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Do we really have to choose the masks our parents gave us? I don't think so, which is why I choose my own.

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And apparently because when I posted this last night the link did not actually go up, here it is. The actual RP.

Accepted, Gorgen shall be doing our map as well.

And his app has given me a idea. Edoniras is separated(from our yet to be named) Pseudo-Africa and Asia by the Steppes he mentioned. The Steppes have made contact with the far-east nations difficult however.

Players may drop apps for these nations, however do note that as such you will not be touched by the Industrial Revolution or firearms of Edoniras.
Edoniras, a beautiful continent with vast and varying cultures. The Norian Empire sought to make all of it’s domain, and succeeded. Those who did not fall to the vast armies of the Norians found themselves bowing to the Empire’s many Emperors, constantly giving up money, political power, and authority to the Norians to keep their realms intact. However the Norian Empire began collapsing under it’s own weight, as corruption, crime, economic troubles, and even disease all led to the downfall of the Empire. Noble Houses and other groups of power in the Empire began carving their own nations out of the collapsing remnants, as those nations who had bowed to the Empire began to grow in power in their absence. With new technologies allowing for the start of a Industrial Revolution, the power of firearms, and new naval technologies developed the newly formed states began fighting for dominance, and rumors of a untouched lands on the horizon spread. Only one thing is certain, a Age of Glory has begun.

Welcome to Age of Glory! Age of Glory is a freeform advanced RP set in a Pseudo-Europe in the early 19th Century. The Industrial Revolution is beginning as explorers set out to see if the rumors of new lands are true, while competition on Edoniras gears up.

1.Standard RP rules. No godmodding, meta-gaming, or power-playing
2. My decisions are final. If you have issues with them, take it to a PM.
3.Keep arguments(not discussions) out of the OOC. If its RP related and enough of a issue, add me and the involved parties to a PM and I will handle it there
4. 5 paragraphs is the minimum I expect per a post
5. Limit the amount of wars you declare. International relations aren’t entirely about conquering
6.Colonies are to not begin at the start of the RP. I will make a callout in OOC when I am ready to open that up.

Welp, I've been told I'm wanted, so here's my interest thrown in.

Out of curiosity, who said so?
<Snipped quote by duck55223>

Kk, I was asking since I'm thinking of importing and editing a nation of Germanic-Russian dwarves from a fantasy NRP for this.

Something else, is there an ETA on a NS form or OOC yet or do we need a certain amount of people in the Int check?

(Probably) Going to keep the interest check going till a little bit after I get home from school. I will throw up the OOC with NS format after that.

And you can do that. Just remember that they need to be humans when you edit them.
Thanks for the info @duck55223

On another note, anyone else here being a german-prussian-polish-that-part-of-Europe-esque nation? Just curious

I play on playing a Pseudo-German Empire, and it will have Pseudo-Polish. Those Pseudo-Polish will not be treated very well though.
I'm super interested

EDIT: Since I am both 1)A giant faggot and 2)A military history major, can I know what state the strategic-scale military theory is at? We've not reached the Napoleon/Jomini/Clausewitz revolution yet I assume, but have we hit our equivalent of Frederick the Great?

I not so sure, as I have no clue who Frederick the Great is. If he became before the 18th century, its probably a yes, but I will leave military tactics and strategy up to the players.

@duck55223Question about this magic land beyond the horizon, will it be like New World with Aztecs and Iroquois or would it be like Asian with glorious nippon and china and stuff?

Pseudo-America first, then a Pseudo-Asia and Africa later.

Edit: Three Questions
The First is how much of A Psuedo-Europe is this RP going to take place in. Is it just on one continent or is it all around this "world". I'm just asking because I planned to play as some colony that revolted (Similar to the USA).
The Second is does it matter what European culture we base it on, because I thought it might be cool to go with either a Slavic-Like nation or a Hellenic-Like Nation.
The Third is how much Religion will play in this RP.

The RP starts with every player nation as a nation on Edoniras, our Pseudo-Europe.

What culture you base your nation from Europe does not matter. However you will not be able to play as a revolting colony as colonies have yet to happen, explorers have only set out on rumors that their might be lands, so colonies will not be open till later. The Norian Empire developed basic Industrial tech and after their fall the Industrial Revolution starting coming to life. It was mainly due to the chaos from the fall of the Norian Empire in our timeline that we didn't get colonies till now.

Religion will play about as much of a role as player decides to in their own nation.
Love as theme. One of the most Primal yet most powerful human emotions.
Considering do NaNoWriMo, but not to sure.
What land is up for grabs?
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