Avatar of Demonic Raven


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2 yrs ago
Current I don't know why I went with ye old pirate lingo... it has nothing to do with the plot.
2 yrs ago
Avast ye scurvy land lubers! There's a new 1x1 plot dead ahead!roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
2 yrs ago
Also I did not just return to see if anyone wanted to do a phantom of the opera RP... no that would be obsurd! *hides the YouTube movie tab*
2 yrs ago
Well 7 months of working 6 days in a row has finally become routine enough I think maybe it's time to return. I wonder if any old pals are here... time to see who will meme my VM section!
2 yrs ago
Planception! DUNNNN


Just a demonic bird living her life on the east coast. My fiancee is the lovely Evil Snowman (usernames not planned but worked so well together we thought "Hey, might as well get married and have some possessed kiddos one day!") That's pretty much it!

Most Recent Posts

To escape from the clutches of death, one will take one of two paths. One will either take the path of righteousness, fighting not with the fire they are burned with but with the light of justice or take the path of darkness, fighting their opponent with the shadows that encircle the night. The path one chooses has always been seen as something set in stone... But is it truly? Can the hurt one experiences be mended by love? Can it illuminate a new path once one has traveled down the path for so long or will the shadows of the past drown what light is left?

The plot of escaping her melody is fairly simple in order for us to build upon it together. If you're interested send me a PM with a description of the hero you wish to play! Bonus points for cool back stories! (I'm a sucker for them! That and good character images!)

Your character, our hero, would go to school with my character our villain. She would come to school covered in bruises, and he would help her bandage herself up. The two bonded but one day my character didn't show up for school, and that evening on the news it's revealed that my characters father is murdered while my character is in custody for murdering him. Though they have no idea what the murder weapon is as his head was exploded from the inside but no traces of anything was detected that could've caused it. So of course my character is released as there seems to be no conceivable way that she could have done it. But when he confronts her about it she reveals her power, so in the end he puts a stop to her by strangling her to death. Though she ended up surviving and after going into hiding and nursing herself back to health she uses her powers to become a singer. Of course he finds out and goes to stop her from whatever nefarious plans she might have, but when he goes he just can't bring himself to do it. So the plot focuses around their childhood and then adulthood, figuring out their complex feelings and your character trying to find another way to stop her from going through with whatever plan she has.
Hello everyone! Welcome to the bad boy/girl interviews! Within this interest check you'll find two interview booths! So if you're interested in a high school romance apply in booth one and if you're interested in a slice of life gang romance apply in booth two! All applicants will be considered for the position regardless of what crimes have been committed as we are an equal opportunity employer! Within the booths you'll find my characters your interviewers which may help sway you either way! Have fun, but no drugs or murder on the premise take it like 30 feet off site so we aren't liable. Thank you for your understanding!

If you're interested PM me with the PM subject being either "Dance with your crush" or "Dance with your enemy". Hope to see you soon!
Hey saw you were going off the site for a bit before if you're back and looking for a trucker companion I have a knack for writing damsels and their chasers.
"The best part of being a witch is that no one expects you to be anything less than the absolute worst of humanity. If you kick a puppy or sleep with someone else's man or woman, I'm an equal opportunist, they just equate it to who you are. If you kill a person it's just in your nature, but heaven forbid you walk a granny across the street! The whole town gets out their torch and pitch forks, spouting off nonsense about how you were going to eat sacrifice old granny Esther to the dark lord Lucifer! That's why I work with the dead, because in death everyone is equal. Jesus won't save you, whatever god you worship abandons you, you don't float in pitch darkness for eternity. You just cease to exist... Unless a witch awakens you, I guess that's how we got here huh? Oh look at me monologuing without asking your name. Well, actually I don't care. Still welcome to Blackrose Cemetery and I'll be your witch guide to life after death!"

Welcome to my interest check for the dark romantic plot! The plot is rather simple so that way we can build upon it together with plenty of room for creative freedom! Essentially YC is brought back from the dead when MC, the witch of Blackrose Cemetery, discoveries that she has acquired a new power. She has been alive since the 1400's and occasionally takes long dirt naps in the cemetery so the locals don't get suspicious. Essentially the plot will revolve around the two getting to know one another, figure out how this happened and perhaps even fight off flesh hungry zombies created by her new power. Whether or not your character desires flesh is up to you! ;3

If you're interested in discussing the plot further and are interested in hearing more about your witchy guide to the other side PM me with the title of your favorite horror movie! Hope to see you undead ghouls soon!
Daily bump for interest!
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