where the briefcase shouldve been was now reduced to rubble.
"Cheezus. I dunno if she m-m-missed or meant to do t-t-that..." Donny gulped, fearful of what could happen if he had been down here alone. Even he doubts he could survive getting flatten by such a large stone, and Donny is the type of person who can and would crawl through pipes.
"She... She must be trying to break the podiums, like h-h-h-how Im gunna smash up their b-b-b-base! I... We... Uh, you gotta stop her, Kurowai-san! I... I cant keep up with her, but y-y-you can! I gotta go do my job s-s-so we can win this!" Donny wasnt sure if he was being smart or cowardly sending Junko off on her own to deal with Dulga. He knew their odds would be better if they both fought her together, but frankly speaking Donny had no confidence in his ability to fight someone like Dulga, who seemed much more vicious than him. All of his experience came from playing around and video games, he didnt have the guts for a real fight or even a practice one like this.
"Eh?" Curious as to why Donny stopped mid-sentence, Junko felt free to open her eyes to the dark light. It wasn't like Dulga was still tossing rocks after all-wait no. It's just she was tossing bigger, badder ones.
"Woah!" Junko instantly dropped to the ground to avoid being flattened or crushed, not too keen on testing if her Quirk's strength could outmatch the coming projectile with so little time. But it seemed they weren't Dulga's targets anyway if the loud crunching noise behind them was any indication.
"Sooo she's wrecking the place. Was that part of the rules?" Truthfully, Junko couldn't remember if they were supposed to keep the podiums safe or just keep the briefcases in one piece. Technically it should have really been the latter but who knew when the exercise had been running as long as it had. With a shrug, she nodded all too eagerly under Donny's suggestion.
"Hey don't sweat about it parttttner," she said, feeling her Quirk get a surge of energy from Donny's fright. The irony of the sludge monster feeling fear was almost hilarious were they not in a fight.
"What matters if you got the brief case, yeah? It'll be fun making a heroic sacrifice cause isn't that what heroes do? Eheh..." Whether or not she was just using it as an excuse to mess with Dulga was unsaid because soon enough Junko was charging at her with full force, the ground beneath her shoes cracking from her Quirk-enhanced leap and a swing ready to hit. This time she was flat out aiming for Dulga, though only her arms.
Getting close to the exit Dulga was confident that she could escape the duo during the panic and confusion. But when she heard a crack behind her she barely had enough time to raise her guard as Junko swung right into Dulga's arms. There was a notable crack as Dulga was sent flying towards the wall in a momentary daze.
"Tch..." Though not out of the tunnel, there was enough light for Dulga to clearly see Junko and her strange weapon. Where did she get a severed human spine and skull? Did Donny get her that or did Junko somehow smuggle it in? Perhaps it was a manifestation of her quirk? Questions Dulga would have to ask later because she needed to focus on the fight right now.
Gripping her hands into fists she could feel an intense pain in her lower right two arms. Not broken but definately bruised and Junko struck much harder than Dulga expected. While this won't prevent Dulga from using them in a fight she knew they'll have some difficulty with her usual sleights of hand.
"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to throw that boulder. At least it looks like Junko is alone." With Dulga's body still low to the ground and her cloak covering her body and arms she gripped a few pebbles she had on hand and flicked two of them right at Junko using her good hands. Despite being so tiny though, they would strike hard and fast like a low calibur bullet. Dulga aimed for the center of Junko's mass to maximize her accuracy as well as the surprise factor.
"Bit by bit. Like hunting a stag you wear them down and then go for the kill." Dulga expects Junko to try and dodge, maybe even counter, but this time Dulga would be ready for her.
It was almost satisfying for Junko to hear her hit clearly connect even amongst the lowlight of the tunnels. But while most others would have retreated or fell back, Dulga persisted in no doubt an effort to turn her away, or even take her down. Regardless of her intentions, it manifested as more rocks being tossed at her, this time in smaller dosages that hit hard.
"Ooof. Hey, that's no fair. You really play like a villain huh. I'm almost jealous, ehe-oww...." Rather than dodge or even counter, Junko remained in place and fell back to her prior strategy of batting aside the pelted rocks raining at her. Some of them made their mark, her club smashing them on impact. Some of them made their mark for Dulga too, hitting Junko in what was probably a war of attrition, though Junko was sure no one else knew about her Quirk's actual time limit. All the same, it didn't matter if she went down here, so long as Donny escaped with the brief case.
"Sounds like a win to me, ehehe," she spoke to herself, pinned down by Dulga's barrage.
Junko was standing her ground. Maybe she wasn't as fast as Dulga thought she was, or maybe Junko already knew that Dulga had a counter ready for her. Either way this would work for Dulga as she doesn't plan to stay here for very much longer. She increased the amount of rocks being thrown at Junko to overwhelm her and in the midst of her barrage Dulga flicked a shard of glass right to Junko's thigh. This would certain hurt, likely cut deep, and should put Junko out of commision for a while. Dulga could imagine Mako getting on her case about this later but she didn't hestitate, and as soon as Junko reacted to the glass Dulga would already be beating another retreat. This time aiming for the surface and possibly into one of the taller buildings. This way if Junko was just stalling to let Donny ambush her, Dulga could foil that and reposition herself somewhere where such tactics would be more noticeable.
The air began to get more and more misty with pulverized debris and rocks both on front from Dulga's attack and Junko's tactics. Not only did it became harder to breathe but more importantly, harder to see as well. There was only the forewarning of a glint in the gloomy darkness before pain struck Junko's thigh.
"Guugh, that's not fun..." She instantly wobbled and landed on her butt, noting the stinging pain and wetness forming from the glass pierced in her flesh. It wasn't a deep enough wound to be completely wounded but still enough to immobolize her. Panic was strewn across her features as she raised her club to bat away any attack Dulga might have used to take advantage; but the other girl was already gone, no doubt taking the time to retreat. That was fine by Junko, guessing Donny was fast enough to outmanuever Dulga anyway.
"Eheh, well I did my part. Just gonna lie back and maybe pass out....hey Alice, if you can hear me down here, I could use a medic...."While Junko and Dulga was duking it out, Donny had already been continuing his dig. He continued onwards faster this time as he could create smaller tunnels that arent as safe as he ones he made for Junko.
"She'll be fine... She's strong. I got to keep going!" Donny had also stashed the briefcase somewhere underground in the path he was taking. Considering his tunnel was so narrow, he doubts anyone could get to it. And even if they could they'd need to be as good of a digger as him to get it out. But there was no word about what happened with the others. He hasn't heard anything from the others yet. That could be a good thing.
"Focus Donny. Eyes on the prize!"Soon Donny would pop out from the ground. He looked around the area. It looked... Like everywhere else. The only incidcator that it might be the enemy's base is that it was almost at the edge of the testing area. Wasn't any sign that this place was their base. Though there was one thing that Donny noticed. Cracks in the ground, like something big landed here. Or... Something big jumped from here. While most of the area looked in different states of abandoned and ruined no spot looked like this.
"Someone moved from here, or maybe dropped something here? Either way I think this is where I ought to begin." Donny dug back underground but this time he began to circle around. It should not take him too long before this whole area is nothing but a big gravel pit.