Name: Solomon Jadek (pronounced Ya-Deck), Nicknamed 'Tiger-Shark'
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Physical Description:

His Face:

- Skilled Dogfighter (Close combat aerial manuevers)
- Expert Marksman (I am going the Sharpshooter way, i.e Rifles and long distances.)
- CQC Specialist (Mix of Jiu-jitsu and Muay Boran)
Father to a murdered daughter, husband to a slaughtered wife and son to a tortured mother. Life took a turn for the insane for Solomon soon after he retired from the Royal Airforce after near fatal accident. The will to spend time with his family paramount after being reminded of his mortality. They were going for a picnic on the Isle of Solistium when their air caravan was attacked by Pirates. Pirates with an axe to grind as he had taken out their leader and most of their elite team.
While all the hostages were captured and kept in the hull. He and his family was taken to the bridge and he was made to see them torture his loved ones. First his daughter, all of 8 years was taken from him, then his beloved wife and finally his loving mother. A holiday turned to nightmare when finally the pirates took to torturing him.
By fate, their party was crashed by none other than The Western Cross, Scourge of the Skies and Tormentor of Bandits in the Sky. Personal forces of Annaveya Kushrina took the ship by surprise and he was luckily or unluckily saved, his face disfigured and his body nearly broken. It took him some rehabilitation before making a full recovery. But his former colleagues now employed with the wealthy Kushrina will attest that he wasn't the same man.
Something sinister had awakened inside him that fateful day and Annaveya Kushrina known for being a ruthless and calculating scion, may just have found her Dark Templar.
He was once a happy and funny man, replete with tongue-in cheek jokes he was a life of the party. A skilled fighter pilot and a great drinking bud, he was quite the woman's man with his suave looks and overwhelming charm but he was loyal to his lovely wife and devoted to his family.
It has all changed though, those under his command will swear to the fact that they haven't heard or seen him laugh in almost three years now. He just looks coldly at the screen while patrolling the skies and isn't afraid to engage when a bandit ship is sighted. Often extinguishing the projected threat with extreme prejudice and overwhelming force. He is known to take no prisoners figuratively as even those who he has captured have never survived an interrogation with him.
He resigns himself in a dark room totally devoid of light when he is not on-duty and likes to be alone. A Master level swordsman, he is comfortable even in fights where guns seem to fail, often jumping into the fray ahead of even advance troops and wrecking shit. It is assumed that he shares a weird relationship with Annaveya, often improvising on her orders if he sees better results in offering. It is assumed that their may be a scope for a romance seeing how similar they are in character.
- Kushrina Arms Modified Bolt-action Rifle nicknamed "Efrat"
- Kushrina Arms Modified Pump-Action Shotgun "Irit"
- Bladed Gauntlets nicknamed "Natalie"
- Keys to his fighter craft "Black Tiger"
- pack of filter-less cigarettes and matches.