Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Estelle Thomas was the first.
When she was two years old, a patch of skin on her throat lightened to pure white. It formed the shape of a star exactly.
By the time she was twelve, she was an internationally-renowned pop star.

No one thought anything of the star on her throat. Maybe it was a scar; maybe she was just born with it.
Orion Faust was born with a white star on either hand.
When he was eight he played Ligeti’s first β€œimpossible” piano etude at Carnegie Hall, and played it flawlessly.
Atlas Oritz had a white star on his ankle.
He won the 100, 200, 400, 800, and 1600 runs at the Olympics, the long-jump, high-jump, 400m hurdles, and decathlon. When he was fifteen.
That was when people started noticing. Conspiracy theorists, religious freaks, and dark minds all looked to the Stars.


That was twenty years ago. Today, there are hundreds of Star-Children and an organization devoted to uniting them and attempting to understand what it is that makes their powers function.

This organization has discovered that, when undergoing intense physiological or psychological trauma, it is possible for one’s star power to be β€œCorrupted,” wherein the mark turns black and the individual’s power increases. But it is at a cost. The only way to change the power is to basically torture the individual that has the mark; after this experience, the Corrupted Stars (as they are called) are no longer the same. They lose their hold on humanity, and on their sense of right-and-wrong. The power destroys them.

The organization continues to change Stars, being apathetic at best about the Corrupted ones going insane, killing themselves or each other. At last the truth comes out: The goal is to create an army of superhumans, the one-percenters who will take humanity to the next level. Of course, this is disguised behind "science" and "the good of humanity”. These continued atrocities on part of Nova Infinitum caused the pop-up of many rival organizations. Some had good goals, but others sought to repeat the atrocities of Nova for their own benefit, and some sought to purge the world of the β€œevil” that was the Stars. Whatever their motives, it soon became a battle for control, as each organization fought for supremacy. And the Stars were caught in the middle of the fight, as each looked on, hoping for a brighter future...

Note that this list of factions is final. No additions will be made.

~~~✢~~ RULES ~~✢~~~
This is to be a high-casual roleplay. There will probably be some dark themes involved. I would ask for mature role-players. This doesn’t mean you have to be over eighteen (I would almost encourage otherwise, to be honest) it just means that a) you must be able to write coherently; and b) you must be mature, as in, not pitching fits and rage-quitting, when things don’t go your way.

Obviously, romance is going to happen. Keep it PG-13, obviously, because site rules. Heh.

At this point in time I have two co-gms: @duck55223 and @ClocktowerEchos. Duck controls Milites Dei and Lux Astra. Clock commands Zodiac. I run Nova Infinitum. PM the manager/leader of your faction if you have any questions about it.

Try not to reuse the same powers as other people. It'll be hard not to reuse locations of stars, but... you know. Originality is good.

If you read all of this admittedly short list, write Per Aspera Ad Astra in your character sheet.

.~~~✢~~ CHARACTER SHEET ~~✢~~~
Name: I would like to keep the characters’ first names astronomy/astrology themed. Try using the words for star, light, brilliance, or some other similar thing in other languages. Also names of constellations and galaxies and stars are all fair game.
Age: 7-17 please!
Starting location: Please start at one of the headquarters (San Francisco, Dallas, or New York) or PM me for special dispensation.
Appearance: Either a description or a picture.
Location and notes on star mark: Size, number of points, that sort of thing can all go here.
Star power: The location of the star on your characters body always has something to do with it. You can be creative with it, though. A star over the eye might be the ability to see anything within visible range with perfect clarity; but it might also be for a photographic memory (the ability to see something and remember it) or it might be for like the ability to tell if someone is telling the truth or not. Be creative with it, and as long as there’s a semi-logical reason for it, I will generally accept it.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted:
Personality: Can be left as To Be Revealed if you don’t want to type it out.
Biography: Can be left as To Be Revealed if you don’t want to type it out.
Trivia: Likes, dislikes, phobias, that sort of thing.

~~~✢~~NPC SHEET~~✢~~~
If a Star, are they corrupted or uncorrupted?:

β€œSuper”intelligence: Reserved by @duck55223
Omniscience: Reserved by @RomanAria
Photographic Memory: Reserved by @RomanAria
Multitasking: Reserved by @RomanAria
β€œClocktower Echo”: Reserved by @ClocktowerEchos
β€œCelestial Eye”: Reserved by @ClocktowerEchos
Omnilingualism: Rosalind Haul, played by @Emma
Healing Hands: Andromeda Thompson, played by @Ghost Queen
Telepathy: Pyxis Marks, played by @writtenword
Agility: Equuleus Beaumont, played by @Jozarin
Fractal Apotheosis: Nova Gatley, played by @Tancuras
If you would like to reserve a power while you work on your CS, please mention it here.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Emma
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Emma Amme

Member Seen 11 mos ago

May I reserve the power of omnilingualism? :)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Emma Of course.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by writtenword
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Can I reserve telepathy?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ethanjory
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ethanjory The Mary-Sue Master

Member Seen 9 days ago

Okay, what happened to the original version of this, and what steps have you taken to prevent the same from happening to this remake? I see redoes of old RPs all the time and it always makes me hesitant because it basically tells me that there's been at least one occasion in which the same RP didn't go anywhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Would it be possible to reserve healing hands?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Andromeda Thompson
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Nationality: U.S.A.
Starting location: New York City
Appearance: On the taller side, Andromeda stands just under six foot two.
Location and notes on star mark: Andromeda has two six sided stars, one for each hand.
Star power: Andromeda can heal superficial wounds in a matter of seconds, things like small cuts and minor bruises. The time it takes to heal grows incrementally in response to the damage, with broken bones taking up to an hour to heal. However her powers do not work when she is panicked and prolonged use of her powers can cause exhaustion.
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted
Personality: Andromeda has a gentle soul that shies away from violence as much as possible. She is fairly quiet, a trait many mistake for shyness when in fact Andromeda just doesn't like making much noise. When push comes to shove however she won't hesitate to throw down, fighting dirty all the way.
Biography: To Be Revealed
-Partners of the womanly persuasion
-Fantasy books

-Country Music
-Sappy romance novels

-Milites Dai

Other: Aspera Ad Astra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Come Fly With Me!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Well then I'll be taking my place back here with Baihu and Qing. Time to go grave digging for their CS I guess XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

An idea for a power would be precognition. That is, if someone decides to hurt you or attack you or any of that, you'll know. Kind of like sensing one's decisions versus you. If someone decides to pull the trigger on a sniper rifle aimed at your head, you'll probably know that someone is about to shoot you.

Because there is such a large amount of people tagged already that would probably join (I dunno) I don't think I'll stick around.

That, and a combination of Wilson and Duck equals fire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

1x Like Like
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by writtenword
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Per Aspera Ad Astra

Name: Pyxis Marks

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Nationality: French

Starting location: New York

Appearance: http://media.cdn.impericon.com/media/catalog/product/i/r/iriedaily_hipsterblock_navy_hoodie_lg.jpg Pyxis stands at just barely 5'9

Location and notes on star mark: There's a small star on his left temple. It has 8 points.

Star power: Pyxis has the power of telepathy. He can get a general reading of people emotions, but can't communicate through the link, although, with enough concentration, he can block memories from said person entirely, and from himself.

Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted, but will probably be corrupted later.

Personality: Pyxis is always cautious when meeting new people, or in any social situation really, taking more time then strictly necessary to think through every possible situation. He is inherently curious however, and that's gotten him into more trouble then it's worth, repeatedly. A little bit of a scaredy cat, and not self sacrificing at all, he isn't the kind of person to go leaping in front of another just to be the hero. That isn't to say he'll abandon people however. If he's made a strong bond with you, then even if he hesitates, he will put the lives of his friends before himself.

Biography: Warning: Mention of child abuse. Pyxis grew up with a single father, and didn't learn why he didn't have a mother until his star appeared.. Even then, he was only 3 years old and didn't understand much of what his father was shouting at him. But, as he grew older he understood. His mother had committed suicide soon after he was born.

She'd been a famous pianist, at the peak of her career and performing internationally. A dream of hers since a young age had been to enter the International Music Competition and win. She'd participated more then once, but this was her last chance, and she believed so strongly that she was ready. It was that passion that had made Michael-his father-love her so much. She entered the competition, and performed a painfully beautiful rendition of Moonlight Sonata. It seemed almost certain that she would win, until a young star child appeared to take first place with a blisteringly fast paced piece. Composed by the kid no less!

After that, Sarah-Pyxis' mother-fell into a slump, refusing to play at concerts and even then, giving half-hearted performances that were merely a fragment of a shadow, of how she used to play. She didn't seem to see the point, if her art, all she'd ever worked for, was just being taken from her. She seemed to back away from life, only giving one word answers to any conversations Michael attempted to have with her.

When Pyxis was born, for a short while, Sarah seemed legitimately happy, face lighting up with joy that hadn't graced her features in years. But, one day, when Michael was at work and she was staying at home caring for the baby, he got a phone call. Sarah had overdosed on her pills. Suicide. Those words rang in his ears, and the only thing that he could think of, was what had driven her to this. The star-children.

He hated them after that. Hated them for taking away the love of his life. He was a doting father to Pyxis, even if he spent his nights staring into the bottom of a beer bottle. Then the star appeared on his sons forehead. He didn't realize what it was at first, or perhaps simply didn't want to believe what it was. But after checking at the doctors and being told very cheerfully that yes, it was a star, he lost it. All that anger, that deep-seated rage in his heart spilled over anything that he felt for Pyxis. All he could see now, was that his son, Sarah's son, was no better then the people that had-in his mind-killed her.

He would beat him most nights, after he'd had more then a couple of drinks. He didn't have anyone to tell, he was only 4 by then, and confused as to why his own father would be causing him so much pain. No one knew, until he was 9 years old, and his teacher spotted the bruises on his stomach. After that, it was a blur of social services and concerned voices. Pyxis was overwhelmed, and when he got the chance to be alone, no one watching him carefully, he finally cried. And scared young child that he was, he squeezed his eyes shut and willed the memories to disappear. And they did. One by one, they were gone.

Adopted by a new family for a while, he was happy. They moved America, he made friends, tried to move on. Even if he went quiet at a question to his past. Even if they questioned why he didn't look like his parents.


- Entomophobia (Fear of bugs. Finds himself unable to move.)
- Nyctophobia (Fear of the dark. Curls in on himself, hyperventilates.)

- Sweet things
- Books
- Mice
- Bisexual

- Violent people
- Loud noises
- Cleaning up

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Could I be have super-agility? So, parkour and dance.

This RP sort of reminds me of the tabletop RPG "Misspent Youth", with its "selling out" mechanic.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RomanAria

RomanAria 𝕋𝕙𝕖 π•Šπ•Ÿπ•¦π•˜π•˜π•π•– π•Šπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜π•¦π•π•’π•£π•šπ•₯π•ͺ

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, sorry guys, I was busy. Wayyy busy today. Um.

@writtenword accepted.

@WilsonTurner There won't be fire when a large bucket of water is standing by to quench it *glares warningly at Duck*. Also I think most of the old people vanished and/or are not interested.

@ethanjory The original version was very much ill-thought-out, our characters wound up scattered all over the nation. In addition, due to the GM's poor planning, the story took a 180 from the desired path. I have two wonderful co-gms who can actually say no to well-meaning player suggestions, and they'll keep me in check. You don't need to worry.

@Ghost Queen Accepted. My character, who is making a return, was originally named Andromeda, but I can change it. Or we could have two Andromedas. Entirely your call.

@Jozarin Of course, consider it reserved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I don't mind if theirs two Andromedas running around.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jozarin


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Equuleus Beaumont
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Nationality: French
Starting location: New York
Location and notes on star mark: About a hand's width. six points. Abdomen.
Star power: Incredible Agility. HE has always been naturally talented at dance and parkour, and has only gotten better since moving to new york
Corrupted or Uncorrupted: Uncorrupted
Personality: To Be Revealed
Biography: To Be Revealed
Likes: Girls, heights, adrenaline
Dislikes: Falling, sitting still,
Phobias: Afraid of small spaces
Other: Per Aspera ad Astra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Lux Astra is going to be so lonely.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nono, me and duck won't mix. See, Duck spent like a half dozen iterations of the Star Empires reboots (even though each one has tried to have a new name) as magical ponies, and even now, he spends most of the time as humans which are really really close to those magical ponies (as in, the same in all but how they're shaped), and has the exact same names and personalities for them, and I find it annoying when everyone's only reused a nation only two or three times. Most of the time, one or two of those re-uses was because the RP died early.

That and duck is kind of like a dictator, and is always demanding this and that, and has gotten into multiple arguments with Keyguy over how a rp will turn out- actually ordering/demanding a GM that he allow his nation to beat his up, destroy their military, and annex them, actually- and so I really have next to little faith in him because of it. The only reason I'm in the reboot he's GMing right now is because of the roleplay itself- I'm loyal to the series, see.

Of course, I've never RPed with duck outside of nation roleplaying, but I don't think I want to talk to a man who can turn into a magical pony, so...

And if you haven't noticed, I'm feeling in a really honest, I-don't-give-a-sheep mood right now, because I just had a minor anxiety attack and went to go see my psychologist earlier, and I'm in an unusually light mood, and I'm sick and tired of this shit called life, and so yeah. I guess a normal person would say I'm in an asshole-ish mood rn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Oh and I'm probably only going to bring back Vespira. Maybe Tian Shi too since she never really got a chance to be played yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tancuras

Tancuras Pain the Universe

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Nova Gatley







Starting Location



Nova is slightly shorter than the average person, thin, and lanky, long of limb and light of skin. His hair is bright as the sun, platinum blonde and worn back in long, elegant strands. His eyes are dark and challenging, often casting competitive glares at the people around him. He is quite handsome, something he knows all too well. His attire in the field is usually a suit vest with a shirt and tie, or a double-breasted coat on cold days.

Location and Notes on Star Mark

Nova's Star begins two inches below his collarbone on the left side of his body, right over his heart. It has four points, and each taper into lines that form two complete rings around his body. One circles his chest, and the other runs down his left leg and under his foot before returning up the other side of the leg, up the back and over the shoulder to meet the Star again.

Star Power

Fractal Apotheosis - By tapping into the residual energy of a dead Star, Nova can harness the powers of the deceased, albeit in a lesser state. In order to use the powers of the dead, Nova needs to first find their residual energy, usually in a place that had once been of great significance to the deceased. Even then, the energy isn't always compatible, and a bond must be formed. Once this has been accomplished, the power is "imprinted", and Nova has access to these powers at any time, though possesses no unique powers of his own.


Atlas - Allows Nova to perceive residual Star energy and detect other Stars' general location, to a range of a city block.
Fawaris - Bends light around Nova, hiding him.

Corrupted or Uncorrupted



At a glance, Nova is narcissistic, self-absorbed and cocksure. He can be infuriatingly arrogant and excessively competitive, and because of this, he has amassed somewhat if a disreputable presence. However, Nova's relentless prattle is only a cover for his insecurities and anxiety, and when faced with hardship strong enough to dissolve his facade, he will quickly break down. To those who know him well, he is very extroverted and always latching on to new friendships. Moreso, he has never been known to betray someone close to him, his loyalty unfaltering.



  • Nova's biggest fear is being worthless to other people. Because of this, he wants to help as many people as he can. Whether this is out of benevolence or self-interest is debatable.
  • Nova is often compared to a puppy.
  • Nova's dream is to be a hero. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a hero.


Per Aspera Ad Astra
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Nono, me and duck won't mix. See, Duck spent like a half dozen iterations of the Star Empires reboots (even though each one has tried to have a new name) as magical ponies, and even now, he spends most of the time as humans which are really really close to those magical ponies (as in, the same in all but how they're shaped), and has the exact same names and personalities for them, and I find it annoying when everyone's only reused a nation only two or three times. Most of the time, one or two of those re-uses was because the RP died early.

That and duck is kind of like a dictator, and is always demanding this and that, and has gotten into multiple arguments with Keyguy over how a rp will turn out- actually ordering/demanding a GM that he allow his nation to beat his up, destroy their military, and annex them, actually- and so I really have next to little faith in him because of it. The only reason I'm in the reboot he's GMing right now is because of the roleplay itself- I'm loyal to the series, see.

Of course, I've never RPed with duck outside of nation roleplaying, but I don't think I want to talk to a man who can turn into a magical pony, so...

And if you haven't noticed, I'm feeling in a really honest, I-don't-give-a-sheep mood right now, because I just had a minor anxiety attack and went to go see my psychologist earlier, and I'm in an unusually light mood, and I'm sick and tired of this shit called life, and so yeah. I guess a normal person would say I'm in an asshole-ish mood rn.

Yes I was like this at one point, no I am not a dictator as a GM or Co-GM, nor am I am going to roleplay like shit. I regret things I had done back then and realized how shittly I had RPed back then.

Now please stop this Wilson, it's unnecessary. Or if you do not want to, it will not take me long to point out everything you have done wrong.
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