New Condia, Orbital Station @ZadubadabuRylath looked more curiously as Jer’ahd, taking a few steps forth and sending tremors through the hangar as he did.
For most of our lifetime we used ideas to communicate, thoughts, before the creation of the Dragon-Rider order. However ancestral memories and visions from the Mother foretold a small group of us that left. They created the language you speak as a way of differing themselves. Perhaps this group you fought is them.” thought the Dragon, he stepped back.
Augustus looked towards the General.
“A treaty of nonaggression would have to be approved by the Immortals, the greatest amongst the Eternal Union, chosen by Faust. It will however take us a while to contact them, you will have to stay here until then.” spoke Augustus, however at that moment the Governor pulled a small communicator out of his pocket, which is beeping loudly.
“It is a priority transmission from Iscandar. I shall play it.” said Governor Klaus, setting it on the floor and a hologram of a Iscandarian appearing. He had angelic-like wings, and looked towards the Roa’marii.
“Greetings Roa’marii, I am Immortal David, first of the Immortals and the Great Uniter of the Eternal Union. I have had much information relayed to me during your meeting here, and I and the other Immortals wish to speak to you, here at our Stronghold on our homeworld of Iscandar. However due to the nature of Iscandar and how valuable the system is to us, we have to limit the forces you may bring along. You may either bring a sole Capital Ship or four frigates along with a unarmed diplomatic ship, upon landing only 2 diplomats and 4 guards may meet with us. If you find this acceptable, Governor Klaus can help you with getting to Iscandar. Peace and harmony be with you.” said the hologram, cutting off shortly after. Augustus looked towards the Roa’marii, and spoke once again.
“A high honor has been offered to you. Rarely even from the Eternal Union are non-essential persons invited into the Immortal Stronghold. If the Immortals conduct diplomacy personally they usually send out only one of themselves to speak, to be invited into the Stronghold to speak with all three has only been granted to two other diplomatic parties before. You will also get to see some of the greatest magical artifacts that the Eternal Union holds.” said Augutus.
Iscandar, the Immortal Stronghold“David, I am not sure it was the wisest move to invite the Roa’marii here. They supposedly have magic to match ours, they could be a big threat in the castle.” spoke Aaliyah, walking with David down a hall.
“With the limits placed upon their party, you, Ariane, and I will be sufficient in dealing with them if they attempt to cause trouble. With the guards of our Stronghold as well and the two Dragon-riders that will also be arriving for support, we need not worry. Besides, they are the first we have encountered to have developed magic to a similar degree as us. We must assess them to determine if they will be a valuable ally...or a threat.” responded David.
“If you so believe David, as you are the politician here and have more experience, I shall heed you.” said Aaliyah.
“Prepare Ariane, she is the third of our number, not counting Vrael, and will need to be ready for the diplomatic party.” stated David,
“I shall, ready yourself as well David.” spoke Aaliyah, turning down a opposite hall.