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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hospital 13/4/2015
When Matt entered the room he tried being cheerful but he felt two near hostile looks but lucky not everyone was suspicious of him. “Oh hey its Chia but hey I did nothing dangerously stupid…. I only overworked my body…” Matt half mumbled at the end. Regaining himself Matt looked towards the guy who asked who he was and tried to redignify himself. “I’m Matt… um Matth… Harvester, Matthew. I’m an exchange student from Australia going to the same school as you” almost completely fumbling his comments Matt turned to the one everyone was here to see. “Sucks man, I already missed a week so i feel ya pain if you want i can give you list of the hot nurses shifts…. i mean do you want mags or something to keep you interested” Matt realised what he was about to say and tried to divert his own comment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayano Wakahisa: Warakuma High, Hallways
Even as she knocked on for what seemed like minutes and standing there, waiting for a response, there was still nothing. Was it all for nothing? Was it useless? The girl repeatedly bashed herself for thinking she stood a chance at making friends outside of the confines of her laptop...She gave a deep sigh and was about to turn and leave. That is until a deep, growl-like voice came from the distance. Ayano was scared, that voice sounded like the voice of a person you'd meet outside the school. Ones that probably live the dangerous life...She slowly turned her head to see who it was, what she saw was definitely not what she was expecting. A rugged and handsome-looking young man, his facial features seemed to denote that he is not a native of the country, he looked strongly built, it reminded the girl of the same types of men she sees in..."Wait, that's not the time to be thinking about that!" She subconsciously said to herself and scolding her brain for thinking such obscene thoughts. Regaining her composure, Ayano looked him in the eye and with a silent voice, she said. "I...I'm looking for the Anime and Manga Club. Is...Is this the right room? I want to join."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rui Shinichi Warakuma Local Hospital
13/4/2015 Monday
With the new guy coming in, Matthew Harvester, he listened a bit. Obviously by look, a foreigner, but his ability to speak another language seemed to be quite good. He went on trying to comfort Noboru with his stay in the hospital, it appears he has been here for long enough. Rui at this moment had a chance to speak. >Tell me about the Nurses >So about those mags... >Who cares -> "Tell me about the nurses" He was interested, to some degree. A man must learn to appreciate. In fact he's already appreciated this girl who came to see Noboru, though he could've sworn he's seen her somewhere before...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alexei Whatever meekness exuded from her stature was simply blown away by the clear eyes that gazed directly at him. Her reply though was as soft as he had expected. Alexei smiled slightly as he replied, opening the door completely and gesturing her to enter first, bowing his head slightly to come at her height, "We'll find that soon, won't we?" smiling a bit more as he turned to face a lone girl sitting by herself at the far end of the room busy penciling in something or so it seemed from afar. "Hello!! Miss!!" he said out aloud, "Sorry to interrupt but is the club still recruiting?" he hoped to get her attention with this. Surely some extra members won't hurt this one by the looks of things.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kissu
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Kissu A Glimmerous Fop

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Saya Ueno: Warakuma High- Archery Range Saya sat down numbly as one of the female club members started to announce the rankings for the tournament, a shallow breath escaping her lips at the mention of her name. She had won second place. In archery, of all things. She had won something, and completely through her own efforts. The more she thought about it, the less any of it made sense. She was terrible at archery. She would admit hands down that she was one of the worst archers on the range without a moment's hesitation. And yet, somehow- She quickly cupped her mouth with her hands to hold back the excited squeal that rose in her throat. She had actually hit a bullseye. She didn't really know how, or even why, but there was no mistaking it. The arrow had been firmly stuck in the red centre of the target, and all of the other members were in agreement. So much so, that her arms were still sore from the congratulatory nudges she had received from some of the others. Wincing slightly, Saya glanced over at the crowds, where she could easily spot the lean figure of Akira Kirigakure. He had expectedly won first place, according to the female announcer, and as his reward, he would receive an unlimited supply of coffee from the announcer herself. Personally, Saya felt that it was quite a nice reward. Had she received something similar, she would have liked the opportunity to make a new female friend within the club. Of course, her own reward was a little...different, and Saya didn't really know what to feel about it. She wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of forcing someone to do something for her against their will, and there wasn't anyone there that she would really desire anything from. Well, apart from maybe one... Her eyes glanced over at the person at the forefront of her mind, the club president himself as he sat placidly on one of the stools. She bit her lip as she envisioned the way she could approach such a request. I wish to ask Rokoru Ishiara on a date. No, too forward. I'd like to ask Ishiara-senpai to take me somewhere nice and quiet, just the two of us. No, that was way too forward, and could be completely misconstrued. I wish... "Ahem." "Huh?" Saya jumped a little as she heard someone clear their throat, looking up with a slightly overwhelmed expression as she realized that Rokoru was standing right in front of her expectantly. Oh my god...did he just read my mind or something? What do I say...umm...uhhh... "Nice job, Rokoru continued with a disarming smile, making Saya's stomach flutter as he further complimented her performance in a simple manner before leaving as quickly as he came. Watching his retreating form, Saya felt herself sink into a state of utmost bliss, a goofy smile adorning her face as she shyly played with loose strands of her hair. Rokoru-senpai actually took his time to compliment her. It didn't even matter that she was second place anymore; she had truly won. As Saya's mind wandered, she could hear Rokoru speak up about Kirigakure claiming his prize from 'Mika' (the female announcer, Saya realized), before looking over and addressing her as 'second prize'. At that, Saya immediately perked up, noting that Rokoru's attention was fully on her, and she blanched slightly when he urged her to make a decision on claiming her prize. She knew what she wanted, but how could she go about it? Her hand went down to tug on her sleeve sub-consciously, but she quickly clenched it into a fist before she could loosen the thread. It wouldn't do any good to become nervous now. She was Saya Ueno, the girl no one thought could actually win something like this. It was about time she took a little initiative. "I want to go on a shopping spree," Saya replied confidently, the decision understandable enough to the people who knew her. She wasn't known as a fashionista for nothing, after all. "And..." She almost faltered on her words, but she inwardly refused to back down as she met Rokoru eye to eye. "I want Ishiara-senpai to escort me for the whole day." There. It wasn't exactly a date, but it would mean more personal time with Rokoru-senpai. Heck, it could even become a date if things worked out really well, although Saya dared not to bring her hopes up too high quite yet. Rising her head up, she added, "I'll claim my wish near the end of the week." And without another word or a backwards glance, Saya turned around and left the range, her face burning red at what she had let herself in for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanazawa // Manga Club Room April 13th, 2015 After School Lost in her own little world, the knocks at the door eluded her as she had a pen in her hand yet seemed to be somewhere else completely. Sighing in frustration she crumpled up the page she was working on and tossed it into the trash. "That one wasn't good either..." she grumbled as she grabbed another sheet and started re-doing her drawing. It's been like this for awhile now....why doesn't it sit right with me...it...feels...off... After a few more moments, she checked the drawing, frustration mounting, crumbled up the piece of paper and tossed it at the wall. Grabbing at her hair, at the top of her lungs, shouted. "AHH!!!!! By the time she calmed down and regained her senses she heard a loud voice and turned her head. "Oh...." without showing any signs of embarrassment or that something was wrong, she raised her hand. "Hey, of course we are!" she said happily with her eyes closed, without taking a good look at the owner of the voice. Opening her eyes, she stared at the man. "It's you again." --- Akira Kirigakure - Warakuma High, Archery Range Monday, April 13th, 2015 After School As expected, Ueno's reactions are still top-notch as ever, as she nearly knocked over Hashimoto as she whipped around at warp speed as she gasped at the sight of him. Raising his hand, "Yo" he said with a knowing smile, watching as she fought to maintain her composure. "Yeah, I'm sure he'd be all shook-up by seeing his little girl talking to another man." He said as he moved closer to her face for added effect. As her voice grew quiet, she quickly looked over the lanes, probably to make sure her master didn't see her talk to him as she walked away Heh After she walked off and off to the platform to shoot, Hashimoto came over and scolded him for the little interaction as well add in an idle threat. As he walked over, apparentely feeling good over his little speech, Akira just simply laughed and walked over, getting a better view of the platform. Glancing at Saya, he could see that she was getting paler after each person took their turns aiming at the target as she stood there trembling. Maybe I went too far, she was already at her limits as it was. Who could blame him? Well, a lot of people apparently, but she was quite cute and he couldn't help himself. Finally, it was her turn. Akira had expected her to give up and step down, given the way she was trembling and looked all scared but surprisingly, she stuck it out and gave off an impressive aura of determination. Though, her arms were shaking and after a moment, released her first shot and it didn't even go half-way down the lane...There was an eery silence as the room gone quite and Ueno all red. She clearly was embarrassed, but with tears in her eyes she released a 2nd arrow, eyes closed and all, to not only make it down range it hit the board, but a bullseye nontheless. Even Akira was surprised, never would of expected it. Maybe she can make it here after all... After seeing Ueno's bullseye, there was a lot of groaning as the lot of them gave up hope on the prize. He couldn't help but laugh, but I'm sure everyone was thinking as he did, was that she'd miss and possibly come in last but nope, bullseye and while she missed the first one, no one else had gotten any better. Their pride must've taken quite the hit... he grinned. After the next bunch went up and didn't do all that much, it was his turn. Well, might as well get this over with. With a stretch, he grabbed his bow and went up to the range, with all eyes on him. Grabbing an arrow, he placed it on the bow and pulled it back. With a deep breath, he glared at the target, as if fighting with it personally. After a moment, he released the arrow and drilled into the middle, Bullseye. As everyone looked on, he took a moment before loading the next arrow. Pulling it back, he took aim and fired. Tracing the first, came the second arrow, splitting the first one. While he wouldn't admit it, despite not having been in the Archery Club dojo to practice since that day, he'd still make it a habit to shoot hundreds of arrows at the dojo back home. It's really hard to break habit, especially after doing it for so many years now. Keeping his calm, he went back to his previous spot and put his bow as he sat down and layed against the dojo wall. It wasn't long after that the 'competition' finally wrapped up and Mika came out to announce the results. To the surprise of no one, Akira won the competition. It was more jealousy and anger, well mostly jealousy. Guy shows up late, wins competition and gets to go on a 'date' with Mika, it was too much. Though it meant nothing to him, he knew of someone else that it meant something totally different. As Rokoru replaced Mika and addressed the crowd, he reminded them of their rewards. With a smile, he glanced at him. "Don't worry Rokoru, I won't keep her out too late, we'll have some fun on our date on your behalf." he gives him a thumbs up as he walked over to Mika. "I'm Ready when you are."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rokoru Ishiara /// Warakuma High, Archery Range
I want to go on a shopping spree, and… I want Ishiara-senpai to escort me for the whole day.” Those weren’t quite the words Rokoru was expecting from Ueno. A bunch of different questions wanted to spew out of his mouth at this but they all created a traffic jam, and instead of saying any of them, he merely just exhaled his breath with his mouth still agape. A shopping spree?! Did she expect him to pay for it? It wasn’t like he could really afford it, with merely a couple shifts per week on his shoddy part-time jobs. And then the next part was that he was to accompany her ‘for the whole day’. Did she mean literally the whole day? Rokoru wasn’t particularly opposed to spending the evening with a nice looking girl like Ueno, but still. He barely knew her, but he supposed that this would an adequate remedy for that, even if it is forced. “I'll claim my wish near the end of the week.”, she added a little bit after. That also meant that he’d need to keep his schedule open in the latter half of the week. Just as Rokoru organized his words well enough to utter a low “Am I supposed to…”, Ueno fled the scene and the rest of sentence fell flat as he watched a few people part to get out of the way of the speed demon she became. He frowned at the development. There was supposed to be discussion on the specifics but there was apparently going to be none of that going to happen. But, he had little time to sulk—was he sulking over this?—for the action was apparently not destined to end in the Archery Club. Dear old friend Akira had made his way over to him, and it seemed rather obvious that he was either going to brag about either his completely unexpected victory or how he’d trumped Rokoru score-wise. Or he’d brag about how he scored an outing (not a date, Mika emphasized when they had discussed the prizes) with Mika herself, teasing him a bit on the basis that he knew that Rokoru had a bit of a crush on her. That would work too, as it was also what Akira had ended up saying to him before quickly walking away and over to Mika. Rokoru simply lowered his brow in response and bit the inside of his bottom lip. There was nothing else to do anymore besides chilling out until everyone went home, so Rokoru found himself lounging about with some of the other third-year guys, sitting down on the raggedy couch they somehow dragged into the range a year ago.
As soon as Rokoru had taken over, Mika had ended up chatting in a gaggle of other girls, almost completely ignoring whatever Rokoru was saying. He didn’t say much, though, for he was soon going back to doing whatever Rokoru does when she wasn’t there to moderate him and his generally poor decision-making. Sato soon took to the front and began reading out (in a really drawn-out way) every name on the list with their rankings. Mika returned to gossiping about various things—that one-in-a-million shot Saya Ueno made, the hideous skirt that Ai Aibe wasted her money on, stuff like that. At least, she would’ve, but that Akira guy had found her sooner than she would’ve like. He stated that he was ready to go for that promised coffee trip, and in response, Mika held up hand to her chin as if her fingers would break if she touched too hard. “I wasn’t thinking of going today…” She pouted a bit to emphasize her disappointment and to hide the bit of baseless disgust she felt towards Akira. “I promised Umeko I’d watch that new movie that came out with her after Archery today. Would it be okay with you if we went after school tomorrow? I’m free then.” Her words felt too casual as they left her mouth, but what was done was done and she didn’t really feel like being rude was the right thing to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiaki Nettu
- Warakuma Local Hospital She rolled her eyes. It did't bother her that much, but they could have atleast waited until she left to talk about female nurses. Chiaki shrugged and decided to do one her favourite activities. Bully Mathew. I'll look past the fact that you're sexualising the people charged with keeping you alive, but I would have thought you were, ya'know, into younger girls? Majority of the nurses here are at lest fourty, if not older, but, if you're into grannies, more power to you Matthew Chiaki laughed, and turned to the other two boys. Ah, so we haven't actually met before have we? Chiaki smiled and introduced herself. My name is Chiaki Nettu. I'm a first year at warakuma and fairly new to town, I arrived about a week ago. Aside from my sense of style, i'm completely normal. Yep, nothing special about me at all hahaha! I hope we can be great friends.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayano Wakahisa: Warakuma High, Anime and Manga Club Room
Being with the young man made Ayano awkward, to say the least. He's being awfully kind for a stranger he just saw in the hallways. He opened the door and gestured for her to enter, which she did so cautiously. Inside the room, Ayano could see a girl working on something, presumably a drawing or so. For a while, Ayano just stood there and observed the girl and her process of drawing, she reeled her head back in surprise when she shouted all of a sudden...the young man she was with began to shout as wellto the other girl. Was that really necessary? Is today Shouting Day? Regaining both her sense of hearing and composure, Ayano gave a small grin when the girl said that they were still accepting. At least now she has something to do after school. "In that case, I'd like to apply."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by itano123
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itano123 definitely not evil

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hospital 13/4/2015
The guy who asked who Matt was before had spoken towards him, and had apparently taken interest in his comment about Nurses. Was he an ally? one who understood? there was only one way to find out. But before he could start Chiaki had thrown her comment in about the nurses being grannies seemingly trying to nail him into a coffin. She then turned to address herself to the others, but Matt was not going to give up here, oh no sir he was the type of guy that was vocal of his interests. “Hue, not all of them are that old, there are some nice ones in their twenties, some have a mature look while others have a young lively appearance.. and the nurse uniform emphasises it all, Though I don’t mind older woman i'm not into girls that old, but why would you wonder about my interests? I like younger girls too. but don’t try and twist those ether” Matt spoke enthusiastically and quickly.. so quickly he didn’t notice a glare on his back until he stopped for a breath… feeling the pressure he slowly turned around to see a nurse standing there, probably here to check up on Noboru. Matt also recognised this nurse. “oh…. Noemi-san…..how long where you standing there?” A cold sweat dripped down his face. “From the part just before mentioning the nurse uniform” The nurse replied coldly. Matt couldn’t help but let some comments run through his mind. Age 26 appearance, quite well above average personality, ice queen type this was not going to end well. “Now Matthew Harvester” “y...es?” Matt was afraid of what would happen next. “I was coming here to check up on the boy who is hospitalized in this room but I find a certain someone who was just discharged… do you want to be sent back into a hospital bed for another week?” If looks could kill Matt would be long dead. “I would rather no-” before mat could finish he felt a clipboard make contact with his face. "i am sorry for the inconvenience this boy as caused, I will return to for another checkup later" The Nurse said calmly as she dragged off the idiot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rui Shinichi Warakuma Local Hospital
13/4/2015 Monday
"Ah. My name is Rui Shinichi... I also moved here recently. It's nice to meet you", he responded, and rather frankly. He thought it was a little strange she had to say she was completely normal but with a sense of style... In any case, he still can't shake the feeling he's seen her somewhere before... It appears Matthew was kind of shot down and then pinned to the ground by a verbal stake, which was a bit embarrassing, though he fell dead silent when he saw a nurse stand behind Matt as he kept talking. The whole room fell silent and watched as the awkwardness piled up until the nurse lectured him a little before smacking him in the face... Well, he wasn't wrong about some of the nurses here being attractive. In any case... Matthew was being dragged off and as that was happening everyone waved good bye. "Hm... Well, Noboru is okay... I guess I should get going...", he said, getting up. "Make sure to let us know when you're discharged", this was directed at Noboru before he picked his bag up and walked towards the door. Before he left the room he took a quick glance at everyone again... He could've sworn he'd seen the girl Chiaki from somewhere before, giving her a slightly extended look before actually leaving.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After having finished with going through the entire rankings, Sato made his way to the back of the range and put away his equipment, making sure to hide the arrows he liked to use behind the metal cabinet. The school stuff he had brought with him was still resting on the ground beside the cabinet (minus the bag he usually had to carry them with, which he had lost in his house somewhere), so Sato simply tucked the textbooks and whatnot beneath his arm before making his way out of the range. The teen went over the leaderboard he had read, and recalled the rankings. He himself had gotten a mediocre rank (12 out of whatever), and nobody he knew did much better. Rokoru got third last, while Yuki was particularly on point with a solid fourth. Not like it mattered or anything, since only first and second actually got anything besides the ability to gloat for the day if you did better than your peers. Sato wasn’t even that sure why they did lame tournaments like what they had just done, but it admittedly was pretty fun, even if it was an organizational mess that was created on a whim of someone’s. Soon Sato found himself loitering by the main entrance again. The sun was a little higher up than last time, and the fact that the sun was only going to last longer from then on struck him. It was an almost comforting thought; everything was only going to get brighter from that point on, in a way. Sato shook his head. There was no point in trying to get all philosophical over how the winter solstice was months ago. It seemed to be a habit of his though. Always finding himself with nothing he wanted to do at the front entrance of Warakuma High. It’s not like he didn’t want to go home, but he didn’t want to not go home. He craved to be with people but there was only his mother waiting for him at the Hashimoto residence. As he climbed the few steps that lead up to the stretch leading to the doors, he considered pets. Would a pet be good for him? There was only one way to find out, but Sato fancied himself neither a dog or cat person. Or maybe he was just not an animal person in general… Just as one foot cleared the final step of the small cement staircase, the other foot caught itself on the very edge of the pavement, sending the third year sprawling onto the ground, the school books he carried under his arms flying away from him like he purposely threw them. Random papers flew out from inbetween the pages, fluttering out into the wind before being caught into the grass a few feet away. Sato remained on the ground for an uncomfortable amount of time, feeling the tiniest spots of blood emerge from the bits of shredded skin on his palms. The boy eventually pushed himself onto his knees and evaluated where his stuff went, still looking ruffled and a little dazed from what happened.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sieg Kasumi: Warakuma High-> Main Entrance
Still sitting in class, where he decided to do the homework that was assigned earlier, placed his pencil down as he sighed in relief. Holding up his paper he was sure of one thing. And that was he had no clue what he just wrote down, math was always confusing and he was positive he wrote fish somewhere. What counted however was that he finished it, granted he would have done it later at home but that was after he finished the drama club for the day. Yet that would come tomorrow where he would expect a lecture from the teacher on how on earth he got fish, so packing up his supplies he walked out of the class room to go back home where he try to amuse himself with the internet. As he was walking out the front door and began to descend the stairs to exit the school's property, one student fell down falling towards the ground while all his belonging's flew everywhere. Sieg couldn't help but sense the perfect opportunity to play the role of a kind helping stranger in this scenario. With that in mind Sieg walked down the rest of the steps and casually picked up a book that flew from the guys hands, as he scanned the area he saw just how much of the guys belongings flew everywhere. So he decided that he wouldn't play a role, and that he would sincerely help, you would have to be a real dick to just ignore someone after seeing this. Spending a few minutes walking around picking up the items, he walked over to the man, and held out the books and papers he picked up. "Took a bit but I gathered up your items, must of been one hell of a fall. Anyway my name is Sieghardt Kasumi, you can just call me Sieg though."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Kaminari Sutoraiki : Warakuma Hospital- As the boy spoke to Noboru, he didn't quite respond to him at all which only made the silence a bit more awkward, and made his debut here rather unnecessary. He was trying to just make the boy feel a bit better and appreciated but it seems he was just making the situation worse. Kami rubbed the back of his neck as he took a seat by Rui, and seemingly waited for something to happen. Maybe the boy could make a full recovery and get out of here and get back to school before anything else transpired, and continued to do what he loved. The boy most likely could still be troubled by what he knew about him, but he wasn't going to exactly let him fall. To him, Noboru showed him something personal partially out of his free will and due to being coerced forcefully by his own shadow. Either way, the only thing that mattered was the he was safe for right now. As the trio say in wait, another seemingly came into the room. It was a familiar face, and he instantly recalled it being that one girl from the other day who somehow knew who he was. As he quietly watched the ongoing situation between the gothic lolita chick and Noboru, he could only ponder on the girls identity as the duo cheerfully joked around with each other. It wasn't long before another boy bursted in, however he looked to be a patient who was also incapacitated by some other norm. The girl recognized him as a boy named Matthew who must of been a transfer student with that name. He then learned that the boy came from Australia, and if he could recall there were some interesting sights down there, but that wasn't important for the time being. However, it seemed this guy had something else on his mind right now, speaking about how he could get some of this magazines for Noboru or tell him the hot nurses shifts. Kami just stared at him with one of his eyebrows cocked up, shaking his head... However, it was made even worse when Rui became interested and seemingly encouraged him to talk about the nurses. This warranted a chuckle from him along with a facepalms with how this whole conundrum was turning out. However, the girl decided to play around with him and tease him, which brought out another giggle before he decided to jump into the fray with one of his comments. "Hey, maybe he is just into older women, I mean there is nothing wrong with a guy going after older woman. I mean, if he is into that type of stuff, don't discourage him missy! My preferences though lie with girls around my age, and I've got my eye on one... But hey, to each of the I own, I mean it would be interesting to meet your forty year old girlfriend!" Kami had a grin plastered on his face as he teased the boy. After that little sentiment of his, he finally learned that girls name which was Chiaki Nettu... The name see me familiar, but no bells were ringing in his head. Either way, at least he finally one who she was. As myriads of events transpired with Matthew being hauled away by a nurse, Kami feeling a bit bad for him. He was a new student, and he was already having a rough time as they did tease him. Maybe he would give the guy a visit if he could sometime later, but there were more pressing matters at hand in his opinion. As Rui introduced himself to Chiaki, he decided to Tak his leave somewhere else for the most part. Kami decided it was best to linger around a little bit longer and learn a bit about the girl and try and cheese Noboru up if he could. The boy eventually pushed himself up from his seat and pivoted around to face Chiaki, giving her a warm smile. "Ah, so that's your name. We never really got to introduce ourselves the other day properly, but it's a pleasure to know who you are and meet you now. As you know, my name is Kaminari, but just call me Kami for short as most people do. I'm sorry that I had to go off the other day and couldn't stay long to chat... Anyways, how do you exactly know who I am? Apologies on it being on that subject as you called me out by my name Chiaki-san, and I'm interested in hiw you know me? Did a boy with glasses named Makoto tell you anything about me, or did you talk with Sachiko-chan or something? I'm just curious."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sato Hashimoto /// Warakuma High, Main Entrance
After he had gathered himself a bit and gotten back up onto his feet, Sato noticed an unfamiliar boy standing in front of him. The books he had just dropped were being held out to him, all gathered in a haphazard manner. Papers were mixed into all the wrong places, and it guaranteed an evening of reorganization. Sato shook his head though, for he found himself feeling rude, having just given a frown to this boy that bothered to clean up the mess he had made from tripping. Sato slipped his hands underneath the stack the student held out to him and pulled them towards himself. He tucked the books under his arm, just like he had done before the fall, and then extended his free hand out to the boy. “Thanks, Sighard.” He paused a bit, wincing at how he kinda flubbed up saying ‘Seighardt’. It took him a moment to continue, as he was unsure of what to say next. “That was uh… ah, embarrassing. Thanks for picking up what I dropped. I’m Sato Hashimoto, a third year here at Warakuma High. Obviously.” Just as he finished talking, he realized that his hand was rather… unappealing to shake, considering the torn skin revealing the tender flesh beneath it, and he momentarily withdrew it before sticking it out again for no reason. “So, uh, you go here, right?” It felt wrong to not make conversation, but it also felt increasingly stupid to pry about this random guy he’d never even seen before. “Are you in any clubs or anything so far? It’s a pretty popular thing to do here, being in clubs and whatnot.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Chiaki Nettu
- Warakuma Local Hospital We've met before? Sorry, I can't... It took a moment for her to recall who this boy was. He certainly seemed to know who she was. After a pause, she recalled back to the day when she was told that Noboru had first disappeared, he was looking for information and introduced himself has Kaminari something or other. Regardless she only knew him because Ayano had told her about him before. The first time they had met, Chiaki ignored him and walked off, she was far too busy and concerned to deal with him. Oh, you're that police boy! No no, I actually don't have a clue who you are sweetie, I just know of you. You know how it is, people talk and all that. So I'll just treat this as our first meeting! Chiaki tilted her head to the side. Makoto... Sachiko... I can honestly say I've never heard about anybody like that before. Oh and, please don't use san, it makes me feel old. But not chan ether because we barely know each other. Chiaki was unsure why she wasn't being her usual friendly self, it had to be the hospital, it made her feel on edge and uneasy. She apologised to the remaining boys. She couldn't stay much longer. She walled over to Noboru and whispered to him. (Hey, If he asks any questions about me, don't tell him about the idol stuff) Well Noboru, I'll visit you often, but make sure you let me know when you can get out, we still have after school training, don't think I've forgotten just yet! Chiaki waved goodbye as she left the hospital
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Diabolicalrhapsody
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Alexei "Wow!, Fancy meeting you here." he said in amazement. His wish had been granted unknowingly. Maybe his lucky day. "I hope, none of your supplies got broken or damage, yesterday? I am really sorry for that again." he apologized with a short bow. "Well, as you can see. I was hoping to inquire if the recruiting is still on like this girl here." he said politely before turning to the other girl. "I am sorry to be rude, I am Alexei Dragunov, from Class 3 and the leader of the MMA club if you both are interested. Currently, we have only three people. All of us friends and classmates." he said with a smile. "By the way, I was also hopeful for help regarding a doujin I was writing." he addressed Akane as he looked at her. "I couldn't help but notice your interest in the artistic side of a manga, so could you guide me to an artist regarding the same or perhaps help me yourself." he requested politely.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I-Am-X
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I-Am-X <Censored>

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Akane Hanazawa // Manga Club Room April 13th, 2015 After School "Imagine that," Akane gleamed, excited to see another person interested in joining, as she turned around and rifled a stack of papers and handed a club application form to the girl. "Here you go," she smiled as she turned towards Alexei and waved her hand. "It's fine, It's fine. My food was still in one piece when I got home. Surprisingly they were tougher than they looked... Anyways, as with her, we're always looking for new members." Turning around and also giving him a application form. "I never properly introduced myself. Hanazawa, Akane Hanazawa of Class 2-2 and The Club's President. It's fine, I have no trouble with it, though, I have no interest in it myself. I apologize." she smiled. It was a lie, she was curious but something in her prevented it. Clenching and releasing her fist behind her back, she looked at Alexei. "Help? If it's something I'm able to help with I'll be happy to help. What exactly do you need help with?" --- Akira Kirigakure - Warakuma High, Archery Range Monday, April 13th, 2015 After School With a laugh, "It's fine, it was all for the performance. No need to force yourself," Referring to her holding herself back. It was clear she had something against him. Probably because of the whole thing with Rokoru. Then again, it could just be because she just doesn't like him. It honestly doesn't matter. He wasn't all that interested in going himself. 2nd place would've been better but he couldn't just tank it. It would've been far to obvious. With a smile, "Don't worry, I'm not really looking forward to it either. We'll take care of it tomorrow then." With that, he turned away and headed out of the range with a sigh. He wasn't intentionally trying to be rude but hell, when people already have already labeled him as school's top Delinquent and made him out to be some heartless entity, he might as well play the part. It not like it matters anyway, he's gotten used to it by now. It's been almost 2 years since that day... With another sigh, he made way for the vending machine again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Haru Nyan
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Haru Nyan T H I C C

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ayano Wakahisa: Anime and Manga Club Room
Alexei Dragunov, eh? Sounds foreign, maybe not even American...It awfully sounded Russian, or German. Nodding her head lightly, Ayano said in her usual quiet tone, "Nice to meet you..." He made a mention of something about the "MMA Club", the girl just shrugged and frankly said "Sorry, not interested...". Although, sports are not part of her forte, she does enjoy watching them from time to time, perhaps a small visit wouldn't hurt once in a while? Accepting the application form in her hands, Ayano sat down near the table and grabbed a pen in her bag. Reading over the piece of paper carefully, she wrote down the specifics. Overhearing the little conversation of the two, Ayano's curiosity sparked by a small amount, inquiring the young man what kind of doujin it will be. "What kind of genre will it be?" The girl said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SwordfishKnight
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Akari Yamamoto-Boxing club
Akari wiped away the sweat from her brow as soon as she finished hitting the punching bags. She didn't expect to end up in here. But in order to get the boxing club "full", she had to make some sacrifices, including herself having to join the club. She looked backwards, and the instructor, who was somewhat creepy and apparently had a crush on her, waved in her direction. She rolled her eyes and went back to hitting the bags as hard as she could, the sports tape wrapped around her fingers.
Noboru Yamamoto
Noboru gave a nod towards Chiaki's request to keep silent, and watched as everyone filtered out of the room. They all looked like they had had their fill of visiting him. Waiting till they were all gone, Noboru stepped out to the hall towards Noemi. Hey Noemi, can you cover for me real quick? I have business to check up on. Noemi nodded in acceptance of his request, knowing exactly what he was talking about. She knew the boy well enough to know that even if she said no, he would've forced his way through anyway. It was better to let him get through. She gave him a smile as she closed his room door and watched him saunter off to the room he had in mind.
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