In spite of being airborne qualified, Jim had never actually made a jump on a mission, no less do one without a parachute. A little proud of how he stuck the landing, Daddy Liberty was motivated properly for his following. Though his comrades no longer supported him, Daddy Liberty had the spirit of the president. No. Daddy Liberty had the support of all the presidents; past, present, and future.
The soldier shook with pride, as he continued weaving between buildings, before soon enough, he noticed the faint sound of crying. It was vaguely human, though it probably was not. Still, Daddy Liberty had recognized it as some kind of speech. As if on cue, Daddy Liberty began walking into the direction of the noise. His footsteps were loud as he was carrying loads of equipment, but Daddy Liberty himself tried to remain hidden. His M240B was held with the butt stock in the pocket of Jim's right shoulder. His left, forward hand was pushing it into his chest, and his right hand grasping the pistol grip with his finger off the trigger.
When he saw a corner, he peaked through while trying to remain ready to fire his weapon. Though his mask obscured quite a bit of Daddy Liberty's peripheral view, he could barely make out something that was just barely humanoid in shape, but much more grotesque in appearance. Daddy Liberty, in response, backed up behind the wall and turned to face his target. Before letting his enemy know, he squared up his stance, leaned slightly forward, and moved past the corner.
Finally ready to fire, Daddy Liberty switched his weapon from safe to fire. In one quick motion, he grabbed the trigger and squeezed for a good three seconds in the general direction of Abraham. The 240B had some noticeable kick, but Daddy Liberty's strength was more than enough to stabilize himself even on the slightly uneven, soft ground beneath.