Solomon Jadek
A figure lay prone in a dark room, no longer than the prison cells on the ship. The room was entirely devoid of light, not even a speck of it found its way inside. Only the noise of static and intermittent commands and directives broke the heavy silence that hung around. The figure was a lot bigger than a normal criminal, though the room was cramped in the least. The fact that it was bare, even without a bed meant that it was somehow worse than even the jail onboard. This was the Captain's personal quarters, the one where the man known as Solomon Jadek spent his free time.
Even with his sterling career as a Royal Airforce pilot behind him, he held the respect of his crew. Sheerly by his talent alone. He was a natural-born fighter, leave him in a dogfight with even outrageous enemy numbers, there were high chances that he would still be in one-piece by the end. But there was another reason why people followed him unquestionably, it was because he was sinister. Not an abominable evil but a necessary one.
The Western Cross acquired the faith and loyalty of her men by her various achievements, her complex personality had a regal air to it, but Solomon was rooted in grim and brutal reality and he was dangerous. Vindictive, overwhelming and authoritative. They both were like a match made in heaven, had he been younger.
He remembered that day, as Annaveya's lovely voice came on the military frequency. Her directives crystal clear and precise. One of the main skills of a Captain. While in air, you are not only responsible for yourself but your crew. Some would argue that the Kushrina scion was the most skilled asset of the company. But she wasn't a specialist like him. She was good in a lot if things. Solomon was just good at killing.
As the instructions came to dock into Coldiron. Solomon put on his Black overcoat with a golden dragon on the lapel. He was one of the elites and while he knew the kind of shithole, they were coming into. It would mess with the girl's special mission. He reached the bridge swiftly in a short while and ordered for all the canons to be loaded at broadside. His ship was fast but he had a special ace up his sleeve to once the event doesn't go as that he had planned.