Appearance:He normally wears military apparel, but when he's out he wears some converse sneakers that are ratty but held together with duct tape. Wears jeans and a plain t-shirt normally. When smuggling he wears all black and when he can he sneaks a pair of night-vision goggles. He's not overweight, but he's also not buff. He's just a skinny guy who can't seem to hold muscle or fat.

Name: Isaac Martin
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Faction: Military but smuggles on the side
Short History: Isaac grew up a mostly military kid, a goody goody who never broke a rule. Both of his parents were enlisted and were over-seas when the outbreak occurred, leaving Isaac mostly alone and afraid. A military general, John Robinson, took Isaac under his wing and made sure he would be raised to be in the military. But, when he was 16, a Hunter raid took the general down. With the person closest to him gone, Isaac ran away for a year to a smuggler's base and realized that he could take advantage of the military. He then returned to open arms at the military with his smuggler ties and worked his way through the ranks until he could get to a place where he could screw the military and make a profit.
For the past year, Isaac has been getting cheaper materials for the military and pocketing the excess. He's also been making sure that the military isn't where any of he or his partner Eugene Calpo's people are when the smuggle people and goods in and out of the city. And with his military connections, his operation has some of the best supplies. But, one of his coworkers is catching on. If he's not careful around her, she may rat him out and get him killed.
Weapons: Baseball Bat, a 9mm pistol with plenty of ammo, and machete.
Other Equipment: A military backpack, a radio/walkie-talkie, a flashlight,
Anything Else: I plan on him getting found out eventually sooo yeah. I may make another character too…
And that may or may not be Robb from Game of Thrones