Here is my character bio!
Name: Regulus Karkovsky
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Nationality: Russian
Starting location: New York City, Nova Infinitum HQ
Appearance: Regulus has a stocky build and is five feet seven inches tall. He has a strong chin and He keeps his blonde hair cut short to a buzzcut and has bright blue eyes. He likes wearing a red and black checkered button-up with denim jeans and boots.

Location and notes on star mark: 4 pointed star on the right side of his waist.
Star power: Astral Projection: Regulus can project a single mirror image. This mirror image looks exactly like Regulus at the time of his projection. He can control this mirror image like a second body.
The mirror image fades away the further away it is from Regulus. At long distances it is nearly transparent and physical objects can move through it with no resistance. Regulus can see through the image but cannot hear, feel, or experience anything else from it.
However, while the image is close to Regulus (25meters) it exists as a physical entity made of a virtually impervious material. Physical forces can move it but the image itself will maintain its structural integrity. For example, a car that hits the mirror image will send it back flying but the mirror image will show no signs of harm or damage. The mirror image can also only apply as much force as Regulus' physical body can apply. If it throws a punch it will only hit has hard as Regulus' physical body can. If it lifts a box it can only lift it if Regulus' actual body can lift it.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted
Personality: To Be Revealed
Biography: Regulus was born fifteen years ago as a conjoined twin. The semi-formed body of his brother was attached to the right side of his waist. A surgery was performed to remove it. As the surgeon readied the blade to remove the twin, it flared white and vanished leaving behind a four pointed star on the patch of skin where the twin was attached. From that day forth Regulus was marked as one of the Star-Born.
His parents fled with him from their town in Northern Russia, where the local people, fired up in superstition ruled that all touched children were to be put to the death. The family emigrated to the United States where they settled in a town in rural New York. Regulus' father took up a job as a laborer in the nearby logging company while his mother became a cook in one of the town's restaurants. The family stayed at a two bedroom apartment until Regulus became 10.
That summer, Regulus' father was hospitalized by an accident at the lumbermill. His father was kept alive but the operation to save his life was far beyond the immigrant family's finances. In a suspiciously timely manner a representative from the organization Nova Infinitum approached the griving mother and son at the hospital. He spoke to them in fluent Russian.
The representative claimed to have been drawn here from rumors surrounding the Russian family and noticed Regulus' peculiar attributes. He claimed to be part of an institute that teaches and cares for many children like Regulus. They believed that children like Regulus may be the next step in the history of the human race. He had a simple deal to offer. If Regulus went with the man then the organization would fund his father's operation.
After a few hours of discussion between the mother and representative a deal was struck. The organization would take Regulus into their custody and ensure that he received a proper education. In return they would fund the father's operation. Additionally, open communication would remain between Regulus and his family while he was with the organization. The family would also have visitation rights to the facility that Regulus would stay at.
It had been five years since the day he was taken under the wing of Nova Infinitum. In this time he was placed with other uncorrupted star children and was educated by the organization's teachers. The organization seemed to have forgotten about him among the others. However, now they seem to have taken a renewed interest in Regulus.
Trivia: (To be Updated)
Likes: Lemon Water, Church, Soccer
Dislikes: Lemonade, Snakes, Football
Other: Per Aspera Ad Astra
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Nationality: Russian
Starting location: New York City, Nova Infinitum HQ
Appearance: Regulus has a stocky build and is five feet seven inches tall. He has a strong chin and He keeps his blonde hair cut short to a buzzcut and has bright blue eyes. He likes wearing a red and black checkered button-up with denim jeans and boots.

Location and notes on star mark: 4 pointed star on the right side of his waist.
Star power: Astral Projection: Regulus can project a single mirror image. This mirror image looks exactly like Regulus at the time of his projection. He can control this mirror image like a second body.
The mirror image fades away the further away it is from Regulus. At long distances it is nearly transparent and physical objects can move through it with no resistance. Regulus can see through the image but cannot hear, feel, or experience anything else from it.
However, while the image is close to Regulus (25meters) it exists as a physical entity made of a virtually impervious material. Physical forces can move it but the image itself will maintain its structural integrity. For example, a car that hits the mirror image will send it back flying but the mirror image will show no signs of harm or damage. The mirror image can also only apply as much force as Regulus' physical body can apply. If it throws a punch it will only hit has hard as Regulus' physical body can. If it lifts a box it can only lift it if Regulus' actual body can lift it.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted
Personality: To Be Revealed
Biography: Regulus was born fifteen years ago as a conjoined twin. The semi-formed body of his brother was attached to the right side of his waist. A surgery was performed to remove it. As the surgeon readied the blade to remove the twin, it flared white and vanished leaving behind a four pointed star on the patch of skin where the twin was attached. From that day forth Regulus was marked as one of the Star-Born.
His parents fled with him from their town in Northern Russia, where the local people, fired up in superstition ruled that all touched children were to be put to the death. The family emigrated to the United States where they settled in a town in rural New York. Regulus' father took up a job as a laborer in the nearby logging company while his mother became a cook in one of the town's restaurants. The family stayed at a two bedroom apartment until Regulus became 10.
That summer, Regulus' father was hospitalized by an accident at the lumbermill. His father was kept alive but the operation to save his life was far beyond the immigrant family's finances. In a suspiciously timely manner a representative from the organization Nova Infinitum approached the griving mother and son at the hospital. He spoke to them in fluent Russian.
The representative claimed to have been drawn here from rumors surrounding the Russian family and noticed Regulus' peculiar attributes. He claimed to be part of an institute that teaches and cares for many children like Regulus. They believed that children like Regulus may be the next step in the history of the human race. He had a simple deal to offer. If Regulus went with the man then the organization would fund his father's operation.
After a few hours of discussion between the mother and representative a deal was struck. The organization would take Regulus into their custody and ensure that he received a proper education. In return they would fund the father's operation. Additionally, open communication would remain between Regulus and his family while he was with the organization. The family would also have visitation rights to the facility that Regulus would stay at.
It had been five years since the day he was taken under the wing of Nova Infinitum. In this time he was placed with other uncorrupted star children and was educated by the organization's teachers. The organization seemed to have forgotten about him among the others. However, now they seem to have taken a renewed interest in Regulus.
Trivia: (To be Updated)
Likes: Lemon Water, Church, Soccer
Dislikes: Lemonade, Snakes, Football
Other: Per Aspera Ad Astra