Avatar of Desparadina
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 47 (0.02 / day)
  • VMs: 0
  • Username history
    1. Desparadina 8 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current Back from a long hiatus hopefully I can try to be consistent with my activity here
8 yrs ago
kinda busy atm will get to PM/s/ general rp stuff when I can
8 yrs ago
got an idea for an rp some about a demon hunters academy....just too lazy to boot up Photoshop and make some decent graphics haha
1 like
8 yrs ago
So many fuckin misquotes biting me....is this hell?
1 like


Used to have an account here before the site was taken down one unfateful Christmas, can't remember the password to that account nor the email associated with it, but still I decided to return. I usually dabble in a little bit of Photoshop but I'm notoriously amateurish at it for the most part. Currently trying to build up this profile and get insto some RP's. PM if you're interested in doing something with me or want me to join an RP of yours. Here's my Tumblr http://jake-pentecost.tumblr.com/

Most Recent Posts

Interested :)
I think representation politics in regards to characters of color on camera are way too messy, and rather we should focus on putting more POC behind the scenes (as producers, screen writers, directors, etc..) in order for the latter to be alleviated. That way, I think myths like minority quotas will be done away with if we actually ease those minorities in prominent positions that allow them to curate and welcome new talent into different entertainment industries.

There are some good merits to being an SJW, just too much of the reasonable folks being drowned out by the more outspoken people.

I think people are more into being offended about 'censorship' than they are about actual issues. There are more people willing to say that certain issues are unimportant or not worth talking about because it doesn't effect them, and I think that's more like censorship than anyone discussing these issues.
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Still sending PM's for relations but feel free to send me any if I haven't contacted you yet. Classes are starting for me tomorrow so I might be a bit busier than normal.
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I feel like the school should have an anxiety anonymous group LMAO, all these poor bby's with anxiety
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Just realized you had four characters already, please excuse that last accepted part unless you relinquish one of your other characters.
Just let me know, please.

guess I'll drop Vergil then
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Gonna post Zeke if there's a slim chance he could be accepted
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Update; First of all, everyone that has recently turned in a character, they're accepted and please place them within the character tab whenever you get the chance. :) Also, I am cutting off character submissions for the people that have three characters. If you want to make more, I am sorry but it might be hard to focus on more than three characters. But anyways, I plan on starting this as early as Friday though Sunday at the latest.

So, please, please make sure we are PM'ing each other(even me!) about relations. If your character or characters don't have relations then they might not last long in this type of environment style of roleplay. Just saying.

So, any thoughts? Comments? Concerns?! Anything?!

AH SHIT....y'see I was working on my last character Osy's brother...would I have to make him an NPC then? I'm pretty much halfway done with his sheet for the most part though...
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

@HushedWhispers @Dirty Pretty Lies
Here he is~~ ^^

Y'know I think he's a lot more worldly and personal than Osborne haha he probably has more friends by a far margin
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@sakurasan a h so rry lmOAO this is probably the quickest CS I Did tho lol, didnt mean to steal your thunder like that gah, hopefully they'd make good friends??
In CLOSED. 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Osy is done

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