Ainsley Jayne-Grey MacAlistar
Blood Status:
Professional Chaser for the Pride of Portree
14 and 1/4 inches, Redwood, Unicorn Hair, Ollivander described it as "Noxious"
A large, tidal-like wave
Notable Physical Appearance:
Ainsley stands at 1.80m (5’11”) and is very lithe in her stature. Her blonde hair reaches the small of her back and she frequently wears it in two French Braids, despite when she’s playing a match or at practice, when she wears it in a single French braid that hangs over her shoulder; (nothing like two plaits smacking one in the face when they are flying). Her eyes are a dark, ocean blue, but have a lighter ice blue ring around them.
Like all her brothers, Ainsley has freckles that dot her nose and high cheekbones. Ainsley is forever wearing a black leather necklace that has a dark purple ribbon wound around it; her best friend gave it to her during their third year at Hogwarts. Despite the death of her friend, Ainsley refuses to take it off for any reason.
Born and raise on the Isle of Skye, Scotland, Ainsley had always fancied playing for Portree as her career. The youngest of the MacAlistar brood, and the only girl, left Ainsley with more to prove to herself and her family than the rest of her siblings. Anthony, the eldest, works in the Wizengamot with their father, William. Matilda, their mother, works for the International Quidditch Liason. Arlington, the second eldest brother, works in the Department of Magical Transportation – although not a high status job, Arl does not have any qualms about his job. Finally, Adrian, the brother Ainsley is closest with, works in the Department of Magical Catastrophes.
MacAlistar Manor sits well back in the countryside of Skye, far away from the muggle village that the pure-blood family rarely visits. The only visitors that seem to show up around the manor are the Borgin and Burke lots, as Ainsley’s best friend was the daughter of the Borgin and Burke Proprietor, after all dark-seeded families must stick to their own, right?
At Hogwarts, Ainsley was a bit, how shall we say – lax in her studies. She excelled at Charms, Arithmancy, and DADA; however, her Potions, Transfiguration, and Herbology marks were less than appealing. Her real passion was Quidditch; she ate, slept, and breathed everything Quidditch. In her Seventh Year, Ainsley had her name and face plastered across the British Wizarding World, when she – in a fit a rage, due to an accident by her partner in potions – cast an mal-aimed curse at a muggleborn third year in the corridor, causing him to be sent to St Mungo’s where he never recovered.
Pulled from Hogwarts for two months, after her trial where she was convicted on charges of reckless discharge of a wand and assault, Ainsley suffered from house arrest and was pulled from the House team upon her arrival back at Hogwarts. It wasn’t until the last match of the season that she had earned enough support from her Head of House to convince the Headmaster to let her play once more.
Known as the ‘dirtiest player in the game’ Ainsley frequently uses more than her fair share of fouls during matches. Cobbing, or a use of the elbow to an opponent, is her most used foul – however, unlike other players, Ainsley is not allowed to keep her wand on her during matches as punishment for her seventh year conviction and hot temper.
To this day, Ainsley has night terrors involving the third year she attacked.