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Do we really have to choose the masks our parents gave us? I don't think so, which is why I choose my own.

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Summary of what the snip once was:
A) Words like "Unmatched" are generally considered a no-no
B) Establishing oneself to be a galactic power without even being accepted first is a bit too far.
- I) Saying you have hands in every economic power means you have hands in every player empire, which means you're saying that, right from the start, you could send anyone into rebellion

I think you're taking your power a bit too far, because you're already establishing yourself as a galactic power without even being accepted.

Did I not say that I was the only one to judge apps? You have no clue what standards I want to enforce.
Longer posts will return when I have more to write about.
Iscandar, Immortal Stronghold @Zadubadabu
As Nox finished speaking, David floated into the air, his arms opening wide. Golden beams of magical energy floated out of his hands and lined the chamber, as ruins on the floor began to glow.

“Our mother, Faust, the Goddess of Harmony, appeared before all of us when we accomplished the deeds that granted us the title of Immortal. The story which I am to tell to you now is one known to all those who follow Faust.” boomed David’s voice across the chamber. The spell which he was casting was an illusion spell of sorts, but made those affected, such as the Roa’marii, well aware of what was happening. The chamber and the Immortals melted away, as the Roa’marii found themselves in the vastness of space, seemingly standing far away from a vast field of stardust.

From Stardust, Faust created us, our homeworld, and the Star which now glows upon Iscandar.” spoke the voice of David, now disembodied and coming from all directions. The field of Stardust glew a bright light, as a Star and Iscandar formed from the field.

It was then that she granted us her children magic, so that we may advance forth evermore and use the ability to help us. Not only us, but those we were to meet in the Stars that back when we were first born, seemed so far away.” said the voice.

The Illusion slowly faded, the Chamber and Immortals appearing before the Roa’marii once again.

“This is where we gained our magic, from Faust. I do not expect you to believe in the story, nor do I expect you to begin following Faust, I only ask that our beliefs on the matter be respected, at least when you travel in our space.” finished David, awaiting the Roa’marii’s comments.
Iscandar, Immortal Stronghold @Zadubadabu
David continued to show no emotion, yet thoughts started developing in his mind. It was clear to him that the Generals of the Roa’marii were powerful political figures along to their military power. He now held the question if the Roa’marii’s adherence to war as they so far had demonstrated was just a warrior culture that did not necessarily want war, or a nation looking for a new conquest.

“This Council had deemed the the potential reward of meeting you and the knowledge compared to the risk presented by letting you come here worth the risk. You are very unique to us, while we have discovered species with magical abilities before, you are the first to be on the same level to us and have developed it to the degree we have.” spoke David.

However, before the Roa’marii could respond, Immortal Aaliyah began speaking.

“While David believes in you Roa’marii, I have more doubts about your intentions. You first came to us at New Condia with a entire warfleet, armed to the teeth, for what was a diplomatic mission? And know that you stand before me, I see that most of your political figures are Generals. I need reassurance, Roa’marii, that you have only peaceful intentions towards my people.”

David and Ariane turned towards Aaliyah, and while it was not obvious, the Roa’marii could tell that they were displeased with Aaliyah.

“If you could excuse our comrade’s outburst…” quietly spoke Ariane, looking at the Roa’marii.
Duck, read. I'm not arguing, I'm asking why someone is saying they can shoot me from one of their planets, with skepticism and a bit of disbelief/frustration.

I considering it trying to start a argument, so by all means it should be put in a PM.
3. No arguements in the OOC. Any arguments related to the RP should be directed to me in a PM with all parties involved, so I may make a decision.

Stay in Zodiac please, I honestly want to say we should have all further apps go to Lux or Zodiac.
The Duchy of Mandalore, the System of Mandalore, the World of Mandalore
The Duchy of Mandalore was a 3-system nation that was composed of mostly humans. The Mandalorians use to be known for their often violent culture, having caused much trouble for the Terran Empire when it still reigned, as they were amongst the few human colonies to have escaped the Terran Empire’s reign. However in recent years the culture of war and honor had turned into honor through defense and peace, while still be comprised of some of the most fierce warriors in the galaxy, they upheld their peace and neutrality, although pressure was always growing to let go of that neutrality.

The Capital World of Mandalore, which was of course in the system of Mandalore, which was also apart of the Duchy of Mandalore, was a vast planet. Most of the surface was now covered in vast towering structures, rising well into the sky. The planet’s food supply was mainly supplied by the nearby moon with robots automatically growing and harvesting it, and underwater farms. As it was the capital, Duchess Satine, ruler of the Duchy of Mandalore, made her home here. The planet had many ships coming and going, as its location in the galaxy made it a valuable trade node for the many human and other alien nations still reliant off a warp drive.

On the planet itself, in the Duchess’s palace, awoke the Captain of the Royal Guard, Dagmar. He sighed, standing up from his messy bed and looking about. Being apart of the palace the room was luxurious, decorated with fine tapestries with the crest of the Mandalorian Royal family, and with plenty of gold and silver trimming. A door led to the room’s bathroom, as Dagmar moved towards the room’s dresser and mirror.

Dagmar looked at himself for a minute, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, and his green eyes. His chest showed that he was a muscular man. He quickly slipped into a vest and slacks. He turned towards the wall, where kept two things. One was a sapphire blue blade, the other the hilt of an energy blade. Relics of Dagmar’s time as a Dragon-Rider, he quickly let go of those thoughts. He had left the order after he lost her.

He opened the bottom door, containing the set of armor he wore as the Captain of the Royal Guard. While it looked more like Medieval Era plate-armor made of silver that had golden trimming, under the hood it was a set of Mandalorian Power Armor. He grabbed the other item in the drawer; his family’s mask.

Dagmar had come from the world of Char, the home of the Ashen Peoples. A human colony being one of the earlier colonization attempts, the Terran Empire had not discovered the colony till well after it’s founding as the attempt had been thought to have failed. The Ashen Peoples had developed a unique culture and believed in the power of the family, the mask which Dagmar now held being a ceremonial symbol said to contain all of the souls of his family members. After their rediscovery by the Terran Empire, the colony was quickly brought to its knees and forced into the Empire. It joined the United Federation of Sol after the fall of the Terran Empire as a means of defending itself and maintaining its growing economic power that had started towards the later eras of the Terran Empire. When the United Federation of Sol had joined the Eternal Union, most of the Ashen Peoples had subscribed to belief of Faust, but still believed that the masks held souls of their family members as Faust’s way of helping defend the family. When Dagmar was recruited into the Riders, his father handed him the mask as he was the sole child of his parents.

Dagmar began slipping on the mask, as he had sought to hide his identity from all but a few after he left the order, however as he did, a gentle hand stopped them.

“Hiding your face from me already?” said Duchess Satine, her sweet and gentle smile looking at Dagmar.

Dagmar had always been grateful, having met Satine when he washed up on Mandalore after leaving the order. Her father before her, Canderous, had granted Dagmar safe haven and position as head of the guard after he heard of his story and tested his abilities. This was also about the time Dagmar met Satine, who was an adult at the time.

“Of course not, your highness.” bowed Dagmar.

“The formality is unnecessary Dagmar, we are close friends after all.” responded Satine.

“It’s a hard habit to break Satine, the order drilled it into me.” said Dagmar, letting his tone drop from a serious and formal one to a friendlier one.

Satine smiled, however there seemed to be something she was worried about. Dagmar took the mask in one hand and followed her through the halls of the Palace, the morning light shining through many of it’s grand windows. Satine and Dagmar stood side by side, as Satine shared her worries.

“The Church of Faust influence continues to grow Dagmar.” sighed Satine, turning to Dagmar.

“Is a Church that preaches peace so much really cause for concern Satine?” asked Dagmar, also turning to Satine.

“It is not so much the Church that worries me as the fact that the political parties and the people who follow it are now advocating Mandalore drop her neutrality and join the Eternal Union in political and military alliance. I do not fear the Eternal Union, yet my family has always done it’s best to maintain our neutrality as it has been the best for Mandalore.”

“Perhaps the Eternal Union holds the best future for Mandalore, Satine, they only seek peace and prosperity. I did not run from the EU because of the EU, I ran because of the Order afterall.”
“Not all of the Independent Human States are aligned with the EU. Many see the EU as a potential threat to their growing power. Loss of Mandalore’s neutrality could mean loss of our position current position amongst the human nations, and loss of trade as many of the Anti-EU nations may see trading to a EU-aligned nation as potential threat.”

“If that’s the case Satine, then maintain neutrality. But if the Church of Faust continues to grow in influence, the people may give you no chance the in matter. You said it yourself, the Duchy of Mandalore is a democratic state.”

“Yet what the people want, is not always what the people need.” sighed Satine, as Dagmar slipped the mask on and the two entered the throne room.

//A bit of a look into a very minor NPC nation that will play a role in a few important plots.
Dallas, Lux Astra HQ @darkwolf687 @RomanAria
The life of the HQ was very simple, Lux Astra allowed the Stars that guarded them to move around freely, even within Dallas, so long as they stayed safe and were back at the HQ before 11pm. However the normal everyday life was broken as two stars working for Lux Astra were called the meeting chambers, Nicholas and Elysia. Upon arriving they saw a few of the adults who worked for Lux, who were mostly ex-Military gathered around the table. The leader of Lux Astra, a non-star only known to the organization as Doctor Gabriel. The only thing they were sure about was that he had a Doctorate in Physics, rumors circulated that he was actually a CEO of a large Texan Oil Company who had been influenced by stars to form Lux Astra. Other rumors stated that he was actually a star himself, with others still saying that he was simply just a man who happened to be against the other tyrannical organizations that dealt with Stars.

“Greetings Nicholas and Elysia. Today’s mission is absolutely essential.” said Gabriel, looking at the two. He took a small remote and turned on the room’s projector, showing a picture of a city.

“This as most of you know, is the city of Houston. We have identified several stars there, and at that, we have done this before Nova Infinitum, so we need to move quickly before they learn of these stars. However my contacts have informed me that Milites Dei is planning an attack. We need to move quickly.” stated Gabriel, is tone as serious and dry as ever.

Gabriel slid a few file folders across the table to Nicholas and Elysia.

“These are the stars we are looking for. Prepare for the mission and when you are ready to leave the helicopter is waiting where it always is.” finished Gabriel.

New York City, Nova Infinitum HQ
Berthold began walking down the halls of the HQ, holding a large cup of coffee in one hand, with his laptop tucked under his other arm. He wore the standard Nova Infinitum uniform. As he arrived in the laboratory he however saw Andromeda crying with her nose bleeding. He quickly sat down both his coffee cup and laptop and picked up the remains of Andromeda’s soggy documents. He grabbed a few tissues and handed them to her, while helping her up into another chair.

“Are you alright Andromeda?” asked Berthold, with concern in his voice.
I really could use more people in Lux Astra if there is anyone willing to switch over.
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