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Do we really have to choose the masks our parents gave us? I don't think so, which is why I choose my own.

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Name: Brecht William
Age: 17
Nationality: Dutch
Starting location: Houston(Unaffiliated with any)
Appearance: He stands at 6ft even, he usually wears long-sleeve shirts and slacks. He also has blue eyes and blonde hair.

Location and notes on star mark: His star mark is a eight-pointed star, located over his mouth.

Star power:Brecht has a Silvertongue, and can convince people more easily to do things for him.

Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted

Personality: TBR
Biography: TBR
Trivia: TBR
Other:Per Aspera Ad Astra
Iscandar, Landing Site A-42@Zadubadabu
It was clear upon landing that the Roa’marii had already managed to upset the Iscandarians. The atmosphere was tense, with several members of the ISF, a special division of the army devoted to the defense of Iscandar, projecting a somewhat angry attitude. The Guards lined the platform, made up mostly of Sentinels and Earthens, with a few Casters acting as battlemages. An archmage with his own special contingent of guards approached the Roa’marii and informed them that their transport to the Stronghold was ready. He did note however the Roa’marii had already violated the security precautions laid out by the Iscandarians, explaining why they were angry. The archmage went on to say that in the message David sent he made it clear that the Roa’marii were only to bring a sole capital ship or a unarmed diplomatic ship and four frigates to escort it. It was said that an exception would be made this time due to the grace of the Immortals, but if the Roa’marii were ever to break these procedures again upon invitation to Iscandar, they would be denied entry.

As the Roa’marii followed the Archmage to a different platform they noticed the beauty of Iscandar. Vast forest and jungles could be seen with a lot of variety. Mountains tore well into the sky. Multiple Iscandarian cities could be seen being held up anti-gravity, rising well above the clouds of the planet.

It was not long before the Roa’marii arrived at a new platform. Two Dragon-riders sat, but unlike Augustus who they had met before, they were much more well armed. Each rider wore silvery armor, their Archnite blades and their energy swords attached to their sides. In contrast to Arcadian steel, the Roa’marii could tell the colored blades of the Dragon Riders which used Archnite boosted magic instead of absorbing it. The Dragon themselves were covered in the same silvery alloy, with the exception of their eyes, snout, legs, tail, and wings, with the wings using a different less shiny alloy for armor. One of the rider in addition to the melee weapons had a long rifle on his back, with one of the dragons also having cannon attached to his side.

The Archmage signaled for the Roa’marii to hop upon the dragons, informing them that the shuttle service was currently busy dealing with shipping recruits for the Dragon-Riders to their HQ, and that the only other method to reach the Immortal Stronghold was via the Dragons. When all of the Roa’marii were aboard the Dragons took off at unreal speeds into the sky, quickly speeding away and leaving the platform behind. After a hour or so of travel, the Roa’marii spotted the Immortal Stronghold. The vast structure was built into the side of a Mountain, and was heavily-defended. Huge cannons appeared to be able to defend the Stronghold from larger flying vessels and also acted as planetary defense cannons, with smaller cannons dotting the walls and towers. A large dragon, who appeared to be made of silver, rested on one of the larger towers, watching the Roa’marii come in. A shield also encircled the entire stronghold.

A hole opened up in the shield, allowing the two dragons and their passengers through. They landed in the courtyard, with the two riders and their dragons taking up positions on towers, watching the Roa’marii. A few guards in golden armor came and told the Roa’marii to follow them, and not to stray from the path they were following. They were lead through a few of the Stronghold’s gardens, which demonstrated a wide variety of flora and fauna. The interior itself was decorated with warm orange lights that helped lighten the atmosphere, and fine works of art coming from many different time periods in the history of the Eternal Union. A few works of Terran and Rakloid art were even displayed. They were finally lead through a grand set of wooden doors inlaid with silver, where they were to meet the Immortals.

It was quite clear that the Immortals were powerful, it was extremely difficult to not feel the vast amounts of magical energy emanating off of them. The one they recognized as David as well as one of the other ones wore the Royal Regalia, but the third wore full-plated armor similar to what the guards were wearing.

“Welcome to Iscandar, I am Immortal David, first of the Immortals and the Great Uniter.” spoke David.

“I am Immortal Ariane, fourth of the Immortals and the Great Inventor.” said Ariane, taking a small bow.

“I am Immortal Aaliyah, third of the Immortals, a dragon-rider, and the Great Warrior.” said Aaliyah, looking at the Roa’marii.

“I have been very keen to meet you, Roa’marii.” commented David.

The Dragos Mountains, the Dragon-Rider HQ
Master Oromis and Glaedr stood together in the wide open room that was the council room for the Grandmasters, the heads of the order that had been established by Vrael to help keep it under control. The chamber had been built big enough to allow space for all of the Grandmasters and their Dragons, so much so that the Grandmasters and anyone needed a specially enchanted amulet that increased the volume of everyone’s voices.

“The person that your apprentice describes is no other than Faust. If she has appeared before a member of our order and made a request, it is our duty to heed it.” boomed the Iscandarian Sentinel Detris’s voice across the room.

Detris was unique amongst the order, as he had lost his dragon in a accident. Most Dragons who lost their riders fled to live amongst the wild Dragons, with Riders who lost Dragons usually going elsewhere to seek their own path. However as a Rider still maintained their biological immortality as well as their vastly enhanced abilities even with the loss of their Dragon, Detris gained the willpower to overcome his grief and continue to serve the Order. His dedication led him to becoming a Grandmaster, as well as the main voice of the Council.

“An apprentices they are still, can we risk sending him on a diplomatic mission that the Immortals have asked us upon and said was vital?” spoke Silvia, a female human grandmaster.

“And do we risk defying the task of which Faust set this apprentice out to accomplish? No, we must take the risk. Master Oromis and Master Glaedr, due to the fact that this is your apprentices are the ones Faust has asked to do this, we wish you to embark upon this mission to guide them and be the diplomat. Do your best on the diplomatic part, but do keep an eye. There is more to this than simply finding one.” spoke Detris, looking at Oromis and Glaedr.

“I understand fully, Grandmaster Dertris.” responded Oromis.

As do I, Grandmaster.” thought Glaedr.

“You are dismissed then. Faust’s blessings upon you.” finished Detris, watching the two leave the chamber.
Both accepted.
I keep seeing no ads because AD BLOCKER MOTHERFUCKER.

Ad-blocker is not usable when viewing roleplayerguild.com from a Kindle's shitty, shitty, Silk browser.
I keep on seeing a ad for "Date Hot African Women" anytime I go into the IC. GG @Vilageidiotx
New Condia, Orbital Station
No one seemed to act surprised at Nox teleporting in from the relay, as it was pretty mundane magic to them. However, Master Augustus and Rylath paused for a minute. They had stood before the Immortal Aaliyah once before, as she was a dragon-rider, and had felt her power. The Generals had felt weaker, but still powerful enough that they at least be able to hold against a Immortal. Now however that they felt Nox...he felt as powerful as the Immortals. Augustus was curious as to how he had acquired his power, but he must save it for later.

“I was here on a mission to gather more riders for the order. As it is finished I must prepare the new apprentices for departure to Iscandar. Gather upon your ship and when I am ready to leave, I shall send you the coordinates. It is nice to meet you, Nox.” said Augustus, doing the same arm over chest bow. He left the hangar, as Klaus said a few parting words saying he needed to get back to governing New Condia.

It was not long before the Roa’marii saw a ship pull out of orbit of New Condia, the vessel was about the size of a frigate, and had a escort on either side. The ship itself carried the same standard Iscandarian design, but the print of a Dragon was painted upon its side.

“I am departing now, included are the coordinates of Iscandar. I shall see you there.” broadcasted the ship, it and it’s escorts quickly jumping out of the system shortly after.

The Dragos Mountains, Iscandar
Aiden stepped out of the cave, and into the mid-day sunlight of Iscandar. He stashed the crystal safely in a small pouch, but carried the Archnite with him. Awaiting him was Master Oromis, who began speaking.

“The first trial is nearly done for you Apprentice, but not over yet. What did you face in the cave?” asked Oromis, looking at Aiden.

“Someone who said she was my adoptive Mother, strange to me it was, not what I was expecting.” responded Aiden. As he said this Oromis perked up a bit, and asked another question.

“What did she look like?”

“Perfect almost, she had a long white dress.” responded Aiden once again.

“Did she anything?”

“Only that I was to request to go along on a diplomatic mission to the Empire of Aramun, as there was someone there that she needed.” said Aiden, starting to look at Oromis with a questioning look.

“I need to speak to the Council of Grandmasters about this, but for now we must complete your trial, follow me.” spoke Oromis, handing Aiden a long wooden stick, as they began walking down the Mountain.

The two proceeded down the Mountain, time passing by. Birds and other creatures were rare sights that greeted them on their way down. After a while sunset began occurring, as they reached a wide open valley. In the distance Aiden and Oromis could see a large black stone structure, lit with a almost entrancing fire, upon which both Hasai and Glaedr sat. Aiden felt as the connection between him and Hasai once again strengthened, and they could hear each other again.

My little one returns. Our trial is almost complete, are you ready my rider?” thought Hasai.

I am, my dragon.” thought Aiden in return, as Oromis and Aiden came upon the structure. It was Glaedr who spoke.

We have told of you the blood pact, created to bring peace. We, the Dragon-Riders, are peacekeepers when the time is to defend, and warriors when the time is to attack. Any peacekeeper or warrior needs a weapon, and to end your first trial, you shall forge that weapon. The dragon lights the forge, the rider gathers the material, and now you shall both work together to forge it. I give upon you a spell, you shall need to both fully concentrate, and it shall forge a blade only fit for you, Aiden.” thought Glaedr, as he withdrew from the forge, landing next to Oromis.

Aiden steeled himself for a moment, mediating before the altar. He and Hasai began concentrating, focusing, to unravel the mysteries of the spell before him. It did not take long before the ball of Archnite floated into the forge, melting into a bright glowing white liquid. A few more moments and the liquid turned red, as it began to take the shape of a blade. It soon floated out of the fortress, as cool as a lightly chilled drink.

“Perfect Aiden, I never saw someone complete the first trial so smoothly. Rest for a moment, then we shall head back to the temple. From there you shall pick out a gem for the hilt, and then you may sleep. You still have two trials ahead of you, apprentice.” said Oromis, mounting Glaedr.

Aiden mounted on Hasai and turned towards Oromis.

“I am always prepared Master. There is no challenge that I shall let defeat me.” spoke Aiden, feeling as Hasai took off into the cool night air; Oromis and Glaedr followed shortly after, as they became small dots in the vast Iscandar sky.
So despite the fantasy note....how is the NS?

No real complaints, its all fine.

@KeyguypersonConsidering I control Earth, it still affects my history. Espically since several of 21st and 22nd century events effected the Iscandarian's view of humanity.
Note:All humans have innate magical affinity, its just that it depends on how well they have developed if its powerful or not.

Edit:@Keyguyperson I thought I said there never was a WW3?
Things have been pretty slow anyways.
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