Avatar of Diabolicalrhapsody
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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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Ghost finally managed to reach the area on his map. It was a closed of intersection improvised as a rest spot. As he stood at the mouth of an entrance, he saw a larger mech level what seemed to be a bolt action rifle at a smaller one. Their conversation was quite hilarious seeing that they would be having hostile company soon.

"You'd be better of pointing that gun at the north entrance. My sensors detect a pack of twelve or so likely stragglers. Inbound in two minutes. I guess those shots from sometime back were your doing as well." He said in his trademark deep tone. Brandishing his katana as he prepared for the showdown.

"By the way, I'm Silver Ghost. But you can just call me X" he said to the two mechs as he bent himself into a stance facing the north entrance. Distant rumbling of metal on metal can be heard now. Whatever it was, it didn't seem like he was joking about the stragglers.

XAR quietly went back to the cargo room that had also served as his personal quarter since his cryo-capsule was packed in there and observed the crates that were either labelled with his name, or the ship or Ana's for his idea was either of these crates would be having the goodies for his little walk.

In a crate labelled Ana he found the rail-gun. He remembered the Cyborg's wish and left it as it is and went over towards the larger crate. Opening it revealed his gift or atleast he thought it was his. Two sparkling new laser Gatlings. He removed them of the packing and tried them on. A few minutes later while everyone gathered on the bridge he walked to them. Both arms now holding a Gatling with the power supply worn like a backpack and power chords coiled around arms like giant wranglers from Planet Kospice.

As the view of the land became clear a large bird landed on the deck, like one of those Stymphalians of Planet Terra, it had four wings and a ugly face. XAR leveled his gun at it and it flew away. The Starchaser avoided a hole in it. After a brief check in and consideration the teams were made. Of course he was put on the explorer one. Outside of the Cyborg he didn't think that anyone could handle heavy machinery as he can.

As they walked into the winter wasteland, they were soon face to face with a mutation. There was a lot of wasted potential XAR thought as Ana dispatched it with relative ease. He was still standing there in a haze when a firefight broke out and his companions were busy in wiping the incoming horde of crawlies. Twisted, ugly, writhing creatures that seemed once human ambled out of a building. It wasn't until Jericho shot one on XAR's shoulder that he realized that he was supposed to fight as well. Afterall, he had the biggest gun there, he needed to test its teeth.

He stood in a wide stance and aimed at the building, the button to the battery was flicked and the capacitor was pushed to power up completely, those that strayed close were blasted by a blast of cosmic energy that seem to come from a floating orb over XAR's head. Sort of a self-defence system to avoid getting a crawlie back on his shoulder again. The blast wiped the target from existence. Five minutes passed as he watched on irked, the others were having so much fun. Even the guy introduced as the actor was piling up a great body count. The Captain was also swinging around his sword like a damned Jedi from the Iconium Galaxy and Ana was being an all around badass. XAR was stuck with a gun that was still powering.

'POWER UP SEQUENCE COMPLETE.' a mechanical voice identified. About damn time XAR thought. He pushed on to the firing buttons.

And then,

The building was bathed in red and blue. Red laser beams emerged from his left hand Gatling and fluorescent blue emerged from his right as his feet dug deeper into the ground. Had he not been so heavy, the recoil would have thrown him in the back building.



Taste this mutherfuckahs! would be his iconic line too had he seen some good human action flicks. Sadly, XAR knew nothing like this so he said "I'm bored."
Even then, the kickback on a railgun would be big, and in order to precisely hit a target and not leave yourself open you have to take very few shots.

Also, good to have ya back DR. Feelin any better yet?

Nope. Not feelin' any better, the acne is just horrendous and the itch is all-consuming but i'll be able to iron out a post. My own RP is probably suffering more because of my illness.

Edit: Posted.
Brigit is in the gym seated next to Katherin.
@Remipa Awesome

Okay posted. Hope it restarts this.
Silver Ghost

Amidst a pile of rubble sat an almost pristine silver bot, currently having come in a possession of a cloth and wiping his beloved katana much like samurais of ages past. Had he been human, you place a straw hat and a cigar pipe on him and he'll look the real deal but sadly X-14766 CvT/PLQ/90 was anything but that.

His system clock reminded him that it had been twelve years. Twelve years since the fall of the world he was designed to protect. He had failed miserably and his comrades had fallen in battle. He was the last one, the last samurai, a ronin;now. Remembering it all made the cloth burn, wisps of smoke emanating from it as the katana slowly started glowing a lava red. He would have severed his fingers had not honed his sword more than a million times.

He got up and got moving. His sensors picking up a pack of scramblers, 12 of them. No doubt following the shots that rang out in the subway system before. About 10 minutes from his position, he rarely interfered in others fight. Live and let live had been his strange code after the war. But something told him that the oncoming fight would not be fair for atleast one of the parties. He'd observe for a moment before picking sides. With his mind set, he began moving in the direction of the pack.
Is it alright to kill as many spiders as Jericho seems to be doing in his posts. I mean I haven't been in such RPs before so just need it to clear up. I'll make a post soon after that.
I am still around just down with chickenpox. Will post when i get better.
Suffering from chickenpox. Won't be able to post.
Am I free to post then?
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