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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The sudden jolt from the ship tossing about in the waves caused Masaru (who was still sleeping at the time) to be launched face-first into the wall of his cabin room. The Arrowhead had faced many a calm day at sea, but tonight...
Well, damn. Now his face was hurting from the impact. Nothing seemed broken at the very least, but the fact of the matter was that something big was going down on the ship. And during his sleep, too! How could he get anything done without some proper rest?!

Grumbling to himself as he hopped off his bed and put his hakama on, Masaru was unlucky enough to not catch something to hold on to when the next set of tremors hit. This time, he was tossed off in the opposite direction, his back slapped against the wall before the ship once again returned to normal. If the impact from before hadn't woken him up, this one certainly had.

"Okay, that's it. I'm going to check out whatever the hell's going on outside. Come hell or high water, it's not like I'll be able to close my eyes for a damn moment with all this tossing and turning. Maybe it's a sea monster or something; I can just punch the damn thing, right?!" he fumed, grabbing his pair of knuckles as he opened his door. A few other travelers were also victims, it seemed, but to be honest the oni could care less right now. With a huff, he quickly began to walk down the hall and towards the stairwell, a look of irritation plastered on his face. Just as he reached the stairs, though...

As if on cue, the entire ship seemed to tilt to one side, causing Masaru to stumble and fall towards the wall before he could even take a step forward. What came next, though, caused the oni to pale considerably.

Water. Lots of water.
And that could only mean one thing. The ship was going down.

"Oh, fu--!"

Before he could even finish swearing, the torrent of water swept down on him, dragging him along with it before picking up a few more unwilling passengers on its way down. Struggling to push back, Masaru took a deep breath before struggling with all his might against the flow. Damned if he was going to die out here in the middle of an ocean!

But even his strength wasn't enough to hold out against the ocean's might; it wasn't long after that the constant impacts caused his consciousness to fade to black.

With a groan that rivaled that of a man waking from his drunken stupor, Masaur groggily opened his eyes. The uncomfortable feeling of his wet clothes caused him to grumble a bit before he attempted to push himself off the sand he found himself on.
Wait. Sand?!

The shock caused him to leap to his feet, quickly checking over his body to see that nothing was broken.

"Arms... Intact. Legs... Working. Eyes... Moving. Nose... Ah-choo!"

With a sneeze, the oni shot out a bunch of sand that had since found its way into his mouth and nose. Remembering the incident from last night, Masaru's eyes widened in shock before looking around him. A beach...
So he hadn't drowned! Woohoo!

The minor victory against that situation that defied all odds was soon offset, though, by the fact that there were a few notable things about the beach he now found himself on.

One: He wasn't the only one on the beach; a lot of other people he had seen time and time again on the ship were also lying in various positions on the sand, too.

Two: A good chunk of the ship had also made its way to shore. Whether it contained usable stuff or something less favorable... Well, that was to be seen.

And three: It was dawn, and his stomach was EMPTY.

While the oni's thoughts were usually 'start training at the crack of dawn,', this situation didn't seem to accommodate for much of it. Rather...

Well, at the very least, it seemed like the proper thing to do to check if everyone else had survived. Hopefully, he wouldn't be yelling to a bunch of corpses. With a cough to clear his throat (and, as expected, some seawater was still lodged in his lungs), Masaru took a deep breath and, with his hand positioned like a megaphone, shouted:


Admittedly, it wasn't the most rousing of calls, but... Well, if anything, it'd get a reaction of of the people that were alive? If they refused to get up, well... There was some cold water nearby that could be of use.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hayazo
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

When the boat began to rock, Yukine remained on deck. Back in the fields of Ayabukuro, it was rare to get a balance training exercise as challenging as rough seas. People staggered back to their into their cabins while the kitsune giggled, dancing around them and maintaining her footing. Then the water began splashing over the sides of the boat. Her kimono became soggy and heavy, her mouth filled with salt, and her hair became dripping wet. The boat tilted, and Yukine shifted her weight to maintain her balance, but her foot slipped on the wet floor. She stumbled but caught herself by grabbing onto a rope. However, the sea proved to be quite a match for her footwork. The ocean swelled, the boat lurched, and Yukine was nearly thrown overboard. "Oh man, this is getting a little dangerous," Yukine muttered as she hung over the side of the ship, staring at the ever growing waves.

Yukine decided to yield to nature and seek some safety indoors, but the next rock sent her flying back into a wall. Her ears rang from the impact, but her eyes widened when she saw the wall of water towering over the boat. She put up her guard as if a tough opponent was charging at her, but it was an exercise in futility. The water came crashing down on her, pinning her to the wall and knocking the wind out of her. When she opened her eyes, she was on the floor, getting washed to the back of the boat. If she had the energy to, she would have cried out in fear when she saw an even bigger wave looming over her...

* * *


Yukine's soggy ears twitched at the oni's call. His voice distant, like an echo, but the sense of urgency in it sparked Yukine's consciousness. Slowly, her senses returned. She was laying down on a rough, but soft, surface. Sand? She curled one of her hands and felt the coarse grains running through it. Definitely sand. She could hear waves crashing nearby, and cold water occasionally rushed past her feet. Was she on a beach? She opened her eyes and tried to push herself off the ground, but that's when the pain kicked in. Her entire body ached as if she had just lost and intense duel. She wanted to just lay there, face first in the sand, until it passed, but then she began to remember what happened.

Yukine rolled onto her back, spat out some sand, took a few deep breaths, and forced herself to sit up. It took a minute for her vision to clear, but when it did she looked over to the source of the voice that had called to her. "Masaru?" Her voice was weak and hoarse, and she would be surprised if the oni could hear her. Then she looked across the beach, and saw several other people lying on the beach. She pursed her lips, fearing the worst, but if she had survived...

Yukine rubbed her head and tried to shake away the grogginess. Now wasn't the time to be weak. Although her body ached, she forced herself to stand and walked over to her ship mates. She cleared her throat so that her voice would at least be audible once she got closer. "Hey, is everyone alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Turk broke the surface of the water, taking a huge gasp of air, flailing his reptilian arms wildly in the air. He sputtered and coughed. His clothes were soaked all the way through, completely waterlogged. He was unimaginably exhausted, and part of him just wanted to let himself sink back into the ocean. But, no, that wouldn't do. He kicked off his shoes and slowly, practically crawling on the surface of the water, approached a nearby beach. He cast his webbed fingers into the water and kicked his similarly webbed feet. The journey lasted about a minute before he pulled himself onto the soft, surprisingly white sand. Well, he made it. The new world. Bloody brilliant.

Turk rolled onto his back, and felt something dig into his waist. He reached down and found that his sailing dagger had luckily enough, remained in it's holster. He could only imagine it was because of the small piece of cloth that buttoned from his belt to the top of the holster, making it so the dagger handle was kept neatly inside.

He sat there for a while, letting the sun warm his body. Grunting, he extended his arms outwards and brought his upper-body to a vertical position. Glancing lazily around, he saw some folk he couldn't bother to recognize yet standing up. Well, at least he wasn't alone. The ocean nipped at his legs, and Turk was content to just sit on the sand for now. Getting to his feet sounded like an endeavor he didn't want to partake in just yet. His head had a vague dull pain about it, and his shoulders were killing him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte Lachance~

The retort moved across the wooden table as the ship rocked. The drop of liquid she was intending to put into the alchemical device instead fell onto the table, missing its mark completely.

An eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

Another attempt was made, but this time the retort moved to the side of the table it was originally on.


An annoyed growl. A hand grabbed the retort and an attempt was made to hold it in place. The captain of the ships terrible sailing skills be dammed. She'd finish this! It was a little something she had been working on since she was voluntold for this position. Something made from reagents that would possibly help accelerate plant growth. To be used on farms, of course, as a sort of fertilizer.

It'd help greatly with this whole new continent endeavor, she was certain.

And then the ship lurched again, this time so violently it knocked her off her feet. She lammed to the floor, landing on her back and knocking her noggin against the floor. The glass apparatus' did the same, flying off of the table at a speed that was certain going to shatter the device if it so much as touched the floor. Charlotte scrambled to turn over, sliding across the floor and catching the retort in her hands, a small relieved sigh escaping her lips as she saved the expensive apparatus from a one-way trip to glassy heaven.

It was promptly followed by an annoyed growl as she stood, ship still rocking violently.

"For the love of Astril!" Charlotte rubbed a sore spot on the back of her head. There was going to be a bruise there, and maybe a slight headache but nothing a few salves couldn't heal. More importantly, she was going to go have a stern word with this so-called captain! These were not the proper conditions she could work in! So, she marched out of he room, and was immediately face to face with a giant wave of water coming down the hallway.


Her face paled. She clutched the retort she had in her hand against her chest, as if it would somehow grant her protection against the unstoppable evil wall of seawater hurtling towards her. A million curses ran through her head at that moment. Too many to count, and to profane to properly verbalize in pleasant company. Most of which, involved the Deacon of Astril in some manner and cursing him to a fiery, painful, eternal torturous demise at the hands of some demon for sending her on this fools errand she wanted no part of.

She didn't get much else time to think before the water slammed into her, and she was swept away.

She hurt.

All over.

Something was jabbing her in a rather uncomfortable spot, but she'd figure out what exactly that was when she could move without feeling like her limbs were being chewed on by a smelly, putrid, mongrel of a dog.

"Uuuuuurrrrgh...." She groaned. Well, at least she was alive. That much was blatantly obvious, but from how much she hurt after the events of last night she almost wished she was dead. Well, no time to complain. She should try to get herself up and moving. First thing first, check her surroundings and make sure that she wasn't in any immediate danger of being actually chewed on by a mutt.

First, she was laying on something soft, and from moving her hand around a bit, concluded it to be sand. Her head hurt too much to open her eyes at the moment, so she couldn't be sure, but since judging from the light level it was morning. So...morning on a sandy beach of sorts? Would be rather picturesque, if not for the massive headache and the fact her clothes were completely soaked.

Secondly, that thing jabbing her in the not so pleasant place. She fumbled around for a second before digging in the sand. It was rough, felt fairly shell-like in structure and-

"OW." A rather unenthusiastic ow was all she could manage now. She pulled her had towards her, weakly opening her eyes and observed what had just attacked her. Well, if it wasn't dogs, it was angry crabs. She and the crab had a brief glaring match before the crab mercifully let her hand go. That would need to be bandaged, disinfected and...she had none of her materials or things with her. Or rather, they were probably in the proverbial 'Locker of Davy Jones' or whatever the superstitious sailors called it.

"I swear...once I get back...I'm going to walk right up to the Deacon...and shove a beaker so far up his-" She was cut off mid sentence as a fit of coughing wracked her body, followed by quickly getting to her hands and knees as she coughed up a rather large amount of sea water.

How much seawater had she inhaled? It felt like a gallon. She'd be dead if that was the case probably, but she didn't think a little seawater would hurt this bad. She felt like she maybe even had a slight fever. Dehydration too, probably. Astril knows her limbs were weak enough to not be able to support her body. Soon, she collapsed back onto the sand, unable to support herself for the moment. For once, she regretted not being physically fit and having the stamina of some soldier or something outside of Astril.

She rolled over onto her back, and stared up at the sun, content not to move for now. Her limbs were incredibly heavy, and both her thought process and body felt sluggish. She wasn't going to be moving anywhere anytime soon.


Yes, because shouting was going to help everything go faster. The loud voice didn't do much to help her throbbing headache or body. At least she wasn't the only one to survive though, but in her current condition she wasn't exactly going to be doing much other than laying there trying to recover what little strength she could.

"Hey, is everyone alright?"

"Just great...no, really! I'm laying here because I want to and don't feel like I drank a botched elixir at all..." She once again grumbled. Normally, she wasn't this blatantly, antagonistically sarcastic, but at the moment she couldn't help it. She felt terrible, she probably looked terrible, and blargh...

She just...really wanted to be home right now...

~Sevita Lanka~

This was something the Garuda known as Sevita had never experienced before. Oh, certainly, heavy rainfall and monsoons were common in Vinush, but she had never been on a boat before. Or rather, Ship, as the crew was quickly to correct her. The Garuda had no need for such things typically, since they could fly across most bodies of water with ease. Crossing something like the ocean though, was not something they could do on their own, however. For as fast as they could fly, they could not fly for more than a half hour or so without rest. Less if they were flying at their top speeds.

She was on deck, perched on a mast, trying her best to help those she could maintain the ship to no avail. She had no idea what she was doing, so all she could do was try and save those that were getting flung overboard, but such a feat was difficult even for her and her wings. She wasn't the best builder, but she knew a structural weakness and flaw when she saw them.

The ship wouldn't last at this rate.

She grimaced, this was a bad situation, and there was nothing she could do to save these people. Her Queen had tasked her with this mission, and she was already failing it before they had even arrived. She landed on the deck, barely managing to catch a sailor that was just about to become shark food in her talons. She hurried inside the ship, carrying the now unconscious sailor in her arms. The act prove futile, however.

Soon after, the ship capsized, taking its passengers with it.

Sevita slowly opened her eyes, shielding her eyes from the harsh morning sunlight as waves gently brushed against her body. She felt terrible, really, but it was nothing she couldn't handle. It would pass. For a few moments, the Garuda laid there, gathering her strength before sitting up on the shore. Her wings felt heavy, no doubt from the salt water that had soaked them, but it was nothing she couldn't fix with a quick action.

Grunting with soreness, she stood, and flapped her illustrious feathery wings, immediately drying both them, and her wings off and getting rid of any offending water, likely unintentionally getting a few others soaked in the process. Good, nothing seemed broken then. And after a few more stretches with her other limbs, it seemed aside from swallowing a bit of sea water and maybe a bit of slight dehydration she was more or less fine.


That...sounded like the Oni? Hmm...so good, she wasn't the only one who had survived then. If they did, then so too did others probably. It was a small relief. She offered a silent prayer to the spirits of her tribe before turning and facing inland, noticing a few others had also managed to stand. The Oni, Kitsune, and Reptile all seemed fairly well off, though there was a human who seemed to still be recovering.

"Hey, is everyone alright?"

"I am fine, little fox."
The Garuda replied as she approached, folding her wings close to her body. "Nothing some rest can not heal. I've had worse wounds from giant boars in the forests." She took a look around, pleased to find some of the ship had also washed up on shore. Perhaps their situation wasn't as dire as it looked. They could perhaps even salvage some still usable wood from the ship and make a temporary shelter from it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ugroth grumbled as he was rolled off of his bed and against the wall of his cabin by the ship's movement. He had been sleeping as peacefully as he could manage under the circumstance but the craft rocking all over the place was making him less comfortable than usual. Being on a ship was rather new to him which quickly earned some silent dislike from him over time as the voyage went on. His natural inclination was to spend most of his time on the upper deck in the fresh air because he found the cabin and other levels to be unpleasant even if they managed to accommodate his size acceptably. The ogre felt trapped down there as well as closer to the usually gentle rocking which he still found uncomfortable. It didn't take him long to realize he must really hate sailing if he was complaining to this extent, even if it was mostly internal.

As the ogre forced himself to get up so he could move for the door he lost his balance as another wave hit the ship causing him to stumble forward into the opposite wall with a loud thud. He was just thankful the ship seemed fairly sturdy for the most part so he took a slower pace to get himself to the door using the wall as support. He picked up his axe and strapped his bow/couple of arrows along his back in case they might be needed as with all of the racket he couldn't tell what was causing the ship to jerk as violently as it was. ~This is just what I needed on this trip...~ He thought as he managed to get the door open and slip himself out of it without smacking into the frame more than once. Finally as he got out into the hall he saw a couple of the other passengers seemingly equally or more disturbed by what was going on. He had also made a move for the stairs only to get hit among the first by the blast of water that rocketed down through the corridor. It didn't take much more than the heavy struggle after the initial battering to finally cause him to go unconscious as he had little energy to begin with.


Ugroth started to wake up slowly feeling water rise to his waist then retreat back down before being overtaken by the need to vomit which he did. Once the retching stopped he realized just how much water he had swallowed and was thankful he had survived the ordeal. Now that he wasn't in urgent need of something he realized about half of him was still in the water but his top half was on sand which meant it was definitely land at least. The ogre forced his right arm and hand to relax some which had a death grip on his hunting axe, something he was quite grateful for it being a useful tool, though he wondered where his bow was as he slid it back into his belt. It took a second for him to get up and fully out of the water shaking or brushing off the salt and sand that had ended up on him also hearing a couple of call outs from a bit further up the beach which he would look to in a moment. He looked around as he stretched groaning a bit at how stiff his muscles felt at the moment and the groggy feeling he only just noticed.

Once he was up he mused to himself about getting hit by a stone tusk, a large almost mammoth like beast that hit extremely hard if it charged or swung its massive tusks at a predator though wouldn't pursue a kill if there was no more threat. For Ugroth it was prior experience having actually been knocked out by one and very much remembering the feeling as not all of his hunts had ended up successful. He looked around realizing he wasn't the only survivor which was pleasing though not everyone seemed to have recovered quite yet. The ogre calmly plodded his way over to check on the couple that were already awake not sure of the condition of his fellow colonists at the moment.

"Good to see some of us alive after that." Ugroth said his voice a slightly weak, rumbling bellow that was tinged with a little concern as he looked down at his smaller companions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

-Gamie Jaeger : The Broken Boat and the Capsized Crew

The rocking of the boat... it wasn't as smooth or melodic today as the hunter sat alone within the recesses of his cabin, scribbling away into his journal; that was the only sound occupying his head other than the swishing of the ocean. The mans are was adjacent as his right moved at a rapid rate, digressing what had transpired on the open seas so far. Gamie's eyes fluttered from word to word before ending the entry. Pocketing the small book, he stood up from his seat, keeping his composition as the boat continued rocking. Curious to see the eve, Gamie took some precaution before exiting out of his cabin.

The night on the water wasn't as tranquil, but there was a certain uneasiness to it; a bad omen? "Hmph," he grunted, chastising himself silently for believing in such a silly thought. The boat roughly began swaying uneasily, and Gamie struggled to keep his own balance as he waddled over the deck. "... looks like the boat isn't rockin' for that reason," he muttered, walking past a few sailors on deck, along with any others occupying the vicinity.

Seems like they needed some assistance for the most part, despite the muscle they used. His probably wouldn't be much, but it would be better than retreating back to his room and writing in his journal (gasp), and doing... whatever Foxy was doing; some carnival acts to keep them entertained? Balancing act? That wasn't exactly the most important thing as he ignored the attempts at keeping the morale of the group up. Some sailors were losing their grip and this whole night was growing worse by the minute.

Grasping at one of the masts to avoid being thrown into the water, he watched as others tugged on the ropes to keep the sails up. One of the few men were thrown off, making the former's job difficult with the way things were transpiring. This would be a simple job as he tried to make his way toward the man. It was difficult keeping balance and at this rate, he would plunge into the depths.

But what was life without taking a few risks? Especially ones that would benefit myriads of people.

Wobbling quickly, Gamie lunged forward, grabbing the rope, almost falling off in the process. This was no hunt, but it was nevertheless an exciting prospect. His heart pumped with fury as the surprised man took note of the extra hands, but nevertheless kept tugging and so did he. As he did so, he noticed another figure dancing throughout the ship, but instead it was actually beneficial... and in the winds.

Amazon retrieved some of the flailing sailors as they were flung off the sides from what he discerned for a couple of seconds before attending back to the more important thing. He did not at all seem fazed by all this, rather he was brandishing his teeth, his brows furrowed as he was thrown to the side with the man. That would of left a sizable bruise on his side if he wasn't so lucky.

However, he didn't show any signs of being affected when the boat began to completely tip over. The shouts of confusion and screeches were drowned out by the water as he and many others were submerged into the water.



He felt the salt water splash against his face, gurgling it as he sunk for a moment, barely keeping a semblance of consciousness. Gamie felt the water being forced down his throat, the stinging of his eyes and nostrils. It hurt.

He could barely twist his neck or move a limb as he struggled to make out the silhouettes of the other people. This was truly an unorthodox way to go, at least to Gamie. Struggling to rip some water away, the hunter used what little strength he had left and thrust his left arm towards the surface of the water, not before losing consciousness.



Was he gone? Was this the form of afterlife he was in? A swirling dark void of nothingness were the only things he could truly perceive, other than the soothing sloshing of water. His gut felt filled to the brim with nothing but sea water and god knows what else. His face felt gritty as he began returning to reality.

His body was wracked with soreness and dehydration, but for the most part, he was alive. Laying his arms horizontally, he pushed himself up and had the characteristic of being like a dog in this position... a drenched dog perhaps. Harsh coughing was met from the man as he pushed himself up onto his knees before observing his surroundings.

.. but before he could observe too much, his face was slapped with some water thanks to The Amazon.

Pushing most of the lingering liquid from his face, he attempted to respond to her drying off... but promptly returned fire onto the ground as his throat began to gurgle before coughing up most of the water he swallowed. "Someone's ratha' wet," Gamie grumbled, wiping his mouth with his greaves as he slowly stood up before tearing his robe off of his being.

Of course, there was masculine shriek nearby from a familiarish sounding voice...

Wringing out the black cloth, he slowly turned his head to be met with The Demon trying to awaken the rest of the group of survivors. Of course, it would take some readjusting, but he couldn't bemoan right now over how he physically felt. Sure, he would prefer to wait until it all completely went away, but there was the former problem of crashing onto the shore of what he believed was the new world.


Standing there, he felt his knees buckle slightly and decided to kneel onto the sand for a bit, setting his robe to the side as he glared at the others. The Foxy dancer was the first of the few, questioning if everyone was ripe as rain. Of course with splashing from the water, he noticed Scales had manage to keep his strength before expiring on the grains...

Of course, the Kitsune was met with complaints from The Hermit who decided sarcasm was the best course of action. Eyeing the girl, he gave a small quip as he scanned the area. "Everyone took it ha'd too you know, s'quell your complaints Hermit..." His stony face continued to look at the area, finding different types of debris washing onto the shore.

Shoving himself up, the man wobbled for a second before regaining balance. Retrieving his partially soaked cloak, he put it over his shoulders, but not before noticing his bag was gone. Gamies gaze softened as he glanced at Foxy. "In any case, I'm well fo' now Foxy... I'll lick my bruises lata'..." Pivoting away, his eyes were amidst the wreckage as he slowly walked towards the water, letting the water encompass the base of his sabatons.

Procuring some of the lingering wood nearby, none of this would aid him in seeking game, but it would do for firewood if it was dried out. More water rushed up his feet, delivering a few more pieces of driftwood. "... best we get to work; time isn't still..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Still sitting on the sand, Turk tipped his head to the right, brought his left hand, and thwacked his left temple. He felt the relieving feeling of water leaving his ear-hole. Enough sitting around. As he overheard Mr. Jaeger over there saying, it was time to get to work. He grunted as he stood to his now bare-feet. Plodding over to the rest of the group, he started thinking about the Arrowhead. A damn shame, that was. Turk couldn't help but feel as if he was at fault. He was a sailor on the ship, part of the crew. That was by far the roughest sea he had ever embarked upon. He'd held his own in stormed before, but that was bloody ridiculous. An incredible storm, for sure.

"Alroight then, 'nough dilly dally, let's get goin' on buildin' the port. I was finken' 'bout callin' it New Stalmir or somefin', yea? It bein' an international effort 'n all." He glanced around.

"Won't do to build it on the beach. We oughtta find a gulf or a big ol' river, if ya ask me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Sand. There was sand in her face.

The small blonde girl couldn't entirely remember what had happened. One moment, things had seemed rough and she had elected to stay below deck(in part to use magic to patch any potential damage to the hull, if it came to it) and the next... she was facedown on a beach. Weakly, she pushed herself up on her hands, blinking. There were people shouting or... whatever, but the smallish elf couldn't care less about that. Unless someone was dead or something. It didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened, after all, did it? It was a shipwreck. They'd wrecked. If the girl had been less groggy and out of it, she probably would have been complaining. Instead, she shuffled to her feet and looked down at herself. Dripping wet. Her staff was still right beside her, thankfully... but she was dripping wet.

Only one way to fix that. Blue-grey light ignited in the palm of her hand and twirled lightly.

"Ephix maer," she commanded, with a sigh. The water slowly drew itself from her clothing, hair, and body, twisting as droplets into the orb of turning light. Soon it had entirely gathered there. Idly, not caring where it landed, she tossed the orb of water away. Now, now she was dry. Now she could think of other things. Like...


It was quite the exclamation from the previously much more quiet elven girl. Surely the captain and crew had to have been picked well for such a purpose, right? Surely, they could navigate the worst of storms, right?! Then why where they smashed up on the shore, why were they lost, why were their supplies... their supplies...

Irial's eyes widened as she realized that all her books, even if they had washed up on-shore, were likely completely ruined.

"My... my books! My books are..." she turned on her heel, towards the sea.

Had someone on the ship angered Daer Cann? Even for a fairly secular girl, the cynical thought of the Lord of Vengeance striking his fury down on the boat made no small amount of sense. After all, the Horned King of Hatred was well-known for the collateral damage of his vengeful outbursts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Masaru let out a sigh of relief as the others seemed to begin rising out of their oceanically-induced slumber. So there were more men (and women!) than corpses among their number after all! It was a miracle enough that this many had survived, given how they were in the middle of the ocean and all that. Maybe the shipwreck nearby had something to do with it. After seeing the kitsune girl (whose name escaped him for the moment) start moving about and checking on everyone else, Masaru decided to do... Well, something that wasn't just standing on the beach.

"So, uh... We're all at least able to move? Good, good. I'd be seriously worried if anyone was unable to even do that much," he said, opting to ignore the sarcastic remark of the human girl complaining nearby. "Though, in retrospect, I'll probably get sick if I keep this set of soaked clothing on. Oughta fix that, or I might be the one unable to move sooner or later."

Without any further formalities, Masaru casually took off his hakama, deciding it better to not remove his shorts for the moment so as to retain a sense of decency and dignity around everyone else. While most of the others were busy recovering to some degree, the lizardman off to the side (what did he say his name was again? Turk or something?) began to talk about setting up a town already. Whoa. Big jump.

"Uh, about that... Maybe we should... I dunno, make sure we can get everything in order before we decide on things like that? We just lost everything we had on board, after all. Well, almost everything."

The elfgirl's cries of exasperation about the loss of goods was something he could relate to, at least. Some quality drink was on board before that mess, but by now some fish were probably tipsy as hell down below... Or something.

A drink would be nice, though. After that mess, he wouldn't really mind.

"But as I was saying... Small steps. I don't much care for lazing around, and though my body aches like hell right now, I'm going to go and check that wooden mess out for any supplies. With the way it is now, it sure as hell won't be getting us back home any time soon. It'd be nice if we could find a place to relax for a while though. Collect ourselves when we get a chance and all that."

With a quick glance over the rest of the group, Masaru nodded before beginning to slowly move himself over to the shipwreck. His oni regeneration would hopefully cause the irritation to subside soon enough... And maybe he wouldn't get splinters aplenty while searching.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hayazo
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Normally, Yukine didn't like it when people were rude to her for no reason, but given the current situation, she could understand why the alchemist girl would be a little grumpy. So, she responded to the girl's quip with a giggle. "Ayato-sama always said you're not really in pain if you have the strength to complain." She flashed Charlotte a friendly smile, and then looked around, happy to see that several others were slowly getting up. She probably should have felt sad for all the people that had undoubtedly died in the wreck, but for now she be happy for whatever companionship she could get. Yukine had a feeling she was going to need it if she wanted to last very long.

The lizard man seemed to be the most ambitious among them. A bit too ambitious for the kitsune's tastes actually. "A port? But we don't even have any food. I agree with Masaru. Let's see if there's anything left in the..." She became immediately distracted seeing the elf woman cast her spell. In an instant, the elf's clothes, hair, and body were all dry. Yukine looked down at her own soggy, dripping kimono, and swished her limp and dripping tail. It was clear that the elf was in a sour mood when she shouted her frustrations out at the ocean. She probably wasn't in a very charitable mood. Still, Yukine sheepishly approached the elf and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Umm, excuse me. I noticed that you know a neat magic spell to get rid of all the water, and as you can see..." She held out her arms, and water seemed to be pouring out of her sleeves in a steady trickle. "I'm all drippy. This is all I have to wear for now, so would you mind?" Yukine pressed her hands together and put on her cutest pouty face, hoping that if the elf had any heart at all, that she would cure her sogginess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanox had never enjoyed the ride aboard the ship. It was too strange for him, back home he had never seen so much water in one place. At first he was happy to see the water, then he learned that it was undrinkable. After that he decided that he didn't trust the ocean, it was just as deadly as the desert, only he was not as familiar with it. Still, the crew assured him that they could handle any problems that came up and Thanox had believed them.

That is until the waves began to knock the ship around and sweep some of the crew and passengers out into the sea. He had wanted to help, but he knew nothing about ships or what to do in the middle of a storm. So instead he stood there, frozen in indecision as to what he should do. The storm made the decision for him when another large wave crashed onto the deck, taking him out to sea with several others.

Sometime later Thanox slowly opened his eyes. His body ached and he began to cough up that unpleasant water, but he was alive. He groaned as he pushed himself up from the wet sand, some of it still clinging to his body. He looked around, several people had already regained consciousness and were recovering. He recognized most of them, but he had only spoken to a few of them. The fellow hunters Gamie and Ugroth, the warrior Sevita, and the oni Masaru were all there. "Good," Thanox muttered to himslef. "All strong people. They will be needed."

It looked Masaru was headed towards the remains of the ship that had washed up on shore. Thanox slowly began to follow after him. His right leg was aching, but it wasn't anything to bad. He patted the sling on his back to make sure his boomerang was still there and was relieved to find. Things may not have gone according to plan, but they were still alive and he intended to make sure they stayed that way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Turk looked at Masaru and Yukine blankly. He guessed they thought the plan changed. The way he saw it, the plan didn't change. Sure, they were shipwrecked and with little supplies. Tired, soaked in water, probably injured. But the people back home were relying on them to do their duty. And it wouldn't do to have the next boat come the end of next year only to find a bunch of lazy globs holed up in a bunch of shacks. No sir, that wouldn't do at all.

That being said, he washungry.
Maybe small steps would have to do for know. He was about to agree, but it seemed the both of them already knew that and had wandered off. Well, wasn't that peachy. He took a deep sigh and rolled his shoulders.

He looked at the ocean again. "Well, I'm ofta get some food." With that he jogged down the beach, over the driftwood, and waded into the water. Eventually, a surf overtook his head and he vanished beneath the waves.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by General Scales
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General Scales

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ugroth listened between some of the more outspoken members of the group and the ideas went from getting to work on the port to simply checking the wreckage for anything of use. In the current state of the group he couldn't see them managing a full built port with nothing to go off of but he appreciated the initiative. As for sifting through the wreckage none of it looked particularly heavy and having someone like him wading through the water would just slow the process down. Food and shelter were the major issues as of now both of which he could help with fairly well.

"Going to have a look around inland, edge of the beach is all. If I find anything food wise I'll bring it back with me and likewise with wood, if anyone else is decides to come I won't stop you." Ugroth said before heading inland.

He wondered if there might not be some decent trees that he could make a working bow out of or if not that some for of tent with the limbs and leaves. If he had to he could make due with using his pelt as material for a tent, though it would be better suited for his companions rather than him. There was no doubt in his mind Lopga, his bear, wouldn't have minded as she had helped keep him warm too on trips. The ogre started scanning around as he got closer looking for movement or anything that struck him as useful in the current moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Charlotte Lachance~

"Ayato-sama always said you're not really in pain if you have the strength to complain."

Charlotte stared up in mild disbelief at the Kitsune, before giving a sigh that ended in a small cough. Well, there were truth to her words. They were logical, at least. Unfortunately, she had the physical ability and fortitude of a crate of magically preserved noodles. She really shouldn't complain, should she? She had been fortunate enough to somehow survive that wreck after all. Besides, the Kitsune was nice enough to not completely ignore her like everyone else seemed to be doing, and was even nice enough to not snark back at her.


"Yeah...sorry." She would have asked for a hand up, but it seemed the Kitsune was already sauntering off. Well, how hard could it be to stand on her own at the moment?

"Oof." Charlotte sat up, somewhat wobbly and a bit dizzy. Her head pounded and she was still fairly certain she had a good bit of dehydration, but well, if she did stay there she was most certainly going to regret it. So, she forced herself to her feet...and promptly almost fell over again. She managed to catch herself in time though, but she still was somewhat unsteady.

"Well, might as well...try and make myself useful." She groaned, holding a hand to her hand. She might also should want to get out of her wet clothing...but she was remiss to let her cloak go. Not to mention, she didn't exactly have anything else to wear and it'd be a hassle to remove all of this.

...curse Astril and their stupid insistence she had to look 'presentable' to the 'barbarians'. She'd have much rather be wearing something simple than this getup, but it was something the Deacon wasn't going to be budging on, no matter what she did. No way in hell was she stripping like that Oni either.

"Going to have a look around inland, edge of the beach is all. If I find anything food wise I'll bring it back with me and likewise with wood, if anyone else is decides to come I won't stop you."

Through her thoughts, she heard someone voice that they were going inland. She quickly looked over at them. An...ogre? Curious. She had never met one before, as quite few were interested in learning anything in regards to science, magic, or other scholarly pursuits. Still, she wasn't adverse to their company as some of her...associates were back in Astril.

So, she walked over to him, albeit somewhat unsteadily. If he was going inland, she would go as well. Getting a look at some of the plants and...animals, would be something she would need to familiarize herself with.

"Ah! Wait a moment." She called after the Ogre. "I shall...be accompanying you if you don't mind." Another cough. Ugh, she probably still had a bit of seawater in her lungs.

~Sevita Lanka~

It seemed some people were divided on what they should do. Not a good sign, really. If everyone went off and did their own thing, then there was a good chance of trouble happening. The Garuda frowned, placing a hand on her chin and giving a moment of thought. She was definitely a bit hungry, so food should be a priority for everyone. Fresh water and food were key to living after all. The forest back home provided for most of them, so she had never really had to search for water or even serious hunt that much.

Still, if there were a few heading towards the shipwreck in an attempt to salvage from it, then she was probably better spent with using her abilities elsewhere. Still, her strength would likely also come in handy with salvaging things. She doubted she could match the Oni in terms of physical strength, but the two of them should be able to move heavy wooden beams and other things without hassle.

"I agree, strong One." She replied to the Oni. "I will help with the salvage." Since she could fly, it would definitely help with things as well. She could easily aerial lift things out of the way if she had too.

So she followed both the Oni and Thanox over to the wreckage, in hopes of salvaging things.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 1 day ago

-Gamie Jaeger-

As a few set of people began to work, Gamie quietly watched the group of people traverse inland, while a couple of others decided to dry off. From what he noticed, Magus' spell swiftly removed any water on her being. Maybe he could request that she retrieve the remaining water from his robe later in the eve, but for now, there were driftwood they could use, and wreck on the side.

As he gathered the pieces, Gamie's eyes darted between the team consisting of the Hermit and Orion, and the other made up of the stronger fellows. Salvaging what was left of the chunk that landed could include some beneficial items... maybe a bow or something to aid in trapping.

He noticed Scales diving back into the depths to gather fish, and knowing full well they could have a good meal... well, most of them if they were willing to split or not.

Picking up another piece of driftwood, silently continuing to gather the pieces as he watched a good few of them traverse towards the wreckage - The Amazon, The Trapper, and The Demon. Gamie felt it would be foolish not to accompany them due to a smidgen of hope within him.

Namely if it was in there... or any number of projectiles.

Slowly trudging towards the three, he wasn't going to be left behind as he inaudibly approached the side of the Garuda. "I'll assist fr' the mome' until I find somethin' to snae' or snipe some game with," he mumbled to the group, carrying the bundles of driftwood he garnered while everyone was having a discussion.

Glancing at the sea water, he settled on his knowledge and kept hope that there was a mug or glass they could use... maybe some flint and steel?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Distracted from her frustrations, momentarily, by the appearance of the eastern fox woman, the smallish high elven girl turned to face her fully. The taller girl was dripping wet, soaked just as she had been moments ago. After a few moments of silence, Irial sighed, narrowing her eyes slightly as she did.

"What do I look like, a towel?" she asked, irritation in her voice. Irial wasn't exactly keen on being seen as some sort of utility that anyone could walk up to and use any time they wanted. And yet, well, the Dry spell was a simple one. Any race with magical potential had devised it at some point, and therefore Irial had never become accustomed to casting a more generically named version. No, it had remained in the old tongue, as translation had never been required.

"Ephix Tann," she commanded, flatly, as the orb of blue-grey light formed in the palm of her hand once more. Just as it has done for herself, the twisting light drew the water off of the kitsune, drying her entirely. Just as before, Irial tossed the orb away, not even looking where it landed. It was just water, after all. It's not like anything out in the open could get more wet. The problem with the spell was the difficulty in targeting. 'Maer'(self) and 'Tann'(other). Desginating a specific target rather then 'person closest to the caster' was pretty much impossible. Oh well.

"Don't go expecting that sort of treatment if you get yourself soaked again," Irial added, waving her staff as she did in an illustrative fashion. "I'm not here for the sake of stupid mistakes."

She glanced at the boat. Good, it looked like strong people were going there. Irial herself was, well, particularly useless when it came to physical feats. She could, however, use magic to assist in locating items. Lifting and moving them herself? Not only was it nearly impossible for her to do so with anything heavy, but she hated doing it as well.

"... You do... whatever. I'm going to the boat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

The group of survivors had apparently decided to split itself between two groups--well, three, if they counted that Turk guy diving back into the ocean for some food--which didn't much worry Masaru, in all honesty. At times like these, too many people working on a task was bound for disaster. How did that saying go again? "Too many chefs ruin the pot" or something? Bah, it wasn't as if he was one for proverbs, anyhow.

So... That garuda, the antman, the hunter, and that grumpy little elf had decided to tag along with him to the shipwreck, while everyone that wasn't Turk (or, well, that kitsune girl) had gone off to salvage supplies from the wilds near the beach. He could live with that; after all, it wasn't as if checking that ruined hull out would be an easy job.

"We should probably meet back here once we're all done with whatever it is we're doing. If anyone finds a good place to set up base, bring us there after we return. Won't get us all unless we're all here, right?"

Without asking for any further comments as he walked along, Masaru found it a shorter walk than he had anticipated to get to the ruins of The Arrowhead that had been brought to shore. Well... At least it had washed ashore and not been stuck at the bottom of the sea, right? That hunter had been gathering driftwood from the area soon after waking up (which Masaru found to be kind of a weird thing to do instead of checking for a functional body), so at the very least it was safe to assume that the storm that had tossed everyone off had taken place... Well, close enough to shore.

Damn, that sucked. So close, too.

Standing in front of the wooden vessel now, Masaru noticed that there was a gaping hole in the side of it that was large enough to fit a few people through at once. While convenient, the oni could only imagine how bad the damage was inside.

"Hold on; let me check things out first," he said, holding up a hand before stepping into the shipwreck. Light was filtering into the ship now, thanks to the sun's position and the multitude of holes in the ship. Well... At least it meant that nobody would be stepping on anything nasty any time soon.

"Alright, we're good. Check the place out; we've got a long ways to go."

Upon closer inspection, the place was a freaking MESS. Boxes holding supplies of all sorts were splayed out, the supplies within now tossed all over the ground or missing altogether. As much as this sort of development was to be expected, the fact that it was all still gone now was... Painful.

"Careful, though; broken glass all over the place. I think this was where they were keeping some of the more delicate stuff, so I think there might be a chance that something was kept safe enough for the ride," Masaru sighed, holding a now-shattered bottleneck that somehow managed to still give off the smell of liquor. "...Sadly can't say much about this, though."

Shaking his head, Masaru carefully placed the material to the side before continuing to (slowly) sift through the debris. Alcohol, though...

Maybe they had also kept the food here too? That would be REALLY helpful. But... Well, hopefully it didn't get the taste of the sea soaked into it or get eaten or something else by now. That would seriously... Not be good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hayazo
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Member Seen 11 mos ago

Yukine looked down and frowned when Irial snapped at her about not being a towel. The kitsune hadn't expected her crew mates to be in the best mood, but this was the second time in a matter of minutes that someone was being rude to her. Hopefully this was just a product of everybody being in a bad mood and not a sign of things to come. However, Yukine's eyes lit up when the elf actually decided to be a pal and dry her off. "Yay!" She exclaimed once the water was removed and tossed away. She giggled and did a little twirl. "Thank you! It feels so much better now." She gave Irial a solemn nod when the elf warned her that this was basically a one-time deal, and then she said, "Okay, I'll be careful. I won't waste your generosity." She gave the elf a small bow and then grinned. "And I promise I'll return the favor as soon as I get the chance. We'll probably be spending a lot of time together so I hope we can become good friends."

Yukine was about to offer the elf her hand, but then Irial reminded her what she had wanted to do in the first place. "Oh right! The boat!" With that, she happily skipped through the sand, joining the salvage party and ignoring the soreness in her limbs. Things looked pretty bad, but the one thing she couldn't complain about was the fact that this was already shaping up to be an exciting adventure. Masaru was the first person to enter the wreckage, and then gave the okay to follow him into the ship.

Yukine placed her feet carefully. She had lost her sandals on the boat, and was now walking around barefoot; while her training had given her somewhat calloused feet, a shard of glass was the last thing she wanted to step on. She cautiously sifted through the wreckage, her frown growing ever deeper as she saw all the soaked and ruined supplies. The gravity of the situation suddenly began to sink in on the kitsune. They had no tools, no materials, no food... Screw building anything, they would be lucky if they found what they needed to survive. Just as she was about to abandon hope on finding anything useful, though, she saw a glint of metal.

Yukine pushed several boxes out of the way and started shoving some rubble aside. Then, she let out a sudden shriek. "Ewwww!" She looked around at the rest of the salvaging crew, and gave a nervous laugh, realizing she might have alarmed them. "Hehe... no worries. Just touched a slime ball." She used a broken board to scrape away the sea slime, and then huffed as she moved a heavy beam out of the way. There was her prize. Miraculously in tact, a small scythe that she brought along as part of the farming equipment. "Hmm, it would have been better if it was a hoe, but it'll be useful... if we can grow anything. Hey guys, I think some farming stuff might have been around here. Did any of the seeds make it?" She pulled her scythe out of the rubble and hopped down off of the pile of garbage to see if anyone needed help moving anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stekkmen
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Stekkmen Head shotted.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Turk's feet no longer touched the underwater sand and were in free float. The familiar sounds of water all around him would be comforting, but these waters were unfamiliar. It'd be a long time before he would feel competent in the new oceans. A transparent eyelid slid over his eyes when he entered the water- a neat trick that had proved useful to his people for countless generations.

The water was chilly, to say the least. He pushed himself deeper. Pieces of wooden debris would occasionally float past, as well as stray furnishings. A busted barrel rolled along the sand towards the deep ocean, where it vanished into the distant blue fog. There were a few crustaceans crawling about digging at things. Small fish fluttered forth in little schools, darting to and fro. They were thin and green, and far too tiny of a morsel to eat, and even too tiny to grab easily.

The fish darted away, and Turk saw the cause. A bigger fish, around the same size as a trout, came into view. Turk was floating underwater, almost completely still, to avoid startling the his prey. The trout fish came a little closer, and Turk kicked off of the sand mound and leaped after the trout. It avoided his grasp and swam away. Boo.

Turk broke the surface of the water with his head, and glanced around. The endless ocean curved at the horizon in front of him, and when he turned around he saw a few of his companions picking through the wreckage. He was a little farther away from them now. Unsheathing his dagger from his holster, he took another breath and dove under the waves.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanox waited while the Oni Masaru checked to make sure the ship was safe. He was a bit surprised when a small elf and a kitsune joined them. The kitsune looked fit at least, but the elf seemed frailer. Still it was not his place to judge, and if she wished to do what she could to help everyone then that was commendable.

After a moment Masaru returned and gave the go ahead to check the ship. Thanox glanced around the inside of the ship, the outside had looked very rough but even that didn’t compare to the inside. Crates and boxes containing supplies personal belongings were smashed open, their contents scattered everywhere, most of them soaked and ruined. Thanox clicked his mandibles together in irritation, it didn’t look like they would find much in here, but anything would be better than nothing, and so he began to pick up some of the heavier pieces hoping to find something that had remained intact.

A sudden shriek caused him to whirl around, his boomerang already in hand. The noise came from the kitsune who laughed and explained that it was just sea slime. Thanox relaxed, but kept his boomerang in one of his lower hands. It may have been nothing this time, but it would do no good to be unprepared for trouble in an unknown land. The kitsune also pulled out a scythe, a farming tool from what he had learned, it might come in handy, assuming they were able to raise crops.

When she asked about seeds, Thanox saw a small bag on the floor. It was ripped open and the contents were gone, most likely swept out to sea, but on the side it was labeled corn. “This one is gone, but there may be others nearby. I will keep looking.”
So far the search was not looking promising. However it had only just started, there was no need to be disheartened yet. Even if they could not recover enough supplies, they were all skilled individuals they would find a way to survive.
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