~Charlotte Lachance~
Receiving no immediate response from the Ogre, Charlotte fidgeted somewhat nervously. Well, she had basically just been a grade-a Ass, so there was a chance he didn't wish to speak with her because of it. Meh, whatever. Wasn't really her concern really. If he wanted to not speak to her because of that, then that was his prerogative. Still, might as well avoid being any more cranky here. It'd probably not help things.
"R-right then. Lets, uh, get too it I guess."
With that said, she walked deeper inland. Not so much as to loose sight of the beach, but far enough in to get a good look at some of the plants that may be around them. Aside from the usual green leaved trees, there wasn't much in the way of interesting plants here. A few green bushes, but little in the way of good alchemy ingredients. Well, maybe the bushes and trees could be useful in some way. Mundane plant roots and leaves could actually hold some decent qualities if she had her equipment to be able to actually study them.
She didn't want to think about that right now, so she instead, focused on the plants. She sighed, shaking her head. Kneeling down next to a bush, she ran a hand across the leaves. She had a small fear that it may have been a poisonous plant of sorts but she didn't think it would be. They definitely weren't anything seen back home, that was certain. She could tell simply by looking and feeling them. What were they though? No clue whatsoever.
"Taking samples wouldn't do...nowhere to store them. Can't test them immediately either." She grumbled quietly to herself. "Ugh, of course my alembic got destroyed...probably my retort, too. Along with my beakers, flasks, cylinders..." she continued to list off just how many items she had lost in the wreckage as she continued to study the plant. It didn't seem to special though, so she doubted she'd find anything useful on it.
At least she wasn't feeling like death at the moment, so that was a plus.

~Sevita Lanka~
Come to think of it, her moving about in this hull would have been slightly...bad. Considering her somewhat larger size. Well, the size of her wings, anyways. She could hug them close to her body to be sure, but it still meant she took up a bit of extra room. Well, at least compared to humans and their kin. She poked her head into the hole in the ship, curious at what the others had found, and if they might need her help with something.
A shout from the little fox from earlier grabbed her attention. She was about to spring into action should something be attempting to harm them, but her concerns were quickly extinguished. Nothing major then, just the fox freaking out over something trivial. The Garuda sighed, mildly annoyed. Hardly a way to act if they were in the middle of searching this vessel. It was equivalent to 'crying wolf' as one might say. If the little fox got jumpy at every little thing, then how would they know if it was something actually serious?
If she was back home, she would have reprimanded the little fox for such behavoir. Of course, maybe it was also a one time thing, so there was no need for such an action. She wasn't home, after all, and doing something like that would likely only end in trouble.
So she quietly stepped into the vessel, talons digging into the soggy wood and mindful of her wings. She didn't have to worry about glass so much, though it would still hurt on the off chance any part of her feet other than her sharp talons touched it. While the others looked for seeds and farming equipment, she looked for something that was a bit more...practical in its application. A weapon of some kind. She wasn't a skilled farmer, scholar or artisan of any sorts, and such things she would leave to those better suited for the task.
And thankfully, it seemed the spirits smiled on her. Buried under some half destroyed wooden crates, she spotted a familiar item.
"I do not know about seeds, Little Fox," she walked over, carefully moving aside the boxes and checking them for valuable, though that search came up empty. Finally done, she reached for the red colored spear under them. It was a simple looking weapon to most, decorated with feathers and other ornaments. Charms from the rain forest, and more than one supposedly to bring protection from harm.
"But I have found something useful for protection." An old friend of hers, she had for...quite some time. She wasn't really one to worry so much about things, but having it in her hands put her at ease just a bit.