Avatar of Sen
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    1. Sen 11 yrs ago


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Not even the cats were stirring at night. It was like he stepped out into another world where the sun didn’t exist and the gods never made life. The shadows cast by the candle Vane held dared not move an inch, lest they be caught slipping away to where they weren’t supposed to go. Something about the fact that the moon was swallowed up by a sea of clouds made him a lot more anxious, like it was some kind of omen. He generally didn’t laud himself as a superstitious person, but Vane knew when the world was giving him a sign. Something bad was going to happen in Vaucluse that night.

As he walked down the stone street, bow string digging into his chest as he carried it around his shoulder, Vane failed to see why he couldn’t stop himself from doing what he was doing. It was completely irrational: he had a family, a town he grew up in, yet… Yet somehow the demon biting the back of his brain compelled him to go. Something about the long days plaguing him as of late made him desperate for some kind of release. This wasn’t even a spur of the moment thing, either. He had a plan. A friend in a different town who had a place for him to live and work, a pocket full of coins he had saved up, and a bag full of his personal effects. As creepy as it was, seeing the streets of Vaucluse one more time made him reluctant to go.

Though, it’s hard to get consumed by doubt when there’s a dark figure standing a good half dozen meters ahead of you. Vane could barely make out the silhouette of the man, and truth be told he had jumped a little, but he tried to tell himself that it was just another person out on a casual midnight stroll. Nothing unusual.

“Hey there.” He called out to the figure, but to his dismay the man did not answer. No, instead it merely shifted a bit where it stood. “Who’s there!?” Vane clenched a hand around the string of his bow, the other reaching back into the bag strung over his back and pulling out an arrow that was sticking out of the top. As much as he didn’t want to admit that he was afraid of monsters, the rumors floating around were too gruesome to ignore. There was no way he was going to get a good shot on a shadow hiding in the darkness, so he readied the arrow in case he needed to make a quick stab-and-go exit.

Right as Vane started to step away from the figure, it shuffled down into an alleyway and disappeared from view. A pang of panic struck his heart, and all of the sudden Vane found himself compelled to look behind him. He threw a glance over his shoulder but there was nothing there. He turned around and around, desperate to find something to fight, but there was nothing. After a moment of nothing happening passed, Vane took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. Maybe he was freaking out over nothing. It was probably just a weird cat he saw and it got freaked out when he moved. Those wives’ tales were just smoked ham in a sandwich of hogwash. With a renewed confidence, Vane started forward again, but right as he passed by the alley, a gust of wind blew by and extinguished his candle. The world faded away in the breeze, the only light guiding him disappearing as something lunged out and grabbed him by the shoulders.

It ripped him back, throwing him off his feet as it tried to drag him into the alley. Instinctively, Vane shot his arm back and thrust the blade of the arrow into the arm of whatever was trying to grab him. It snarled out in pain as the arrowhead bore into its flesh, its arms retracting in panic. Quickly, Vane jumped back onto his feet and screamed out for help. His voice cracked in a pitiful way, but he couldn’t help it when his heart was beating a million miles an hour and he was desperately fumbling for something else to use as a weapon. His enemy was invisible and he didn’t know how to fight in the dark. He was a fly caught in a web.

Unfortunately, the drunk dude turned out to be the real Tristan Baske instead of a very stupid doppelganger, so Vane found himself weighing the options once again. He could just leave. Nobody would have to know this happened. But he didn't seem to be doing anything particularly... bad? He's smashed, yeah, but that isn't much inherently wrong with that. Feeling optimistic again, Vane opened his mouth to suggest the drunkard get home soon, yet a woman's voice came out before his own.

A crude one at that.

Vane pivotted on his heel and stared over at the girl yelling at them. She was one of the barmaids. She was talking to both of them. Vane was flabbergasted. He tried to be a good samaritan once, and he gets accused of being a loitering drunk. Like any rational human being would, Vane started to explain the situation and clear his name, but before he could any more than a single word out, Tristan opened his stupid mouth and spewed out some garbage that was most definitely not going to help the situation.

Vane definitely didn't mind Tristan getting his ass told, but he still didn't appreciate getting lumped in with him in the process. Sneering, Vane intercepted the conversation before Tristan could say anything worse. "Based on his current condition, I'd say he bought plenty enough from this joint to warrant hanging around a bit before shoving off. And I don't appreciate you lumping me in with this drunkard! I'm on your side if anything!" He shook his head in frustration. What was he even doing at this point.

Vane turned around, his determination to get Tristan to go away steeled, but to his surprise, another woman was hovering at Tristan's side. A dark hood obscured her face as she whispered to the royal manslut. He decided to accelerate the diplomatic process by grabbing hold of Tristan's arm and tearing him away from the tavern by force. "You know this guy?" Vane shot a glance over at the mystery girl, completely forgetting his previous attempts at being polite to Tristan. "Do the world a favor and get him home or something. He's bothering business."

@Ambra @Dragonbud

Twilight was Vane’s favorite time of day. Most people acted like they’d disintegrate into dust if they got caught by the orange-purple of the setting sun, and it’s not like he could blame them what with all the cut-throats lurking around, but Vane found peace in the absence of people on the streets. It made Vaucluse feel ever so slightly different, and different was better. Sometimes he would imagine what it would be like to reach the end of the horizon, to fall off the edge of the world. Would the sun burn him up, or would he fall into an abyss? Maybe he’d just meet the dawn if he kept chasing the day far enough.

Well, whatever. The real best thing about twilight? That’s when the cats came out. A little grey cat Vane affectionately named Smokey was eating a chunk of beef out of Vane’s extended hand at the moment. He felt no greater satisfaction than making sure this stupid stray cat was well-fed; it was a little way to feel like he had some kind of control in the world.

“Vane! I told you to stop feeding the strays!” His dad’s deep voice reverberated in Vane’s chest and he jumped up straight in response. He turned to look at the stoney mug of his father, but the frustration on his face stung too much to maintain eye-contact with. “You know that stuff’s for Alden! Get going already!”

“I know, I know...” Vane sighed and turned back away. This was the last job for the day, which meant that the quicker he delivered the goods, the sooner he could pass out in his bed. But the quicker he moved, the sooner he had to talk to that scary old guy. But he really wanted to go to bed. But he really didn’t want to do it. But he--

Ugh! This was so stupid! His dad knew the owner of the tavern hated Vane’s guts, yet he made him deliver a package of cured meats to the dude! Last time Vane was there, Alden made seventeen different rude comments. Vane counted. It was awful, and he couldn’t even say anything back without jeopardizing the reputation of the family business… This was all those stupid monsters’ fault. If they didn’t exist, then they wouldn’t be terrorizing all the ranchers in the area, and if they weren’t terrorizing the cattle, then their butchershop would have enough meat to open shop like normal and they wouldn’t be making special deliveries! Some people say that ‘demons aren’t real’ or whatever nonsense they want to believe, but if you go outside the town walls for one minute, you’d know that those things aren’t normal!

A shiver ran down Vane’s spine. He suddenly remembered the rumors he heard going around. Strange men sauntering through the town at night, killing anyone they saw. Apparently one of the tailors’ husbands went missing last week. No body was found though, just a trail of blood streaking down an alley. See, criminals? Vane can handle. He’s tussled with thieves more than once, and he’s not too afraid of them anymore. But demons? Vane knew in his heart they were real, and for some reason, they were coming. He wanted to run away, to move towns and forget these monsters ever existed, but something inside of him knew that there was no avoiding the reality of their sick little world and one day he’d have to face it head-on.

He only came out of his thoughts when he found himself standing outside his destination: a dingy pub known for its… interesting patrons. Townsfolk knew it for what it was, but nobody really said anything since they didn’t want to scare away any travellers from what was had become a hub of commerce. Commerce of all types. One time Vane saw someone trying to sell their kid. Some creepy dude bought her. It was a memory Vane actively tried to forget, because if he didn’t forget it, he worried he’d realize just how bad the world could be.

After taking a deep breath in, Vane stepped through the front door and marched his way over to the bar where some six-foot-six dude with a billion scars on his face was shouting stories at strangers. Vane smacked his package onto the counter and stared at the older man until the travel tale died and Alden noticed the butcher boy making a face at him. He briefly wondered if trying to assert his dominance in the situation was working, but any confidence he had immediately disappeared as soon as Alden spoke.

“The hell do you want?” Alden growled. Wrow, tiger. Wouldn’t want a customer to be interested your goods and services or anything. Better scare him off before, God forbid, he pays for something.

“I’m delivering you cured meats. Isn’t it obvious?” He was holding a basket of beef. What else would he be doing? That was literally the only reason he has ever interacted with Alden. The row of men seated along the bar giggled to themselves and it made Vane on edge for some reason.

He rumbled something unintelligible before grunting in an ambiguous tone. “Just leave it in the kitchen.”

“You’re being awfully hospitable today.” Vane rolled his eyes, but he decided to not push the issue, and instead he disappeared into the door nearby to hand over the goods to a grungy-looking cook making an even grosser looking stew. Seeing the fire under the pot reminded Vane of the days before Alden hated him. Oh how he missed eating that suspicious gruel. At least, he thought he missed it, until his stomach churned as he watched the man chop chunks of beef into it, and the fact that he couldn’t tell if it was a good or bad churning made him scared enough to duck back out of the kitchen. Before he could leave, though, there was one last matter of business to take care of: Vane stepped back over to Alden’s bar and interrupted story time yet again.

“What?” Alden barked, shooting an evil eye at the loser staring up at him.

“You need to pay me.” Vane said slowly, trying his damndest not to lace every single word with contempt. “I give you meat, you give me money.”

Alden narrowed his eyes and his voice hit a deeper note. “I already paid your daddy. So get going before I kick ya outta the place myself.” His broad hand clenched around a flagon of beer so tightly the wood almost cracked. That message was definitely received.

“Alright, alright.” Vane raised his hands in defence before stepping away. You accidentally set a man’s pub on fire once, and all of the sudden he wants to kill you every time he sees you. Hasn’t he heard of a thing called forgiveness? Regardless, every minute he spent in that scent cloud of alcohol, smoke, and sweat made Vane more and more nauseous, so he decided not to linger and made a beeline for the door. Stepping out into the fresh evening air felt like he was being reborn, really-- today was a long day and he was ready to finally end it.

That is, until he turned his head and noticed the dude staring at a leaf so intensely that Vane was worried it would explode.

“Hey, you okay, buddy? You look like you’re about to throw up or something.” Vane cocked his head cautiously. Usually he wouldn’t talk to weird drunks since they rarely had anything important to say, but it was rare to see someone wearing peacock colors around these parts. That was like asking to get mugged. “Y’know, if you need somewhere to stay, there’s plenty of places still open around town..” Vane leaned in a bit, side-eying the front door all the while. “But if you ask me, go down the street a bit and hit up a different tavern. Alden’s place is way too expensive for what you get.”

“Wait.” Vane looked the stranger in the eye for a good second before taking a slow step back. “Are you… Oh God, are you the Tristan Baske?“ That definitely explained the snazzy get-up. Ooooh, this was kind of awkward. He’d heard bad things about Tristan Baske, and Vane didn’t feel like messing with rich people. What was he supposed to say? He already engaged. There was no backing out. Vane didn’t really know what level of formality was necessary for talking with one of the richest people in Vaucluse, and he especially didn’t know how to talk to one when they were drunk. “Uh… Do you… need help? With anything? My lordship?”

Here's my bow boy.

Checking in. o/
I'm thinking marksman. I'm always down for an archer character...
Interested. Seems like a nice change of pace.
Bastien Roussaeu
Valennia Outskirts, Raelin - Southern Fields

Riding a chocobo… Was an experience. Not saying Bastien didn’t like it or anything-- it was pretty cool all things considered-- but somehow it made him very uncomfortably motion sick. He didn’t mention this, of course, even when he almost barfed right onto Corine’s back, but it was something worth noting. Something about the big bird’s stride just hit him the wrong way. It could’ve been worse though. He could’ve been Vestus. After having had to march over to the Royal Garnet to talk to their client, and then double back out the right gate to get going the right way, and then ambling down this road for a while, the group only now found themselves nearing their destination. Must’ve been fun, trying to keep up with a chocobo.

Some kind soldiers told them that the wolves were holding out in a forest to the side of the road, so they strayed from the beaten path and started their way towards said woods in hopes that they’d find their big boss there. The clues they’ve been given seem to have been true, based on the figures hiding in the distance. Bastien couldn’t help but smile at the audacity of these animals to be stalking the very hunters out to get them. He was eager to show them what’s up, but the first obstacle that got in the way of that, however, turned out to be another person. Weirdly, a very… Noticeably armed figure. A man wearing dark Dragoon armor and hoisting a big ol’ sword started towards them, intercepting their path. Zephyr slowed to a stop, and a few moments later Vestus caught up. Curious to hear what this guy was gonna say to them, Bastien hopped off of their chocobo ride, giving her a woozy pat on the side feathers as thanks. Of course, who else could it be but the Dark Dragoon himself? Bastien let out a chuckle at the sight. The mighty Dark Dragoon, out here in some fields, by some wolf den?

The Dragoon dude went on to explain that he’s not here for the same mark as them, and instead was interested in… something else, apparently. Something that’s taken home in the same place as the wolves. Coincidence? Perhaps. Either way, he offered to join their party for a bit until they reached his own query, and honestly Bastien couldn’t be happier to let this guy join up with them. Bastien had been a little skeptical of their fighting ability as a group, seeing as they had only just met and all, but this guy definitely knew his way around with that sword of his.

“But of course! We would be foolish to not let someone of your skill join us, even if our goals may be different in the end.” Bastien answered for the group before anyone could raise an objection to the Dark Dragoon’s offer. There was no way he was letting one of his companions be a wet blanket on this chance. To keep the ball rolling, Bastien nudged Vestus in the shoulder and continued talking. The only reason he didn’t do it to Corine was because she would probably bite his hand off if she wasn’t up a chocobo on him. “Quick introductions: this armored fellow here is my main man, Vestus. Very trustworthy, very strong. The chocobo chick here is my latest friend and ally, Corine of Frinnia. Less trustworthy but still very strong. I, of course, am Bastien. The best of the rest.”

Bastien extended a hand out to the stranger. “And you-- may I ask a name of you? Or would you prefer us just refer to you as the Dark Dragoon?”

@Ambra @Mag Lev @Sho Minazuki
Honestly? Bastien was pretty surprised to see that this random stranger was so eager to play along with some weirdly convincing bullshit story after just being offered a vague amount of money. He couldn’t help but grin ear-to-ear as he listened to the man’s tale of near-fatal boar-fighting and never-happened adventuring. Hell, this guy was so good at faking it that Bastien made a mental note to inquire about the prospects of becoming partners in this kinda business together after this whole current escapade was over and done with. Dude seemed pretty sturdy, too-- definitely seen his own good share of fights, and the more blood a man’s spilt, the more Bastien liked ‘em. The only thing Bastien didn’t like, though, was the sudden pay raise the stranger made up; he was thinking of giving the man five bucks or something, but now it’s a whole meal? For three people, and some bird? Man, if he knew that was the price of a convincing ploy…

Nonetheless, the woman seemed to agree despite the rough start, and Bastien couldn’t be happier it all turned out okay in the end. Getting a team together so quickly was wonderful, and if they were all as good as they said they were, hitting those high-tier hunts would be sure to get some good coinage flowing. As Bastien fantasized about all the loot they could get if they became master hunters, the blonde lady introduced herself as Corine: a wandering Chocobo Knight looking for work and apparently also a good meal. It was a little frustrating that she was turned on to the idea of a night out at a restaurant so quickly, dashing his last hope that the dinner plan could fall through yet still, but he betrayed his own feelings by giving her a melodramatic bow. “Name’s Bastien. I’m certain it’ll be a pleasure teaming up with you...” And then the smirk. That was the deal-sealer. The stranger’s name was of no concern to Bastien-- he was already supposed to know it, after all.

“Ah… If I could be so bold, might I be able to join you on your chocobo…?” Bastien’s face lit up at the suggestion of chocobo-riding, but he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed about the fact that he allowed himself to be even that transparent. After toning down his excitement a bit, he cleared his throat and started to speak. “You see, my knee… I took a tumble on some stairs the other day, and my knee’s been acting up since. I’m good for a fight, don’t fret-- I’d even be willing to show you-- but I’m afraid going long-distance might be a bit much for me… You need not worry about my friend here, though; he can run marathons even in that armor of his. Cross-country is his calling, and he’s in peak form!” Bastien gave his new friend a pat on the shoulder, the metal clanging ever so gently. Hopefully he wouldn’t mind getting stuck in the dust of a magnificent chocobo if it meant getting a real good meal later on.

With that being said, though, Bastien took the initiative in getting this party going by swiping the ad off of the board and heading over to the nearest open receptionist. She looked at him with the standard customer-service smile. “We’ll be taking this on, me and my little group here.” Bastien said, motioning back over to his two newest friends. “Get our reward ready for us already hun, we’ll be back in an hour tops.” She nodded tiredly and, after they went through the legalities necessary, shooed him off before he could say anything else stupid. With that done, Bastien returned to his entourage and waved the slip of paper at them. “Shall we get this show on the road then?”

@Ambra @Mag Lev
Something about this girl didn’t seem particularly friendly, what with the anxious posture and the crossed arms. Bastien guessed she was just a little surprised by the sudden accosting, especially considering the only topic he had to work off of was the chocobo that wasn’t even currently present. Well, that and the fact that they were both at the front of the crowd of adventurers in an Adventurer’s Guild, but that’s less important right now.

“Oh, Frinia? What a coincidence! That’s where I’m from too! Well, before I moved here a couple years ago anyway.” Bastien rubbed his chin a bit, smiling to himself. He was always weirdly glad to meet another from Frinia, even if the connection was tenuous at best. It made a common ground between them in culture at the very least; helpful, when trying to befriend someone. Made it feel more like fate than if they were even more random strangers to each other. “I’m glad to hear your chocobo’s been nothing but a wonder to have, though. You always hear horror stories about those small-time adventurers getting their asses handed to them by their own feisty little chocobo they found running around in a field."

The little blonde lady didn’t seem to be awfully impressed with him thus far, though, so Bastien furrowed his brow and crossed his arms, imitating the same ruffled appearance she had going on. “Maybe in another life we’ve met? I don’t quite recall you myself, but if you think I’m trying to sell something to ya right now, you got me all wrong! I’m really just a friendly friend to all, no joke. There’s no better way to stop being a stranger than to stop acting like one. Look, we got so much in common already; you like chocobos, I like chocobos, you’re from Frinia, I’m from Frinia…”

“Look. Some people say that the best way to get to know somebody is by clashing swords. Well, I say there’s no better way than getting into dangerous situations together and killing monsters!” Bastien shook his head before narrowing his eyes as he looked over at the requests board. There didn’t seem to be a plethora of hunts open right at the moment, but there were a couple available (to him). The chocobo one seemed to be in bad taste in the moment, the slime one sounded particularly dangerous, wyverns sounded fun, and wolves sounded boring. Before he turned back to the blonde lady, though, Bastien swiveled to the side and nudged the nearest guy, which turned out to be an armored dude with almost silver-like hair. He leaned in close and whispered to him. Hey, play along with me and I’ll slide you some cash.

Without even waiting for the stranger to agree, Bastien stepped over beside him and throw an arm around the man’s shoulder. The armor was dirt-covered and cold, but whatever. He shot the young woman another winning smile. “Me and my friend here, we were looking for another talented adventurer to join up with! If you still have your doubts about the integrity of my character, just ask my dear friend of two years here! I’m just looking for business, honest.”

@Ambra @Mag Lev
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