"Say but little, and say it well."
Name: Simon Mcconnell
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Occupation:-Boxer (formerly)
-Works part time as a bouncer at the bar strip/ hauler at the marketplace.
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Busexual (not aware)
Time of occupancy in Redwoods: 2 weeks
Appearance: Simon has a physical likeness of an olympian. Standing at around 5'11 with a stocky build, he is reasonably strong enough to knock out a grown man twice his mass, given his occupation as a heavyweight boxer and bouncer. At face value Simon has the usual rugged charm of a native born Irishman, with a cut on the upper left side of his top lip that he got from a bar fight and an accent that he can never get rid off despite living in the states for more than a decade already. Generally speaking he is considered quite good looking by standards. He has brown coloured eyes, dark coloured hair and a tanned complexion. On some occasions he'd sport a beard if the weather isn't too hot or a bother to grow it out, otherwise he'd trim it clean. He prefers wearing basic clothing, usually composing of plain fitted shirts, flannels and denim jackets paired with washed out jeans.
Traits: Introverted| Kind| Loyal| Independent| Fiery
Personality: Simon is a man of few words. Unless he has something valuable to say, most of the time he is quiet and thoughtful. Often this is rooted from his shy and introverted trait, although that doesn't mean he is hard to socialise with. Simon values the importance of companionship and will most likely never back down on social gatherings, even if he has to meekly and awkwardly interact with his peers. Although he admits he's not good at giving sage advices, he tries his hardest to help out a friend in need, or an old lady to cross the street, but when comes the time that he is the one in need , Simon would rather carry his own burdens alone, as he's used to doing so. Most of the time he doesn't always get his problems through and in spite that, he will never ask for help. If things are too much for him to handle, he'll just run off somewhere, anywhere with a punching bag, or a substitute for it and just beat the frustration out of his system. Though he is a kind hearted man, Simon at times can be aggressive when provoked to a fight, specially if the people he cares about are being put down, and once the action starts he is very difficult to be calmed down. He is what he is, a fighter at heart.
Habits: Simon doesnt leave for work until 6 pm and in the mean time he does his other job as a hauler slash delivery man at the marketplace. Once he finishes work, he spends his remaining time at a run of the mill gym, either training or casually box. He would also frequent a cheap pub where he'd grab a few beers. He doesn't drink while working, aside that it's pretty much not allowed, it's very hard to get any sense out of him when drunk. On that note, he's somewhat of a heavy drinker and is extra cheery when drunk. He'll be very outgoing and passionate to the point that he'll randomly give out free bear hugs to anyone who might need it and will start out songs that he'd randomly sing. Adding to that his accent gets deeper and jumbled the more he speaks.
Background: Simon was born in Ireland, and lived most of his life there with his parents and three siblings. They practically lived a very simple life, his father being an honest fisherman, and his mother, a stay at home wife who takes care of their children at home full time. He has one younger brother, and an older sister. Their relationship as a family is very close knit, even though every now and again he'd have arguments with his siblings over petty things but generally they are a happy and loving family. When he was 14 they immigrated to the US. His father always fancied living the American dream eversince he first set foot there during his travels. Since then they've planned ahead how they'll live the rest of their lives in America although most of the time the experience wasnt so great, at least to Simon.
At school he was a typical shy and quiet heavy set boy, and got bullied a lot during middle school. Every so often they would poke fun of his weight and accent. That's why he'd rather spend his time by himself, and grew to love it more than having company. Although most of the time he does get tired of all the teasing. His father saw him upset one day and asked him what's wrong. Simon brought up the issues he's having in school, and he remembers telling him how "there are plenty of means to get the frustration out of his mind, without necessarily hurting anybody.". At his birthday his father gifted him a pair of boxing gloves, which to this day is the most prized possession. He developed a love for combat sports and at first joining the school's wrestling team, later in life he turned his passion into a career.
Simon never went to college, thinking that he has no need of it. So after high school, he employed himself with his father on the fishing industry. His job was sailing with the boys and hauling boxes after boxes of seafood. But in his heart Simon never felt right living this way for the rest of his young life. His true passion for sports still burned brightly and his father knew and felt it in him. With the support of his father, Simon left the fishing industry to pursue his dream. After a year of honing and training he got his very first boxing contract. He fought his way up, earned him recognition and keep. Everything seemed to be looking up for him, until one bad event struck the family. The boat his father was sailing on got lost in the storm one evening. After weeks, months of searching they never found him or his remains. To say the least his family was extremely devastated. Things were never the same again after the tragedy. Because of this Simon had to halt his growing career to take care of his family.
Today, he is staying in Silvervale to work with an elderly relative in his business as a favor. He owns a fruit stall at the market place. He also works as a bouncer in the evenings to get some extra money so he can send it off to his family.
Extra:-Percy Mcconnell. His father, who went missing/died after a storm hit their boat. He is very supportive of his son, and is considered to be a firm disciplinarian, yet a loving father and husband.
-Deborah Mcconnell. His mother. Caring and loving. Simon looks up to her mother, a very bright and fun loving woman. She has a spunky and fiery spirit that is never restricted by her age.
-Sid Mcconnell. Younger Brother. His best friend, and partner in crime.
-Samantha Mcconnel. Older sister. Growing up, they were rivals. He describes her as strong and straightforward, yet is always there whenever he needs her.
Please message me the following: (I’ll just use this to assess your character and their chemistry with the rest of the town and the other characters)
-A 1-2 paragraphs long write up on what your character's daily routine in the apartment/ how would they spend a day in their room"
-A trait/habit your roommates might find annoying/hard to deal with about you*