Nation Name: Le Tsarisme de Ventium (The Tsardom of Ventium)
Form of Government: Elective Monarchy
Describe The System: The system works by holding public elections to determine who will be the next Tsar or Tsarina of Ventium, though instead of choosing candidates nominated by political parties, the population chooses the next Tsar(ina) from the offspring of the current sovereign. The way it works is when the oldest child reaches the age of Thirty the election will take place and all children above the age of Twenty-One are considered candidates. Though the way in which the voting works differs from the traditional, 'take your pick' approach, it works by having everyone choose which one is their first choice, then second, then third and so on. The candidate with the most 'Firsts' is the one that will be leader, however if this candidate does not wish to be ruler, it is passed on to the national, 'second' choice and so on. If none wish to be leader, it becomes the automatic obligation of the national 'First' to be leader. Once the new leader is crowned, it is the lawful obligation of the previous leader to be an advisor of sorts to the new leader. The election may only takes place if the minimum number of eligible candidates, Four, is achieved; if not, the election is postponed until the youngest child reaches 21 - however if there are only Three children, the ruler can choose from a Nephew or Niece. Only the ruler may have the title Tsar or Tsarina, their partners have the title of either Reine or Rio respectively, Reine meaning Queen and Rio, King.
Location on Map: (Awaiting Map)
Capital: Verveaux (Position Pending)
Important Settlements:
Dunport - Selgemme - Wessex - Corbeille à Pain
- Culture:
- Langauge: The Ventian language is comparable to the real life Norman French, however due to my inability to find a translation app that does English to Norman French, I must live with using actual french.
- Currency: The country has gold/silver backed economy and the value of the currency depends on the value of the gold and silver that backs it. The currency has three different forms and work in the L.s.d system, the three, from most valuable to least, are The Jeanine, The Nicolette and The Fleur. There are 12 Fleurs in a Nicolette and 20 Nicolettes or 240 Fleurs in Jeanine.
Important Characters:
- His Royal Majesty, Commandant des Forces Armées, Tsar Voltus Ventus I (33): Recently inaugurated as Tsar, he has done much for the country in his short time as ruler, having restructured the law so no man is above it and divorcing church and state so the leader isn't all powerful; among his other achievements is the establishment of a national judicial system and the abolition of Serfdom. Voltus is beloved his people and somewhat disdained by the other royalty for taking such a 'soft' way of ruling, going against feudal values but they know best to not interfere, as Voltus had made examples of royalty before. A tall, well built individual, Voltus has a creamy complexion and rounded features; his head is capped by black hair pulled back in a pony tail and a well rimmed goatee.
- Her Royal Majesty, Reine Marie de Salgemmei (28): Marie belongs to the largest merchant house of the City of Selgemme and is the daughter of one of the previously lesser known members of the family. She was married to Voltus at the age Eighteen and shortly afterwards gave birth to their first son Romulus. Though she appears to be sickly, with a gaunt look and a pale complexion, she is actually very strong having bore 4 children already and with a fifth on the way. She is known for her long black hair that trails along the floor behind her and how short she is compared to her husband.
- His Majesty, Conseiller Royal, Oscar Ventus (61): The former king and current Royal Adviser, Oscar is conservative and wary of change, however seeing how good it has been for the wellbeing of the people, he allows it to continue, supporting his son's judgment. Arguably he will be remembered as the final, truly aristocratic, king of Ventium, belonging to a generation that respected class over the substance of the individual. But he is changing, slowly but surly turing to Voltus' way of thinking. He is recognized by his platinum white hair and long thick beard.
- His Majesty, Exchequer Philipe Ventus (35):
- Archbishop Jean Survoler (77):
- Small Army (+2):- The Ventian Army is small and merely serves to defend the the nation's sovereignty, hence it's name La Garde National, "The National Guard". However, it is made of volunteers and not conscripts and thus tends to have good morale.
- Professional Army (-3):- The army deploys weapons and tactics specifically designed to defend the nation in times of hostile aggression, using speed, explosives, artillery and surprise attacks with deadly efficiency and to demoralize the enemy. The aim of the army was and never will be that of an offensive nature.
- Sealegs (-1):- Though it does not have a grand maritime history, Ventium is no stranger to the sea, active in it's role of anti-piracy and safe guarding trade routes with it's experience crews and small but nibble ships. Originally created to defend outgoing trade ships within and out of it's waters, it still maintains this role along with guarding maritime territories. Renowned for boarding.
- Newage Ship Construction (+/-):- The Tsar's ambition is to grow the navy to be an equal to the army, using again the doctrine deception and speed to deter enemies from attacking. By camouflaging hulls and sails and making ship lower, vessels are harder to spot and by utilizing innovative sail placement, much faster.
- Off The Beaten Track (+2):- Though Ventium makes quality goods and produces food in large quantities, it lacks anything special and exotic that pulls traders in, generally it has to send merchants out, which is no trouble except that they need escorts due to piracy.
- Fertile Fields (-2):-
- Strong Industry (-2):-