Avatar of Shoe Thief


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Cleaning day! Made a ton of progress and even found my long lost DS and my missing laundry card that still has a lot of credits on it. Found it in my winter coat of all places go figure.
4 yrs ago
Finally got into D&D. Now I feel trapped and I am in love. Should I ask for help or ask where I can get more dice?
4 yrs ago
Breaks ups are weird. Not sure how to feel about the other person, or about yourself. It hurts for sure, but it's weird and uncomfortable just how different things seem now.
4 yrs ago
I get that dude. Could be one of those days, in the smae boat myself. Hope you're doing better soon though!
1 like
4 yrs ago
It's an ass kick ass world out there. And all we can do about it is keep kicking ass .


Welcome to my profile! I decided I needed to update this, and I don't have much for updating... Only in a single role-play right now, so far it's going really well!

Most Recent Posts


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A
Location: Past: Madam Annick's healing house. Present: Rose River Vineyard
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn had gotten some answers. She wasn't sure if they were the answers she was looking for, or if she was the one with the right skills to do much with this information, but it was still a lot further than she was. Kathryn listened intently as Annick spoke of her times. The dagger seemed to cause more harm than help. Though Kathryn got answers, it did come at the cost of souring any good will the woman had for Kathryn. "Apologies for my ignorance. To my knowledge Arcanaple didn't participate in these wars. Most of what I know about these wars I learned only in the last couple weeks." Minutes... The last few minutes. "I am sorry to have made you uncomfortable in your space. It won't happen again. And thank you very much for your time and your knowledge." Kathryn said polity. Debating giving a curtsy, but decided that would make things worse, so collecting her things she stepped away and made her way home. The walk home was much quieter and much more thought provoking, but alas she wasn't really sure the best ways to go over this information. Maybe Kosara knew more? Maybe not... She had to take a next step though.

Back in the present after Kathryn had destroyed many of the remaining cinnamon rolls much to her guilt, she returned to her room to get ready. Owning only one dress at least picking out an outfit was easy. And to her pleasant surprise it still fit! She had grown at least 3 inches in height since she last wore it, and to her annoyance put on a little weight. Remembering the recently endangered cinnamon rolls, and her love of alcohol, she had no one to blame but herself. Using a short sword as a mirror Kathryn attempted to get a vibe for how she looked. She wanted to present as attractive yet not being too... slutty. Under normal circumstances her dress was probably fine, but she worried it made her bust look way too big. She wanted to draw a crowd, but didn't want to seem like an attention whore. She wanted too come across as powerful, but not terrifying. She absolutely loathed this balancing act.

While getting ready she decided she seemed rather... plain. Kathryn wasn't particularly amazing with makeup. She had helped some woman Ser Lucas spent time with applying foundation, but even then she was never good at it. When she attempted to propose a relationship with a household knight to a city state during her travels she had to get help from a couple prostitutes to get her makeup going. Alas, that went down hill rather fast. Catching Victoria while she was getting ready she asked the half elf for assistance. "I um... don't know how to do makeup..." Kathryn mumbled to the bard. "I can't even be sure if my dress is set up correctly... " As for as noble woman went, Kathryn was one of the least qualified. Sure, she could rough and tumble with the squires and knights just fine, but ladies of court? She stands out like a sort thumb that can't stop thumb wresting all the other fingers. Victoria seemed eager to help! Prettying up Kathryn so she would be able to step up to tonight's events with no conflicts whatsoever! With Victoria's help Kathryn could walk around like she owned the place, and have the humbled tone to acknowledge she was a guest happy to be involved. Looking at herself in the reflection of her short sword, Kathryn smiled. "Thank you so much V, I couldn't have done this without you." Kathryn said trying to hide just how super gleeful she was! And to prevent herself from crying tears of joy.

Kathryn made her way down the stairs in the court yard some time later. Her family's longsword on her side, the silvered dagger on one ankle, and a short sword strapped to the other. The last two hidden expertly under her skirt that ran to her ankles and then some. With Victoria's help, she felt like a noble woman. She felt a whole different sort of power that she hadn't experienced before. She felt she wielded an authority that though posture alone! She had the confidence of a woman who could walk into anywhere she chose and people would listen. Not that she had any actual authority. But the feeling was nice. In this moment she did wish the couch house had an internal stairway, for the chance to put on a grand show and have people bask in her confidence! She wondered briefly if this is how Victoria felt all the time? Surely so right? Stepping into the main pub she joined the others as they prepared to set out for the night. "It may be a mostly human holiday, but to my surprise Arcanaple doesn't really practice it. At least not in the same manner. A few families from more landed households may practice something comparable, or settlers who moved to Arcanaple bringing their culture with them, but winter is a harsh time for us. We have some summers that barely get warm enough to plant summer crops. Though some old clans would go on ritualistic hunting trips around mid winter. And every now and again my father would have us celebrate winter solstice as we had survived the shortest of days, and would soon be watching the days grow brighter and brighter." Kathryn spoke warmly. Though the old clans had other purposes for their old ritualistic hunts. For several families, it would become apparent that there wasn't enough food to feed everyone for the winter. The hunt would either yield enough food that everyone stood a chance, or it would provide less mouths to feed. It wasn't uncommon for old men, widowed uncles, sons with no claims to land, to gather up, and go into the woods and mountains to disappear until the spring thaw. Sometimes, the youngest would return with food in tow. Sometimes the uncles would travel far and wide to settle in larger towns far away from home, and sometimes old men would find themselves a nice comfortable spot in the mountains to live out the rest of their days in peace and isolation. It was a brighter spin on what for many families, could be very dark times.

When Victoria asked about plus ones, Kathryn's pale face blushed. Kosara spoke up and Kathryn found herself staring at the small tiefling woman's dress. It was surprisingly modest for Kosara, and when she mentioned she was going with Kathryn the tall woman's overt confidence faded into melted butter. "Yeah we are uh... going together." If her father was still alive, he would probably be pissed. Kathryn was far too old to go gallivanting dating people that couldn't knock her up. Unless Kosara could... Tieflings got more and more confusing the more Kathryn learned about them. But still. Kathryn was far from a position in life to be having kids. Even if she was behind. Hell, by most definitions she was homeless. The couch house will soon be the longest place she has stayed since she left the Capital of Arcanaple. She was pretty sure her record was half a year... but she was young then and the months and years float by so fast. "You look very nice tonight Kosara. Very nice." Kathryn took a deep breath and settled herself. She was a strong noble woman. Both physically and mentally. She was going to stay strong and not let anything knock her down. "Wine tasting is a lot of fun. But I do have to ask Kosara, don't Lesser Restoration me unless I am doing something dangerous or way too silly to recover from. Please?" Yes Kathryn had a tendency to get carried away sometimes... But also this was a party. And unless she was gonna get stabbed in the back she intended to have fun! This would... also be one of the few public outings she has had since she was a lot smaller that she wasn't wearing armor. But she wasn't going to let that thought wear her down. She was still armed! And the sword still had a rune carved into the hilt. Faded and old, but it was present. If she had to fight, she could. If someone dared to start trouble tonight, she was going to stab them.

"A toga isn't a terrible idea. Some families from the frontier lands would wear them for formal events." Not many as those people would stand out as late comers into the fold, but many persisted as time went on. Many were from families that had assisted Arcanaple in their conquests of the frontiers. It was an interesting setup, and togas were rather strange outfits to Kathryn. They seemed like... in a sense dresses. But who was she to judge? She wore steel plate and combat boots. And for years threw boys twice her age into the mud. Plus, dragons and togas seemed like they would go well together. "Do we all wanna walk up together or shall we all approach in our respective pairs to make a dramatic entrance? I'm afraid I don't have an announcer on retainer so we may have to improvise on that front." Kathryn chuckled. "Though I am curious, who are you two bringing to the event?" Kathryn said curiously to Victoria and Blackberry. "Or are Kosara and I going to be the only ones who share who our people shall be?" Kathryn smirked before turning to BB to lend a hand. Then stopped, realizing she was the least qualified to help out of everyone here. It was honestly a miracle she got herself into her armor and or dress as well as she did. "I'll help if I can, but I may end up making it worse far more than helping." Kathryn said as she kept her hands at bay.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Past: Madam Annick's healing house. Present: Rose River Vineyard
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The Past

Subtlety isn't Kathryn's strong suit. Many could compare her to an oaf in terms of social skills and her personal dexterity. But that simply would not be accurate. Despite it all she could be rather sociable, and nimble. Even more nimble than average for a lot of people. But she was far from perfect. That combined with her massive size, and her rather awkward nature, meant being subtle was not a skill she was particularly great at. Kathryn had hoped to come here to learn, and learn she was determined to do. Madam Annick seemed to at least not be hostile towards Kathryn's inquisition. "If.... it is not too much to ask. Could I also inquire on if you know if any of the necromancers survived the war?" Sure, maybe that is something Kathryn could find in a book. But what book would one even start in to find that out? A book about the war? Reconstruction? Tales of those who survived? She figured her best lead was someone who was present. And she hoped to the gods she wasn't over stepping her boundaries. "Or any notables who worked for them? And please tell me if I am over stepping. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable in your own place." Kathryn said as humbly as she could. Something that standing at nearly 7 feet tall was a challenge.

The Present

Cleaning up things at the the couch house from all the pastry making, the drinking, the baths, and much more, Kathryn was thankful for a chance to get some house work done. Sure, there was staff. But as she wasn't in a position to do her normal work, she wanted to do more than sit around all day. Especially with tonight's event... She wasn't sure what the best wear would be. Victoria asked about the formal wear, but even then, Kathryn only had the one dress. She wasn't even 100% sure she still fit in it... With that notion, she was already feeling embarrassed at the idea that the only dress she owns is too small for her. Kosara was going to wear her new wear, and bring presents? That sounded sweet! Kathryn had nothing in return though... Maybe she could work something out... "Gonna give us a hint what those present could be?" Kathryn teased. But was quickly caught off guard with Kosara's question of... if she would be Kosara's personal guest to the event tonight. Kathryn soon found herself unsure what to think. Was this Kosara being Kosara, or was she asking Kathryn out as something more?! How does one even ask such a question?! "I mean uh... yeah sure... like a date though or like... " Kathryn hadn't realized it at the time, but her face was rather flush, making her silvered eyes stand out even more as her voice pitched several octaves higher than it was used too. "Sounds cool... cool cool cool cool cool...." She trailed off.

"I'mma go and clean myself up then yeah?" Kathryn said her words nearly fusing together unsure what to say as she turned and sped walked into the kitchen. What if Kosara all along had been flirting with her and she had been far too dense to notice it? What if Kosara meant Really good friends all along?! Did she see Kosara that way? She had no clue... At least she didn't say anything too stupid this time. Before she realized it, she was nervous eating the leftover cinnamon rolls. Upon the realization of her second cinnamon roll, she swore a silent "Mother fucker..." and set it down. What did she do here? Who did she talk too? Lizbeth was far too young to understand the struggles Kathryn was going through... Victoria might understand... but she was excellent at social situations and people... Blackberry understood Kathryn pretty decently though, they spared a fair amount and despite the injuries that one of them maaaaay have caused on the other, she was sure they were still friends. So, BB or V.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Coach House Taproom
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn had a busy few weeks. Despite the concern of dead people crammed into barrels, things seemed to calm down and didn't get too weird since. She was still lacking answers though. To amend this, she needed to learn what she could about the southern deserts, the people who ruled over them, and who were the major players. Kathryn's own knowledge limited her rather drastically, but as a whole she was far from dim in this regard. With a little research she was able to think up a few key players. Including, but hopefully not limited too, Lords of Argentum, the Princes of the Southern Deserts, the Elves of Kyrilor. She knew little and less on these people. Other than the fact they were fuck you levels of rich. They were a good start to get things going. Some groups of dwarves and paladins came to mind, but she put them on lower priority and less likely suspects. But she would keep note of them just in case. She didn't have a lot of leads to filter out the wash of irrelevant information. So she would need to make a new lead. She vaguely remembered that Victoria's new teacher was a soldier during the necromancy wars. As this seemed related, Kathryn hopes she may be able to share some information. And maybe it would give her some answers to the weird dreams she has been having recently... She hated how related all of it seemed to be.

The investigation wasn't the only thing to take place, Kathryn still worked hard on her studies! And had been making solid progress on her notes. She was finally able to make out simple sentences without having to use her notes! Most of the time... But she still found herself relying on her notes to translate less and less! IF that wasn't progress she wasn't sure what was! Soon she would be able to fully translate the note they had found with the goblins. She hated not knowing what the deal with those little fuckers was. They were clearly up to something... more than just raiding. Unless some sort of factory lost a shipment of weapons a few months ago, none of it added up. And apart of her worried that she and the party were meant to come across the horrid beasts. Soon, she would have that note translated. Soon she would have her answers. For now, she waited and learned.

For more good news, Kathryn finally had her armor. With a fresh clean bath for herself, a nice polish work done by herself and Master Urmdrus and soon herself just to make sure it looked perfect, Kathryn found herself looking at her reflection in the window admiring a new woman. Stronger, more powerful, fiercer, prouder, and despite her lack of skills in dressing up and makeup, she thought she looked rather nice too. Overall, this was a huge win for Kathryn. Her confidence was booming and it showed. She felt she could take on the world! For now though, it would be the teenager.

Kathryn had not let up Lizbeth's training one bit. If anything, Kathryn got harder with it. Kathryn never let Lizbeth win, but she made it an effort to never just flatten her into the floor every time they practiced. She wanted the girl to learn. So Kathryn would call out attacks Lizbeth could make, and for a while even called out her own shots so Lizbeth could react to them. Now, that stopped. She expected Lizbeth to be able to register most of Kathryn's swings as she did so. After the first few bruises, Kathryn opted to layer some padding on Lizbeth's arms so that the swings Kathryn did hurt far less. Though she was holding back, Kathryn was still nearly 3 times Lizbeth's size, and no less than 10 times as strong. Kathryn's new addition of plate armor only made things more intense. During a day when the snow was light and shallow, Kathryn had approached in full armor with no weapons or shield in hand and had simply said "I am going to pick you up, and lay you down flat in the snow. Your goal is to stop me. Either by tiring me out, tripping me up, or preventing me from making contact. Understood?" And before Lizbeth could reply, Kathryn began an aggressive march over to the small bean. The shallow snow not slowing her down one bit. At first Lizbeth had worked on keeping distance and maneuvering under low branches to slow Kathryn down, but as Kathryn failed to slow and had used her strength and size to muscle her way through every obstacles that Lizbeth maneuvered around. Letting Kathryn get closer and closer. It wasn't until Kathryn went to grab Lizbeth's arm that the teenager took her first swing, knocking away Kathryn's hand before she could pin Lizbeth to the snow. "Good job. Now keep it up." Kathryn refused to slow, muscling her way through obstacles, and blocking Lizbeth's wooden sword with her armored forearms, speaking up only occasionally to give Lizbeth advice on how to face off against a larger opponent. "Many people who are good at fighting are big, strong, and are used to being able to push about people smaller than them. You need to know how to face off against them." During one of these advice strips, Kathryn had walked through a cluster of branches Lizbeth had passed through in an attempt to slow Kathryn down, and Kathryn began walking through it as if it were snow in the wind, only to get tripped up on a sudden but short drop that had tripped up Kathryn sending her face down into the snow. Before Kathryn could get up to continue, she felt the wooden sword whacking her repeatedly on the back of her helmet. Lured into a trap via her own arrogance. It was clear Lizbeth was far better prepared to battle people bigger than herself than she gave her credit for. "Shit Fuck Hell alright alright I yield. You win." Kathryn spoke up surprised, proud, and confused all at the same times. And for the first time since training began, Lizbeth had gotten a victory over Kathryn.

Kathryn also figured she was overdue for a rematch against Blackberry. An opponent who could not only go toe to toe with her, but also had won their past duel when Kathryn underestimated him. SO! She was only going to pull punches enough to not cause any permanent injuries. She was ready to win! A time and place was set, and soon there would be a rematch.

It seemed things were going great with the estate as well! Cecily had approached the party and offered them to join her in wine tasting! Not just any wine tasting! Tasting older years of the batches that were about to be released now! "That would be so wonderful! I can't wait!" The problem, she had no guests to bring. They were all present. She had no family (At least none that shared a name with her household), she had no friends who were outside of the party, and she had no lovers. She was pretty sure most of the rest of the party was in the same boat. But she couldn't be sure, and wondered if for a brief moment if she would be the only one going by herself. What if she was the awkward lonely alcoholic of a girl being edgy on the back wall of the party?! Shite... But maybe others didn't have people to invite either? She didn't know, and figured she should probably not depend on that to save her pride. "I don't practice Frostval personally, but it seems like something fun to participate in!" A holiday involving booze? What was there to not love.

With Lizbeth's training going well, the goblin learning going also acceptably, Kathryn wanted to show her party that she could in fact be of great help other than just raw muscle and her ability to win in battles. Most of the time. First! She had gone to Victoria with the intentions to see her new teacher Annick the healer. Though it took a moment for Victoria to realize it wasn't a jest, she seemed to agree. Hearing how uneasy the woman got with strangers Kathryn also wanted to make the best first impression possible. Apart of her debated grabbing her dress and wearing that over. But she figured that would make her uncomfortable, and visibly so. Giving bad vibes seemed like a great way to not make friends. So, full armor, but with the proper colored talberd over it to give it the best looks possible. Make her seem powerful without seeming intimidating. That is when Kathryn was most confident, and she wanted to be confident, but not arrogant. So no booze... Shame. But necessary. Next! Treats, Cinnamon buns! Kathryn heard the old war vet loved cinnamon, so why not lean that way but with a sweet treat? Not being an expert baker as of yet, Kathryn did opt for some help from Kosara. And honestly? Kathryn found baking with Kosara some excellent fun! Even if some more moments may have played out that made Kathryn question is her friend was a bit of a perv or just sweet and innocent in the most confusing ways possible. With enough made for her bribes of friendship and a few leftover, Kathryn thanked Kosara, and made sure she was ready to face the old vet. "Thank you Kosara! I'll let you know how it all goes! Same some rolls for me though!" Kathryn spoke up on her way out. The temptation to snack on all the cinnamon rolls now was ever present... But she must resist. To help her case, Kathryn made sure to grab some of the bug meat that was left over from the great battle as an offering. They had gone through a bit, but they still had some left. Though Kathryn figured she was probably one of the bigger reasons they had gone so much... she enjoyed her snacks...

The road to the hamlet was long, but considering the fact that Kathryn wasn't carrying 1200lbs of wine today, it was more of a casual stride for her. No working out, no battles to the imitation death with Lizbeth this morning, and she honestly slept rather well! With a little bit of a moral boost from Victoria in the ways of her magic music, Kathryn felt ready to take on the world! Or at least talk face to face with an old war medic. Things were looking optimistic! Walking in with Victoria also gave Kathryn a bit of a boost. Though it was clear by the way Kathryn would go on her worrisome ramblings during the whole walk, seemingly without taking a breath, she was a little concerned with making a bad impression. So when Kathryn finally approached the house at the edge of town, isolated in the woods, she was able to hold her warm smile as she knocked politely on the door. Though dressed in full armor, her helm sat buckled to her belt so her head was visible and it was easier to see her as friendly. Kathryn waited for permission to enter, and when doing so did so slowly, and with both hands visible. One hand holding a burlap sack, and the other gently and slowly off to her side to ease the door open, and too then grin the top of the bag with her other hand. Kathryn even came in lightly equipped by her standards today. Taking only her family sword that hung on her belt on one side, the hammer which hung on the other, and the boot dagger. Though fitted with the belts, straps, and buckles across her person, everything fit together rather nicely.

"Hello Madam Annick." Kathryn said with a polite curtsy before returning eye contact and a warm smile again. "My name is Lady Kathryn Pyke. I hear some good things about you." She spoke gleefully, but did her best to not lay it on thick. She was really excited to be here. This was like a mini adventure in her journey as she tried to piece little bits and bobs together. "I wanted to thank you for your time today, I know you're a busy woman so I wanted to bring my thanks. My friend and I made some cinnamon rolls fresh from the oven this morning, and I brought some of our Ankheg jerky too in case you were interested. I hear it's a great treat though out of season. Still, I thought you might like it." Kathryn said. Unsure if it would be better to hand the woman the bag, or to take the treats out individually and give them to her. Kathryn opted to give the woman the bag, if she didn't want to take it in hand, Kathryn could find a surface that was hopefully out of the way to leave it. "I must admit... I do come here with motives outside of just meeting an impressive individual with experiences that... I don't think I could match in five lifetimes." She spoke sheepishly as she pondered the best ways to approach these questions, so she figured she could start simple. "I was wondering if I could ask you some questions about the necromancy wars." She said bluntly, figuring beating around the bush would be the last thing that could help her. But she didn't want to encroach more than she had too until she knew it was safe to do so.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Coach House Taproom
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn rather enjoyed being a bit buzzed. It numbed the aches and pains caused from a long night of hard labor, boosted her confidence, and she honestly liked the taste of alcohol to probably an unhealthy degree. Yes, she would have to moderate, and yes she was very bad at it, but she was working on it! And this was a winter vacation! Turning more and more into a series of potential problems... Problems which could and should be totally dulled by alcohol! Kathryn being as relaxed as she was, enjoying her snacks and fine wines, didn't take full note of what Victoria was saying at first. But when the thinking gears began to turn! The old thinker soon kicked into full power! "For once, I think this makes me the smart one of the group." Kathryn said with an ever so confident grin on her face as she picked up one of the daggers. Kathryn's air of confidence was soon wore down with the words she was beginning to dread. "Lesser, Restoration." Suddenly Kathryn felt much more aware of her surroundings, and all the aches and pains she was trying to dull returned. "What the fuck dude..." Kathryn mumbled to her friend in a weak defeated tone. "I ain't throwing people out windows yet, that seemed so unnecessary!" Sure, maybe that thin line Kosara was talking about was hard for Kathryn to recognize when she was drinking. But dayum. "We don't even get a morning! I am going to bed soon!" Kathryn said the exhaustion trying to fight back. Alas, the tiefling woman had robbed Kathryn of her ignorant bliss and the erosion of her social filter. Maybe if she drank fast while Kosara was cooking she could hide the tipsy-ness? Only time would tell.

"Where was I..." Kathryn said taking another bite of morty trying to think again. "The short and sweet version? These here are some old, and a rather high commodity. Giving out to nobles for gifts sort of thing. Skilled smiths could maaaaaaybe replicate it in the right conditions? But it takes years of training, practice, specific steel and iron qualities, and is overall considered a rather dated process to make blades. Still doable, but they're also not locally made. At least by anyone native to the region. Along those lines, it can probably all be traced back to the southern deserts. Even then, if you're not upper class, chances are you won't ever lay your hands on something like this. Unless you can throw a lot of money at your problems." Kathryn said with an air of confidence normally only seen when she is either extremely buzzed, or violently removing the head of some poor bloke with a blunt weapon. "What makes these blades even more strange? They're made of Yasmin steel. Probably related to the otherwise out of date metal working skills here." Kathryn said pondering the dagger over. A vicious blade, one that would absolutely be hung up in a library or in a private room. Taking a few sips of her brandy, looking over her shoulder to make sure Kosara wouldn't stop her, Kathryn continued. "These are the sort of weapons people obtain to be flashy. Not only because they look pretty, but they are expensive, and are so well made they get their own myths and legends about them." So what the fuck were 5 undead dudes doing with them. Only to explode and lose them. Same for the clothes. Are they gifts? Traps? Curses? Apart of Kathryn did want to pull a prank, touch one of the blades and pretend to lose her mind. But she was tired, and so was everyone else. Also she didn't want to get blasted in the back with some sort of magic beam.

As Kathryn listened in to what Blackberry had to say about updates, Kathryn sighed with defeat again. This vacation was turning out more and more weird as it went on. Finishing the brandy in the waterskin Kathryn sighed again. She'd drink to sleep tonight, but fuck she'd kill for a hot meal. If her bones didn't ache so much it felt like the muscles would slide off any moment she would go make something. But alas, she was hurting, she was tired, and the alcohol she used to numb her aches and pains also made her tired. There was simply no winning in the life of a noble half giant. "Sending it back could be hard... If Victoria or Kosara didn't find more instructions... I suppose we wait..." Looking over to Lizbeth, she wondered if she should mention the need to ask Cecily. There was something weird going on here, and maybe she knew, or maybe she didn't. While Lizbeth was so... stressed out seemed the best word, Kathryn wouldn't risk bringing that sort of burden on the small bean.

When Blackberry and Victoria brought up the sheer self importance of whoever sent these... creatures. Kathryn couldn't help but bring up her long lost past. "When I was little. Like, half of Lizbeth's age. Maybe a tad older..." Kathryn stopped to ponder, took a sip of the sweet red she grabbed, and set the bottle back down. "My parents took me to this huge ball in the capital. When I say huge, I mean my parents had a new dress made for me, and my mother got her best dress out of storage for this event. The big reason for the ball was basically a massive consolidation of power by the king. Rewarding loyalist, making sure the right houses got the new lands, and making sure everyone had the allies they needed to hold onto new claims. To do that, lots of us tikes were to be married off to one another. A mix of tightening our new holdings, and to help prevent too much infighting while everything was sorted out." Kathryn paused a moment, trying to consider how to word the next part. "My dress was nice, but I was little, and had a tendency to play in the dirt a lot. My mother's dress? I swore that night she was the most beautiful woman in all the world that night. Both of us were dressed in all of our best silks. Hell's I think my father and brother were as well. The point being, us, a noble house that wasn't huge, but by no means was small, all got to wear some rather fine and nice silks. A lot of them." She couldn't remember if any of her other siblings wore silks... or if they were even there...

Then Kathryn pointed sharply to the piles of silks that Victoria had cleaned off and brought in. "That right there is more silken garbs than my family had mustered up for potentially one of the most influential weekends of our house's span. And it is being used on undead envoys. With some of the most expensive short blades I have ever seen. This is someone who wants the world to know they have money to burn." And if you play your cards right, some of it may even be yours. She figured the others understood that part. But someone who had this sort of wealth to just burn, also had the means to take so much more. When that realization hit Kathryn, she was definitely unsettled. The plus side about being tipsy again, it was a lot easier to hide the fear.

As Blackberry went over to check in on Lizbeth, Kathryn worried she may have added way too much stress and hardship to the small bean, already struggling enough. Kosara had soon announced the need for assistance with carrying out the platters, Kathryn would take this chance to walk into the kitchen to help Kosara bring out plate after plate. Thinking of ways to help the small bean as she did so. And hiding the fact that she had already gotten herself a bit drunk again from Kosara. When an idea hit her! "Hey Lizbeth, you know we got a lot of silks here. Maybe we can see about getting it sized into some fine garbs? I own a dress but it's nothing fancy, and I am pretty sure its just a fancier version of those dresses tavern woman wear to get better tips." Kathryn jested trying to help cheer up Lizbeth. "I know nothing about sizing up clothing, but I am sure we could figure something out yeah?" Kathryn asked optimistically. "Not tonight though... Tonight... or today I guess, We all could use a nap. Or a short term coma. But when we are all feeling rested up, we can all work on some fines clothes together, and maybe Blackberry can tell us how big his eggs will be when he lays them!" Kathryn said full of joy and excitement, though the last comment seemed less like a jest than the one before. Taking another sip of the sweet wine, it appeared that was also gone. Maaaaaybe she also got carried away with that too.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Coach House Courtyard --> Coach House Taproom
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


With the bits and pieces all set aside inside of the barrel, Kathryn felt assured that soon this whole mess would be behind them. Surely no more dead people would come to be creepy when Kathryn and Kosara burned them all to bits. That is at least the logic Kathryn's have burnt out mind could muster. Kathryn made no attempt to stop Kosara from digging through the corpse pieces. She would however, try her best to not be sick as she watched Kosara. On the plus side, Kosara seemed to have a better idea of what was going on with the dead people than Kathryn did. Though she still seemed inconclusive. Shame, but at least Kosara had better ideas than Kathryn. "Whatever be the cause its still weird. I don't trust them one bit." But alas, Kathryn was ready to torch the bits and be done with it.

That was until a sharp tone Kathryn hadn't heard before spoke up. Kathryn already had her dagger in her hand before the bird could finish its challenged sentence. Eyes wide, clearly a little jumpy, Kathryn locked eyes with the dagger prepped to launch. Seeing Victoria's bird and waiting for it to speak, Kathryn slowly lowered the dagger, and soon sank it back into her boot. Tired, confused, and attempting to process the situation, Kathryn sighed. There would be no barrel burnings yet. "I guess hot tea sounds rather nice..." Kathryn spoke exhausted and defeated. But hot tea did sound nice... Maybe something to nibble on too. A night of hard work without treats and snacks was difficult. Kosara and Victoria had won. Despite Kathryn's aversion to ransacking the dead, they both had a point. They may have clues, evidence, and other important bits of information. Or in Kosara's case, more loot. The bodies would have to wait.

"Yeah lets deal with the bodies later..." Kosara did bring up a good point on removing the bits from public eye just in case. So barrel by barrel Kathryn moved the bits back to the workers quarters. Only to trip up on the last barrel as she set it down inside the windowless room. Though she was able to save the barrel from tipping and spilling, she collapsed to a knee to have her cheek land on the bits on the top of the barrel. Reacting quick, Kathryn jumped up, ran out of the room into the court yard and began hacking and gagging reflexively as she gained distance. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck no no nu uh." She mumbled as she calmed herself. Thankfully nothing came up, but she was still shaken. "[color=roleplayerguild.com/topics/186855-avo… just get inside...[/color]" Kathryn mumbled to Kosara as a couple small frozen specs were still stuck to her cheek.

In her half tired state, Kathryn hadn't adjusted herself to the doorway, and in retaliation for the wooden frame hitting her in the head as she entered she sharply replied with a fist hitting the frame, backed up with the words. "Dick Fucker." She spoke as she continued walking in, and seemed to relax rubbing the sore spot on her head and grabbing a cup of tea. "Did we miss anything interesting?" Kathryn asked tired and defeated. To accompany this feeling, Kathryn went over to the barrel of brandy that had been recovered a bit ago, and poured herself a pint before setting it on the counter, looking at it, and decided what would go great with it, is a bottle of sweet red. Thankfully, she had one of those opened from a previous evening. A few sips from the red to get started, a plate full of some left over Morty bits, and a mug of brandy, and Kathryn was ready to take on the day!

Then she saw it, the sweet biscuits. "Ooooooh... those look good." She said with a lot more energy than she had previously held. Nothing could stop Kathryn from getting her hands on treats. Shy of maybe someone rather sternly telling her no. "Hey BB is it cool if I have some of those?" Kathryn tried to ask in her best sweet innocent lass tone. And to her excitement, the dragonborn said yes! "THANKS!" Kathryn spoke up and took 3 long steps to get to the tray, shoved one in her mouth, chewed twice, and shoved another in her mouth. The biggest grin on her face, comparable to a child in a candy store being told she was allowed free reign of the sweets. With a third treat in hand, and the first two barely chewed, she stopped, looked around rather shamefully, and sat herself down. Slowing her excited chewing pace she finished until she swallowed and meekly spoke up. "...sorry..." She said the shyness winning over. To wash down her shame she began drinking down the brandy. Nothing cured awkwardness and guilt more than booze!

Kathryn with her array of drinks, Morty bits she snacked on, and buzzed enough to be ready to nap Kathryn spoke up again. "By chance, do we have any easy to make food still left? Soup? Stew?" Kathryn figured that making drinking when she was tired after a long night of work with no food in her system outside of Morty was a bit of a risk. To prevent more trouble like previously, she figured she should address that. "Also, Victoria, were you able to translate that letter at all? Anything we gotta worry about from the Barrel Brigade?" Kathryn spoke with a toothy smile as if she had delivered the best joke.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Coach House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn prepared herself for a combat situation. A situation which she was most skilled. As she gained experienced her training and strength would soon make her unmatched against any other humanoid. A force to be reckoned with. So opening the door to find out that this problem was not one to be settled with blades and fists, but brooms and dustpans, Kathryn was a little disappointed. She had never done well with traditionally woman's chores. She couldn't clean that well, she was barely passable with a broom, and the only dishes she ever learned how to clean were camping supplies. Its not to say that she was useless, or that she thought herself above such work. But it was work she was ill suited for, and it was work that she rather didn't enjoy. Fighting was fun, clean up? Less so. Growing up kitchen work was sort of fun, but she also had a crush on one of the serving girls in her parents kitchen. Before she really understood why she had feelings for a woman she only spoke too a few times. Kathryn figured she had a stronger attraction to woman then men, but not an exclusive attraction. But also, Daisy gave her cookies. A lot. And for a woman who focused more on her work than on her ability to be beautiful, she was rather attractive. But, she was 9, and she learned later that Daisy was in fact, married. Probably best considering that her father rather harshly exclaimed that she was not only forbidden from marrying a commoner, but needed to marry someone who could give her an heir someday. And, she was way too young to be attempting to find spouses.

All of this did not change the fact that Kathryn loathed the kind of work that didn't come from camping, and from fighting. "yeah we're definitely gonna need a spade and a broom." Kathryn said as she dragged a barrel over, grabbing a shovel from behind it. "I've seen whole bodies explode a couple times before. But it required a lot of force... from a man far larger, stronger, and a lot more violent than myself." Albeit, Kathryn was rather violent herself when fighting. But her uncle was something... more. The assassins who had come for her while she pleaded her case? One had been... exploded. Had been lifted by his leg, and slapped against a stone tower with enough force that all that was left was his leg. The other was probably not an assassin, but someone who decided he wanted a ton of praise from his lords. When Kathryn's case had gone sour, and things were clearly turning against her, a band of soldiers without their marked crests had stopped her and her uncle. Harsh words were spoken, and the officer clearly intended to capture Kathryn and her uncle. That officer who was leading this band of soldiers with hidden allegiances drew his weapon, and clearly intended for his men to do the same. Kathryn's uncle made an example of the man by growing to his full height, and pulling the officer in half with his bare hands. The others backed off after that, but it became another hurdle to work over while Kathryn pleaded her case. A battle that at the age of 10 she stood no real chance of winning. "But that explosion, was nothing like this. They were stiff when we loaded them, but not... not like glass. Like... well... corpses." Kathryn said puzzled as she set up the barrel to be filled with undead people bits.

As Kathryn began to sweep poorly, and shovel marginally better the bits of undead people pieces, she turned to Kosara to speak up. "I suppose if you really want some of this clothing you should grab it before it fills the barrel with the... the bits." Kathryn said rather uncomfortable. She really didn't like the idea of taking clothes off the dead. Even less so since these corpses seemed rather cursed. Sure, the clothes were nice, sure, maaaaaaybe she could try and fashion a half decent dress that could fit her and look nice. Hell, with the right pins, knots, and pieces, she could make a rather attractive dress that could compliment her figure rather well. But corpse clothes, silk wasn't very protective, she had little understanding of fabrics and how to use them, and she worried that she may come across as rather indecent should she begin wearing clothes like that around the lands. Plus, there were no special events here going on that would warrant such apparel. And there was no one here she was trying to woo over.

Should Kosara dig through the bits of... bits. Kathryn would let her. But she wanted to get this job done asap before her legs failed her. She wanted nothing more than to drink, sit down, and pretend everything would be okay from here. And maybe devour some tasty food... breaded chicken? A real sandwich? Steak? Gods she would kill for some steaks and mashed potatoes. Or even some good tomato soup for something easy and warm to down. A nice cheese sandwich to go with it... FOCUS! Whatever Kosara didn't pick out, Kathryn had shoveled into a barrel and dragged it into the yard. "Kosara, when you're ready, we got a barrel of dead people chunks to burn." Kathryn sang songed. And wondered for a brief moment if the exhaustion was starting to wear on her sanity as they prepared the bonfire of corpse dust. "I wonder if they froze and exploded because they weren't outside or in sunlight anymore.... seemed weird though... why explode into pieces now..." Kathryn pondered looking at the barrel.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Fields near Estate House --> Coach House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


How long were the creepy dead people standing still in the ice and snow? Way too damn long. Kathryn was exhausted, mildly buzzed, and cold as hell frozen over. And several of the dead dudes who she loaded up into the wagon, were frozen to the ground. At one point a shoe almost coming off, leaving Kat in a weird position of does she touch the dead mans shoe to put it back on? Or does she leave the half removed shoe to eventually fall? Opting to not lose the shoe she pushed it back on, and hoped that what she heard wasn't the sound of something cracking and breaking. What she could feel through the clothes made her rather uncomfortable too. Despite someone who was really, really good at killing people, she had a weird aversion to dead bodies. The cracking and and other noises that came from the wagon as old boy pulled them made Kathryn want to puke. Again, despite her doing much and worse to foes she fought, the idea of a corpse making so much noise and being messed with so much really bugged her. Thankfully loading them back up wasn't too much trouble. Barricaded into the workers quarters if they turned hostile, they would get a short heads up. So they had that going for them.

On the plus side, Kosara seemed to be hanging in there alright. "Well, they can be unsettling in that glorified closet of a bedroom. Until we know what is going on with them we should leave them be and " When the shattering crack, or boom, came from the now barricaded room, Kathryn sighed. She was really hoping that they would have more answers before things turned sour. With BB now inside, it was up to Kosara and Kathryn to handle things. SO handle she did. "I didn't see anything." Kathryn said matter of factly as she began to dismantle the barricade. Pulling the silvered knife from her boot Kathryn put one hand on the lever that opened the door, and turned to Kosara. "If they fight back, I will force the first one back into the others, see if I can get them to stumble up and create confusion. Then we hit them with whatever we can quick and fast. Then back the hell out. If they are getting feisty, they may want to come out. After the first push we let them and pick them off where I have room to fight them, and you will have a better line of sight. Alright? And make sure you stand back for the first bit. If they want out, they may try something similar to push me." Not that she thought any of them were strong enough, but they were dead, so their rules were different. Dagger drawn, Kathryn opened the door and prepared to shoulder check the first fucker who could be in the room, with a dagger in hand.

When the half giant met no resistance, she had almost fallen over. Not from losing balance, she was careful and wanted to keep her options open. But she tripped. She almost tripped on... Glass? Bones? "What the fuck nugget..." Kathryn mumbled confused. She supposed this could be a trap to counter her actions she just took, but this seemed so... wrong. Looking about the room at the jagged remains of their guests, their clothes, and the distinct lack of... well guests that seem to remain. Kathryn just seemed more confused than anything. Before backing out of the door way, dagger in hand, though not presently in a fighting grip. Just holding it in one hand to carry it. "They... exploded. They exploded Kosara." Kathryn said as if she were still trying to process this herself.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Fields near Estate House --> Coach House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Communication was going nowhere. Well, verbal wasn't. She was however hoping that Victoria's studies back at the couch house could get them some decent results. It was more magic Kathryn didn't understand, but if Victoria could get some answers all the better. She hated how little she felt she could assist. Most of her skills were physical, and right now the most physical thing she could do was to be in the way incase shit kicked off. Kathryn did however tense up as Victoria stepped around her, but with the new ball of bacon acting as a shield for Victoria, Kathryn held steady. Ready to react, but leaving room for the bard to work her skills and magic. "Victoria, what are you doing?" Kathryn asked a little unsettled as V began to strip the undead dude. A thought did cross her mind. These were not the first undead they have met on the property, and they were here and present, and standing. The corpses from the cellar were determined to be like them just... not awake. As Victoria cleaned off the bit of cloth with magic, Kathryn thought of bringing up the idea of snapping the neck of one of the undead so that way they could communicate with it again using her magic. Opening her mouth to speak, she stopped herself. Victoria could hear and see through her companions, what is to day that whoever gave orders to this lot couldn't do the same? Sure Kat wasn't sure on all the rules, but bringing up snapping a dude's neck in front of them right before doing so never seemed to work out. So she held her tongue, and took a swig from her waterskin to help calm herself down. The brandy was still as good as ever, though when drinking she realized that over the course of the night she had emptied the liquid container. "son of a cock fucker..." Kathryn mumbled as she put the water skin away. As Victoria left Kathryn felt realized she should have asked the bard if they were puppets like what she employed. Creatures she could listen through and control, or just give orders too. Victoria would know far better than she would in that matter. When the group all met up again Kathryn made it a point to make sure she asked.

Kathryn watched with hope, then disappointment as Blackberry's attempts at communication had failed. She should have expected as much, but hopefully when Victoria translated the note they would be able to learn something useful. Maybe even set up proper communications! "We tried, we gotta keep trying though." Kathryn spoke up to Blackberry. "You're right though. We can't leave them here. It looks... suspicious as all hells." Kathryn said concerned. She was terrified of causing a panic. She was also worried of a fight breaking out. Sure she could muster up the strength if she needed, but she wasn't so sure that if she laid down on the snow and mud that she would be able to get back up before taking a power nap. When Blackberry went off to get old boy and the wagon, Kathryn stayed behind to make sure that someone was watching over the dead dudes, and that it wasn't Kosara. She had gotten pretty spooked, and Kathryn didn't want to leave her alone with the beings that spooked her. "Are you doing okay?" Kathryn asked the small tiefling woman while keeping herself between the small woman and the dead people.

When Blackberry had returned with the wagon, Kathryn sighed with relief. They were soooo close to done. SO damn close. Once the wagon came up, Kathryn found herself unsure how to proceed. Did she toss them in like cargo? Or did she set them in carefully as if they were passengers? She opted for something in between. Laying each dead man down one at a time trying her best not to have them lay on each other too much. Lift, set, lift, set. Though they overlapped a little she figured it was better than tossing them like a sack of potatoes all on top of each other. It was when she set down the last one that something had clicked. They were familiar. They were familiar to a concerning degree. That sort when you see someone or something in passing, but didn't really know what it meant. These people were different from her dream, but their attire wasn't too far off. They were damn fucking close to her dream. Only these figures weren't military. They were civilian. Or some government officials. But for a group of people she had never met before... how did she dream of something so real? Something that was real before seeing it before?! Maybe she had when she was little, learning kingdoms and noble houses, but why would that come up now of all times?! And right before these fuckers came up.

Kathryn hadn't realized she had been standing still and staring until she noticed the wagon returning to the coach house. she picked up her pace again, but she was currently slower than a pack mule tugging a full wagon of cargo. What she also found odd about them, is that they were practically skin and bones. All the bulk they could see was likely just clothing padded on layer by layer. Was this done to hide stuff in their clothes? To hide how skinny they actually were? To make them look bigger than they actually were? She couldn't be so sure. Once returned to the coach house Kathryn spoke up to Blackberry "Be right back. I need something..." She spoke up before running into the tap room, grabbing some more of the brandy, and waving to Victoria and Lizbeth. "We're putting out guests in the workers room. Then we gotta talk." She said in a hurry as she ran back to the wagon and unloaded the dead dudes into the workers quarters outside the former inn. Taking more than a couple sips from the brandy, she looked at the final dead guy inside the wagon as they were unloaded. The biggest one. "Want some?" She said pouring her reused bottle a bit down his open mouth before taking another swig herself, and closing the bottle. Then tossing the big guy in with his room mates before closing off the doorway with any debris she could find to seal the doorway.


Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


Kathryn continued to feel uneasy. As she approached the hill that the others were interacting with the group on the hill, she took a moment to look back only to notice that Lizbeth was gone. Maybe she went to get help? Maybe she got spooked? She couldn't be sure. When this was over Kathryn would have to check on her. She hoped beyond hope that she was going to be okay though. Turning back to the others, Kosara and Blackberry were sorting out the note between them. Attempting to figure out what it could mean, and what the reasoning for this odd group of very likely dead individuals was doing here. Apart of her really worried this would turn into a fight. The uneasyness of the situation left Kathryn feeling like they were one bad move away from things turning ugly.

Then, it smiled. The smile was comparable to what Kathryn pictured someone getting their mouth forcibly stretched wide with hooks as a form of torture. But in some twisted way they enjoyed the torture. Apart of Kathryn wanted to scream, apart of her wanted to puke, apart of her wanted to nope right out of this and leave. Go to bed, enjoy a warm drink and meal, get shit faced drunk on the floor, or any combination of those options! Oh what she would do for that instead of this weird shite. As the others relaxed, Kathryn couldn't be sure if she was to relax too, or be worried that they were gearing up for something. God dammit how she wished she was better at determining these sort of things, but she wasn't even sure if the rules still applied to dead people the way it applied to the living. So those skills may not even come in handy in that regard either.

Kathryn let out a soft sigh when Kosara mentioned not wanting to get into a fight, but was still talking as if she could loot their clothes off their person. Just... What did Kosara thing looting clothes off dead people meant? These dead people seemed like they would put up at least a small fight for the clothes on their back. When the big one locked eyes with Kosara, Kathryn hadn't realized how tense she was. By instinct she had reached for her boot where the dagger sat sheathed ready to retaliate to any potential attack! The second her finger tapped the hilt she stopped seeing as how the person had not only stopped at locking eyes with Kosara, but Kosara seemed ever so determined to lock eyes with it as well. In this moment, Kathryn wondered if Kosara was ignorant, brace, or somewhere between. But gods be damned the woman was standing her ground. "Kosara?" Kathryn spoke up softly as the smaller woman continued to hold her gaze. The bad feelings lingered, so Kathryn continued to close the distance. Gods be damned she was still slow. If things turned into a brawl would she be able to hold her own in a fight? Maybe. Adrenaline could do wonders for a person. On top of that she was pretty kinda sure she had one more use of her magic. How long she could hold it she was unsure. But she was also still armed, and armored. Not good armor, and her family sword really needed some work, but if push came to shove, Kathryn was bigger still.

By instinct, when Kathryn heard the yelp from Kosara the half giant of a woman booked it, giving it whatever speed she could muster as Kosara jumped behind V to hide. Her tiefling friend was scared, Blackberry was ready to jump into action, and Victoria was now in the mist of it all. This could not be allowed to pass. Kathryn stopped herself just infront of Victoria, her boots leaving streaks in the snow and dirt as she put her body between Victoria and the big one. The big one however, was only big compared to the rest of the party. Kathryn had nearly half a head on him, and the dude looked rather lean compared to Kathryn. In terms of physical might, Kathryn was pretty sure she had all the advantages here. But the dude was dead, and there was no telling what sort of tricks he had up his sleeve. Though still spooky, he was far less intimidating when Kathryn got up close to him.

"Blackberry, you said they write in draconic? Do you think they speak it? Or another language?" He brought up the idea of talking to them, but Kathryn found herself already on that note. Though she didn't know draconic, she knew an assortment of other languages. "Hello, my name is Kathryn, do you speak common?" With no response, she cleared her throat to try again. "Helo, fy enw i yw Kathryn, wyt ti'n siarad Elvis?" Kathryn waited, but there was no response. She was getting even more uneasy. Elvish was an old language, and she had really hoped that would work. Time to start going down the list she guessed. "Hail, mine name is Kathryn, dost thou speak halfling?" Very close to common, but she figured why not try it? Maybe they could only respond to some languages anyways? But her list was running out.

Kathryn took a deep breath, her use of old tongue was rather rough. But it was understandable to most. She hoped... "Hallo, mein Name ist Kathryn. Sprichst du die alte Sprache?" At first, there was nothing. Kathryn stood there not relaxed, but her hands were far from her weapons at this point. The list of people who spoke old tongue was rather limited, but damn she was low on options. Then, she froze. She swore to the gods she saw a reaction?! Maybe she imagined it? With a blink the figure may not have moved at all, locking eyes with it now she couldn't be sure what she saw was real or just her fear playing with her. Telling her she was unsafe and she needed to act. The shock held on her eyes for several moments before she realized, the figure still hadn't moved. "Gods dammit..." She let fear get the best of her. She had to stop doing that or else she would begin to lose her mind. "That's all I got Blackberry, wanna try draconic?" She asked far less tense now, and with a hint of defeat in her tone.

Kathryn Pyke
Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05
HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: Exhaustion (x2)
Location: Fields near Estate House
Action: N/A
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The figures on the hill left Kathryn unsettled. Falling behind she failed to get a good look at them as the rest of the party approached, but she had the aching feeling that something was about to go down. And she wouldn't be there to help. She would lag behind, and her people were going to get hurt. And there was nothing that she could do about it. She should have paced herself better the night before, but she had failed and now her party was walking into potential danger while she lagged behind. Stopping a moment to catch her breath, she noticed Lizbeth off to the side. And she looked... unwell. Maybe the exhaustion was getting to her too? Stepping over to the young woman she seemed to immediately get better. Almost as if the daylight itself had woken her up! "You doing alright dude?" Kathryn asked the small bean. After she confirmed that she was infact Fine Kathryn wasn't sure if she was trying to be strong or was simply trying to stay awake like the rest of them. Though she seemed to be far more awake and energized than everyone else. Oh what it would be like to be young again. At the ripe age of 22, Kathryn was already aging out of the best age to get married and have kids in. Let alone have the energy to stay up all night and still keep toting about.

Seeing the concern on Lizbeth's face Kathryn figured giving the girl something to do could help her out. "Hey Lizbeth, if anything weird happens while we are up there, mind running and letting some folks know? I'm sure we can handle it, but if they end up being rowdy drunks I think it may be a good idea to let some people know so we can help them out properly yeah?" Kathryn said short of breath, but in her best reassuring tone. Trying to downplay her concern, and trying to let the girl feel helpful and useful. Plus, if things turned south, letting the others on the property know what was going on to either help or evacuate would be best. After her request though, Kathryn struggled her best to catch up to the others. The moment to rest and talk to Lizbeth had given her a second to catch her breath, but she still felt like she would collapse into a coma if she were to fall over. And gods be damned did her legs want to give out. She wanted nothing more than a hot meal, an even hotter bath, something alcoholic to numb her pain, and a comfy spot to let her body collapse onto. But the work wasn't done. Not even close.

Getting up close, she could finally see what the others were looking at. Despite getting there last of the group, she could still see the confusion on their faces. But these people... they seemed like they were infact dead. The big one that Kosara took the note from seemed like he could throw people about. And if this turned into a brawl it would be four on five. Kathryn was pretty sure she could take them to an extent despite her conditions at the moment. But she lacked a magical weapon if that would be needed. She supposed if hacking and slashing wouldn't do the trick, she could always attempt to go big again and rip them in half. Far from the ideal way to fight people, but if she didn't have options she would have to make due. "Draconic? That seems weird as hell. If they wanted to give us a letter, why would they want to give us a letter we were not in a position to read?" She could think of a couple reasons. AN ego complex, their lack of understanding of common or elvish, to stall and waste the party's time while they went to find a way to translate it. She wouldn't say that out loud though. Not in the presence of the messengers. Though she did find it funny that they had one of the few people in the land who could read draconic. Even if the dialect in this case didn't work with him.

Kathryn listened to her party in horror as they talked about taking the silks from the dead people in front of them. The idea of wearing clothes from dead people was unsettling to Kathryn. Sure, maybe the material was decent quality, but these were corpses! Not just corpses, living corpses! That have been walking about in mud, sweating, rotting, rubbing their garbs up against every open sore and wound on their body! Sure, maybe it could be cleaned, but what the fuck... "Even if we could get those garbs, is it really worth taking? I don't think we should fight them if we don't have too. And if we do... They are corpses." Kathryn said in mild horror as she tried to hide how unsettled she was by the idea.
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