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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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Me Likey. The Edit is in order then. xD In on the revenge post and beatdown. Edit: Done. We can see how this runs out now.
@X: I don't mind editing it if it helps your story flow better. I had an alternate story written but decided to follow this because it seemed more fun. Sorry to crash your party :{
DR.....I wish you would of spoken to me first before deciding to control one of my NPCs. Had something planned but I guess I'll have to think of something else, ugh.
Sorry... :'{ I can retro the post, if you would like me to. I wrote it so that I can have a post up incase of an objection.
have finally posted. Man!! I missed this.
Alexei Dragunov April 14th, 2015 Alexei walked out of school bored. The lectures today had hardly been interesting, adding to it the fact that Sagat was absent and Inoue still weak from her illness. It meant that their club went without practice again. As he walked out alongside Inoue, a boy bumped into him. He turned to look at the fallen boy and soon he was scrambling to get up, huffing and panting heavily. The tears in his eyes meant that Alexei wasnt the cause of his distress. As he offered his hand to help him get up, two young girls also joined him. Equally distressed. Alexei was alarmed to say the least, he usually kept a low profile and stayed away from all the gangs of delinquents around the school. They weren't worth his time and nor were their victims. But, now that he had seen the kind of prey they usually bullied, he felt a little ashamed of his ignorance. Meanwhile, Inoue was patting both the girls and offered her water to them. Visibly calmed, they soon shrieked as a loud shout interupted their recuperation. "Get back here!! you piece of shit!!" came a hoarse croak. The owner of the voice also soon presented himself upon the scene. As he saw Inoue stand along with the girls, color seemed to drain out of his face. Meanwhile, the girls grabbed Inoue like little kittens. Scared of the man in question. Alexei was surprised how a weakling like that boy could invoke such reactions from the weak-willed. Before he could speak a word though, a phlegm filled threat escaped from Inoue "Miura!! you worthless pile of turd. Still up to your perverse ways." before she coughed heavily, shaking weakly. Perhaps, Alexei had an invisible presence but this Miura totally ignored him and instead walked confidently towards the group with a cocky smile, his previous fear all but washed away. "Looks like you aren't strong today, demon!!" he said with a sneer, staring at Inoue. "Perhaps, you can take care of the kids, Inoue." Alexei said gently as he patted Inoue's back to calm her coughing fit. Inoue sensed the seriousness in his tone to not say a word. Alexei pulled up his cuffs to display powerful forearms as he took a few steps towards Miura, whose face had reverted to its pale color. Another shout broke the atmosphere though. It's owner surprising Alexei a bit. Another run in it seemed. He was curious as to how this will turn out. So he decided to let him deal with Akane who really seemed pissed. His smile faded as he remembered the day today. Hamada won't be happy, the second impression is as bad as the first it seemed. "Inoue, sorry I have to go. Will see you later. Bye!" before he ran towards the drama room. He wished he wasn't that late. But not seeing how it played out also left him in two minds. Maybe Inoue and Akane can handle the weakling on their own. -- He reached the room in record time before bumping slightly into the door. "Huh..Hope, I wasn't too late." he said to no one in particular. A bit winded with the sudden sprint.
Alexei "Wow!, Fancy meeting you here." he said in amazement. His wish had been granted unknowingly. Maybe his lucky day. "I hope, none of your supplies got broken or damage, yesterday? I am really sorry for that again." he apologized with a short bow. "Well, as you can see. I was hoping to inquire if the recruiting is still on like this girl here." he said politely before turning to the other girl. "I am sorry to be rude, I am Alexei Dragunov, from Class 3 and the leader of the MMA club if you both are interested. Currently, we have only three people. All of us friends and classmates." he said with a smile. "By the way, I was also hopeful for help regarding a doujin I was writing." he addressed Akane as he looked at her. "I couldn't help but notice your interest in the artistic side of a manga, so could you guide me to an artist regarding the same or perhaps help me yourself." he requested politely.
Key word being "would". I've typed up a reply.
Have replied. now to wait for X to round things up.
Alexei Whatever meekness exuded from her stature was simply blown away by the clear eyes that gazed directly at him. Her reply though was as soft as he had expected. Alexei smiled slightly as he replied, opening the door completely and gesturing her to enter first, bowing his head slightly to come at her height, "We'll find that soon, won't we?" smiling a bit more as he turned to face a lone girl sitting by herself at the far end of the room busy penciling in something or so it seemed from afar. "Hello!! Miss!!" he said out aloud, "Sorry to interrupt but is the club still recruiting?" he hoped to get her attention with this. Surely some extra members won't hurt this one by the looks of things.
She's applying because she secretly wants to see all the bara happening in the club. I mean, with all the shirtless bodies and rippling muscles and all.
Well, your wish would be granted. Even the only female in there is quiet muscular. So Bara lovers rejoice. xP
@Haru: Have posted, you're free to take minor control of my character and post that you are inside if you wish to. Also, its look like we meet again, X. =D
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