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Do we really have to choose the masks our parents gave us? I don't think so, which is why I choose my own.

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...That was a lot shorter then I intended, but hey, I am not a hugs!
Tolisa Outpost, Serbian-Bosnian Border
A Bosnian officer in full dress looked out over the landscape from a towering watchtower, carefully observing it through his binoculars. While nothing was in sight, it was deafeningly calm, the Bosnians had been on the watch for any signs of a Serbian invasion ever since they joined the Iberian League. The officer sighed, setting the binoculars on a small table that had been put in the watchtower.

“Anything sir?” said a soldier, stepping up into the rifle. He carried a small sack, which was slung off to the side, and a rifle strapped to his back.

“No, you ready to reassume your watch duty?” said the officer, turning to the soldier standing behind him.

“Yes sir.” he nodded, taking the Officer’s position.

Much of the day passed as the soldier just watched and observed, the occasional bird flying overhead. The soldier shortly left the tower, leaving the binoculars in the tower. The officer and a few other soldiers stood in various positions around the outpost.

“Nothing to report sir.” said the soldier, saluting the officer and assuming an upright and straight posture.

“Excellent then. Were about to begin lunch. You have a few minutes…” the Officer cut himself off, as he and the rest of the outpost turned to a sound coming from the distance.

“Sounds like a plane.” spoke another one of the soldiers, rushing to the officer’s position.

As the soldier spoke, within the sight of the Bosnians appeared a small metal plane in the sky. Underneath it it carried several bombs, and the crest of Serbia rested upon its side.

“Get a message out, now!” shouted the Officer, launching the soldiers as they all began running. The bomber approached to fast, and its first bomb landed right next to the observation tower. Due to the close proximity of many the buildings in the outpost, the shockwave sent many of the soldiers tumbling to the ground. The observation tower came crashing down in a wave of fire, killing many soldiers.

The officer attempted to stand up as another bomb fell down near him, sending a wave of dust in shrapnel into the air. He barely managed to regain his balance as he felt ringing in his airs, and pieces of shrapnel that had embedded their jagged edges into his leg. He began limping towards the main building, but quickly collapsed as the pain began consuming. The last thing he saw before collapsing, was a single bomb hitting the ground.

Belgrade, Serbia
Neven watched as his Generals overlooked a map of the Balkans, planning the offensives of the Bosnian War. Unofficially it had already begun, with a few precision strikes with bombers planned to begin paving the way for the Serbian Forces to reach Sarajevo. Neven smiled, his plans were beginning to fall into place. It would not be long before he brought in a United South Slav state.

“All of our forces should focus on pushing towards Sarajevo, it shall help bring about a swift end to the war.” commented General Adam.

“I would advise against that.” said Commandante Azorin, one of the Spanish advisers. He was a lean man, slinking out of the shadows and up to the map. His bald head shone in the light coming from the elegant chandelier above. A thick brown beard helped muffled his voice.

“Doing that could cause a longer war in Bosnia. If Serbia wants this war to be effective as possible, it needs to be as fast as possible. Move in and secure it before anyone can notice, that way the bulk of your forces can return to the outer borders to prevent Hungary or Croatia from getting any ideas.” spoke, as he began pushing the various little pieces representing the armies around.

“Move a few divisions and bombers along the border and make sure it is secured, keeping the Bosnian Army distracted and divided into pockets. The bulk of your forces can then move to Sarajevo, less resistance.” he finished, looking towards the group of Generals.

Adam began attempting to speak as if to try to stop Azorin’s plan, but Nevan silenced him.

“I have complete faith in your abilities, Adam, but the Spanish have mastered the Art of War in a way we have not. As the Commander and Chief of the Serbian Military I order you to begin implementing Azorin’s plan.” said Nevan, looking towards Azorin.

“Thank you Nevan, I shall begin helping them plan the more fine details.” said Azorin.

“If so then I must leave. I have a few things that I must begin planning of my own. I leave you know, do ensure that everything about this war goes well for Serbia. It would be a shame if we were to fall after we have come so far.” finished Nevan, leaving the room as Azorin turned backed to the table and assisted the Generals.

As long as you do not make youe entire post colorful its fine. Using it to highlight just conversation is fine, I only notice strain when everything is color or if its not a bright color
<Snipped quote by duck55223>

Is it because you're reading it on a tiny dim little screen?

No, I even notice it on my widescreen monitor.
New Condia, Orbital Station @Zadubadabu
Rylath looked more curiously as Jer’ahd, taking a few steps forth and sending tremors through the hangar as he did.

For most of our lifetime we used ideas to communicate, thoughts, before the creation of the Dragon-Rider order. However ancestral memories and visions from the Mother foretold a small group of us that left. They created the language you speak as a way of differing themselves. Perhaps this group you fought is them.” thought the Dragon, he stepped back.

Augustus looked towards the General.

“A treaty of nonaggression would have to be approved by the Immortals, the greatest amongst the Eternal Union, chosen by Faust. It will however take us a while to contact them, you will have to stay here until then.” spoke Augustus, however at that moment the Governor pulled a small communicator out of his pocket, which is beeping loudly.

“It is a priority transmission from Iscandar. I shall play it.” said Governor Klaus, setting it on the floor and a hologram of a Iscandarian appearing. He had angelic-like wings, and looked towards the Roa’marii.

“Greetings Roa’marii, I am Immortal David, first of the Immortals and the Great Uniter of the Eternal Union. I have had much information relayed to me during your meeting here, and I and the other Immortals wish to speak to you, here at our Stronghold on our homeworld of Iscandar. However due to the nature of Iscandar and how valuable the system is to us, we have to limit the forces you may bring along. You may either bring a sole Capital Ship or four frigates along with a unarmed diplomatic ship, upon landing only 2 diplomats and 4 guards may meet with us. If you find this acceptable, Governor Klaus can help you with getting to Iscandar. Peace and harmony be with you.” said the hologram, cutting off shortly after. Augustus looked towards the Roa’marii, and spoke once again.

“A high honor has been offered to you. Rarely even from the Eternal Union are non-essential persons invited into the Immortal Stronghold. If the Immortals conduct diplomacy personally they usually send out only one of themselves to speak, to be invited into the Stronghold to speak with all three has only been granted to two other diplomatic parties before. You will also get to see some of the greatest magical artifacts that the Eternal Union holds.” said Augutus.

Iscandar, the Immortal Stronghold
“David, I am not sure it was the wisest move to invite the Roa’marii here. They supposedly have magic to match ours, they could be a big threat in the castle.” spoke Aaliyah, walking with David down a hall.

“With the limits placed upon their party, you, Ariane, and I will be sufficient in dealing with them if they attempt to cause trouble. With the guards of our Stronghold as well and the two Dragon-riders that will also be arriving for support, we need not worry. Besides, they are the first we have encountered to have developed magic to a similar degree as us. We must assess them to determine if they will be a valuable ally...or a threat.” responded David.

“If you so believe David, as you are the politician here and have more experience, I shall heed you.” said Aaliyah.

“Prepare Ariane, she is the third of our number, not counting Vrael, and will need to be ready for the diplomatic party.” stated David,

“I shall, ready yourself as well David.” spoke Aaliyah, turning down a opposite hall.
Nono, me and duck won't mix. See, Duck spent like a half dozen iterations of the Star Empires reboots (even though each one has tried to have a new name) as magical ponies, and even now, he spends most of the time as humans which are really really close to those magical ponies (as in, the same in all but how they're shaped), and has the exact same names and personalities for them, and I find it annoying when everyone's only reused a nation only two or three times. Most of the time, one or two of those re-uses was because the RP died early.

That and duck is kind of like a dictator, and is always demanding this and that, and has gotten into multiple arguments with Keyguy over how a rp will turn out- actually ordering/demanding a GM that he allow his nation to beat his up, destroy their military, and annex them, actually- and so I really have next to little faith in him because of it. The only reason I'm in the reboot he's GMing right now is because of the roleplay itself- I'm loyal to the series, see.

Of course, I've never RPed with duck outside of nation roleplaying, but I don't think I want to talk to a man who can turn into a magical pony, so...

And if you haven't noticed, I'm feeling in a really honest, I-don't-give-a-sheep mood right now, because I just had a minor anxiety attack and went to go see my psychologist earlier, and I'm in an unusually light mood, and I'm sick and tired of this shit called life, and so yeah. I guess a normal person would say I'm in an asshole-ish mood rn.

Yes I was like this at one point, no I am not a dictator as a GM or Co-GM, nor am I am going to roleplay like shit. I regret things I had done back then and realized how shittly I had RPed back then.

Now please stop this Wilson, it's unnecessary. Or if you do not want to, it will not take me long to point out everything you have done wrong.
Lux Astra is going to be so lonely.
@Space Communist As a recommendation for the Serbia mod, maybe replace the extra unit maintenance with unhappiness from population? I can not imagine Albania is to happy about the Mafiya.
New Condia, Orbital Station
“They have called part of their fleet away...this is indeed some odd behaviour from a new contact” commented the Station Commander. He stood in front of a viewing window, looking down upon the hangar in which the Roa’marii had docked.

The hangar itself had a few ships hanging around, mostly shuttles and fighters, with various crew watching in curiosity as they saw the Roa’marii approach. Besides guards flanking them either side, three figures approached. The first was a human, wearing a formal outfit. The next was clearly a Iscandarian, with veins streaking of a gold, and short auburn hair. He wore a suit of power armor, however unlike most it was silver with golden trimming, a emerald green blade was clipped to his side, with what appeared to be a bladeless sword on his other side. However by far the most magnificent of the three was a gigantic emerald dragon. He was as big as small house, and looked down upon the Roa’marii. It was clear by the magic emanating from the Iscandarian and dragon that the Iscandarian was not only extremely powerful with his abilities, but he shared a unique bond with the dragon as well.

“Greetings Roa’marii, I am Governor Klaus of New Condia. I shall however turn the proceedings here over to my friend, who is much more experienced with diplomacy.” he said, making a arm motion.

The Iscandarian bowed, and so did the Dragon. The dragon’s paw was over its chest, with the Iscandarian having his arm over his chest. He raised up, and begin speaking to the Roa’marii.

“I am Master Augustus of the Dragon-Rider order, this is my dragon Ryath, and I am his rider.” he spoke.

The Dragon looked at the Roa’marii, yet did not speak. Instead they heard a masculine voice within their minds, presumably the only method by which the dragon could communicate.

Greetings little ones, I am Rylath, Augustus is my rider, and I am his dragon.” he thought to the Roa’marii. Augustus looked, awaiting the Roa’marii to speak.
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