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Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enolopi System, HSC Date 1323 @ HMT 13:27
Stubby fingers clad in crystal manipulated the golden light of the holographic interface, hovering a steady meter above the ground, projected from the helmet protecting the fingers' owner. Commander Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus- the Shipmaster of the HHWS Cyrus, a Stern-class Destroyer- was a reputable Shipmaster under the command of one of the better-armed exploration fleets. Technically, there are multiple strike groups accompanying a primary fleet that's escorting several science ships, which are taking samples and scanning every planet, planetoid, asteroid, or moon they come across. So far, two more systems out of four had been marked for future colonization and militarization, due to the richness of iridium, platinum, and titanium, among other precious metals.

This was the sixth system to be explored, and the forward scout- the Cyrus- had stumbled upon the readings of a foreign FTL drive- because an FTL drive seemed to take anywhere between a second and fifteen minutes to 'port anywhere- just before a very foreign ship launched itself out of its FTL bubble. The Cyrus's scanners swept the ship, before sending an immediate message that was- for them- universal, saying "Stand down, as we are." The Cyrus propelled itself faster, darting under the ship and continuing on and away, obviously aiming to get away from what was designated as the 'instant death' zone. This was primarily due to close range- faster missiles, railguns, beams, any weapon would strike instantly, rather than the minute or two it'd take to cross vast distances to hit another ship at Hocklyn optimal firing range.

Thirty-eight hundred thousand kilometers away, the ships of the fleet received a ping from their forward scout- alien contact was just made, and no reply to their message had been sent. Scientists aboard the science ships gathered into groups and talked excitedly, completely leaving out the aggravated xenogeologists and xenobiologists. Work was left hanging in the light of first contact, and the entire fleet changed course, moving towards the foreign ship at speeds that one person could not possibly understand the scope of. Four strike fleets- all of them acting as scouts- were spaced about the fleet, another thirteen thousand kilometers away from the flagship.

The fleet of nearly three hundred ships moved toward the solitary foreign one, a terrifying force, and horrible odds.

Huenster System, Hocklyn Home System, HSC Date 1323 @ HMT 13:31
Footsteps would've echoed in the Capital Hall's main Central Corridor, had it not been one of the most consistently and constantly used corridors in the building, always filled with a variety of species- the Hocklyns and their underlings, the Lixo, Starr ayaa Wiilashii, and the Lovci, three of seven races that had been found and enslaved to the Hocklyn Empire. The Lixo, Wiilashii, and Lovci were all races that had long since accepted their place- being the first three to be conquered- and were now obedient citizens, considered full-fledged members of society- even though the poorest Hocklyn had a higher social standing.

Nonetheless, the spiky lanky Lovci hurried down the hall, pushing past other aliens inside the administrative building. Important news had come from one of the exploration fleets; it had to be delivered and distributed as soon as possible, and it was his job, as one of the Hierach's personal staff.

He burst through a set of doors directly off the Corridor, four Hocklyn bristling from the opposite side of the room, raising offline hilts of their energy swords, before relaxing as they recognized the Lovci. The messenger quickly flashed his identification at the two guards, who nodded and let him through without a word.

The Hocklyn behind the door, more machine than he was Hocklyn, looked up, impassive, mechanical eyes staring out from the four cameras implanted in the creature's head. The gaze burned into the Lovci's head, glaring at the servant as he approached and deposited a datapad on the thick nanotech metal desk. Almost as if by mind, the pad slid across the desk to just in front of the Hocklyn, where the Hierarchy member picked it up and read the information on it.

Artificial eyebrows went up- a dozen small metal plates on the lower section of the Hocklyn's face started vibrating against each other, and out came an advanced, very fancy speech of synthesized words, made using the clicking, clacking, and the rattling of the voiceplates.

"My... thanks, Lovci. You have been cleared for promotion. As you are my new assistant, and you... shall be my Second. Congratulations on your promotion. Report to the Armorer and get your new outfit, now!"

Then the Hocklyn was 'shouting' for his guards, who rushed in, alert. They relaxed slightly, before the Hocklyn shouted at them in a different language, and then rushed out of the room, clearly responding to the message in a most dramatic manner.

Perturbed and relieved at how well the encounter with the Hocklyn went, the Lovci went to get his new uniform, as per instructions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Iscandar, the Immortal Stronghold
David, the first Immortal, stood in-front of one the many grand windows that were scattered about the Immortal’s stronghold. It looked over the vast jungles of Iscandar, as he watched as many ships lazily passed by, on their way to the Capital City of the planet. He wore his Royal Regalia, a mix of gold, silver and white. His veins shimmered with white, and his black hair flew in a ponytail behind him. His solemn face held perfect blue eyes. He quickly sighed, as he fell into deep thought.

The third Immortal, Aaliyah, appeared behind him. Her own hazelnut hair was left flowing and free, with her light green eyes quickly looking on through the same window that David looked out. Her veins glew with silver, in contrast to David’s. She wore a similar regalia to David’s, as she spoke to him.

“You feel it to, do you not?” asked Aaliyah, her tone indicated something of a slight sadness.

“Yes...it felt like what I felt at Korriban, what Vrael felt after the end of the Dragon War. The same uneasiness. It has expanded everywhere.” replied David, his tone matching Aaliyah’s in all but its femininity.

“Vrael disappeared after Korriban. Something is coming David. We must prepare, and soon.” said Aaliyah.

“But what do we have to act upon Aaliyah? A feeling of uneasiness? Even Vrael in all of directness would advise waiting. We must retain faith that Faust shall guide us forward.”

“Yet I feel that if I am right David, when whatever has caused the events shows, I fear that we may not be ready.”

“Be confident Aaliyah. Faust will not let us just perish. She will warn us when the time is right.”

“Yet I still worry. For our people. Not just the Iscandarians, but the Humans and Rakloid.”

“Faust projects all who come to her, not just her direct children.”

“I will keep an eye though. We must watch.”

“As shall I Aaliyiah. Now if you excuse me I need to retire to my chambers. Can I trust you and Ariane to keep the Stronghold safe?”

“Of course you can David. We are just as powerful as you.”

With Aaliyah’s worlds both walked off in opposite directions of each other, heading to their respective destinations.

System A-516, Above the World of Manaan
Officially the outpost located in A-516 was a small research station guarded by a few frigates from the navy, and to an extent that was true. However the world which it orbited, Manaan, actually played host to a planet-bound aquatic species known as the Selnan. It was actually a mission to gather data on the Selnan and determine the best path by which the Eternal Union could guide them to Ascension. This was the first time the EU would be attempting this, and the success of this one mission could guide all future efforts of the EU towards planet-bound species.

Aboard the station itself, the head researcher, a human by the name of Doctor Shen, who majored in both Xenoarchaeology, Xenobiology, and even Engineering headed the mission. He was clearly of Asian descent, with a tangled mess of graying hair on top of his head. He had light brown eyes, as he looked down towards Manaan through one of the station’s viewing ports.

He listened as he heard the footsteps of another. Turning around he smiled a bit. It was a Rakloid by the name of Ollianix, one of the youngest on the mission. He held short black hair, and multiple facial horns much like the rest of the Rakloid. His eyes were a light green, as he approached Shen and shook hands with him.

“Nice to see you Doctor Shen. I have the latest reports and have already begun assembling them. I am extremely confident that with this latest batch we can get the crew ready and begin contact with the Selnan.” said Ollianix eagerly, with a excited tone in his voice.

Doctor Shen let out a light chuckle, turning towards Ollianix and smiling.

“Honestly my boy you overwork yourself! Go relax, do something fun. I will finish up the reports for you.” said Shen, a happy and pleased tone in his voice.

“But I really do want to! I want to be amongst the first to talk to the Selnan!”

“I assure you my boy you will, it will be excellent to have you when we go down there, but everyone needs rest, even you. I may have to limit your access to the coffee machine at this rate.”

“But sir…”

“No more buts Ollianix. I order you to go relax. I like those reports on my desk when you can.”

“Yes sir.” said Ollianix, departing the room. Shen once again turned and looked out the window, letting out one more light chuckle as he thought about Ollianix.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The Marblehead Inn and Suites
O'Braun first spotted the Marblehead after the Path made a sharp right turn. It was a strange sight - a modern glass skyscraper towering over the woods, glimpsed only through the occasional clearing in the canopy. This would be O'Braun's first visit to the Marblehead, though he knew of it previously. Still, it was one thing to know the mechanics of a place and another thing entirely to see it, reaching up past the treetops, past the clouds, until perspective went crazy trying to account for a line that never stopped. O'Braun felt vertigo - briefly - for the first time in his life. He smiled crazily, briefly laughing at the new feeling, and continued along the Path.

The lobby of the Marblehead was a solid presence of marble columns and walls, with brass doors and windows lending an air of brief sophistication. It was all dated, but in a tasteful, restored-antique manner. O'Braun barely noticed as he strode to the front desk. The clerk glanced up, and then promptly glanced back down, hurriedly scribbling something on a form. O'Braun's dragonfly-like wings twitched in irritation.

"Hello," the clerk said, looking up at last. "Welcome to the Marblehead Inn and Suites, my name is Pat."
"O'Braun," O'Braun said.
"Checking in?"
"And have you stayed with us before?"
"No - and you needn't ask the next question. I've got a secret, but not for your ears. I'll only tell it to the night manager," O'Braun said.

Pat harumphed and picked up an antique phone. While it was ringing, the clerk said, "I'll need to wake him. Are you sure you wouldn't rather-"

A silence fell, marked only by the muted conversation of a human bellhop with her fay master. Somewhere, an elevator dinged. At last, Pat hung up the phone, and Rock emerged from a door behind the front desk. O'Braun felt certain that he'd been very far away before now; something about the Marblehead screamed secret non-euclidean tunnels to him. It was just that kind of place.

Rock asked, "What's your secret? Mind, if it's not good, you'll work for me. Make it good enough, and you stay for free."
O'Braun smiled. "Then I'm glad my secret is both good and impressive."
"Oh? Tell me," Rock said.

O'Braun cupped his hand to Rock's ear. Rock almost rolled his eyes; very few secrets were worth this much fanfare.

Then O'Braun told Rock his secret.

"Give him a platinum token," Rock said.
"A plat- of course, sir." Pat grabbed a keycard-sized rectangle of enchanted platinum.
"O'Braun, is it?" Rock asked.
"Yes," O'Braun said, smiling.
"You're welcome at the Marblehead for life. Don't lose your token - it will take you into any unoccupied guest room. Or floor, for that matter. It will also guide you back here, not that you'll need that particular aspect, I'm sure."
"Thank you," O'Braun said.
"Very pleased to meet you. If you need anything, don't hesitate to call."

The bar was busy with a multi-specied crowd as usual. The Path this dawn was an asphalt road, meandering up and down hills on one side of the boom town, and into cold snow on the other. A confused pair of human tourists, arguing over a holographic map, burst through the front door. Fairies shied away from the gadget - it was mostly plastic, but there was definitely iron in there somewhere. The couple had yet to look up, apparently oblivious to the strange aliens around them.

"Humans," Finnegan said from behind the bar. "Look at them. All the same; they barely even realize they're somewhere else until its too late. Why does the Path always deposit them on my doorstep?"
"Because, without us, this place would have fallen apart decades ago," a voice piped up from under the bar.
"Helen, my dear, yours is the sole exception of an addled species."
"There," Helen said, standing up from the soda dispenser. "It occurs to me that you could just bless the damn thing to not break again," she said.
"And waste your talents," Finnegan mumbled. He was still watching the tourists, who had finally paused long enough in their bickering to look up.

"Wait. Where are-" the man started.
"Welcome to Finn's!" Finnegan roared over the general hubbub, flying out from behind the bar. "Name's Finnegan, and I own the joint. Can I interest you in some pomegranate seeds to start?"

Helen rolled her eyes.

"Helen." She turned to the Iscandarian at the end of the bar. Vergilius was sitting in front of an empty glass. He was one of the few regular Iscandarians left at Finn's; ever since the planet Faerie had disappeared, fewer and fewer of the species were walking the Path. His voice had a way of cutting through the general clamoring, despite the soft, calm tone. It reminded her of a fairy glamour, almost.

"More water, Virg?"
"I would find it agreeable. And have we not spoken about your use of my proper name?"
"Sure. And the moment you get something other than water is when I'll use it."
"Then you will never use it."
"Your loss."

The banter was familiar, comfortable. Between Vergilius' long life and Helen's near-immortality* (part of her deal with Finnegan's predecessor, in exchange for her services so long as she was youthful), they'd talked to each other on-and-off for a few centuries. Vergilius was something of an oddity, even for an Iscandarian. While the aliens had always been able to sense the presence of the Path, they tended to shun it, not trusting its feral nature. Vergilius, however, had entered the Path some time before the end of the Dragon War. Time dilation and Queen Titania's favor had preserved him. Rumor had it that he was the last one to leave the Planet Faerie before it had disappeared. His departure from the planet was interesting enough in itself - aliens rarely saw the Planet Faerie and left it to tell the tale.

"I am restless," Vergilius said over his fresh water.
"You're always restless," Helen responded.
"This is different. This is like the war."
"Not another war story. You and your fire-breathing monsters."
"That is an inaccurate caricature," he said, and held up his hand to forestall Helen's comeback. "I am considering leaving."
"Leaving Finn's?"
"A friend has asked me to do so."
Helen's eyebrows shot up. "You have other friends?" Vergilius glanced in her direction. It was the closest he came to a glare. "Sorry, Virg. Go on."
"He is concerned about recent developments. The severance of the Planet Faerie has separated him from his love, and he means to get her back. I am restless. I may assist him."
"Aww, that's sweet. You should do it. Be good for you to get out once in a while," Helen said.
"I believe you are overdue for getting out, also," Vergilius said, and sipped some of his water.
"Helen!" Finnegan called. "A feast for my guests. Eat something, friends, and stay as long as I like." He had his hands clasped around the shoulders of the hapless tourists.
"Of course, Finn. Coming right up!"


Huenster System, Hocklyn Home System
June shivered. There were few places on the Hocklyn home planet that the Path deigned to approach, and even here she could feel the first isolated shiver of faint radiation. This wasn't a pleasant place; she was in a hollow crater of crystals, fractal spikes all the way down. The Path had been a winding, twisting affair, most of it underground, and the first light she'd seen was that of the Hocklyn's sky. The locals used, of all things, radiation to see. It was not a pleasant place for a fay.

With a sigh, June folded her skin-and-bone wings behind her, groped in her belt, and came up with a vial of silvery-white liquid. It faintly sparkled with enchantment. She downed it in one gulp, shivering at the touch of the radium. All at once, her glamours fell away, revealing a plain-looking fay with moth-like, pearl-colored wings. Suddenly blind to the aetherfield, she turned back to the cave. It looked perfectly ordinary, and she panicked for a moment; of course it would look ordinary, it was supposed to. She couldn't help but feel isolated.

Right. On to business. Lady Ruby wanted a brief scout's report on culture and strength, and if the Hocklyn's fit their reputation, she was authorized to make an overture. Not that she was following orders, of course, she was just obeying - no, choosing, to do what Lady Ruby had asked of her, the quickest, most silent of the House. The fact that Lady Ruby had personally asked her to do it wasn't important. And the deal that she'd struck with Lady Ruby was satisfactory; June liked her wings. Even if they were a bit too flimsy for her tastes.

With another sigh, she struggled to cram her body into the skintight stealth suit. It was a frustratingly iron-filled mechanical thing, deposited at the cave entrance by a courier only an hour ago. Supposedly it would shield her from light and radiation-based detection, but a look at the decaying thing made her doubt it. If nothing else, maybe she'd look less foreign?

*Helen was offered "optional" revitalization treatments every decade or so; the treatments took a lot out of the fairy that provided them, but they could never fully reverse the aging process.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
Avatar of WilsonTurner

WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Queen Raidne
Huenster System, Hocklyn Home System

A low rumble fills the air around June; it may have been previously gone unnoticed because of how low it is. It rumbles the air, and you feel it in your chest, rather than hear it with your ears. In the distance, straight from the cave mouth, is the source- one of the great towering terraformers that were constructed to keep the planet hospitable. The building itself was a massive construct of concrete, steel, and titanium, with a space elevator reaching up into the dark, smog-laden clouds above, to the station that was in geostationary orbit above. An elevator was going up, even now- between the struts, you could see it rising rapidly to the sky. Around the elevator itself were a complex series of pipes and hoses that led most of the way to the cloud layer, where they were sucking in the foul air, as if the smoke was reversing itself, going in rather than out.

Another rumble slowly built up, signaling the approach of something. However, as it slowly became two separate sounds, it became apparent that they were nothing on the ground. Seconds after the second set of rumblings started, two heavy fighters, twin engines embedded in their wings, and with long, sleek, hawk-shaped fuselages and wings, screamed overhead, flying at near supersonic speeds at only three or four hundred feet off the ground. Following behind it was a much, much larger cargo aircraft, functioning as a quadcopter, except with jets. Two great 50mm triple barreled turrets dotted both sides, actively scanning the ground, as the ship made its way to its destination.

Nothing slowed for the suited June, though. Judging by another rumble, something much slower and much louder was making its way through the forest some distance ahead. Three large cargo transports, rolling on five great solid rubber wheels on each side, almost twice as large as a vehicle on any other world. Passing them on the opposite side of the large industrial roadway, heading away from the aircrafts' destination were a slow trickle of more civilian vehicles- ranging from older, gasoline-powered vehicles with six wheels, two much, much more advanced vehicles, flying sleek and low with gravitronics keeping it off the ground.

A higher-pitched scream soon took the faerie's attention, as a more advanced transport came into view, a modified ultralight (hoverbike) that had a canopy and larger engines and wings- clearly meant for long-distance flight travel, rather than the shorter ranged anti-grav bikes that did nothing more than float.

The, again, hawk-shaped vehicle came down in the clearing, spraying dust everywhere before its antigrav tech kicked in, replacing the electromagnetic thrusters, and it came to a stop half a foot above the ground with the same grace of a falling cat. A door popped open on the side, revealing a second seat; the heavily tinted 'window' on the driver's section, right in front of the open door, cleared, and a surprisingly friendly Hocklyn stared out. Based on the modifications to his face, he was able to see light as well as with his natural vision, and he squinted for a moment, before calling out through the vehicle's loudspeaker, "Ayeee! 'Hired teh pick sum'un up 'ere, but ain't no'udy 'ere! Said I be waitin' for sum lah'dee named Joon?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Moonlight Castle, Arcadia

The Moonlight Castle stood atop the great Lunar Mountain, overlooking the capital city of Moonfall. The planet Arcadia was not a hospitable planet to those not born from its constant storms and long nights, but for the Roa'marii who populated it, Arcadia was the most holy planet in existence. The Moonlight Castle standing above the storms atop the tallest mountain the planet had to offer was the home of the gods, the Nightmare Emperor himself ruling from his iron throne, watching all those under his command. The halls of this castle were sacred, each civilian dreaming of walking through them, the moon's pale glow lighting the way as they came to a stop before the throne. Now, with the full moon shining through the glass ceiling, a single man in crimson robes knelt in a puddle of moonlight before the throne hidden in the shadows. Then the Nightmare Emperor rose from his throne, striding forth to stand before the kneeling man.

The Emperor's pitch black hair shone with the silver glow of the moon above, his skin shining as the moon shone on his pale face, perfectly sculpted. The Emperor wore a suit of black armor engraved all over with symbols of the past, reminders of past wars well fought, the seals of fallen nations commemorated eternally as the worthy adversaries they were. A cloak of dark blue cloth hung behind him as a black steel crown sat atop his head, a single purple gem embedded in the center. The Nightmare Emperor stared down at the man before him before a slight smirk showed on his face and he spoke.

"General Peltis, it is always good to see you once more. While your visits are always welcome, it seems you have something of importance you wish to tell me."

"Yes emperor, I'm afraid my visit is not merely a social one. I have received news from the recently sent out expedition fleet from Dullahan, near the empire's edge led by Commanders Hur'raci and Sil'soro. They happened across a system along the way that was inhabited by a rather advanced group compared to the primitive civilizations that exist along our current borders. They appear to be at a similar level to ourselves, if not slightly lower tier than we are, although it is hard to say without any real scans of their planets and defense fleets. The expedition fleet opted to cruise through the system with dark shields at maximum efficiency to avoid detection. It is not believed that we were noticed, although the possibility is there. I've spoken to Jer'rahd already and if you will it we shall send a small fleet to attempt contact with this new nation."

The Nightmare Emperor spent a few seconds to contemplate this before responding. "This could be a good opportunity to open new trade routes. I want you and Jer'rahd to initiate first contact. Be prepared for hostilities. If they did in fact notice the expedition fleet, they may have raised an alarm and prepared defenses. You may well be mistaken for an enemy of theirs. Go now and rest from your journey. You will leave at first light to meet with Jer'rahd in Battlefleet Alpha."

"Thank you emperor."

Rhe'deri Peltis stood up and began walking back through the halls of the castle towards a set of rooms put aside for the five Immortal Generals like himself. The Emperor stood in the throne room before he raised his head to the moon, it's light gleaming on his face, the stars beyond hiding untold beings soon to be discovered.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Iscandar, The Dragos Mountains, Near the Dragon-Rider HQ
A rider and his male dragon glided across the peaks of the smallest mountains, as the larger mountains were where most of the unbound dragons made home, heading towards one of the outlying caves of the mountain. The rider himself was a human, his hair was dirty blonde and short, with him having deep blue eyes, he wore a simple green long-sleeved shirt, with what appeared to be blue pants, and sat upon a well-crafted saddle. He also had what appeared to be a rifle like weapon on his back. The Dragon he rode was slightly bigger then a small shed, and had brilliant ruby red scales.

As they approached the cave, they began conversing, although not outloud, but rather using the bond that bound Dragon and Rider.

The first trial on the road to becoming a full member of our order. Are you ready Hasai?” thought the Rider through his link.

Yes Aiden, little one, there is not much that can stop a Dragon and his Rider. Whatever trial the senior riders put us through, I am sure will we succeed at as we always have.” replied Hasai through the same link.

What could the trial even consist of? Combat perhaps?

There is not much that lives up here behinds my kind and herd creatures. I doubt it will be as such.

They could have easily hid a greater threat from us. Something they did not want the us and the other initiates attempting to chase after.

Perhaps little one, but remember who your bonded partner is. I shall not let harm befall you.

Much of the rest of their journey passed in silence, except the occasional sharing of thoughts and feelings through their bond. They arrived at a large ledge of rock on the mountain, a massive cave entrance before the two. Nothing else but the music of silence greeted them.

Where are Masters Oromis and Glaedr? They were supposed to greet us.” thought Hasai.

A few minutes passed before the pair heard the sound of a Dragon roar across the mountains. Oromis, a Iscandarian, on his golden dragon Glaedr glided down to the pair. Oromis wore a full suit of what appeared to be a type of plate armor, glowing silver in the daylight. His hair was silver as well, and hung behind him in a long ponytail. His veins glew a light blue, his angelic wings tucked behind him. Glaedr stood tall and proud, much larger than even Hasai.

“For all of your training you two have been together. Today you separate. Apprentice Hasai you shall go with Master Glaedr. He has your part of the trial.” spoke Oromis, his voice orderly and calm.

So I leave you Aiden. Do not fret, we shall be back together before long.” thought Hasai to Aiden. Aiden and the two shared a few parting words, before Glaedr and Hasai took flight to elsewhere within the mountains.

“Apprentice Aiden, has anyone told you of the trial you are about to embark upon?” asked Oromis.

“No Master Oromis, I have never been told of what is ahead.” responded Aiden. He shivered for a moment, as the bond between him and Hasai grew longer. He could still sense Hasai, but he was now too far away to communicate with.

Oromis drew two weapons, the first his Archnite sword, the second his energy blade. His sword, much like Glaedr’s scales, looked like pure gold. The energy blade glew with the color of silver, shining despite the daylight. He put them away, focusing on Aiden.

“Today you proceed forward into this cave and go to claim the materials which you will use to forge your sword and build your energy blade. While the sword will be constructed as a part of this trial, the energy blade is not to be finished until much later, but you will still keep the focusing crystal you collect safe. Do you understand?” Oromis asked, once again.

“I understand, Master Oromis.” bowed Aiden, in a sign of respect.

“You will recognize the Archnite and crystal that is to be used for your weapons when you see them when you see them. Now go forth my Apprentice, harm usually does seek out apprentices in the cave, but I shall recommend you draw your weapon and proceed with caution.” finished Aiden. Both gave finals bows, as Oromis withdrew to a different part of the ledge, watching Aiden.

As Aiden walked forth, the cave had no natural lighting. Aiden quickly used a spell, creating a large ball of blue light that followed him. The only sounds were that of Aiden’s own hushed breathing. Soon however he heard a sound almost alien to the environment of the cave. The noise was clearly that of a teapot on a stove that was boiling.

As he went further he arrived in a hollowed room in the cave, litten by a chandelier made of gold with balls of magic energy for lighting. Off to the side was an old-fashioned wood stove. However the most noticeable feature of the entire room was a rounded oak table, upon which sat a teacup, teapot, and various other things for flavoring the tea. Already at the table was a fine women, who hair was long and flowing, a perfect blonde color. Her eyes shone with gold, looking towards Aiden with a look of happiness and pleasantries. Her veins glew a fine white light, as she wore a long white dress made of fine silk. The air she projected was one of a mother, and one of perfection.

“Sit my child, there is a few things I must tell you.” the Mother said, her tone was one of calmness.

“Who are you?” asked Aiden, sitting down reluctantly, watching as she filled the other teacup and passed it to Aiden.

“You can think of me as your adoptive mother Aiden.” she responded.

“How do you know my name?” he questioned, getting a bit aggressive with his tone.

“As I said Aiden, I am your adoptive mother.”

He looked at the Mother with a questioning look, but realized that whoever it was would not give him a straight answer.

“What is that you wish to tell me, oh my adoptive mother?” said Aiden, speaking the second part very sarcastically.

“There is someone very important to me located within the Empire of Aramun. Only you will be able to locate him. You must ask the Grandmasters and Masters of your order to attend the diplomatic mission they were asked to conduct on behalf of the Eternal Union.”

“Why should I retrieve him?”

“Because he is not only important to me, but to your order. He will be the greatest assets for your order to ever have once again.”

“I shall inform my master, but now I must gather my weapons materials.”

As Aiden finished his sentence, the Mother summoned, out of thin air, a focusing crystal and a small orb of Archnite.

“These are the materials your master has asked you for. Now go child, time is of the essence.” finished the Mother, walking off in the opposite direction of Aiden. The table, stove, and teapot disappeared. Aiden stood for a minute, before heading back out the exit of the cave.

New Condia, Eternal Union Outer Territory @Zadubadabu
The sleepy agricultural world of New Condia rested on the very outskirts of Eternal Union territory, far away from the nearest Core World. A few stations and frigates lazily orbited around the planet, watching for signs of trouble that were never likely to come.
However aboard the planet’s main station, a mixed crew of Iscandarian, Human, and Rakloid watched as the sensors kept on detecting, and then losing, a faint magical signature.

“Whoever is currently hiding in the system is obviously magical in nature. No other known civilizations who were not magical were capable of hiding from our sensors. They know how to account for it. But we know there here” said the Station’s Captain. He turned towards the transmission console and ordered the officer there to begin transmission, having it encoded in 01 format for easy of translation.

“Unknown contact, please identify military or civilian affiliation. Please identify nation of origin, please identify benign or malignant intent.” broadcasted the Station throughout the system, encoded in 01 format.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

New Condia, Expedition Fleet Nimbus

Commander Hur'raci looked at the transmitted message nervously. When they had first come across the system and realized the level of the civilization inhabiting it, they had immediately shut down all outer systems across the small fleet and enforced fleet wide dark shielding, effectively making them invisible to any form of sensor, magical or otherwise, that could pick them up. Unfortunately, it was unknown whether or not they succeeded in shutdown quick enough. The lack of any response had seemingly answered that, and Hur'raci had risked sending a single short magical message out, coded specifically to the outpost on Dullahan they had left from so as to inform them what was transpiring. That was fifteen minutes ago. Now it was clear that they were spotted at some point, although due to the general broadcast it seemed that they were still hidden for the most part. The message had been quickly translated and the commander was now trying to come up with a response.

"Oh if only we had taken the same ship Sil'soro. I may be the one in charge of the fleet, but you were always the better politician. And now with the silence I can't even risk contacting you." The Commander needed to respond at some point, and likely before a response team was sent from the United Empire. With no doubt General Peltis himself would be on the way, along with who knows what else. If these xenos were on edge, they might very well attack first. Plenty of others had done the same in the past. In fact, Hur'raci's own former Empire had done so when it first contacted the Roa'marii millennia ago. The Searonese had done the same as well, and Hur'raci himself had fought in that particular war before the bounty hunters had been brought down. No, a response was needed from him before it was too late.

And so the transmission was prepared, coded back just as the first had been received. Its contents were short and to the point, and the message sent so quickly that Hur'raci was sure his ship was once more invisible before the message even reached the xenos. It said, "We are Expedition Fleet Nimbus of Cirra, part of the United New Roa'marii Empire. We do not wish you harm, but another fleet is likely to arrive at any moment. Do not attack them, they will speak for our people. We will show ourselves only when peaceful contact with them is made."

Not five minutes later, a much larger fleet appeared, this one making no attempt to cloak itself. It too sent a message out to the system which read: "This is Roa'marii General Rhe'deri Peltis of the United New Roa'marii Empire. We come in peace, and request contact with the inhabitants of this system."

UNRE Spear of Searo, Enolopi System

Lady Pes'tifero of Searo was a leader among the Searonese when the Roa'marii Empire decided to take her planet. Now she was a refugee, a Queen without a Throne, a Leader without a nation. She had spent years escaping from Roa'marii space without being tracked and now she had finally made it to uncharted territory. Where no Roa'marii fleet had traveled, in recent times at least. They could take her Queendom, but try as they might, she would not let them take her. With only one ship to her name, and a small crew of Searonese bounty hunters, she had no chance against the Nightmare Emperor as the Roa'marii called him. And yet she knew they would continue to follow her. Only now she could go no farther. She had been trapped, found by this new nation. She couldn't fight them, but perhaps she could use them. It was time for diplomacy, no matter how much her skin crawled just thinking about it. So she sent a message to these newcomers. In a raspy voice caused by her augmented body parts she said loud and clear:

"I am Lady Pes'tifero, Top Spear of Searo and Queen of the Searonese. It seems I can no more fight than I can run, so I must submit. I hail from my former planet of Searo Hold before it was taken from me by the Roa'marii. Perhaps you can help me take it back."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

New Condia
The Station Commander watched as the Roa’marii fleet arrived in system and looked on with worry. The fleet was unessecarily large for being a mere diplomatic mission, so he had to question the true intentions of the Roa’marii at New Condia. While he was more than sure their weapons were a match for a Roa’marii, they would be severely outnumbered. He looked towards the communication officer and told him to send an encrypted message to High Command to have a fleet prepared, just in case things got ugly.

“Is the Dragon-Rider still with us? He is the only on New Condia with diplomatic experience at the moment.” said the Station Commander speaking to no one particular.

“Yes sir.” responded one of the Bridge Crew. He turned turned the Communications officer and ordered another message to be sent to the Roa’marii.

“Please proceed to dock to the station at which the coordinates are being transmitted from. Translation matrix has been included for ease of communication.” broadcasted the Station into the void.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Enolopi System, HSC Date 1323 @ HMT 13:34
Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus waited attentively over his communication officer's shoulders, waiting for him to transcribe the message. Oddly, the message was sent with a code similar to their own, similar enough for the auxiliary AI to reformat it and pass it on. After a couple minutes of waiting, Stehlruh asked, "Well, what do you know?"

The communications officer jerked, not realizing that his commander was standing right behind him, but answered without missing a beat. "I think... there's some introduction, I think, and then something about them being the top pointy stick and leader of the... Searonese? They must submit because they can't do anything else-" Stehlruh grunted, muttering, "Smart of them," -"and I think something where their planet was taken by someone else. Presumably more powerful than them, and from the tech officer's scans, I believe they are close to our own technological level. Hard to be sure without a better equipped ship to take scans."

Stelhruh grunted and turned back to his central podium, where he commanded the ship. Sitting down in his captain's chair, he surveyed the holographic image of the ship. It was not a new ship, for sure- the ship had evidence of much use.

"Communications, send the following message in our own language as soon as possible. Accompany it with their message, and what you have translated following just behind it." "Aye, sir. Ready to record."

"My name is Ship Commander Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus, of the Hocklyn Empire's Destroyer Cyrus. Decelerate to match our ship's speed, and we will relay your stand down to the rest of our fleet. Refuse to comply will result in your ultimate destruction. I am not a diplomat- do not barter with me. Nor am I a kind Hocklyn, and so I advise that you do not test me in this. We will escort you to our fleet, and we will return to one of our systems, where we can trade information. Make no mistake, Queen... Pestifo, you are considered a prisoner of war until you convince us otherwise. Any sign of weapons or an unauthorized FTL jump will prompt our immediate retaliation."

"Aye sir, finished recording and message is on its way." Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus glanced at the hologram again, before barking, "Helm! Bring us on a course for the Fleet, ten percent C." "Aye, cap'n."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Void Child city ship Seras Ingi, deep within the accretion disk of the protostar NGC 2331-2

Within the shining behemoth of Saras Ingi, there lies a onyx colored box, well hidden away from prying eyes it would not be a stretch to say that truly only three know its true location. With its size and rounded top, one could be excused for thinking that it was a coffin of some sort. However the tubes, and wires that ran from it and into the raised dais that it seemed to be built into, told a different story of the things purpose. A story that seemed to be ornately carved into the surface of the things lid, a lid that now raised slowly with a hiss and parted with a slight rasping sound, the two halves disappearing into the dais. Inside was a thick liquid the color of quicksilver that glowed with a unnatural light, its mirror like surface showing only slight ripples as two hands hand raised slowly from it. As the hands grasped the side of the box, the slim tubes that were attached to the base of the wrists disconnected itself and slid back into the liquid with a silent almost snake like motion.

As the hands tightened their grip, a bubbling sound came from the liquid as the figure of Sarin pulled itself into a sitting position. He had the deep silver hair normal to Void Children, though cut short, and deep violet eyes that opened and closed slowly before snapping shut as he launched into a coughing fit. Turning to the side of the box he spat out a glob of the quicksilver like liquid with a dissatisfied grumble. "No matter how many times I do this, I will never like that part." Sarin muttered to himself as he stood up, the various other tubes attached to his body disconnecting and sliding into the liquid. Stepping over the side of the box and onto a set of stairs that had risen out of the floor as he had begun moving, the Fleetmaster shakily came to the actual floor where a folded set of silksteel and synth-fiber clothing awaited him. As he put it on he looked around the room where he found himself, it was a circular room with the dais in the center, its dim lighting was slowly rising to reveal the door directly in front of him, which was in turn flanked by two statue like things set into alcoves.

Both of them were hulking things of armor, no openings anywhere showed what might lie beneath, not even an eye slit on the blank mask like helmet. Their arms both ended in long, vicious looking claws, though the left claws seemed smaller than their right counterparts the general size of the left arm was slightly larger than the right. The armor itself- "Oh good your awake, now if your finished staring at those two I would like to see you in central. I mean its not like you don't know what they are, you've even seen them made. Oh and check in with Arch-alchemist as well, i'd rather you not randomly keel over due to a botched procedure." appearing suddenly and filling the chamber, the crackling voice jumped in knocking Sarin's thoughts out of his head and disappeared fast enough that he didnt have time to respond, or argue.

Finishing dressing the Fleetmaster opened the door with a hand wave, and proceeded out of it with little hesitation. The room he exited into was long and narrow, various other pods like the one he had exited earlier sat nestled into the wall, some empty, while others were closed. Sighing to himself Sarin turned and began to make his way through the darkened room, the door he had come through closing behind him and blending in with the wall. As he came to the end of the room he waved his hand again to open another door, that led to one of the many side halls of the ship. He walked slowly, taking the time to look around as he did so. He ran into very few other Void Children, even in the main thoroughfare hallways. But, as the dim lights all around hi, showed, that was to expected as most were asleep, the day/night cycle of the ship still in full effect.

Reaching one of the lifts Sarin entered into it, punching his destination and access code into the Holo-desplay that sprung up under his fingers. With a slight whrr the lift begain to move, silently taking him through much of the enormity of the City before reaching the desired level.

Positioned just above the center of the ship, Central was the command center of Saras Ingi, a large room, dominated by a raised platform in its center, which was flanked by two trench like depressions, all three with ramps leading to them. The light of the holo displays that lined the trenches and surrounded the platform gave the room an eerie glow.

As with the rest of the ship few Void Children were manning the various stations, those that were there being the skeleton night crew. All of them looked to the Fleetmaster as he entered, bowing slightly before returning to their stations, all but one. This lone figure stood in the center of the raised platform, where one could see all the Holo screens at once. It appeared as a void child of average height and build, but it's skin and clothing (which seemed archaic to even the Fleetmaster) were the same semi-translucent deep rust color and shimmered as if warm to the touch. The figure didn't even turn when it began to speak to Sarin, it's voice having an undertone like crackling flames "Good to see you in the flesh Sarin, and might I say your 400's have treated you much nicer than your predecessor."

Sarin only rolled his eyes as he came to stand next to the shimmering form "You said that last time Ignus, which makes me wonder. Are you just going to keep repeating it for every decade or just once in a while, I would assume you of all people would have new materiel, given you have so much time to think on it."

The shimmering avatar of the Ignus AI turned to the Fleet master, it's hand coming to it's chest in mock offence "You wound me Sarin, I was only trying to make idle conversation with a friend, not be insulted." Sarin didn't glorify the joking AI with a response, save for a glare from the corner of his eye as he crossed his arms. Ignus waved off the Void Child, muttering something about how "sometimes he could be no fun". A couple of the screens flickered as new information scrolled across them, catching Sarin's attention, and making the AI to make an exasperated sigh "Back to work already? No time off, really?"

Sarin shrugged as he turned to read the displays "I just spent a few weeks being, for the most part, technically dead. Trust me on this Ignus, that was all the vacation I needed. Now if I recall we had a few 'projects' beginning just as was going under, how are they transpiring?"

Ignus's form shifted slightly, as various symbols and words scrolled across his arm's and body "All of them are alright, the scouts that you requested to be sent out have all left system a few weeks ago. Most are reporting back that the empires have grown well in our absence. As of yet the scouts are also reporting that they have not been spotted, though I am calculating that the odds of said detection are rising exponentially, as to be expected.'

Sarin nodded "Good, and what of the other things?"

"I was getting to that, if you would be a little more patient. Now, the cores of the city are working at optimal conditions, their was a flare from the star a few days ago, fried a couple junctions on the third lower arm. Nothing major, just caused some problems with the day/night cycle down there and upset people. We were able to patch around them, and they have been fixed and replaced. As for the Rip Drive, it is currently charged and ready, we just need coordinates." Ignus paused as if checking some information "You will also be pleased to know that the gate's sensors have not been tripped yet, nor has it been activated."

Sarin nodded "Good, good. The empires might have scouts out on the verge though so keep an eye on that. In the mean time, we wait for the scouts to find us a path." The Fleetmaster brushed his hand on the holo screen, clearing it, he couldn't shake the feeling something was about to happen and the Void Children would have to be ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Queen Raidne
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Queen Raidne Raspberry Diva

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Huenster System, Hocklyn Home System
June blinked. Her wings would have fluttered in surprise if they weren't held tight by the suit. She hadn't expected a ride. With that much technological activity coming out of basically nowhere, surely the Path would have relocated by now. That meant she'd have to wait for the radium to wear off before she could sense the Path and then head home. So her choices were to either accept the ride, or stay hidden. At least the suit was (apparently) working. Titania knew which alien species had made it.

June glanced behind her at the cave entrance. Something on her suit unhelpfully went ping!, and clattered to the ground. Smoke wafted up from her thigh, and she suddenly popped into full visibility. 'Well, that just figures,' she thought. It was a miracle that the suit had worked at all. She turned around to face the interloper.

"I'm June," she said. Her brain finally kicked in; if the Hocklyn knew her name, then Lady Ruby must have arranged something. That made things... simpler? Maybe she could overtly determine the Hocklyn's strength. If nothing else, they were certainly industrialized. She walked over to the transport craft and stepped aboard. It was uncomfortably iron-filled, which seemed like the beginnings of a trend. This close to the large alien, she could feel the pulses of radiation he used for sight. It was like a carpet regularly brushing against her skin - unpleasant, annoying, but not that harmful.

"I'm guessing," June ventured, "that you're going to take me to meet with someone important."

The Path grumbled in a way only a sentient-magical-hyperspace-tunnel could. It was uncomfortable and confused. It missed the planet Faerie, and now it had a strange pain in its nodes that never quite went away. Once it knew a tiny-thing that could calm it down, but now all it had to look forward to was the periodic great reliefs that happened in its nodes. The tiny-thing was severed, off in another room with the planet Faerie.

Maybe another great relief would happen soon. That would make the Path feel better. Then it could think again, and do all the normal things that magical-sentient-hyperspace-tunnels do - like frolic with the spacetime Eddies.

Out of pure irritation and a little spite, it lashed out at one of the Great Big Flashes that lived such brief lives in hyperspace.

It grabbed the Great Big Flash - this one wasn't all that interesting - and decided to stash it in one of its nodes for safekeeping.

Maybe it would help the pain, a little.
Without much warning, the scout ship was trapped in hyperspace. It stuck for a few minutes, shifting with a gravitational wave not unlike peristalsis moves a bit of food down a throat. Suddenly two craggy earthen pillars, crowned with a pleasantly normal grove of pine trees, surrounded the ship. It was the entrance to a bay, supposing that air took the place of water. A wooden sign was tacked to the end, with a crudely drawn mug of beer and an arrow pointing down a dirt path.

The ship had appeared in one of the natural zero gravity "space docks" surrounding Finn's, on the outskirts of the boomtown.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

New Condia, Battlefleet Alpha

As the fleet entered the system, it became quickly apparent that they brought far more force than truly necessary. The system was merely an agricultural center for the people in it, and its defenses were minimal at best. Perhaps this was why the response wanted them to dock at a port. They wanted the Roa'marii fleets in range of any planetary defenses should things go south. General Peltis contemplated this as his companion entered the bridge behind him.

"Rhe'deri, any response from the xenos? And tell the Expedition Fleet to regroup with us, the sensors say they're still in system."

"They did respond, Jer'rahd, and they want us to dock at a port of theirs. I assume you plan to go meet them yourself? And of course I'm coming."

"Of course, and I recommend Commanders Hur'raci and Sil'soro join us. Anyway, let me see their message myself."

After listening to the message, General Jer'rahd Kaisur left the bridge to prepare for this meeting with the xenos. Shortly after, General Rhe'deri Peltis did the same. Both were sure to grab their translator rings with the xenos language added to them.

As the flagship docked with the port they were sent to, half of the fleet suddenly turned around and activated their FTL, jumping out of system to an unknown location. Additionally two more ships suddenly uncloaked and joined up with the flagship at the port. These each unloaded a trio of Roa'marii, Commanders Hur'raci and Sil'soro included. They quickly met up with the two Generals and their small guard group before turning to the xenos approaching.

"I am General Rhe'deri Peltis of the United New Roa'marii Empire. These are my colleagues General Jer'rahd Kaisur, Commander Hur'raci, and Commander Sil'soro. It is a pleasure to meet you."

UNRE Spear of Searo, Enolopi System

Upon hearing the message from the Hocklyns, Queen Pes'tifero smiled, if it could be called such, at their words. "Brutal effectiveness, no mercy, yes, you will be perfect. Do as they asked, and prepare a reply. I wish to meet these Hocklyns in person. To see what these creatures look like and if they can truly take back Searo."

Queen Pes'tifero then turned and walked towards her personal chamber, a message sent to the engineers in the docks to prepare her personal vessel for transport once she could leave. As she walked, she narrated the message to be translated and sent back in the Hocklyn language.

"So you are not a diplomat, good, then I'll drop the act and say now that I am not either. I will go along with your orders, as you are currently in a position of power. I look forward to meeting with you in person Ship Commander. The Daughters of Searo will gladly lend their service to you in exchange for your assistance in our reclamation of out worlds."

And so, the Spear of Searo followed the Hocklyn fleet as it prepared to jump out of system. Once their FTL Drives were prepared, they all made their jump at once. Just as they were jumping away, another FTL jump was entering the system. This jump carried a small fleet of Roa'marii ships. The lead ship contained Top Spear Ror'kae, formerly the highest ranking warrior and heir of the Searonese Empire and now in charge of hunting down her former leader. As they entered, the signs of the narrowly missed Hocklyn fleet were obvious.

"She escaped again. But this time she went with someone. Prepare to follow as soon as we can, but be careful. We may be heading right into her claws. I want all stealth systems at full power when we arrive. I want to know what we're up against before we jump in."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Stalicar System, Hocklyn Frontier System

Two destroyers barreled out of their 'port, and returned to normalspace. For several moments, their sensors and weapons were offline- then they gradually, slowly, came back. Within ten seconds, they could see and shoot again. They scanned, picked up nothing but the usual debris that's often around a trade route jump point- the beacon was broadcasting a Hocklyn-encrypted signal with coordinates to multiple other long-range beacons (Hocklyn beacons allow Hocklyn ships to jump farther than normal, at the cost of all their drives' fuel). A minute later, they pinged the Hocklyn beacon, and three freighters- one with the great ball containers containing liquids or gases, another with the modular container design, and the last with a fixed-design ship that stores cargo inside of the ship, without any modular containers- 'ported in.

The three freighters, one of them holding a very large load of iridium, the modular holding various other ores and materials, and the ball freighter packing several hundred tons of unidentified gases, immediately moved to the nearest waystation- a stopping point to refuel jump drives after a long point. While a portal doesn't cost any fuel, it takes a great deal of constant energy to keep up, and is extremely expensive. Meanwhile, jump beacons allow for faster travel per fuel unit, and are much cheaper to construct and maintain. And, it also makes a roaring trade for fuel at each of the jump-to systems.

The two destroyers spread out, scanning the system with specialized modules, searching for threats. As they neared the station- it was built between two relatively small asteroids in the asteroid belt around the only system's planet, a gas giant- the destroyers began to get nervous. The station wasn't responding; scopes zooming in took note of a couple hull penetrations, where something had punched through and blown out the air inside multiple rooms. But it was not a problem, yet, because one of the penetrations were where the communications array was supposed to be, the refueling dock looked to be untouched, and there were still some lights on, through the thick windows of some of the hallways and rooms.

So the destroyers took up positions 'round the station, leaving it to the fixed-design's freighter to dock first, and allow its compliment of marines to take care of any trouble. One checked out the multiple stations hovering in low orbit over the gas giant, cloud scoops sucking in precious gases. It was quickly apparent that something was wrong- three of the nine cloud scoop stations were leaking all their gases out to space, a mix of green, orange, and brown pouring from a hole in each of the stations, one of them slowly deorbiting. As it turned about to head back to its charges and its companion destroyer, a mine- similar to Hocklyn design- detonated against the hull, mistaken for debris and the shields paying it no mind because of it. Immediately, the small, powerful ship tore in half, it's relatively weak skeleton torn in two by the mine that blasted straight through it.

Three more mines went off as the ship drifted away from the cloud scoops, tearing it to pieces.

@Queen Raidne
Huenster System, Hocklyn Home System
The Hocklyn had no reaction for "Joon" appearing out of nowhere. Rather, he just moved his crystalline face into his best imitation of a smile- which was neither comforting or pretty, since it showed his crystalline pointed teeth- and waited patiently for Joon to get in. He waited a moment for the door to automatically close behind her, and said, "Ye, of sorts, ye know. Izz moruva tour of our shtuff, ya tick?" Tick being a sort of slang term, similar to "ya dig?" or "Ya know?" "Sees, we's been paids to show ye a'ound an' oh! Righty hoe, the lah'dee saids..." After a moment, the constant waves of radiation stopped- his version of 'closing his eyes.' He laughed, a hoarse, hacking sound, and continued. "Mah ahpawlah'gees. She said our seeshtuff wudn't make ye feel comf'toebul. That's awl'righty though. I gots autopilot."

Humming a little tune through his strange accent and somewhat hoarse voice- though probably normal for him- he went about tapping on some buttons and pushing some levers, before saying, "Inicijuoti maršrutą trylika. Slaptažodis yra kvadratinės šaknies." He waited for a moment, then the aircraft jerked slightly, before a small ping sounded, and the aircraft started rising. After it reached a hundred feet or so, it accelerated, banking slowly to go towards the terraformer- which was now muted, because of the vehicle's canopy. "So's I been tol' tha' ye was supposta lern 'bout us or somesuch. I can say right now- we's a slaver empire. Oh, I know you prolly think we gots whips and all thats, but..." He paused for a moment, before continuing in impeccable, perfect speech, "The Hocklyn Slaver Empire takes in all the sentient, smart races it finds, and then taketha- gar, takes them- in as a sort of citizen-on-probation. Laws'n'stuff go harder on them, but they don't get whippins, er, they don't get whipped. See, Joon, the lowest of Hocklyns are equal to the highest of other races- but their power may be different. Many influential Lovci and have the ear of the Council, which rules us. Three Council members, who are the leaders of everything, by the way. Don't want to get in their way- they gots some real nice energy swords, they cut people in half for crossin them. Speaking of which, we screwed up our planet so much that we have these massive terraformers everywhere, keeping us from suffocatin."

He gestured vaguely at the rapidly approaching hexagonal construct, the rumbling going so far as to be unheard, but felt deep in one's chest. The Hocklyn had everything memorized quite well, for having his 'eyes' 'closed.'

Hostel System, Hocklyn Frontier System
The primary fleet 'ported into the edges of the system, greeted by a warning broadcast to identify themselves and the foreign vessels in the fleet. Because the ships had used the portable jump beacon contained within the fleet's flagship, most of the smaller ships were completely out of the FTL drive's fuel. Likewise, many of the larger ships were also running low. Because of the relatively long-range jump (They had gone quite a ways out of Hocklyn territory in search of more ideal systems), the entire fleet took a minute to arrive- smaller ships appearing first, then the foreign vessels, then the primary fleet itself.

After taking up positions around the foreigners, they moved in closer to the extensive FOB (Forward Operations Base) in orbit around the system's solitary habitable planet. Two dwarf planets and a small gas giant were farther out in the system, on the other side of the sun.

The FOB that they were heading towards was extensive. Because two of the three moons of the planet had relatively geostationary orbits, space elevators rose the relatively short distance to the smallest one, which was in a relatively low orbit around the planet. With a great deal of work, the moon had a great big drydock and a trading hub for the more or less independent miners that went to other systems for resources that the Hocklyn government has yet to lay claim to. A small fleet surrounded it- three destroyers and a cruiser.

As the fleet approached, the small defense force drifted out towards the outskirts of the planet's gravity well, leaving the fleet to rally with them. After silent discussion between the Hocklyn vessels, small short-range freighters dispatched from the station, rising up to the fleet to refuel the ships, while the flagship of the fleet, the Cyrus destroyer, the alien ship, and an escort of four torpedo destroyers hugging the aliens, torpedoes armed and very ready to fire at near point-blank range. They let the alien ship dock the hasty jury-rigged port first; on the opposite side of the dock extending from the moon, the flagship and the Cyrus docked.

Five minutes later, after a small swarm of construction drones made sure the alien ship's airlocks were sealed with the station's (and that explosive high-penetration devices were planted on their hull where they suspected the engines, reactors, communications arrays, and FTL drive were located), the dock's airlock to the alien ship opened up, to show the Fleet Commander's XO, flanked by Stehlruh'Coluk das Cyrus and a guard, who was wearing heavy armor and was visibly tensed, if you took in the loaded and charged G43 gauss rifle.

Stehlruh was wearing light scout armor, with the Hocklyn's navy colors. Purple alloy plates over shoulders, hips, and midsection, with a titanium chainmail between, wires visibly snaking through the chainmail to power the glowing devices in the middle of each plate. The Fleet Commander's XO was wearing medium infantry armor, which was a layer of titanium chainmail with full-coverage purple armor plates, with a slightly humped back where several fuel cells lay. The light scout armor was much more subtle, with no visible power packs. The guard's armor was full- unlike the other two, his face was covered in a helmet, and with a shield somewhat visibly hovering an inch around him. Stehlruh's face was natural, for their species, though there was a small device on the side of his head, attached to a headset- a small white circle shone on it, with two 'eyes' on it, full circles as the Hocklyn stared at the aliens. A similar device was attached to the Fleet Commander's XO's headset, except the full 'eye' circles were slitted slightly, as if in suspicious. They were devices that were clearly meant to convey their emotions to the aliens.

As the aliens approached from their ship, Stehlruh took a step forward and gave a short bow, while the guard watched impassively, and the FC-XO's emoticon indicator flashed to an angry face, back to suspicious. Stehlruh spoke, saying in his strange, unusual voice, "Ramus sveikinimai, užsieniečiams. Jei mano vertėjas dirba teisingai, prašome pasakyti šią frazę, mano kalba, kad aš žinau, kad ji tinkamai veikia. Iš kriaušių karalienė vaikšto tarp plieno koridoriuose." A moment after he finished speaking, a translation spoke from the device: "Peaceful greetings, aliens. If my translator is working correctly, please say the following phrase, in my language, so I know that it is working properly. The Queen of the Spear walks among the steel corridors."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

New Condia, Orbital Station
“They have called part of their fleet away...this is indeed some odd behaviour from a new contact” commented the Station Commander. He stood in front of a viewing window, looking down upon the hangar in which the Roa’marii had docked.

The hangar itself had a few ships hanging around, mostly shuttles and fighters, with various crew watching in curiosity as they saw the Roa’marii approach. Besides guards flanking them either side, three figures approached. The first was a human, wearing a formal outfit. The next was clearly a Iscandarian, with veins streaking of a gold, and short auburn hair. He wore a suit of power armor, however unlike most it was silver with golden trimming, a emerald green blade was clipped to his side, with what appeared to be a bladeless sword on his other side. However by far the most magnificent of the three was a gigantic emerald dragon. He was as big as small house, and looked down upon the Roa’marii. It was clear by the magic emanating from the Iscandarian and dragon that the Iscandarian was not only extremely powerful with his abilities, but he shared a unique bond with the dragon as well.

“Greetings Roa’marii, I am Governor Klaus of New Condia. I shall however turn the proceedings here over to my friend, who is much more experienced with diplomacy.” he said, making a arm motion.

The Iscandarian bowed, and so did the Dragon. The dragon’s paw was over its chest, with the Iscandarian having his arm over his chest. He raised up, and begin speaking to the Roa’marii.

“I am Master Augustus of the Dragon-Rider order, this is my dragon Ryath, and I am his rider.” he spoke.

The Dragon looked at the Roa’marii, yet did not speak. Instead they heard a masculine voice within their minds, presumably the only method by which the dragon could communicate.

Greetings little ones, I am Rylath, Augustus is my rider, and I am his dragon.” he thought to the Roa’marii. Augustus looked, awaiting the Roa’marii to speak.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hostel System, Orbital Docks

Queen Pes'tifero approached the Hocklyn Fleet Commander slowly, her frown deepening with every step she took, though her mask hid that fact. She approached on a set of spindly metal limbs that extended from her back while her legs dangled beneath her. Every breath she took gave of a slight rasp and a faint cloud of steam. Around her walked six Searonese Warriors. Each wore a tight exoskeletal metal suit. Implants were easily visible across them all, varying slightly between each. The Warrior in the middle, directly to the right of Pes'tifero herself was massive, nearly as tall as the queen, and yet not suspended on metal legs. All of the Warriors were obviously female, and most had some form of trophy braided into their blood red hair, from gold coins and flecks of silver to varying body parts such as toes, fingers, tongues, and ears. When the Fleet Commander spoke, Pes'tifero spent a moment before responding. When she did, her words dripped with anger, but she replied in her raspy voice as asked.

"The Queen of the Spear walks among the steel corridors. An almost poetic phrase. I suppose it should have been expected that you would be a breeder. Your people interest me, your appearance is very similar to another species that once lived on our home world. It's too bad they went extinct over a hundred years ago, but their crystalline bodies were wonderful sources for mana batteries. I wonder if you share that use. But regardless, we have more pressing matters. As you know, I am Queen Pes'tifero, Top Spear of Searo and Last True Daughter of Searo. My current bodyguards are among the most distinguished Warriors whose should have not returned to the bloody fields of the Goddess Searo. Among them is the Top Spear Ter'rath, current heir to my throne should I be claimed by Searo. We are willing to capture or kill any foe: political, military, or otherwise in exchange for your assistance in the retaking of our home world of Searo Hold."

Throughout this speech, the Warriors around Pes'tifero remained silent. At the end, the large one, Top Spear Ter'rath, looked straight into the face of the Fleet Commander. The lenses attatched to her eyes rotated some as she stared at the Hocklyn, judging him as they all awaited a response.

New Condia, Orbital Station

General Rhe'deri Peltis watched the Iscandarian with a curious gaze. This mention of a Dragon-Rider Order interested him, a mental and potentially physical bond existed between the two, and if first impressions said anything, they held a very high position in this society. Rhe'deri made a mental note to ask more about it in detail at a later time once the first contact meetings were over. General Jer'rahd Kaisur, however, had a different focus. He watched the Dragon closely, a suspicious gaze that spoke of an experience of sorts. He was the first to speak, his one red and one green eyes glowing slightly, just barely noticeable to the Dragon and Rider.

"A green dragon. Beautiful creature, and even more deadly when it wants to be. I am Roa'marii General Jer'rahd Kaisur. I've dealt with what we called Dragons before, although they were very different from you. Generally they were similar, but there were some major differences. I wonder if you understand their ancient Draconic." Jer'rahd then began speaking in a highly guttural language filled with growls and other sounds he shouldn't be able to make. To the amazement of the Dragon, it was recognizable as an extremely archaic version of an old and rarely used Draconic language. Roughly translated: "The Dragons I knew went extinct as far as I knew, due in no small part to my own actions." Then, switching back to his original language, "If you understood that, then I am even more interested in your history. But enough about this, I'll let General Rhe'deri Peltis speak his mind now.

With the meeting passed to him, General Peltis began to speak. "Yes, well, as General Kaisur said, I am General Rhe'deri Peltis, chief ambassador of the United New Roa'marii Empire. I must say, I too am interested in this Dragon-Rider order of yours. But that can be explained at a later time. First I would like to make an offer of peace. We have no interest in a long war. We've done that in the past and wish to avoid war wherever possible. I trust this is perfectly acceptable to your people?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hostel System, Orbital Docks
The FC-XO took a step forward, his emoticon screen flashing into anger at what he considered an insult. Stehlruh das Cyrus stuck an arm out before the FCXO could do anything, and held him back as the Hocklyn fumed. Instead, the Ship Commander looked at the "Queen", and spoke, his translator talking over his now-soft voice.

"Well, if we are mere breeders, then I suppose breeders fight a great deal better than you and yours, since we still have a fleet. No offense intended, of course, but you should learn to be more diplomatic, even if it is not your job, or nature. Although, you are a Queen, and any decent leader knows that, while commanding respect is key, ruling by fear and with absolute power can have negative consequences. We don't know anything of mana, and we do not appreciate your wonderings about how effective we'd be used as batteries."

"Now, if you are finished insulting us, please follow us. And leave all but one of your guard behind. Your heir may come, besides the guard and yourself. Distinguished as your warriors may be, we will refuse to deal with you trying to outnumber our current numbers. We will treat you as equals for as long as you treat us as so. And, if I hear correctly, you are in no position to bargain, with you being the last of your empire or kingdom, while we were not quite as foolish to lose ourselves. Now, if you would, send your men back to your shuttle of a ship."

The Hocklyn Ship Commander smiled, and shoved the silent FCXO back, speaking over a private, encrypted channel, "You are a representative for the Fleet Commander, but you are not the agreed-upon diplomat. Calm down or I'll send you back!"

The three Hocklyns did, perhaps, the biggest insult- they turned their backs on the warriors of Spearo, and walked back down the hall, clearly expecting only three to follow. And, based on the barely visible shimmering present every section of the hallway, there were several lays of environmental and kinetic shields throughout, preventing any sort of hostile response.

With the left side of the alien ship docked with the station, and a torpedo destroyer on the right side, with explosives planted across the alien ship's hull, they were well and truly out of luck, and with no bargaining chips. If they wanted to take the ship, they probably could- more likely, if they wanted to just blow them up, they could.

Just in case, though, airlocks shut behind the group of six- three Hocklyns, three aliens- thoroughly preventing a self-destruct from critically damaging the station, and the destroyer backed off a little bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

New Condia, Orbital Station @Zadubadabu
Rylath looked more curiously as Jer’ahd, taking a few steps forth and sending tremors through the hangar as he did.

For most of our lifetime we used ideas to communicate, thoughts, before the creation of the Dragon-Rider order. However ancestral memories and visions from the Mother foretold a small group of us that left. They created the language you speak as a way of differing themselves. Perhaps this group you fought is them.” thought the Dragon, he stepped back.

Augustus looked towards the General.

“A treaty of nonaggression would have to be approved by the Immortals, the greatest amongst the Eternal Union, chosen by Faust. It will however take us a while to contact them, you will have to stay here until then.” spoke Augustus, however at that moment the Governor pulled a small communicator out of his pocket, which is beeping loudly.

“It is a priority transmission from Iscandar. I shall play it.” said Governor Klaus, setting it on the floor and a hologram of a Iscandarian appearing. He had angelic-like wings, and looked towards the Roa’marii.

“Greetings Roa’marii, I am Immortal David, first of the Immortals and the Great Uniter of the Eternal Union. I have had much information relayed to me during your meeting here, and I and the other Immortals wish to speak to you, here at our Stronghold on our homeworld of Iscandar. However due to the nature of Iscandar and how valuable the system is to us, we have to limit the forces you may bring along. You may either bring a sole Capital Ship or four frigates along with a unarmed diplomatic ship, upon landing only 2 diplomats and 4 guards may meet with us. If you find this acceptable, Governor Klaus can help you with getting to Iscandar. Peace and harmony be with you.” said the hologram, cutting off shortly after. Augustus looked towards the Roa’marii, and spoke once again.

“A high honor has been offered to you. Rarely even from the Eternal Union are non-essential persons invited into the Immortal Stronghold. If the Immortals conduct diplomacy personally they usually send out only one of themselves to speak, to be invited into the Stronghold to speak with all three has only been granted to two other diplomatic parties before. You will also get to see some of the greatest magical artifacts that the Eternal Union holds.” said Augutus.

Iscandar, the Immortal Stronghold
“David, I am not sure it was the wisest move to invite the Roa’marii here. They supposedly have magic to match ours, they could be a big threat in the castle.” spoke Aaliyah, walking with David down a hall.

“With the limits placed upon their party, you, Ariane, and I will be sufficient in dealing with them if they attempt to cause trouble. With the guards of our Stronghold as well and the two Dragon-riders that will also be arriving for support, we need not worry. Besides, they are the first we have encountered to have developed magic to a similar degree as us. We must assess them to determine if they will be a valuable ally...or a threat.” responded David.

“If you so believe David, as you are the politician here and have more experience, I shall heed you.” said Aaliyah.

“Prepare Ariane, she is the third of our number, not counting Vrael, and will need to be ready for the diplomatic party.” stated David,

“I shall, ready yourself as well David.” spoke Aaliyah, turning down a opposite hall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

@Queen Raidne
The Docks outside boomtown
Swearing in Fleet-speak is a uniquely motion intensive affair, requiring multiple gestures from the hands to truly drive the point home exactly what the meaning of the words being spoken are trying to convey. So it came as no surprise the the crew of the Los when her captain, upon the navigational system and the navigator telling her that the ship had been snatched out of Rip space and was no no longer under their control, lashed out, the holo screens that surrounded the raised platform in the internal bridge "shattering" as she struck them (only to reform a few seconds later), all the while yelling this and that.

The gesturing made Captain Iralla feel a bit better, her calm composure, learned from many years as the Los's captain, overtaking that of the momentary flash of surprise and anger.

That was until they emerged in the dock.

As the outside sensors filtered in what was in front of them, the entire bridge staff, including Iralla, stood slightly dumbfounded. A prefaling silence crept in, only broken by Iralla's voice "Navigation, where in the void's great domain are we?"

the navigation officer checked his holo screen, and checked again "According to all sensors ma'am, we are still in transit."

Iralla scowled "Impossible, check again."

The navigation officer timidly looked away, his hands ringing behind his back "I have, ma'am. Checked, rechecked, and given it to the ship-born computer, which has returned the same data. According to all sensor we are still in transit."

Iralla looked slowly around the bridge, thoughts raceing through her head on how to solve the problem they found themselves in now. Turning to another member of the bridge staff she spoke, her voice only slightly hopeful "Helms, if we are still in transit, can we drop out?"

The helms-man checked his own displays in much the same way the navigation officer did, with several double checks "That would not be advised ma'am, due to the fact that we are not here of our own power means that if we try to drop to normal space, we very well might get shredded on our way out."

Iralla made a light snarling sound as she turned back to the outside displays that now dominated her view, her eyes quickly catching the sign. Reaching forward she brushed a small button on the displays, causeing the sip wide comm to pop to life "Mina, gather your Skulks, I think I might have a job for you."

On the path to Finn's

True to their name the Skulks slowly stalked down the path towards the boomtown. While their movements were not threatening or hostile, they were defently calculated, much like scouts moving through unfamiliar territory. Which in many ways they were.

They wore a light nano-fab armor, a long bolt of silksteel cloth wrapped around their shoulders and into a hood that covered their head. A tight mask was fitted to their lower jaws, covering their mouth and noses, the slight clicks they made giving them away as breathing masks. Mounted on the left arms were frames, to which were attached a few small wires and tubes attached to what looked like three small cylinders on the left shoulder, and to large coin sized black circles on their palms. On the same hand was a small clawed gauntlet that appeared to be part of the entire assembly, with only a finger-less glove adorning that hand up to the wrist where the Nano-fab armor began (which itself had what looked like a larger, raised section on the right forearm)

As they looked over the city, their leader Mina spotted the bar "There. That seems to be the center of this settlement, we should start there." Nodding in silent agreement the Skulks moved down into boomtown, towards the bar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zadubadabu
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Zadubadabu Nightmare Emperor

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hostel System, Orbital Docks

Silently, Queen Pes'tifero motioned for her guards to return to the ship, all but those at her direct sides. To her right stood the aforementioned Top Spear Ter'rath and to her left another warrior, this one short and lightly armored compared to the others. She wore no decorations save a trio of crystals woven into her hair. The three followed the Hocklyns out, noticing the airlock close behind them. Upon reaching their destination, the three Searonese stood still as the Hocklyns turned to face them. Pes'tifero spoke only one line.

"You're calling the shots for now, what will you make us do next?"

Meanwhile, another small fleet jumped into the system, upon receiving a request for identification by the defense fleet, a transmission was quickly put together and sent to the Hocklyns in system.

"I am Top Spear Ror'kae, true heir to the Searonese Empire, and loyal to the United New Roa'marii Empire under the Nightmare Emperor. I have tracked Queen Pes'tifero of Searo to this system and scans show her ship is still active here. We request that she be turned over to us so that she may be punished for her crimes by the law of the Nightmare Emperor and her war be finished completely."

New Condia, Orbital Station

General Peltis was the first to respond to the message from Immortal David. "Well, it seems we are lucky. Surely I will be chosen as one diplomat, and with the high importance of the meeting, our Emperor will likely be attending in person. As for guards, General Kaisur here and General Sta'falia Silvad will likely be a second. As for the other two, that is up for debate. At any rate, I will inform the Emperor of this arrangement."

As General Peltis left to go send a message back to Arcadia, General Kaisur stated his response to the message as well as the dragon's theory.

"Your theory is indeed interesting, and I'll have to look into it. I haven't looked too far into my ancestry, but from what I've been told, I somehow possess the blood of a dragon. Don't ask me how it works, I don't even know. As for this invitation to your Immortal Stronghold, I agree with what General Peltis said as to the likely diplomats. Once the message is sent, it's likely the Emperor will be arriving here first. I'll start setting up the relay for him. I hope you don't mind."

With that said, General Kaisur took out an ordinary looking disk. Upon pressing a button, the disk glowed blue and rapidly expanded until it formed a large circular platform. After a short time, General Peltis returned. Upon seeing the platform, he spoke.

"Good, the relay is set. The Nightmare Emperor will be arriving shortly. General Sta'falia Silvad will be arriving with her Valkyries in her fleet at Iscandar. She will bring with her Valkyries Cyc'lonis and Typ'nola to serve as the last two guards. Meanwhile we are to travel with the Emperor aboard your Flagship, Jer'rahd, the Beast of the Moon. Now, please stand back away from the relay."

As he said this, the relay began to glow brightly, electricity arcing around the edge of it. A minute later a large blue sphere crackling with mana appeared, before slowly dimming and dissipating to reveal a man clad in black armor. His silver hair flowed and on his head rested a crown of black steel with a single purple gem embedded in it. Once the portal had fully disappeared, he spoke.

"Greetings, I am Nightmare Emperor Nox Shade of the United New Roa'marii Empire. My general tells me I've been invited to your Immortal Stronghold by your Immortal David. I look forward to this meeting, and hope it results in strong relations between our people."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

New Condia, Orbital Station
No one seemed to act surprised at Nox teleporting in from the relay, as it was pretty mundane magic to them. However, Master Augustus and Rylath paused for a minute. They had stood before the Immortal Aaliyah once before, as she was a dragon-rider, and had felt her power. The Generals had felt weaker, but still powerful enough that they at least be able to hold against a Immortal. Now however that they felt Nox...he felt as powerful as the Immortals. Augustus was curious as to how he had acquired his power, but he must save it for later.

“I was here on a mission to gather more riders for the order. As it is finished I must prepare the new apprentices for departure to Iscandar. Gather upon your ship and when I am ready to leave, I shall send you the coordinates. It is nice to meet you, Nox.” said Augustus, doing the same arm over chest bow. He left the hangar, as Klaus said a few parting words saying he needed to get back to governing New Condia.

It was not long before the Roa’marii saw a ship pull out of orbit of New Condia, the vessel was about the size of a frigate, and had a escort on either side. The ship itself carried the same standard Iscandarian design, but the print of a Dragon was painted upon its side.

“I am departing now, included are the coordinates of Iscandar. I shall see you there.” broadcasted the ship, it and it’s escorts quickly jumping out of the system shortly after.

The Dragos Mountains, Iscandar
Aiden stepped out of the cave, and into the mid-day sunlight of Iscandar. He stashed the crystal safely in a small pouch, but carried the Archnite with him. Awaiting him was Master Oromis, who began speaking.

“The first trial is nearly done for you Apprentice, but not over yet. What did you face in the cave?” asked Oromis, looking at Aiden.

“Someone who said she was my adoptive Mother, strange to me it was, not what I was expecting.” responded Aiden. As he said this Oromis perked up a bit, and asked another question.

“What did she look like?”

“Perfect almost, she had a long white dress.” responded Aiden once again.

“Did she anything?”

“Only that I was to request to go along on a diplomatic mission to the Empire of Aramun, as there was someone there that she needed.” said Aiden, starting to look at Oromis with a questioning look.

“I need to speak to the Council of Grandmasters about this, but for now we must complete your trial, follow me.” spoke Oromis, handing Aiden a long wooden stick, as they began walking down the Mountain.

The two proceeded down the Mountain, time passing by. Birds and other creatures were rare sights that greeted them on their way down. After a while sunset began occurring, as they reached a wide open valley. In the distance Aiden and Oromis could see a large black stone structure, lit with a almost entrancing fire, upon which both Hasai and Glaedr sat. Aiden felt as the connection between him and Hasai once again strengthened, and they could hear each other again.

My little one returns. Our trial is almost complete, are you ready my rider?” thought Hasai.

I am, my dragon.” thought Aiden in return, as Oromis and Aiden came upon the structure. It was Glaedr who spoke.

We have told of you the blood pact, created to bring peace. We, the Dragon-Riders, are peacekeepers when the time is to defend, and warriors when the time is to attack. Any peacekeeper or warrior needs a weapon, and to end your first trial, you shall forge that weapon. The dragon lights the forge, the rider gathers the material, and now you shall both work together to forge it. I give upon you a spell, you shall need to both fully concentrate, and it shall forge a blade only fit for you, Aiden.” thought Glaedr, as he withdrew from the forge, landing next to Oromis.

Aiden steeled himself for a moment, mediating before the altar. He and Hasai began concentrating, focusing, to unravel the mysteries of the spell before him. It did not take long before the ball of Archnite floated into the forge, melting into a bright glowing white liquid. A few more moments and the liquid turned red, as it began to take the shape of a blade. It soon floated out of the fortress, as cool as a lightly chilled drink.

“Perfect Aiden, I never saw someone complete the first trial so smoothly. Rest for a moment, then we shall head back to the temple. From there you shall pick out a gem for the hilt, and then you may sleep. You still have two trials ahead of you, apprentice.” said Oromis, mounting Glaedr.

Aiden mounted on Hasai and turned towards Oromis.

“I am always prepared Master. There is no challenge that I shall let defeat me.” spoke Aiden, feeling as Hasai took off into the cool night air; Oromis and Glaedr followed shortly after, as they became small dots in the vast Iscandar sky.
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