Final judgement on all apps is to be reserved until they are completed.
Keep in mind that Marauder's are almost similar to Humans in a variety of ways, things that would of harmed humans could easily and maybe more effectively harm Marauder's as well.
That reminds me, would adding poison resistance at this stage be considered OP? Value of 40-60%?
Your race's flaws aren't really flaws... all it is is a slightly longer reproductive cycle- 12 months rather than 9- which is kinda balanced because it's much less painful, and therefore loss of life isn't nearly as likely (I'm assuming). That kind of balances out... and not being able to smell or taste as well as humans isn't much of a flaw. Humans do not need either to battle effectively- if anything, a lack of taste and smell might actually help human soldiers, rather than hinder. Your race is extra strong and tough, without any notable size difference or anything.
Hocklyns are crystalline and are more powerful- but blunt weapons are more likely to shatter an entire section of their crystal 'skin', leaving them very vulnerable and in considerable pain. They're also much slower- the fastest ones may be on par to an average human. Stronger, but slower. Natural armor, which could deflect bullets at the right angle, or absorb/reflect certain energy weapons, but is vulnerable to blunt force, and breaks in large chunks- not small punctures or holes.
Sure thing. I'll stick with the federation.
Hmm, think I know what to go with. Might go for a multi-species federation.
Edit: Also a possibility is ravenous space bugs.
Name of nation: The Primum Federation of Man
Species: Human
Description of government: Several Member States united by a Democratically Elected Assembly.
Description of military: The Primium Federation believes in the primacy of the Space Theatre of operations, meaning that Starships and Space Stations get the highest priority; this has resulted in the preponderance of Dreadnoughts and Carriers - which use Drones instead of Manned Fighters. These Dreadnoughts and Carriers are escorted by Cruisers, Frigates, Corvettes, and other, lesser warships.
Primum Federation Ships are a mix of Pure Technology and Magic, with Magic being used for FTL and Communications, as well as Life Support, while Pure Technology is meant to be used for the 'hard shell' of the ships, including the combat systems, as well as a power source - drawing power directly from magical sources has proven to be inadvisable. An exception to the combat systems part is when the Primum Federation ships encounter a supernatural/magical enemy, where they reveal their reserves of Primium; a metal that inflicts damage that cannot be healed by most supernatural forces.
Ground forces, however, are comparatively weak compared to other civilizations', being mostly restricted to garrison duty, special forces, and of course, Marines, who technically aren't ground forces at all, but rather space-borne troops. Mechanized Warfare also suffers heavily, aside from special, ship-borne tanks reserved for Capital Ship to Capital Ship fighting.
Technological Overview: Pure Tech coexists beside Magic in the Primum Hegemony, with Pure Technology being needed for 'dependability', while Magic is used as a shortcut to do the impossible in the least amount of time. Pure Tech consists of Railguns, Coilguns, Energy Weapons, as well as Power Plants and Reactors, while Magic consists of Conjuration, Alteration, Destruction, Restoration, and Illusion, as well as Enchantment (yes, this is stolen from Skyrim). Conjuration magic is used for FTL, and Illusion for Communications.
Major pieces of technology:
Fusion Reactors - Nuclear Fusion was perfected by humans some time ago, and serves as the main technology today.
Railguns - Electromagnetic weapons that propel a projectile faster than a gun.
Energy Weapons - Guns that release a set of glowing particles that are described the the ignorant as 'lasers', but are in truth slower-than-light particles that deal heavy heat damage.
Conjuration - The Magic that allows summoning creatures and weapons made from 'energy' itself, teleportation, FTL, and Necromancy. No Daedra/Demon summoning, however.
Alteration - Magic that changes stuff, allowing transmutation, waterbreathing, the projection of light, the creation of armor, and paralysis. Also, telekenisis.
Destruction - Fire, Ice, Lightning, the creation of magical mines.
Restoration - Healing, Magical Shields, as opposed to magical armor, and destruction of Undead.
Enchantment - Adds magical properties to an item.
Illusion - Affects the mind, as well as renders things invisible.
Cultural Overview: The Primium Federation is composed of a hodgepodge of cultures, with fashions and tastes in entertainment varying with each planet, each year, and sometimes, each day. It is a society that sees space as the outlet for its passions, whether in exploration or defense. Freewheeling, freespirited, and sometimes hectic, the Primum Federation's Humans are basically everything good - and bad - about modern humanity taken up to eleven. However, do not be decieved by their softness; Primium Humans, underneath the surplus of basic necessities, underneath the countless amusements and entertainments that keep them occupied, are aggressive, logical, cunning, and above all, willing to hit both high and low. Humanity's warlike traits have not been obsoleted; rather, they are merely covered by a veneer of prosperity.
History: A Quantum Physics experiment on Earth led to the creation of its specific brand of Magic, back in 2080, causing a period of troubles that lasted till 2100, when the nations of the world not only regained peace, but decided to expand to the stars. Due to paranoia regarding Aliens, the earliest ships were as heavily armed as can be, and when (nonsentient) life was discovered on Alpha Centauri, this paranoia increased. Eventually, as Humanity expanded, it began encountering Alien Pirates, who began attacking exploration ships and colonies, thus prompting a focus on Space and its defense. At the same time, however, the ground forces in each settlement were slowly downgraded into garrison forces, meant to hold the line until the fleet arrived.
This dependence on Space Superiority was confirmed when the International Alliance, the precursor to the Primium Federation, encountered its first space-based nation state, the Empire of Na'von. The Na'von were a serpentine species who specialized in Magitech, using it to enslave members of their own species. The Na'von, however, were split into several factions, some pro-slavery, some against the institution.
Those who were against the institution leaked a Na'von plan to attack human colonies, and eventually conquer Earth, but this merely led to a short, sharp war where the International Alliance, after initial setbacks, created the Anti-Supernatural Material, Primium, which allowed them to take the eight worlds of the Na'von, besieging their capital planet and finally forcing it to surrender when threatened with orbital bombardment. The Na'von became a client race of the Federation, with many immigrating to human territory to find work.
In the aftermath of the war, as well as to control the immigration crisis, the International Alliance restructured itself to become the Primium Federation, a close-knit pact of member states who would all elect a common parliament and executive, as well as maintain a 'council of generals' who would maintain the 'Sixteen Fleets' of the Primium Federation. These Sixteen Fleets would protect three worlds each; forty-eight worlds overall.
And so everything was at peace...
Other: Primium is an alchemically purified form of Electrum that is effective against supernatural attacks, defenses, and bodies, dealing them damage that cannot be healed through all but the strongest magics, that, or sophisticated technology. It is made through a combination of Alteration, Destruction, and Enchantment magics, and is horribly expensive.