Kathryn Pyke Human, Fighter (Rune Knight), Level 05HP: 49 / 49 Armor Class: 19 Conditions: N/A Location: Past: Madam Annick's healing house. Present: Rose River Vineyard Action: N/A Bonus Action: N/A Reaction: N/A | ![]() |
Kathryn had gotten some answers. She wasn't sure if they were the answers she was looking for, or if she was the one with the right skills to do much with this information, but it was still a lot further than she was. Kathryn listened intently as Annick spoke of her times. The dagger seemed to cause more harm than help. Though Kathryn got answers, it did come at the cost of souring any good will the woman had for Kathryn. "Apologies for my ignorance. To my knowledge Arcanaple didn't participate in these wars. Most of what I know about these wars I learned only in the last couple weeks." Minutes... The last few minutes. "I am sorry to have made you uncomfortable in your space. It won't happen again. And thank you very much for your time and your knowledge." Kathryn said polity. Debating giving a curtsy, but decided that would make things worse, so collecting her things she stepped away and made her way home. The walk home was much quieter and much more thought provoking, but alas she wasn't really sure the best ways to go over this information. Maybe Kosara knew more? Maybe not... She had to take a next step though.
Back in the present after Kathryn had destroyed many of the remaining cinnamon rolls much to her guilt, she returned to her room to get ready. Owning only one dress at least picking out an outfit was easy. And to her pleasant surprise it still fit! She had grown at least 3 inches in height since she last wore it, and to her annoyance put on a little weight. Remembering the recently endangered cinnamon rolls, and her love of alcohol, she had no one to blame but herself. Using a short sword as a mirror Kathryn attempted to get a vibe for how she looked. She wanted to present as attractive yet not being too... slutty. Under normal circumstances her dress was probably fine, but she worried it made her bust look way too big. She wanted to draw a crowd, but didn't want to seem like an attention whore. She wanted too come across as powerful, but not terrifying. She absolutely loathed this balancing act.
While getting ready she decided she seemed rather... plain. Kathryn wasn't particularly amazing with makeup. She had helped some woman Ser Lucas spent time with applying foundation, but even then she was never good at it. When she attempted to propose a relationship with a household knight to a city state during her travels she had to get help from a couple prostitutes to get her makeup going. Alas, that went down hill rather fast. Catching Victoria while she was getting ready she asked the half elf for assistance. "I um... don't know how to do makeup..." Kathryn mumbled to the bard. "I can't even be sure if my dress is set up correctly... " As for as noble woman went, Kathryn was one of the least qualified. Sure, she could rough and tumble with the squires and knights just fine, but ladies of court? She stands out like a sort thumb that can't stop thumb wresting all the other fingers. Victoria seemed eager to help! Prettying up Kathryn so she would be able to step up to tonight's events with no conflicts whatsoever! With Victoria's help Kathryn could walk around like she owned the place, and have the humbled tone to acknowledge she was a guest happy to be involved. Looking at herself in the reflection of her short sword, Kathryn smiled. "Thank you so much V, I couldn't have done this without you." Kathryn said trying to hide just how super gleeful she was! And to prevent herself from crying tears of joy.
Kathryn made her way down the stairs in the court yard some time later. Her family's longsword on her side, the silvered dagger on one ankle, and a short sword strapped to the other. The last two hidden expertly under her skirt that ran to her ankles and then some. With Victoria's help, she felt like a noble woman. She felt a whole different sort of power that she hadn't experienced before. She felt she wielded an authority that though posture alone! She had the confidence of a woman who could walk into anywhere she chose and people would listen. Not that she had any actual authority. But the feeling was nice. In this moment she did wish the couch house had an internal stairway, for the chance to put on a grand show and have people bask in her confidence! She wondered briefly if this is how Victoria felt all the time? Surely so right? Stepping into the main pub she joined the others as they prepared to set out for the night. "It may be a mostly human holiday, but to my surprise Arcanaple doesn't really practice it. At least not in the same manner. A few families from more landed households may practice something comparable, or settlers who moved to Arcanaple bringing their culture with them, but winter is a harsh time for us. We have some summers that barely get warm enough to plant summer crops. Though some old clans would go on ritualistic hunting trips around mid winter. And every now and again my father would have us celebrate winter solstice as we had survived the shortest of days, and would soon be watching the days grow brighter and brighter." Kathryn spoke warmly. Though the old clans had other purposes for their old ritualistic hunts. For several families, it would become apparent that there wasn't enough food to feed everyone for the winter. The hunt would either yield enough food that everyone stood a chance, or it would provide less mouths to feed. It wasn't uncommon for old men, widowed uncles, sons with no claims to land, to gather up, and go into the woods and mountains to disappear until the spring thaw. Sometimes, the youngest would return with food in tow. Sometimes the uncles would travel far and wide to settle in larger towns far away from home, and sometimes old men would find themselves a nice comfortable spot in the mountains to live out the rest of their days in peace and isolation. It was a brighter spin on what for many families, could be very dark times.
When Victoria asked about plus ones, Kathryn's pale face blushed. Kosara spoke up and Kathryn found herself staring at the small tiefling woman's dress. It was surprisingly modest for Kosara, and when she mentioned she was going with Kathryn the tall woman's overt confidence faded into melted butter. "Yeah we are uh... going together." If her father was still alive, he would probably be pissed. Kathryn was far too old to go gallivanting dating people that couldn't knock her up. Unless Kosara could... Tieflings got more and more confusing the more Kathryn learned about them. But still. Kathryn was far from a position in life to be having kids. Even if she was behind. Hell, by most definitions she was homeless. The couch house will soon be the longest place she has stayed since she left the Capital of Arcanaple. She was pretty sure her record was half a year... but she was young then and the months and years float by so fast. "You look very nice tonight Kosara. Very nice." Kathryn took a deep breath and settled herself. She was a strong noble woman. Both physically and mentally. She was going to stay strong and not let anything knock her down. "Wine tasting is a lot of fun. But I do have to ask Kosara, don't Lesser Restoration me unless I am doing something dangerous or way too silly to recover from. Please?" Yes Kathryn had a tendency to get carried away sometimes... But also this was a party. And unless she was gonna get stabbed in the back she intended to have fun! This would... also be one of the few public outings she has had since she was a lot smaller that she wasn't wearing armor. But she wasn't going to let that thought wear her down. She was still armed! And the sword still had a rune carved into the hilt. Faded and old, but it was present. If she had to fight, she could. If someone dared to start trouble tonight, she was going to stab them.
"A toga isn't a terrible idea. Some families from the frontier lands would wear them for formal events." Not many as those people would stand out as late comers into the fold, but many persisted as time went on. Many were from families that had assisted Arcanaple in their conquests of the frontiers. It was an interesting setup, and togas were rather strange outfits to Kathryn. They seemed like... in a sense dresses. But who was she to judge? She wore steel plate and combat boots. And for years threw boys twice her age into the mud. Plus, dragons and togas seemed like they would go well together. "Do we all wanna walk up together or shall we all approach in our respective pairs to make a dramatic entrance? I'm afraid I don't have an announcer on retainer so we may have to improvise on that front." Kathryn chuckled. "Though I am curious, who are you two bringing to the event?" Kathryn said curiously to Victoria and Blackberry. "Or are Kosara and I going to be the only ones who share who our people shall be?" Kathryn smirked before turning to BB to lend a hand. Then stopped, realizing she was the least qualified to help out of everyone here. It was honestly a miracle she got herself into her armor and or dress as well as she did. "I'll help if I can, but I may end up making it worse far more than helping." Kathryn said as she kept her hands at bay.