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Do we really have to choose the masks our parents gave us? I don't think so, which is why I choose my own.

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Be interested in this, honestly do not care whether I am Republic or Sith. I will join whichever side has the least players when the RP actually starts.
I am on steam Aaron.
I have been extremely busy with school. I will try to get a post out this weekend.
Not dead, been busy with school.

Unfortunately this has not attracted enough interest for me to start this up, so I will wait for a little bit and see if anymore comes, but otherwise this is on hold.
In 2023 the Third World War began; devastation and chaos was unleashed upon the world on a level never seen before. Whole countries were torn apart by the weapons of modern world, theaters expanding to include not just Europe and Asia, but the entire world. The major cities of the world became the new playgrounds of the war, old alliances and agreements forgotten. The UN building was emptied overnight, NATO collapsed as Europe forgot the peace brought upon them by the EU. The War finally drew to a close in 2040, with sighs of relief across the world as many thought the war would only end with the destruction of humanity. It is now 2041 as most of the world seeks to once again establish global peace and rebuild the world into a state acceptable for humanity. However many refuse to forget the baggage of the past, creating fiction that could spark conflict. Will peace be accomplished, or will humanity finally destroy itself in political conflicts?

Welcome to Sanare Mundus:A War Torn World

Essentially the idea is that one year ago the WW3 ended, with peace finally being brought. Everybody is pretty devastated by the conflict, even the victors of their respective chunks of the war. While certain political tensions, or ethnic tensions may still exist as mentioned, I do not want instant war, were trying to recover here, the focus should be on the rebuilding and many of the problems stemming from new technologies and new ideas coming out of the time before WW3 and the times during and after it.

Another thing I like to say is Sanare Mundus will be freeform and much of the history will be player decided. While I will be acting as a Lore Master so we can get a more solid timeline and decide upon major events in the war and help players resolve history disputes, I want players to be able to forge their own nations. Do note however I still expect realism, even with all of our advanced technology. This means don’t go ridiculous with how many countries you take on, we should not have a North Korean Empire or Super-nations comprised of many countries following a 17-year long war. I like to see countries torn to shreds and divided into many new ones, especially considering some of the ethnic, religious, cultural, or political divides that still exist in the modern worlds.
Things are slow, people are probably busy.
The Fastness Empyreal@Durandal
The EU’s diplomatic ship followed the ship through the Fell barrier. It slowed down it’s speed as it approached the station, proceeding into the docking bay. It’s shields protected it from any damage that the Ion barrier might have caused it. The ship finally landed within the bay itself, deactivating it shield’s and lowering a small loading ramp onto the cool metallic floor of the station. Master Oromis and Apprentice Aiden were the first two to step off the ship. Oromis wore more ornate plate armor, while Aiden wore a more simplistic design.

Four power-armored soldiers of the EU’s Special Forces followed the pair, acting as a defense. Each held long silver balefire rifles and closely followed behind the pair. A few of the Kh’lath noticed that Aiden seemed to shiver for a brief moment, as if sensing something of great importance.

Oromis stepped forth, Aiden and the guard following in suit. Oromis placed his arm over his chest and bowed as he saw the Kh’lath diplomats.

“I am Master Oromis of the Dragon-Rider Order, here on behalf of the Immortals. The EU has awaited a long time to establish more official relations with your Empire and is glad you have accepted this meeting.” spoke Oromis.
The Fastness Empyreal @Durandal
Three ships jumped into the space surrounding the station, all of Eternal Union origin, representing the diplomatic party that had come to establish more formal relations K’hlath and the Empire of Aramun. The three ships were lead by a smaller frigate, it had no weapons, only a powerful shield, as most Eternal Union diplomatic vessels were. The ship itself had a silver coloring, with golden trimming. The two frigates following it were eerie, straight long vessels colored purely black, with only a few glowing lights and silver trimming to indicate that they were there. These vessels were amongst some of the most powerful frigates in the fleet, being brought along as the EU was unsure of the Empire’s capabilities, so they had taken a few more liberties in the defense of their diplomats.

The three slowly guided towards the station, the frigates deactivating their weapons and partially lowering their shield power to indicate that they were peaceful. After assuming a position, the lead ship broadcasted a message out to K’hlath.

“This is Master Oromis of the Dragon-Rider order, here with my Apprentice Aiden acting as diplomats on behalf of the Immortals. We are ready to begin proceedings.”
@Fields of Glass
Sorry for the delay in review, I have been busy with school related tasks.

A few things I take some problem with is first, the Everseer-class. While I do not mind mobile factories, one that is capable of constructing capital ships is a bit overpowered in my mind. I also see no mentions of defensive technologies within your technological overview, which is not much of a issue, but something you might want to rectify.

Another problem I have is how short culture is. While I normally ask for more history, I did not even write one myself this time so I am going to skip over that. Culture really needs to be expanded in some way shape or form, perhaps you might talk a bit about the tenements the makers enforce?

Otherwise, everything else looks fine.
Finally taking a look at your app, there is a few things wrong with it. First, putting unmatched anywhere is looked down upon. Secondly, I also see problems with the Republic having a hands in literally every economic power and then using that to cripple the economies or cause insurgents to rise is also problematic for me. I am not saying it is impossible to do those two things, but having the Republic be able to do it so easily I am going to say no to.

@Fields of Glass
Please remove all of the highlighting first, it is causing me trouble when trying to read it.
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