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8 yrs ago
Current Sorry to everyone I let down 6 months ago when I disappeared without saying a word...I do regret not saying goodbye
9 yrs ago
Overwatch is both a pain in the ass as well as incredibly fun...i love it
9 yrs ago
I often wonder how many of my posts are actually thought-out, well written story elements...and not just spam section shitposting
9 yrs ago
Started watching One Piece again after a very long hiatus...190 episodes to go xD
9 yrs ago
keeps refreshing his Subs page in hopes of new reading material



Used to be pretty active ~6 months ago, might be coming back...

Name is Zorogami, but you can call me Zoro. I really enjoy Rping, although it used be an on and off thing until I finally joined the Guild. Since then, I've been lucky enough to meet very friendly and cool people here as well as take part in various interesting RPs. As for settings, I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi worlds the most, but i´m always looking to try out new stuff as well. I like character-driven plots with lots of freedom, since those settings allow for a ton of possibilities in the story. I'm testing the 1x1 RP waters as well, so feel free to hit me up with any ideas if you want!

I guess that's it for now, Maybe I'll see you around?

Zoro's Imaginary Gang - Character Vault, WIP CS

Most Recent Posts

The voices inside the van seemed to grow louder the closer they got to their destination. As the adrenaline that was building up in their bodies manifested itself through shouts and pill-popping in most of the crew members, Sarah remained rather calm and quiet throughout the whole ordeal. It was really happening: They were going to war. It wasn't that Sarah doubted her crew or anything, she was simply not used to being on the frontlines. What she exceled at was being subtle, scamming people and finding out info, not holding a gun to someone's head and threatening to blow it up.

David King's death however had been a wake-up call. It was proof that, no matter how tough or prepared you were, any day could be your last in the streets of Hoxton. She still could not believe he was gone...he had been the reason she even joined the H10, eventually considering them a family and her biggest support in life. Thinking about David being gone made her unusually angry, revenge was the only thing on her mind at the moment.

Dante's speech had fulfilled its purpose: The crew was pumped, ready to take on whatever and whoever they would encounter in the AutoMatch. Sarah had been holding one of her three pills in her hand for the last ten minutes. She had thought about popping it already, but it would have served no purpose. Her crew's thoughts and intentions were clear as day, no one needed superpowers to see that. Instead, she mentally revised everything she remembered about handling and shooting a gun. She normally did not carry a piece, but she was an okay shot for the most part. Dante's voice suddenly brought her back to the inside of the van.

"This is it, boys and girls. Ain't nobody gonna walk into our house anymore, you feel me? Let's get this done and make it real."

The inside of the van was heating up even more, fists raised and pounding against the low ceiling.

"Clear" Sarah responded with the others, more to herself than to the group. What would be coming next was no easy task, she knew...

"Show these assholes some apeshit motherfuckers, boys!!" Dante's booming voice filled the inside of the van one last time before he stormed off head first into the fray. It was just like him to do something like that, but Sarah appreciated him for it. He was the type of guy to storm the battlements first, infecting everyone with his energy and determination.

When everyone had exited the van, Sarah stepped out just before Alex did and checked her surroundings. One of the walls had been breached, making a hole big enough to walk through without trouble. Some of the crew members followed Dante through the breach, others decided to attack through the front entrance. Sarah felt more comfortable following Dante, and as reached the hole in the wall, she popped one of her pills. It was the 3rd time she took Neon, but she was still not used to the feeling that came with it.

Sarah could feel the little hairs on her body tingle, her mind felt like it was being jolted with the tiniest spark of electricity. For a moment, it all went quiet. A second after that, Sarah's mind started to flood with a million thoughts.

"Fuck 'em up boys"

"Shit, what happened to that wall?!"

"Someone warn the boss, we have company!"

"Son of a bitch, get out of my way!"

And just like that, the war had started.
@KuraiNo worries, thanks for posting!

@UnknownScarlet4I love invisible sandwiches ;) Sure, go ahead and make one if you are interested :D

@Cerberus0807Nice to have you back with us!

Like @SoleAccord mentioned, this slow part will be out of the way as soon as everyone has met up in the training room. Things should get a lot more interesting and action-heavy from there on out!
@Piercing Light@Cerberus0807@mummble@Kurai@Aquaknight

Friendly reminder that is has been 3 days since our last IC post and checking in to see if everyone is still on board (:
@ReaperIf i read it correctly we are mostly infantry pilots, but one character does have a mech suit.

I'm definitely interested, especially since the other military RP I joined has yet to take off.
Wouldn't mind playing the Rookie character
Made some changes as requested and highlighted them in red.

Banned for only havinf a hider in your sig

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Playtime is over kids, the rightful king of this thread has returned!
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