Bastien Roussaeu
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Nationality: Frinian
Heritage: Frinian
Appearance: Bastien stands at 6'0", or 182 cm, and weighs in at a solid 180 lbs, or 85 kg. Mostly muscle. While he has an imposing stance and a relatively unkempt appearance , he moves in a very controlled and calculated way that betrays his otherwise thuggish vibe. His black hair compliments his brown eyes in a way that some might find endearing.
Personality: Vulgar, crude, gross, kind of an asshole. It may sound like people just don’t like him, but people don’t like him for a reason. While he doesn’t seem like an active problem, he acts maliciously and holds way too many grudges. Though he may have his reasons, this guy is a Grade A bitch, and really his only redeeming quality is that he’s usually pretty laid-back (but in the “I’m gonna joke around with you but don’t mistake this for being friends” way). Unless you think that’s two-faced and annoying, in which case you’ll hate that too. Perhaps his dedication to his cause would impress you? It's kind of weird how serious he is about all this chaos stuff. Maybe something messed up his head or something and maybe he thinks making everyone worse off is helping them somehow. Sometimes people are backwards like that.
Biography: Though he was born and raised in Frinia, Bastien currently, uh, “lives” in a city in Raelin after he moved there for, uh, “reasons”. Slightly more specifically, some bad shit happened to him as a kid, he got all edgy, and then nobody really liked him. That’s the basic gist of it, but just know that getting “all edgy” pretty much meant he started worshiping the dark gods of the pantheon presumably because he thought the rest of them were all just a bunch of high and mighty losers. Just a note, though: we're talking about "kids sitting in a basement with a pentagram and a goat" kinda stuff here and for some reason people thought giving the kids a smack on the back of the head was gonna make 'em stop. Ironically... Do you think it might've been all the smacking and hitting and all that stuff that made kids want to summon death gods? The implication was that it started when they started channeling Ragnarok, but that's quite wrong actually. Anyway! That was a slippery slope that lead into dogma, which is in of itself kinda illegal, so if you're committing crimes already might as well go all the way and do Ragnarok's bidding by messing everything up with... uh, crimes and all that. Long story short he ended up selling his soul (literally or figuratively?) to Ragnarok 'cause he was angry at everyone for some
mysterious reason... Which is good because it's cool you're doing something with your life but bad because that's considered the wrong god to worship.
Nowadays though, in Raelin, he lives a seedy life dealing with even sketchier people. What he does on a daily basis could be considered “immoral” and “highly risky" and "illegal”, participating in such fun acts such as: conning, stealing, (commissioned) murder, drug trade, minor felonies, so on, so on. Sometimes with other crooks, sometimes doing it to them. And sometimes you piss off the wrong crowd too much and now suddenly even the lawbreakers are after you for breaking the law. It’s a hard life for lil' old Bastien, but he'd do anything for his precious Ragnarok. Such a chaotic life is the only one for Bastien, so he can't really complain.
:COMBATLevel: 25
Class: Ragnarok’s Hand A swordsman that uses dogma to deceive and wear down the foe. They worship Ragnarok, a dark god of Frinia, and act under his behalf to bring chaos and darkness to the world. They seek to bring out the worst in the world. While focusing on using Ragnarok’s powers to harass their enemies, they are also highly skilled and excel in sleights to outplay the opponent.
War Lust - For every major enemy or every couple of mooks killed in a battle, a temporary STR buff of +1 is gained. Caps at 2; can make STR go above 20.
Red Mist - After making a significantly damaging direct hit with a skill to start bloodshed, Blood skills can be used for free after. Alternatively, he can also sacrifice his own health to use a Blood skill for free.
Blood Pact - All Blood skills gain additional effects when you fall into low health.
:STATSStrength: 6
Dexterity: 2
Mind: 5
Piety: 4
Speed: 5
Defense: 3
Soul: 0
:EQUIPMENTMain Weapon: Soldier’s Sword – As the name implies, a military-grade steel sword used by Raelin soldiers.
Off-Hand: Ragnarok’s Catalyst – A knife with a crimson blade and ornate handle. Great for stabbing, and can used to be summon Ragnarok’s power easier.
Armor: Hard Leather – Basic armor that covers his vital regions well.
Additional: N/A
:SKILLS:TechniquesJump [S2] – Not to be confused with the Dragoon one. Grapples with the target (if given the opportunity) and attempts to deal damage with a knife until thrown off. Ease of which he is thrown off depends on difference between strength.
Graze [D2] – Acts as a normal attack with his sword if it’s a complete hit but if it’s blocked or otherwise deflected, he has a high chance to deal minor damage with an invisible blow with his knife. Doesn’t work if he cannot move into very close range.
Backstab [S3] – A powerful surprise attack that deals additional damage if it’s from the rear.
Feint Attack [D2S4] – Feints a heavy, easily counterable strike but instead flips the momentum and attacks from the unexpected angle very quickly.
Visceral Strike [S5] – A strategically aimed blow that aims for the target’s most vital spots. Does significantly more damage if the enemy is staggered or otherwise vulnerable.
Shield Crusher [S7] – A heavy blow that knocks the enemy off guard or otherwise staggers them. Sends the enemy flying if unblocked, otherwise creates an opening through breakable defenses. If the enemy hits something when sent flying, they take extra damage; can also be knocked into other enemies.
:SpellbookMirage Step [M2] – Creates a static double of himself in one spot. The double fades when it’s hit by anything.
Blood Puddle [M3] – Lays down a trapped zone on the ground by where Bastien is that ensares anything that sets foot in its area of effect. Blood Pact effect: does damage in addition to trapping the target.
Bio [M4] – Launches a projectile that poisons the target if it hits. Also deals a slow debuff.
Miasma [M5] – Conjures a toxic cloud that corrodes flesh and armor if someone walks into it.
Blood Rush [P4] – Channels dogma to congeal blood, stop bleeding, and fix minor wounds. Blood Pact effect: clears status effects and heals more.
Blood Fever [P5] – Grants a buff to Bastien that increases endurance (tires out slower and is less affected by wounds) and boosts speed/agility. Works as a painkiller. Blood Pact effect: hardens the blood on his body into some kind of armor and increases his resistance/Defence.
Blood Tinge [PM3] – Corrodes flesh and sends toxins into the blood by channeling dogma when Bastien makes physical contact with the enemy. Blood Pact effect: Explodes when used, doing additional direct damage to the target
Red Blossom [PM4] – Launches a medium-distance lance of sharpened blood forward that curses the stab wound it makes and makes it bleed more than usual. Blood Pact effect: Increases range.
:LIMIT BREAKFlurry Dance [S10] - Launches an assault of sword strikes that overwhelms the target with their power and speed. Does high damage if not blocked.
Ragnarok's Breath [M10] - Causes an explosion of fire and corrosive gas around Bastien. Has a chance to blind if the target is close enough.
Blanket of Chaos [M10] - Everyone withing a medium range (including Bastien himself) is hit with intense rage and can temporarily not distinguish friend and foe.
:OPPORTUNITYFirst Blood - Bastien gains a +1 buff to Defense and Soul if he lands the first hit.
Escape Artist - Escapes grapples/traps more easily and flees from encounters more easily.
Contrarian - Bastien gains a +2 buff to Speed and Soul when outnumbered by 4 or more.