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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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Alexei Dragunov | 26 April, Sunday

The Golden Week was about to start and the hype was palpable, he was a pretty drab and dull guy but Elena was a firecracker. She was goofy as she was spontaneous. After a few hours of whining and pouting she had managed to pull Alexei out of his housekeeping and clean-up job for the day and bring him to the market.

"Ni-san! there's a new cafe that has opened up recently, I heard it from my friends. I'll like to take you there." she said sprightly, once they were at the market.

"I wonder when you grew up on me, Elli." Alexei said with a small smile. Though he was a unabashed workaholic, it was okay to take some days off, especially if it were his mother's request or his sister's order. They played an important role in his life, it can be said that his life centered around them. So, though he may give of the impression of being overworked, emotionally he was rather barren and what little love and devotion he did have were all showered on the two flowers of his life. The girls understood that as well and covertly planned to keep him sane through regular change-ups in his busy schedule.

Today was one such day, Elena knew of the stash of mangas that lay tucked under his pillow and his cupboard. Apart from working tirelessly, this was the only activity she had seen him do. So when she first heard of the cafe and a brave classmate even managed to ask her for a date, she politely declined it in favor for her brother. She wanted to go there with him. It was her responsibilty in a roundabout way, after all he had done for her.

Underneath that calm and cheerful exterior, Elena hid her guilt and sorrow towards the life her brother leads, she just wanted to grow up quick and be married, to not be his burden anymore. Though, Alexei would scold her for even entertaining such a dark thought. The siblings were weird, or atleast appeared to be so in the eyes of others.

"I am told that its a cosplay cafe and there are quite a few interesting setups and props, arranged on a weekly basis. I'm eager to see the theme for this time." she said gleefully as she literally dragged the massive man forward. Alexei gave up on the game of resistance and calmly walked beside her, her hands wrapped around his burly arm. They may appear to be lovers had her face not been child-like.

On reaching the place, Alexei hesitated a bit but Elena powered through and entered. Upon entering, all around they could see a manga personified. "Hello! there." She said cheerfully hoping to draw attention of the busy maids.

The heavy silence was broken by the ever serious Ana. A permanent scowl on her face as she stormed in and told the storegirl that they'd buying all the heavy duty guns in here. She then turned to XAR and announced that the railgun was hers. Not that he cared, railgun was good but it was a bit too soft for his tastes anyway. He was capable of firing cosmic energy blast by himself so not that he required a railgun in the first place. But he thought it funny (Yeah, even the Vult'ari have a sense of humor) that she was acting like a Grombydon, marking up her territory.

Knowing that he had free right to choose more he went over to the girl. Who having recovered from whatever surprise watching Ana's bio had caused looked at him in fearful surprise.

"Energy Blades." he said. She nodded meekly before wriggling past him and pushing another button in the wall. He knew at once that whatever it was that she had was rather special to be kept inside so many locks.

She walked inside as the lights came on and up ahead in a glass cabinet was a 7ft sword. Designed after a human sword of a certain era, it was a curved blade with an unearthly gleam to it.

"This here is the Adamantine Katana. Last used by automated sentinel nicknamed 'Silver Samurai'. It is believed to cut through anything. It also has an energy feature, holding it with two hands powers up the core inside to make it glowing hot." she said. She pushed a few buttons to flip open the glass casket in which it sat.

XAR took a hold of it and took it out. Giving it few idle swings.

The girl said with fearful eyes, "Please don't practise it in here." literally shaking in her boots. The pheromone discharge from her was off the roof. This was the sort of fear he inspired in people a hundred years before. If he had a face, Xar would have laughed. Instead he looked at her, the blue eyes fixed on her. The Hydronium mask unflinching in its deathgaze. He could literally taste the girl's fear as the sword was idle in his hands. Little tears forming in the girl's eyes, perhaps she was thinking what was to come. Her regrets and unfulfilled dreams running past her eyes and then,

He said it, "Sorry! I'll be careful next time." Placing the Katana on a hook of his suit, he walked out. The girl literally speechless, rooted to her spot. What the fuck! just happened, she may have thought.

XAR made her way to the bar his visor told Ana was in. He opened the door with a slight push, as the door tried its best not to be a twisted piece of metal and glass. He went over and stood by the super-soldier.

"XAR is ready!" he could hear atleast a dozen glasses hit the floor. The patrons inside thought that a bloodbath was about to ensue with a Goliath standing amidst them. Totally misunderstood. Again!.
@KatherinWinter A bright smile crept on Brigit's face for a moment when the Ice-girl mentioned her to be a friend. It was perhaps weeks if not months since she had last smiled. It had been so long that her face pinched a little from the stretch. She nodded at the mention of a talking aid and took Katherin's hand and touched her own face to tell her she was smiling. After that, on the housekeeper's mention of returning. She helped her get up and they silently and slowly walked back to the gym.

She saw a girl wander the halls, probably lost. She motioned at her while walking before turning towards the gym. If the girl saw her, maybe she'll follow.

They got to the hall and she remmebered the housekeeper's instructions, so she decide to sit in the middle. With Katherin sitting further towards the far end.


Brigit silently followed the group into the kitchen and found a seat for the Ice girl to sit. As she helped her sit and settle down, she walked over to the counter with the stew. By the smell of it, it didn't seem appetising enough, so instead she ust grabbed a few boiled leeks and fresh carrots and poured a little stew on the side.

She silently took the plate towards her new friend, if that could be called friendship and placed the plate before her. She then helped her hands place on the edges of the plate to give her a feel. She handed her a spoon and blowed gently on the stew as she dipped the spoon in it and handed it to her. Silently, waving the red hair from the side of her face to reveal her full beauty. Crystal blue eyes and a light toned skin, reddish puff on the cheeks and full, healthy lips. The girl was every bit a great beauty, plus her glorious red hair amplified her beauty.

She just helped her feed, taking an occasional bite at the raw carrot.
Posted. Hope it is okay to take a few liberties.

Xar for the lack of a better term was confused. Not only did these group of beings showed no signs of visible fear or rise in pheromones on spotting him, they ignored him. A hundred years back, his capture and trial had been too quick. He was termed a threat to the galaxy and his kind in need of forceful culing to protect the better interests of others in the galaxy. A plethora of other races and lifeforms had opined that his kind deserved to die for the galaxy to survive. They forgot their roles as balancers and finally under the pretext of a lousy convenant, he was to be sealed and put into perma-sleep so as to preserve the last strandd of his kind.

Yet now, as he roamed free and old power seem to return to his body, he saw in front of him a group that literally didn't care for his existence. To them he was just another crewmate or extra baggage. Whichever way he identified himself. Yet the thought of finding his family lay paramount in him.

Soon, they landed into a so called space station, a massive inter-species construct that served as a refuelling and rebuilding station for space explorers. A great many ships came in and out of the massive hangar, he saw from the projected window, the view outside. As they docked, the group parted. Each going their separate ways. XAR took this opportunity to explore whether his kind has truly been forgotten. To atleast find a closure to his journey from where he can backtrack.

He walked into the crowd, a gargantuan 10ft of him. Equivalent in size of the sentinels that roamed about. The people though minded crashing into him, seemed unfazed by his presence. This was a sign, a sign that told that he was perhaps the last one and that his kind was forgotten. Not even in the annals of history, a race that never existed. This made him a bit mad but anger never solved anything. His visor told that he alone couldn't take the full brunt of the forces stationed here. As this wasn't a planet, there was no core to sustain him. He'd have to rely of his strength alone and though it was in spades. Without the equipment he was nothing but a strong bug under the oppressing paw.

As he meandered around the place, he came upon a shop. A shop that catered to his peculiar tastes. He walked in, sliding the door as he was greeted by a female human.

"Hello Visitor, how may I help you?" a standard protocol practised by humans in a formal relationship between a buyer and seller. XAR turned towards to look at woman, towering over her. Her smile faded into a whimper but she didn't shriek.

"Heavy guns!" the comms came alive as his eyes glittered. The lady looked like she hadn't heard of a Vult'ari before, it would certainly be a sight. She shivered a bit before gathering herself. Quickly leaving the counter and falling in a stride ahead of him. She walked towards the edge of her shop and pressed a lever hidden the wall. The cabinet slid sideways to reveal another hall and she walked inside. A place fille dwith heavy duty machinery. The Raptor series Plasma Gatling, Laser powered heavy assault rifles, gamma guns, electromagnetic Rail gun, an obsolete model of an airgun with heavy armor piercing rounds.

XAR looked around, his visor as impassive as frozen metal. "How much?" he asked.

The girl staggered before punching keys on a holoscreen to compute the numbers. "6.7 Billion credits." she spouted out finally.

"I don't have any." XAR spoke, an awkward silence falling over the place.

Hearing the Icegirl's suggestion Brigit stopped. She then moved to the side of the room, keeping the eye on the emptying crowd. Her suggestion was a good one. She can avoid people for some time now. As the room started to thin out, they began moving again. A few paces behind everyone else till they reached the kitchen.

Brigit got up at the announcement as slowly tugged the Ice girl up as well. When a pair of girls declared that they will lead them to food, she slowly took one of Katherin's hand and put it on her shoulder. She had used a similar technique on Gustav when she was young. He had always said that this was a better way to lead a blind than walking at his side. She paused for a moment for Katherin to understand the situation and then started slowly walking after the crowd.

Food!, not that she needed it but she had gone for days without something to eat. Maybe a few months. It would be a welcome change provided whatever was cooked was edible. Even if it wasn't her body won't let her die.

Of all his accumulated knowledge, Xar had known the unpredictability of Human females. They were said to be strange creatures, one that defied logic expertly and repeatedly. As he followed the cyborg into the ship and to the bridge, he saw more human life forms. Uncertainity creeping him on him. He was a being that was trapped and leashed to keep the so called humanity safe and now, that their world was disintegrating, he was released and free.

He again overtook the channels of the ship as he asked a question from the people in general.

"What year is this?" walking with heavy footsteps towards the bridge where the cranky woman stood.

'Where is my kind? Am I the last one?"
Brigit was at a loss. How can she communicate with this girl if she couldn't understand what she wrote. Her english and handwriting were dodgy at best so she didn't blame the girl for not understanding what she did. Instead an idea came to her, she gently took the hand that she was holding and made her hand slowly touch her face, tracing out the contours of her. Maybe this way she'd be able to know a bit about Brigit.

The girl had seemed really polite and accomodating, so Brigit thought that this won't hurt to try.
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