Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Final Fantasy: Reverence

Chapter 1: Raelin

The Sword a man's Tempered Will

Raelin, the illustrious former Empire, now a Republic. With lush sweeping valleys and a tasteful spot of forestry and mountains, the sights of Raelin are ones of grandeur over spectacle, though they have no shortage of that either. The sight of what from afar appear to be many birds, are actually wyverns circling the mountain in the south west, for that is their home, Drake Mountain, and the sacred place where Dragoons make their pilgrimage to find their eternal partners.

The military of Raelin is ever-vigilant, even in peaceful times, for to them, the ways of the warrior are both a lifestyle and art, and the study of the scholar is considered one of prestige. For Raelin, the Scholar and the Warrior are the pillars of their society. The warrior fights to preserve the nation, while the scholar runs the nation.

Uneasy winds and whispers sweep the streets of Valennia as the word "rebellion" has become a more common occurrence as the Swords of Valor begin to become more active, compounded with the unease as no one seems to be safe these days. A serial killer has also come into the picture or so they say. They call him the Bleeder for the messy bloody sights of his crimes.

Although nothing is ever as simple as it seems.

Eastern Exit


Valennia, the crown jewel of Raelin. It's well-cleaned and flattened cobblestone pathways and charming wood and stone construction gives it a rustic atmosphere amidst a calm yet lively street vibe. The people wear clean clothes, the workers wear worn yet well-kept uniforms, and the children run in the street. One would be forgiven to think this was a time of true relaxation, but the reality was that the underlying problems are gossiped constantly, disconnected from their own city's problems they speak of dangerous things such as bandits, criminals, and as of late, rebels and serial killers, as if it were a day to day occurrence, but one must thing. For such little unease they have, perhaps the government is competent, and for the most part one can say that is true. Raelin's martial might has never blunted thanks to their culture.

However for the young man in a brown cape trudging down the street, hungry out of his mind, none of this mattered at all. Just one loaf of bread, mold or none, was what he wanted. He used the last of his coin to help pay for an old woman's medicine in the port town and walked the whole way. He was given food as thanks, but that did not last long.

He felt almost ready to collapse, but... Perhaps, he can find a small job or some food on offer at the Adventurer's Guild here... Or perhaps he may get lucky and simply be given one...? No, it's never really that simple.

"Aaauuuugh... Food... Or even some water...", he mutters, the street noise nothing but background noise. Why does he do this to himself he asks himself as he continues to hobble down the street. Why indeed others may ask, for him, helping others, he cannot help but do... But perhaps he should learn some restraint...

Locations to Go to

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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“...” Naisha let out a silent sigh as she very slowly made her way through the very busy streets. As much as a good thing it was, this made her life quite the nightmare. Just getting around Valennia, was a task requiring a lot of time and nerves. Things she did not always really have. Having to move about in a wheel chair, meant people tended to not really pay you attention or give you way any. Many were so busy they didn't see you in their rush or even bump into you. She had gotten more than a few bruises that way, one person even hit her head with a box he was carrying and didn't see her. It was pure miracle she didn't blow someone up here.” I swear, I will kill someone if things continue like this...” She whispered to herself in anger as she finally tore herself from the traffic of pedestrians, finding herself by the stairway of the great Library of Arius, probably the main target for any magically inclined person. They had the best records and research files about black magic and magical theory from everywhere she's been so far.

“Well... damn it all yet again.” She cursed, looking at the stairs, moving her wheelchair by the lowest stair. She stared at the normally not really all that high stairs, but for someone in her condition it was a truly annoyingly monumental struggle to get up... unless she utilizes float which won't be the first time.

“...” She was half about to ask someone to help her when she remembered, people don't simply help others. At least that was her experience in this city. As such she just started to try to get up, using her staff as support.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago

Her knuckles burned white, her clammy fingers gripping at the worn leather of Zephyr's reigns. Hungry, parched, and tired, Corine supposed she should be a little proud of herself for making it all of the way to Farm in. But her legs ached and the big yellow bird that loped beside her was less than happy. Her mount deserved all of the greens in the world after everything they've been through. She'd give her a hefty reward... later. For now, Corine had to find the Valennian Adventurer's Guild. It was the largest branch in the country-- if not, the whole continent. If she hadn't earned a name for herself by now, she would definitely find a way to do so after this.

How long had she been on the road? It seemed like forever since she left Frinia in a flurry of shame and fury. Corine had done a few-- or, more like several --deeds for people all over the place. "There are bandits ransacking the village!" a poor villager would say as they shoved her in the direction of battle. "We're cold and hungry, we need medicine! Help us find herbs, please!" another would whine. At first, she didn't mind the begging or whimpering. One had to start somewhere. But time went by and she realized she was going nowhere, and fast. How could she be a proper soldier if she was fooling around and scrounging around for truffles as a favor for a farmer? At least she was here, now...

Zephyr let out a sound, her wark attracting the attention of those around her. A child squealed in excitement. "Chocobo! It's a chocobo!" he giggled, reaching towards them with grubby hands. Scowling in response, she tugged her chocobo away, the bird squawking in protest.

"C'mon, you big ol' chicken," Corine muttered grossly. "I told you that it's better if you don't draw attention to yourself."

"Kweh!" the chocobo said again, shaking herself out. The light armor around her neck and head rattled with the motion. Corine wasn't sure whether that was a retort or not, so she just decided to tug the beast further down the street.

A large building soon loomed in front of them. The Adventurer's Guild was certainly bigger than she thought it would be. Men and women drifted around its entrance, adorned with leather and armor she hadn't seen before. Cautiously, Corine stepped around them, making sure Zephyr wouldn't bump into anyone. Luckily for her, she caught sight of a post where she could tie her companion to. She yanked on the beast's reigns again, guiding the chocobo to the post and wrapping the reigns around it. "I'll be back soon. Try not to get in trouble."

She walked up a small set of stone stairs, her thighs protesting slightly. Honestly, she didn't know why she didn't get food before she checked this place out, but... best to see what the Guild had up for grabs before she relaxed for the day. Sighing, she stepped into the lobby. Well, the Guild was bigger on the inside than it was on the outside... Was that food she smelled? Come on, focus on the task at hand, she told herself, walking to one of the boards. Well, there wasn't anything about someone losing their cat, from what she could see...
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Bastien Roussaeu
Valennia, Raelin - The Adventurer's Guild

“Praise be to Ragnarok," Bastien nodded, whispering as quietly as possible to the comrade sitting next to him at a table occupied with other miscellaneous strangers, “and may the winds be in your favor.” The woman swiped the envelope he had slid her while passing her a drink into the inside of her jacket. They exchanged some casual conversation for a bit after, the girl calmly downing her drink as quickly as possible, before she got up and sauntered off into the crowd. Like an ocean, the waves of people coming and going swallowed her in seconds, leaving only an empty mug as a trace she was ever there.

Ah. The Adventurer’s Guild. It’s always just brimming with potential. So many people, so many walks of life, so little attention drawn to individuals. It’s just a letter between friends, after all, why worry about it?

With that handled and out of the way, Bastien rose from his own seat and wandered off into the crowd of people as well. He hadn’t really thought about where he was gonna go from there, so he weighed the options: he could try to find some odd jobs around town, maybe try to do some monster hunting, or maybe he could hunker down on the streets and whip out some magic tricks for some coin? None sounded particularly interesting at the moment, but with the guards on full alert what with the unstable air and the, y’know, serial killer running around, trying some illegal shit probably wasn’t going to fly very well. At the very least, doing it in broad daylight was pretty much a one-way ticket to getting arrested, even in the scummiest, least guarded places in town. Bastien, for a second, considered just doing the most honest thing and getting a stable job, but to hell with that. He was in an Adventurer’s Guild! The place most renowned for breeding heroes and warriors, who’s only job is to kill and maim (and sometimes lift barrels for a wage but whatever)!

By the time Bastien was walking down the stairs, he still hadn’t quite decided if that was what he wanted to do, but it stopped mattering to him when he saw the girl walk in with the big chocobo. It was… beautiful. Fluffy, powerful, adorable, likely pretty tasty. Chocobos were his weakness, and he couldn’t help but think about all the possibilities if he had his own chocobo… He weighed the pros and cons in his head; worst case scenario, she tells him to go away, best case scenario he scores a chocobo in exchange for some coinage. Maybe, at the very least, she’d let him take him for a test drive. Bastien was most definitely in the mood to ride some chocobo. So, with little else to do, he flipped around in the flow of people as the lady passed and started following her up the stairs and back into the Adventurer’s Guild. Eventually, she stopped at the edge of the crowd, staring up at the boards listing myriad jobs and hunts posted around. Seizing the opportunity, Bastien shuffled up beside her and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

“Salut, o’ traveller!” He started, giving his classic little sly grin. Hopefully it woo’d her successfully. He was a very charismatic fellow, or at least he liked to think. “I couldn’t help but notice your rather large, uh… chocobo back there, by the entrance.” Hm. Bastien questioned his own wording all of the sudden. Was it creepy to imply that he had followed her here, or would she just take it as a coincidence and that he was just another adventurer likely similar to herself?

“She truly is magnificent, if I’m allowed to say. Such brilliant yellow coloration; wonderful feathers, even despite the wear of recent travel tarnishing them... Where do you hail from, may I ask? I don’t quite think chocobos are awfully common in the big city. Rather cumbersome on the streets. Me, I live here. I’m a rather big fan of the big chickens…”

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Few cities were ever more grand than the one which Vestus approached, looking in wonder at the wooden and stone buildings. Only a few of the richer cities in Songdae ever would have come close to Valennia, though none but Jinsheong matched the wondrous city. However, the sights were not what Vestus was there for, no he had come to Valennia for the Adventurer’s Guild. Little money flowed from the deeds he did to help people, more often ending with him spend his nights camping in the forest and eating only bread. The Guild was a chance to change that, to hunt monsters that have plagued the people of Raelin.

The road to Valennia had been a long one, one which had worn on Vestus even with his training. His clothing was covered in dust, his armor no longer shined as it once did. However, his sword still shined and he showed not the hunger which plagued him as he walked past the taverns, what little coin he had unable to buy him even a room and a warm meal. But he had trudged on so far and the grand building of the Guild was well within sight.

The crowds which milled about the Guild were of the usual sorts, men and women looking to earn cash off of the bills posted on the board, though some were simple attendants to the absolutely massive building. Vestus had seen many different Guild halls but this one, the one here in Valennia, was by far the largest in comparison. Though the sight of it had only stopped him for a moment, passing behind a chocobo, on his way in and towards the nearest board. The one which he happened to stop by seemed packed with contracts, though equally so with people. However, two stood out from among the usual, a woman with blonde hair and a rather rough look man.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Front of the Library of Arius

Valdr's painful trudge to the Adventurer's Guild was wrought with delays. On nothing but fumes, so far he's helped a woman carry her groceries, rescuing a cat from a tree, fixed the wheel of a wagon, helped a little girl who tripped over, and even tackle a thief on the street. By this time he had been given enough money for a room in one of the inns here, but no one gave him any food despite his zombified requests, in fact in this short span of time he's been given the nickname "Mr.Zombie Hero", due to how dead he looked the whole time.

Now he found himself at the steps of the great library on the way to the guild. There was a girl in a wheelchair, and it was clear the stairs were a problem for her. With little thought or consideration to his devitalized appearance, he walked up to her,

"Uhhhh, miss? Do you need some help?", he asked, his voice somewhat course and strained.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Front of the Library of Atlus
@Sho Minazuki@rivaan

"I see, such a volatile combination of elements would lead to massive magical backlash rather than a storm made of lava. Disappointing but expected." Hade muttered to himself as he tore out another page from his notepad and tossed it behind him. The paper ignited in midair, scattering ashes through the wind as Hade moved onto the next page of ideas. He was walking to the library to find research materials on True Sorcery, he had a hunch that if he pursued that particular subject he would learn more about the Crystal Sages and their advanced magic.

As he walked and wrote, muttering to himself all the while, he completely missed the girl in the wheelchair and swordsman in his path. He bumped into Valdr by accident, knocking him straight into Naisha. Hade dropped his notepad as he fell to the ground, unprepared for the obstacle that had been in his path. The notepad fell in front of Naisha, opened to a page regarding a cloud of acid that can track opponents.

"I'm terribly sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Hade pushed himself up with a minor amount of effort, shaking his head as he got his bearings.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MysteryBroom
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MysteryBroom Local Geek

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"You wouldn't happen to know where a hunter could find some work, would you?" Peshawar whispered softly to the guard on his left as they were inspecting a board filled with notices and flyers. The guard look over his shoulder and was caught with surprise when a man armed with a big rifle and wearing a big coat in this weather. Posture was important, it conveyed what sort of work you had and Peshawar had a robust, straight posture; as if he was trying to intimidate a bear. The guard's eyes moved towards Peshawar's rifle, hung on his back and the light from it's scope reflected into the guard's eyes. He has never seen a weapon this fine before nor has we wielded one. He wondered how he, a well-armed man with a weapon and boots, was never heard when he approached him. Like a ghost, he quietly slipped to an ear-shot beside the guard.

"Aye, for able men like you, there's always work." The guard turns around to get a clear view of this hunter. He looked rugged, as if he came back from fighting a war. His boots were covered in dirt and his coat's leather has been riddled with scars. Peshawar moved a few paces forward and towards the noticeboard, "I don't plan on staying here for long, what can you recommend for me?"

"Depends on what you're planning on hunting?" Peshawar takes a closer look at the notice board and lets his fingers pass through the sheets of paper, looking for his next prey.
"Man or beast?" The guard calls out. Peshawar turns around a gives a slight smile to the guard. The ray of bright light of the morning made his presence less intimidating. It wasn't ordinary to see a man this rugged walking around in this city.
"As of the moment, I'm looking for a man to hunt."

"I got just the bounty for you." The guard stepped closer to Peshawar, standing right beside him and placed his finger on a piece of paper pinned to the wall.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago

There were a few things that caught her eye, but Corine wasn't sure if they'd get her what she wanted. Maybe a plate of food or a couple of nights at the inn, but... Her brown eyes continued to drift across the boards, trying to figure out which job she should take first. That was, until someone approached her. She turned her look towards the tall man, noting his wily smile and and running mouth. ... He wanted something, didn't he? But what, she didn't know. Something about him made her perk up, making sure that she was on her toes in his presence. Especially when he started to praise Zephyr and ask where she came from.

"Frinia. I come from Frinia," she glanced over him again, trying to force herself to relax. Maybe he was someone important and she just didn't know it yet? She should take it a little slow. At least, for now... "I see you've taken notice of my chocobo, then. Got her in Frinia, actually, and she's been my steed ever since I left that place. I can't really complain about her to be honest-- she's been at my side through all I've been through."

Corine raised her arms, crossing over her chest as she peered up at his face. "I don't know you, do I? Pretty chatty for someone that hasn't even talked to me before."


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Guard Station

@MysteryBroom (Peshawar)

The gruff gunman perused along the small pile of wanted posters, some were considerably much older than others, but there were a surprising number of new ones. The dusty counter was soon spread with these sheets of paper as Peshawar spread them out to get a better look at them. Guessing from recent events, the surprising number of new ones were likely linked to the recent rebel faction... What'd they say they were...? The Swords of Valor? Still... Let's see what there is...

"Well then, take your pick. Preferrably come back with them alive... But don't worry about the killer... Well, that man's been nothing but a shadow anyways but if you're confident you can waste your time tryin' to catch him. Praetorian guards usually catch such fiends eventually", so says the guard. The Praetorian Guard... Yes, they were the top ranking officials in social security in Raelin, they took to detective and auxilliary duties and had the right to take over investigations. They also were trained for military service too for times of war. Their armor always gave them away... In fact it was the same armor Lionel was wearing in his poster. Regardless, there seemed to be a decent mix of easy and difficult marks.

Adventurer's Guild Lobby

@Mag Lev (Vestus)

Though Vestus would be distracted, the requests board wasn't going anywhere, so he can come back to this whenever he wished. There were two types, Requests, containing some small time requests like help, or even deliveries and helping with a job, and Monster Hunts, which were as it says right there. Hunting troublesome monsters. All of it on a fairly well-kept noticeboard, no overlapping pieces. Though that may be owed to the nice lady standing next to it to organize it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 11 mos ago



Yagi looked around the guardstations with curiosity as he ate his warm pastry. Raelin was the first place that he visited in his exile, and it was living up to its reputation. Yagi came here first because he learned that the knights of this country are pretty strong and would give him a good challenge. He also wanted to get as far away from his shame as possible, Yagi was getting suffocated and this was a good change of pace for him. As he walked around the station he was listening to all type conversations...job this, and report that, it made no sense to him.

"-looking for a man to hunt." Someone said behind him. Yagi turned around and looked at the soldier standing close to the man with a gun. He never really cared about the weapons, but the proposition of a hunt sounded "fun". He hoped that this station contained his opportunity to find some strong opponents and test his blade against Raelin steel. So he looked at the board with interest, hoping to find the job for him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MysteryBroom
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MysteryBroom Local Geek

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@Queentze@Sho Minazuki

"The Swords of Valor. Three across the board. Spells trouble." Peshawar thought to himself as he noticed the odd collection of bounties. The only time this happens is when a bandit group is being hunted. Peshawar was familiar with the systems of bounty since he has done so much back at Escain. But back at the mountainside the bounties were preferred dead than alive. I guess this would be a new challenge for him to drag his query back from he has struck him. No matter, a hunter doesn't always terminate his prey; he just tracks and executes.

"Say, where does a man like you hail from?" asked the guard.
""From Escain. Not from the cities, though." replied the hunter with his face still looking at the board.
"I can tell you're not the city type. What brings you all the way out here?" the guard more curious than ever to inquire from this man who came from a great distance. He can tell that this man has hunted many throughout his years.
"Instinct" Peshawar was vague in his answer. The real answer is barred of from curious minds deep inside his head. It was not mere instinct but fate.

This rebel group piqued his interest. Maybe it was the calling that visited him in his sleep that fateful day.
I'll take the Dirge. Know where I can find him?"
Before the guard could reply, Peshawar eye's were interrupted but a glare of light. The light was piercing through his vision, glimmering intensely. When the light retreated from his eyes, he saw a hilt from a sword. It was a beautiful hilt whose steal was fashioned so skilfully. The sword, a katana. Though he has never never seen it in person, he has only seen it in those books he read when he was in the military. A Karonese trademark.

Peshawar observed this swordsman. As he looked at the same board he was looking at. He could tell he was a fighter from the way he carried himself. He was young as well, about his early twenties or just peeking twenty. He waited patiently for this man to pick his target if ever he is going to before he pursued his own.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Location: The Library of Arius
@Sho Minazuki@floodtalon

“Ehhh?” Naisha made an extremely surprised sound as someone asked if she needed help. Looking to the side to see an extremely zombie looking young man who probably required some great meal, if one was to judge by the sunken hungry expression. She looked up and down studying him, before raising an eyebrow in disbelieve, expecting he meant someone else.” Wait... you really mean me? This is a first time that anyone asked that, thank you.” She was truly amazed right now.” Yes... I actually would really appreciate some help getting up the stairs... ough...!??”

Her amazement grew rapidly into angry grunt, silent curses and raising anger. The young man fell onto her when he was pushed by a dark clad figure.” Why... you.... heavy...” She growled in annoyance.

“Yeah... obviously, but apology accepted.” She added with half pained voice. This was going to leave a bruise... or three. She the took a note of the book in front of her, opened at her feet.” Nasty thing that one... effective against big numbers, breaks morale, causes mass panic.” She mumbled at all the fun effects it probided. Had to learn that eventually.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sen
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Sen Outlier

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Something about this girl didn’t seem particularly friendly, what with the anxious posture and the crossed arms. Bastien guessed she was just a little surprised by the sudden accosting, especially considering the only topic he had to work off of was the chocobo that wasn’t even currently present. Well, that and the fact that they were both at the front of the crowd of adventurers in an Adventurer’s Guild, but that’s less important right now.

“Oh, Frinia? What a coincidence! That’s where I’m from too! Well, before I moved here a couple years ago anyway.” Bastien rubbed his chin a bit, smiling to himself. He was always weirdly glad to meet another from Frinia, even if the connection was tenuous at best. It made a common ground between them in culture at the very least; helpful, when trying to befriend someone. Made it feel more like fate than if they were even more random strangers to each other. “I’m glad to hear your chocobo’s been nothing but a wonder to have, though. You always hear horror stories about those small-time adventurers getting their asses handed to them by their own feisty little chocobo they found running around in a field."

The little blonde lady didn’t seem to be awfully impressed with him thus far, though, so Bastien furrowed his brow and crossed his arms, imitating the same ruffled appearance she had going on. “Maybe in another life we’ve met? I don’t quite recall you myself, but if you think I’m trying to sell something to ya right now, you got me all wrong! I’m really just a friendly friend to all, no joke. There’s no better way to stop being a stranger than to stop acting like one. Look, we got so much in common already; you like chocobos, I like chocobos, you’re from Frinia, I’m from Frinia…”

“Look. Some people say that the best way to get to know somebody is by clashing swords. Well, I say there’s no better way than getting into dangerous situations together and killing monsters!” Bastien shook his head before narrowing his eyes as he looked over at the requests board. There didn’t seem to be a plethora of hunts open right at the moment, but there were a couple available (to him). The chocobo one seemed to be in bad taste in the moment, the slime one sounded particularly dangerous, wyverns sounded fun, and wolves sounded boring. Before he turned back to the blonde lady, though, Bastien swiveled to the side and nudged the nearest guy, which turned out to be an armored dude with almost silver-like hair. He leaned in close and whispered to him. Hey, play along with me and I’ll slide you some cash.

Without even waiting for the stranger to agree, Bastien stepped over beside him and throw an arm around the man’s shoulder. The armor was dirt-covered and cold, but whatever. He shot the young woman another winning smile. “Me and my friend here, we were looking for another talented adventurer to join up with! If you still have your doubts about the integrity of my character, just ask my dear friend of two years here! I’m just looking for business, honest.”

@Ambra @Mag Lev
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Lost again, are we?

Humming quietly, Aria's large, blue eyes looked around for any familiar sights. Despite staying at The Royal Garnet, her desire to explore the city had triumphed. After making sure her cat-eared hood made sure to hide her face, she traveled through the city rather liberally. The architecture had a curious sheen to them, the people bustling and going on their merry way. In truth, she loved it; it was so much better to be out and about rather than in a stuffy room full of people who couldn't care less about anything outside of their own selfish lies. Not that she was any better, as she had come to Valennia to perform for those selfish people. But before she would, she wanted to look around. She had heard the Library may have books on the myths of the Empire, and myths meant deities.

Now that she had finished looking around, she realized much too late that she hadn't kept track to where she was going.

Aria continued to walk, her head turning this way and that. The people looked much too busy to ask for directions, though she didn't want to turn back just yet. Clucking her tongue in disappointment, she wondered whether or not she should turn around, though as she stopped in front of a building, she peered at the letters to see what it was called. It looked like the Adventurer's Guild--she had somehow gone in a complete circle, having passed it earlier. Oh well, it was probably a sign that she should be heading back to the Royal Garnet. Kicking the ground in disappointment, she turned on her heel, a soft song playing from her lips as she walked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Taytay
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Taytay Sleepy

Member Seen 11 mos ago

As Yagi was reading and listening to his eyes lit up at the word "Swords" in "Swords of Valor". He immediately thought about how many swords there were? What design? How were they used? All types of questions flooded him, except the most important ones. His first chance to truly taste the flavor of this countries steel, and test out (what seemed like) a dangerous man. The bounty hunting process did seem different out here than back home, most people wanted dead more than alive (because of honor and all) and Yagi was used to living off prize money from his winning his challenges not os much hunting someone down. This is what caused him to hesitate, this was not a challenge, this was a hunt and things like honor and respect played no part in it. The game and rules are different in Raelin and Yagi had to learn quick so he could not only survive in this new place but thrive as well. On a side note, his blade was getting heavy and that meant it has been too long since Queen last gave out her royal punishment, so this was everything he was looking for.

"The Swords Of Valor", huh? Sounds like a good challenge gotta start small though, the old man would be screaming about how I needed an plan and all that. Whatever right? Yagi was cursing his father, even if he was a whole continent away the man still had a way of worming his way back into the boys head. He taught Yagi everything and then threw him out in the worst way, cursed to wander until he learned some stupid final "lesson". Bullshit. Yagi felt that the old man could not take the heat any longer and feared being replaced, but its old history now and today is a new day. Yagi did leave with a parting gift, he stole the man's wakizashi, and Yagi could only hope he did not miss it.

When Yagi was about to ask for more information about the woman listed he noticed the man with the rifle staring at his swords."Hello? I'm gonna take Hemmings...she's a chick, right? Never heard the name "Gibril" before. Any more information on her?" Yagi said looking at the man confused then nodded at him, then turned his attention to the guard and proceed to mispronounce "Gibril". He then turned to the man with the rifle and lifted the blade (still sheathed of course) in front of him. "Did you want to see her, you're not a lady so she won't burn you." Yagi said, there was no trick or malice, just an offer, and a serious face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EnterTheHero
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EnterTheHero Heir to the Throne of the Roaming Rhullo

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.::Malik Rayse::.

The Gargling Drake Inn

Malik sighed as he shuffled the cards in his hand around, teeth worrying away at the wooden pick clenched between them. Honestly, he'd have preferred his pipe, or a quick cigarette, but the idea of this little jaunt was to avoid drawing attention to himself. In another place, the mild luxury might have drawn some slight awe from his fellow patrons. Here, it was likely to just draw more questions than answers. Or, as was more likely, get him mugged. He'd left his Dragonslayer with Stormeater back at their camp, so he was slightly less sure of his odds in a fight should he end up outnumbered.

He clacked the toothpick once, and then laid down a card on the table. His opponent cursed, which almost made Malik smile- he wasn't a master at Triple Triad, by any stretch. He lost a little more than he won, but when he did win, his spoils tended to sustain him through the next couple of losses. He'd make something of himself in this game, yet. Or maybe he'd just start to cheat. Not here, of course- if they'd mug him for shine, they'd definitely string him up for cheating. Plus, there was a chance, however slight, that the others might hear. Sigurd, especially.

Malik suppressed a fond smile as he thought about his mentor. While their fighting styles were a bit too different for the man to teach him much more than the basics, what he'd learned from the so-called "Dark Dragoon" was more than enough for him to get by on, for now. He'd be taught more, as time went on, and he proved his mettle, they'd said. More about the ways of the darkness. He was a little surprised that their teachings had resonated with him at all. Not out of honor, or doubt in their talents; each of his Dark Knight brothers used their powers in such myriad ways, that he'd found it unlikely that anything they'd try to teach him would stick. Gladly, he'd been wrong.

A clearing throat from across from him snapped him from his reminiscing. His opponent had made another move, as dissatisfied as he seemed with it. Malik bit down on his pick- he had a job to do here. Best not to get distracted. He played another card (eliciting another curse from his opponent- he wasn't very talented at the game) before listening in to the whispers around him, straining his ears to hear a whisper, a rumor, a breath of anything that might interest someone of his... talents.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

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Front of the Library of Arius

Valdr collapsed like a ragdoll after the girl shoved him off of her after an unfortunate mishap where he was knocked into her. He struggled a bit to get up before finally just going limp, for a few moments, both parties had thought he died, but a single quiet utterance confirmed otherwise, "food...", he said. It appears that whatever strength he seemed to have left was pure willpower, and as soon as anything knocked him off his feet, he was down until he got some help.

Gargling Drake Inn


Dark Knight, the meaning of knight was that of a warrior of good, one who fought for the good of their nation, to defend it's people, uphold justice and the laws of the land. The traditional sense of the knight favors peaceful resolutions and the generation of a harmonious community. Commonly they take to the sword and shield, a balance of the sword that strikes evil, and the shield that protects the people. Such is the way of the knight. However, reality does not see fit to have things be so convenient, thus the birth of the Dark Knight. Even well before the First Dark Knight, there were many scorned warriors who upheld their own creeds, their own justice, and dirtied their hands to do so, but many of them fell to this impure world.

The Dark Knight is the warrior of good who dirties their hands with blood to continue that creed, at any cost and with realization of the realities of this world do they fight. That is a Dark Knight, when things are out of hand for the law, in they come, like a phantom, and though the resolution be bitter and perhaps grotesque.

The Dark Dragoon is a famous title around here, that particular Dark Knight, the teacher of the one now sitting in the Gargling Drake, playing Triple Triad with the patrons. They seemed intimidated at first, but despite such an aura, he commanded a unique camraderie that was borne from a military man. There were a few quips he did hear about though... He could start pursuing them, soon as he won that 20 gil he just lost from that last round back.

The Fang District - Near Royal Garnet


The young maiden made heads turn as she walked down the streets, it appears she was heading back to her room in the Royal Garnet. What business did she have? Not too many knew, and others had guessed she may be a foreign summoner. Though Dogma had been banned, Summoners still had a celibate status among common-folk as capable of calling upon the gods they prayed too. Every face she passed did not seem to interest her, but as she neared the Garnet, one figure stood out for just a moment. The face was that of a skilled aristocrat, smiling, crafty body language, but those eyes unnerved her, and the unnaturally pale short silver hair, as if this man was nothing more than a puppet, but in mere moments he was gone. As she walked up the steps, she felt that unnatural hollow abyss once more, turning, she could've sworn he just walked passed her, but alas, there was nothing there...

It was a surreal experience... Like a waking dream... Try as she might, the man was no longer around. Garbed in aristocratic clothing with such a terrifyingly lacking aura, those well-versed in nation's various fashion would recognize it as a high Ayntayikk garb. It wasn't as if someone had no presence, it's as if someone's presence was a negative, like a black hole... As soon as she calmed down, she turned back to the Royal Garnet's lobby. They offered much here. Recreational facilities, a large banquet hall, a dojo for visitors, a bar, and there were even VIP lounge rooms where likely political dealings took place, unsavory or otherwise. It seems some of the foreign ambassadors from the recent summit are still here, so she can hear about some of the going-ons taking place in other countries if she so pleased...

As she passed, she got a few small quips however.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Mag Lev
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Mag Lev Chairman Sloth

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Though many option presented themselves before Vestus, there were few among them that he had actually found interesting. Fighting chocobos wasn’t exactly a challenge, the slimes were something he was unskilled to do as they were rather resistant to being hit. The wolves and the wyverns were the only ones of interest, though the wolves may prove difficult even for him to handle if they are in large numbers. However, as enamored in the hunts as he was, Vestus soon found himself with an arm over his shoulder.

He was not surprised to find that it was the rough man from before that he had noted, the blonde woman not far away seeming rather displeased with him. However, the man droned on about how he was just looking for another adventurer to pair up with. Another adventurer to work with him and Vestus, though Vestus himself had never seen the man at all. Though, none of this stopped him as he realized it was the perfect chance to challenge the C rank hunt for the wolves and easily get some money out of it. ”Ah yes, there is no reason to worry about my friend’s integrity,” Vestus said as he pat him on the chest with a faux smile.

”Were it not for fate, I never would’ve met this big lug,” He laughed and looked over at the blonde woman, ”You seen, all those years ago we were paired together by chance to fight a boar. The farmer said it was just a normal boar but oh boy was he wrong. It was a dire boar and it damn near would’ve killed him had I not been there” Vestus paused and looked over at the board, trying to seem lost in his memories though questioning if he should truly go on with the plot. ”Since then, he and I have been inseparable,” With a smile he simply looked at the man, ”I save his ass when he gets in trouble and we do hunts together. Now we are faced with looking to do more difficult hunts but find ourselves lacking an extra.”

Vestus pointed at the hunt with the wolves, the highest ranking hunt they could possibly take without a license. ”We are taking that one right there, both for the money and cause it means we can prove ourselves. If you help out, you’ll get a cut of the pay and,” He said with a pause to think, ”How about this, I’ll even buy you a meal. And by mean, I mean my friend here will since he’s the one who’s been trying to recruit you. What do you say?

@Ambra @Sen
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Marlowe
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Marlowe Exiled Moondrinker

Member Seen 1 day ago

As the man continued to speak-- or, more like run his mouth --Corine forced herself to relax her shoulders. While he seemed a little too friendly, it was becoming obvious to her that he didn't mean any harm for now. Her eyes scrutinized him, looking him over and once again taking in his appearance. Well, he looked Frinian, like he claimed he was... that, and he really did seem like he wanted to go on missions and adventures. She opened her mouth to say something when he brought another man into the picture, one with a delicate face and silvery-colored hair. He certainly seemed more approachable. Honestly, Corine was slightly anxious about the other man's size; she was pretty sure he could cave her head in if she wasn't careful.

You're a fucking idiot, Corine mentally face-palmed. How are you going to get anywhere if you're scare of some random dude?

"Fine. I'll team up with you two," she dropped her arms to her size, leaning mostly on one foot as her ambery-brown eyes flicked between them. The blond had pointed towards a hunt about wolves. Well, a wolf. A giant one. "Name's Corine," she changed her voice, peering at the ad on the board as she nodded. "Chocobo Knight, or mercenary if you wanna put it in layman's terms. Now, you say you'll give me something to eat after this hunt. Luckily for me, while I haven't eaten anything out of the ordinary on my travels, I'm in the mood for something tasty. Unfortunately for you, both me and my steed got a hell of an appetite~"

She tossed a snide grin at the tallest of the two, her hands setting themselves at her thighs. At least the three of them seemed able enough to complete the task, if they actually worked together. She wouldn't be surprised if they could. If the two of them were telling the truth about being long-time compatriots, then this would be easy as pie for them. And even if things went south... she was sure she could handle things on her lonesome. Maybe working with them would actually get her somewhere, though...

"Well, I assume that you two can keep up with a chocobo?" Corine's grin spread wider. "'less one of you wants to join me on her back. She's a strong one, so 'm sure she'll be able to support a little extra weight."

@Sen @Mag Lev
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