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    1. Dedalus 10 yrs ago


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LegendBegins said
Aaaaaaand, there you are! I was expecting you!

*looks at you surprised*
Wha-... Who are you? Where am I?
*Dedalus falls in through a portal and lands in waternaux*
Wha-.... what the hell?
*Toxic and De walk into a room with an entire wall covered by computer screens.*
Tox: So, you want to know what the price for going to waternaux city is?
De: *Nods.*
Tox: Easy, you have to come back.
De: Wha-
Tox: I'm going to send you to another waternaux, a different one. There you will seek the help of-
De: A different waternaux? you cant be serious.
Tox: Deadly so. There is something wrong here. Before a few weeks ago I could've come in here and destroyed this waternaux myself... but something is wrong here. Something is sucking the power out of everything, and it's centered in your Waternaux city. I only have enough power to send one person to the other Waternaux, and I need to stay here to protect the people in case what ever it is decides to attack. Do you understand?
De: No, not at all.
Tox: Good, because if you said yes that's mean your a liar. Now, when you get to the other waternaux you ask for two people, Pinkie pie and Surprise. Don't ask me about the names. Then get as many people as you can,, including those two, to come here. any questions?
De: Why me? Didn't anyone else volunteer?
Tox: kid, you're the first to make it past "other waternaux"
De: so... when do I go?
Tox: Now.
*A portal opens beneath him and he falls through time and space*
*De wakes up on a hospital bed and there is a med droid there.*
Droid: *emotionlessly* you have been subjected to a fatal dose of radiation and will begin to suffer from total organ failure, after five days you will die. sign this form for medication.
* it puts a piece of paper down next to him. He shakily signs it.*
Droid: Take one of these every twelve hours after eating, they will keep you functioning normally until your death. have a nice day.
*De is sent home. over the rest of the day he begins to feel sick, until he takes the pills. Then he becomes resolute. Only one place can save him. Waternaux. If he got there then he could be healed. HE had to get there. De made his way to where he used to hang when he was a theif and a criminal. If anyone could get him to Waternaux it was these people. Luckily he knew one. At the gat he te guard stopped him.*
De: I... I need to see Spider, We're old friends.
Guard: Spider isn't here anymore.
De: What?
Guard: I suggest you go-
?: *over an intercom.* It's okay. Let him in.
* The guardnods and wordlessly leads him in. Inside there is a man with a leather jacket over a hoodie with jeans, It was a nice set up. his hood was down and he looked directly at De.*
?:You're sick, aren't you?
De:... Yes, how did-
?: I just know. You need to get to waternaux?
De: Yes.
?:How much are you willing to pay to get there.
De: Anyhting.
?:*Smiles* good. step into my office. Oh, And call me Toxic Diamond.
* he comes out of the parole office with two more months on his clock. De then heads immedeatly to the hospital which is over run by the sick already.He struggles to find a doctor but then sees someone familiar.*
She looks over to him from where she was and walks over.*
De? oh my god, It's been forever! what happened?
*She motions to his arm*
De: UH, just made a joke to some droids. They didn't think it was funny.
*she shakes her head*
frey: still haven't changed have you?
De: Yeah, actually I have a job now.
Frey: Oh really?
De: Yeah, at the factory.
Frey: Well, letme get you fixed up.
*she splints his arm*
Frey: slright, you should be good to go.
De:Hey, when can I see you again, It's been a while and... well, I was hoping we could catch up.
Frey: *Her smile falters* I... I can't.
De: why not?
Frey: Well... My life is a bit complicated right now.
De: but-
Frey: I'm sorry, but I have other patients.
* She leaves*
De: * stays for a second, then gets up and leaves the hospital and catches a train to the factory. when he arrives his boss corners him*
Boss: Hey, you were late this morning.
De: Yeah, I got held up by the poli-
Boss: What is that? * points to his splint* You can't work with that.
De: I've got it, It won't be a problem.
Boss: you shure?
De: Yeah, boss.
* he leaves and goes to his station. He treats droid shielding with special types of radiation that help compact the material so that the metal can be laid thicker and the droid stronger. After hours of this, the door to the machine gets stuck. he goes to see what is wrong and finds that the pallet the droid shielding is on jammed the door. he looks around and calls out to his boss. the boss inspects it.*
Boss: Well, go in and fix it.
De: What?
Boss: Either you go in and fix it, or I find someone who will.
* Boss turns and leaves. De looks at the door for a moment, then begins to squeeze between the crack. once inside he carefully dislodges the crate, then as he goes to get out, the door shuts and the machine turns on, shooting him with radiation.*
-At age Thirty three_
*The alarm goes off and De slowly sits up in his bed. He is shirtless, and his muscled upper body is visible. He had tattoos adorning spaces on his arms and chest. He gets up and get's dressed in a bright red set of industrial scrubs. He walks sown the over packed dirt 'road' his apartment is on and several of his neighbors who are out already, almost eighty, shout to him. most are cat calls and jokes. he grins and waves them off. His voice is deep and rich.*
De: Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up, I have a job.
neghbors: Hey, com on working man, got to get up early and get to the job!
De: *makes a rude gesture*
neighbors: * pretends to look offended then laughs at him.*
He proceeds to the mag-lev station and waits in line. humanoid droids walk down the line and take random people to search. Two stop by him.*
Droid: *emotionless voice* Dedalus marnez, 37 arrests and 5 felonies.
Droid 2: What is in the bag?
De: Oh, you know I just tought I'd bring some weapons to work this morning.
Droid: Take the bag.
De: Come on I was joking, being sarcastic. I'm going to work.
Droid: Take the bag.
De: I said, I'm going to work.
Droid2: Elevated signs of aggression in voice patterns.
Droid: swiftly takes a club and strikes him in the face.*
* he falls to the ground and then tries to get up Droid2 hit's his forarm with a club and there is a loud snap. De cries out, but the droids swiftly take the bag and dump it upside down to reveal several cans of deodorant and a lunch box.*
Droid: Proceed to your parole officer immediately.
Spiritblitz said

It's fine, I'm sure someone would have figured it out eventually. ButI didn't think it's be this soon. Also I did change some key elements.
*A sister is sitting next to De on a swing.*
Sister: Did you steal it Dedalus?
De: Is looking at waternaux but doesn't respond.*
sister: Is it because you are trying to get money? to save up, for that place?
* She points to Waternaux*
De: * shrugs and looks down.*
*the sister sighs and looks up at Waternaux*
sister: It does look beautiful from down here, doesn't it?
De: *nods and looks up* Yeah.
Sister: have you ever wondered what it looks like from up there?
De: *looks at here confusedly.*
Sister: Here * she pulls out a pendant that looks very very old* Take this, so that when you get to waternaux, you can remember where you came from.
*He opens the pendant and inside is a picture of earth. It looks stunning to him, and he gasps.*
Sister: See? What did I tell you?
De: *Hugs her*
Extra said

LegendBegins said
Then we're creamed. Is it okay if we don't have any OOC in the IC? Parentheses break the flow a bit.

Okay, sorry.
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