Avatar of Kissu
  • Last Seen: 10 yrs ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 655 (0.17 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Kissu 11 yrs ago


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10 yrs ago
Current I'm back from my mini-Rp hiatus! Gonna go through the reams I missed and start getting back into it :)
10 yrs ago
I'm on a hiatus atm due to work related issues. I'll be back and running next week.
10 yrs ago
Procrastination has appeared. It's the killer. Do not die.
1 like
10 yrs ago
Now's not the time to be dead!
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10 yrs ago
T5 is the butts.
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22 y/o Welsh gal living it up in the big city with my SO and two beautiful cats. Hobbies include gaming, creative writing, baking and dank memes. Oh and RPing too I guess.

I can't say I've been with RPG for terribly long, but I hope you enjoy what my writing style has to offer. Cheers!

Most Recent Posts

Don't worry, I plan to! ;) The concept of this RP has always intrigued me, and everyone's writing skills here have always been impressive. Although I won't be having an active role anymore, I still plan on being a spectator. :)
And about that SCH tagteam, just you wait until I get a PS4. I'll be slinging spells in glorious HD.

PS4 Master Race

You totally should. Heavensward is amazing. My lv60 Scholar kicks ass (but not without his equally kickass catboy scholar).

So yeah. Catch you there sometime. ;)

Well your character will be on NPC. You're welcome to come back at any time.

Be sure to pop in on Skype once in awhile though.

In all honesty, the likelihood of me returning is slim. But I still appreciate the offer. Please do with Leiko as you see fit. ^^

And I have dropped out of Skype for a while haha. I'll try to catch up!

Kissu, despite me being sad about this no matter what I say, I must say one thing. This is your best decision. When something doesn't become fun anymore, you shouldn't keep doing it. Ever. While we'll be sad that you'll be gone we'll be happy because you finally can feel relieved and not stressed about this anymore. It's been a fun ride, and i'll make sure to hit you up for that round at the pub for sure. Carry on soldier.

The Ace Defectives live no more.

And you too soldier. So long but not goodbye :)

I've been cured of my flu, somewhat..But I didn't expect it to come to this....

Kissu Rizzu, I know that our characters or ourselves for that matter might not have gotten well, or even interacted that much, but I still feel a hollow sadness whenever I'll remember Drama Queen (Literally) Leiko, AKA: Bara Boyfriend Snatcher/Harem Queen/Other Titles she might have had, and you as well. I'm the type of person who gets really really emotional when someone writes farewells because I get this feeling of profound gloom that I'll never see them ever again, but I'm sure that our paths will cross some other time Kissu! Good luck with whatever happens along the road! We'll never forget you! Unlike how we totally forgot about Savo, Roxas, Vita, and those other people who left this RP.

Welp, at least we're still standing strong, right? Err, I'll go ahead and shitpost to make up for the lost days.

We just seemed to pass each other by, huh? XD Thanks Haru. I shall always remember your weird bara avatars and Wheelbarrow of course. Praise be unto him.

So umm...yeah. Before I get weird and emotional, talk to y'all on Skype. And thanks to everyone that enriched my RP experience here! :D
Sorry I've been away for so long. To be honest, my hiatus ended up becoming far longer than I intended.

I'm afraid to say I'm giving up on RP for good. It's certainly not what I intended to do, but honestly I've just become so burned out that I need to concentrate on the other things going on in my life right now.

Having said that, I'm still really interested in the plot of this RP, so I'll definitely be keeping track of everyone's stories. And Lennon, expect a PM soon.

Thanks for a great ride so far, guys, and I'll see you around :)
Well, I'm finally back here, after god knows how long. I kept trying to bring myself to come back, knowing that the longer I stayed away, the harder it was to get back into everything. But that was really the problem to start with. Everything started to feel like a 'job' I had to do. Which is absolutely ridiculous. I enjoyed RP because I loved being creative online with other people, not because I wanted another responsibility on my shoulders. But that's what it felt like, which was why I requested my hiatus.

Unfortunately, my feelings haven't changed. I still care about the people I've met and the content we've created, but the actual act of 'RPing' isn't fun for me anymore. So I've decided that I'm leaving for good. I am a little sad, like I'm admitting defeat or something, but I know it's the right thing to do.

Thank you so much for letting me into your little pieces of imagination. I've had a lot of fun. :D Take care.

P.S. Many thanks to Sho for his patience and I know he'll take care of this RP awesomely. He's one of the most committed GMs I've met, and Then don't say that lightly.

Also a shout out to my two closest friends in this RP, Sword and Sen. Sword, I hope your service goes well, and feel free to hit me up if you do end up in Britain. And Sen, don't forget we need to double SCH it up someday!
Been totally busy the past two days. I'll get a reply in today. Also dungeon hype!
Ridiculously long and overdue post done. Phew!

Also, Chiaki kidnapping hype. Sorry Chiaki.
Tuesday 28th April 2015: Midday

Leiko Hamada: Warakuma Hospital

The police had visited Leiko that morning, as she had expected. Recalling the events of that strange world was too much to form into logical words, and when they pushed her for the answers they sought, she felt herself clamming up, despite the desperate need to express exactly what had happened.

"I...I don't remember...", she answered meekly, in a tone so subdued it made her feel sick.

The officers weren't too pleased with Leiko's vagueness on her whereabouts the past few days, but the nurse quickly ushered them away before they could distress her too much with the 'traumatic memories.' And for that she was thankful. It was likely that the hospital were operating on the assumption that Leiko had been abducted and assaulted, given their careful behaviour around her, (and the various health checks they performed), but it was obvious that they were considering giving her the all-clear soon and discharging her. And Leiko could hardly wait.

Not long after the police had left, Rui made a surprise visit to the hospital, and all at once, the thousands of questions that rattled through Leiko's mind threatened to tumble forth. What was that place? What's a Persona, and why do I have one? How did you find me?

The questions would have to wait it seemed, as Rui dismissed the notion of a serious discussion on what happened on Sunday and promised her a time where they would finally be able to talk out of earshot of nosy nurses and doctors. She wanted to argue with his logic, but she knew had a good point, so instead she fell stormily silent and looked down at the strange anime keyring he had given her. It wasn't really her cup of tea, but it looked cute enough, and a gift was still a gift.

Rui gave her a scrap of paper as well, with his phone number scrawled into it. So she at least had the means to contact him so she could demand her answers. Not to mention figure out what exactly she was supposed to do with her newly found powers.

The boy began to retreat from the room, but not before offering her some kind words on her presidency. It had been unexpected, in the light of everything that had happened. But it was still nice to hear.

"Thank you Rui-kun. For...everything." Her reply was warm and heartfelt, and no more was said once he left the room.

She would get the answers she needed...eventually. But right now, what was important was her friends and family.

Wednesday 28th April 2015: Evening

Saya Ueno: Warakuma Hospital

"They're discharging me tomorrow. There's no real need to keep me here any longer."

Saya nearly choked on the piece of red velvet cake that she had sneaked into the room for herself and Leiko to share. "Wh-What? Are you sure? Don't you need more checkups?"

When she had been informed that Leiko had been admitted to hospital, it was the single most heart-rendering feeling that Saya had felt in her life so far. Her best friend had been found intact, and alive. It was nothing short of a miracle to her.

She couldn't remember the details of what happened when she saw Leiko awake and well for the first time. She had cried so much her eyes got tired and sore, and she was pretty sure she was close to breaking a few of Leiko's ribs when she embraced her. Hearing her friend joke about the fact drew out a watery chuckle from her, and from that point, they had carried on as if nothing had changed between them.

Except for the inexplicable feeling that Leiko was hiding more from her than she would like. The strawberry haired girl insisted that she couldn't remember anything beyond Saya getting struck and falling unconscious, but something clearly struck a wrong chord with her. Leiko was a good actress to be sure, and Saya wanted to believe in what Leiko was saying, but she knew her a lot better than what she expected. Heck, she was a bona fide Hama-chan expert. So why would she hide something so important from her?

Saya reasoned that whatever the memory was, it was just too traumatic for her to recall, which forced her to hold back from pressing the issue further. She loved Hama-chan, and the last thing she wanted was to hurt her any further. Saya had gained some issues just from being struck by the cult, let alone what Leiko had been through.

But considering her mental state, was it really okay for Leiko to be leaving the hospital so soon?

"Honestly, I'm sick of these four walls. I want to get out and start living life again." Leiko replied with a carefree smile. "I've missed so much of Golden Week already! I'm tired of living vicariously through other people's experiences..." She took a thoughtful bite of the cake that Saya had brought and studied her friend carefully. "Have you been okay? I'm glad your bruise is healing up...I was worried about you."

"Worried about me? Hah." Saya shook her head dismissively, her eyes falling onto the get well shrine Leiko was accumulating. "You're getting quite a collection there. We were all out there looking for you, you know. Our friends."

"I know," Leiko agreed, her eyes following to where Saya's rested on. "I feel so...blessed. I took you all for granted before. Treated you like pawns. I...wasn't a very good person."

"What? Hama-chan, no-"

"It's okay, Saya." Leiko reassured her with a confident smile. "I'm not making any more excuses for my behaviour. I want to change. I want to be a better friend."

The words coming out of Leiko's words were so strange to hear, that it made Saya merely gawp at her soundlessly. The strong, aloof, tough-as-nails Leiko Hamada never apologised for anything. But she seemed so...humble now. It was just too weird.

But...she had stayed at Leiko's side through thick and thin, and she wasn't going to stop now. "Well, then so will I." Saya vowed, reaching over and looping Leiko's pinkie finger through hers. "To being better friends!"

There was still an undercurrent of doubt that plagued Saya, but she wouldn't show it as the two girls continued to gossip and eat cake until the end of the visiting period ended.

Friday 1st May 2015: Midday

Leiko Hamada and Saya Ueno: Warakuma Shopping Complex

"Are you sure you're okay to keep walking around like this, Hamada-san? I mean, you were only discharged from the hospital yesterday!"

The sun was bright in Warakuma and the crowds were loud and bustling as they headed away from the city centre, where the 'Azure 5' idols had just been performing. That was the main purpose of the day, with most of Leiko's friends being keen fans of the group. Leiko couldn't pretend that she shared their passion, although she admitted that a couple of their songs were catchy enough. So she had agreed-and insisted- that she join them for the day. It was only fair, since she had such little of a Golden Week to begin with. "Honestly, I am fine. They wouldn't have discharged me if I wasn't ready. Besides, I really don't want to be cooped up on a day like this," she reassured them, gesturing to the clear blue skies that blessed them. "And please, don't call me 'Hamada-san'. I want you to call me 'Leiko' now, ok?"

That was another change that had been inspired from the recent state of events. In the past, she had insisted that even her closest friends refrain from calling her Leiko. It was too personal, which made her feel far too uncomfortable. Now that she had faced the doubts in her heart, she wanted her friends to get to know the real her, rather than the image she had assumed before them. Dropping last name basis had been the start of that.

"Okay..uhh, Leiko-chan," her friend stammered, looking uncomfortable and pleased at the same time as she looked over at the other girls. "What's holding them up?"

"Ugh, it's Saya. She's getting distracted again..." One of the other girls complained, and true enough there was Saya in the distance, eyeing something in one of the stores.

"That girl..."

The girl in question was busy looking at the new, polished oak vanity table displayed in the furniture store, and Saya wanted it more than life itself. She had far too many cosmetics scattered around in her room, and the piece would be such a nice addition to the aesthetics of her room. But the thing cost so damn much! If only she could be scouted by an idol agent or something...and then she would never have to work a day at her family's crappy restaurant again.

She heard her friends begin to call for her at that moment, snapping her out of her doldrums as she called back as loudly as she could. "I'm coming!"

She broke into a brisk sprint so she could catch up with her friends, but not before abruptly tripping over a short, sullen boy about her age. "Ahh! Ooops!" Quickly catching herself before she unceremoniously landed on her face, Saya quickly looked over at the boy with an apologetic look on her face. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry! I didn't see you. I really wasn't looking. Are you okay?"
Posted! It seemed the right time to end that post so I'll wait for a couple more posts before I add in Mei's reaction to the current plans.

And hey, as the story's creeping on, we'll soon get to see Asa join the group after almost a year! Woo!
In the light of no further objection, Mei turned to Syrus and tugged his arm playfully. "Hey Syrus, wanna come explore the city with me?" It would only be a few hours until they had to rendezvous back at Mansion 47, but Mei was determined to make those hours count. Out of the group of SeeD that she had travelled with so far, Syrus was the one she was closest to. And right now, that was important to her. "You're not going to make me wander off all alone are you?" She added with a teasing gleam in her innocent blue eyes.

She waited no longer than a second for Syrus to nod his approval, before dragging him off into the blinking lights of Deling City, a renewed vigour in her step.

"Phew, I forgot how huuuge this city was. Especially compared to Timber or Balamb..." The two teens had just stepped off the bus circulating the route to Imperial Heights, where they would meet up with the others for the debriefing. The first port of call had been the shopping centre that populated the centre of the city, and although they hadn't purchased much, Mei still expressed how nice it was just to look at such things anyway. "The things worth getting in life can't be bought with money," she had told him with a cryptic grin, threading her fingers behind her back before bounding off to the next destination.

The only other activities that their schedule had really allowed was a leisurely walk in the park, and some sightseeing of some Deling landmarks, such as the Gateway Arc that had been built long before Galbaldia and Dollet were independent. It only seemed like minutes before they had to return to the others, and the disappointment was evidently painted on her face.

"Hey, Syrus?" They had come to a stop outside the Mansion doors, having informed the guards they were 'Union Inspectors' as Duncan had instructed. "Umm...thanks for tonight. After everything that happened back in Timber...with my brother, and how hurt you were..." Mei's words cracked slightly under the emotional strain she was clearly under, but her face put on a brave front before her companion. "I guess...I've been really unhappy for a while. But just for a few hours, I felt light again. Even though the fighting is far from over...I'll cherish the time we spent together." A simple, sweet smile adorned her lips at that moment, and no more needed to be said as she stepped into the building where Duncan and the others were beginning their meeting.

<Snipped quote by Kissu>

Bring it on bitch. I'll f you up so hard you'll be shitting out your intestines. And then I'll feed them to your dog. Heyoooo!

I feel that the shitposting is getting out of hand.
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