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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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Alexei Dragunov | Sunday, June 7

He woke up at 4 like the usual, getting into the weekend routine that involved the usual, washing, cleaning and cooking. He also went to the early market to get the good stuff cheap first in the morning. He had made good relations with quite a few of the grocers there. He could get good fish and veggies much cheaper than others.

Today was the day where he'd be taking out his prized kimchi out and making a new batch to replace it. So it was a hard day at the kitchen. Chopping the ingredients and getting stuff ready. Though, it was a Korean dish Alexei couldn't describe its versatility and pairing options, it was like god sent for the families tight on a budget.

He let his beef marinate and began work on it as the time silently passed by. He was almost done with prep by the time Elena got up and from there it took half the time it would have. Elena enjoyed assisting her brother in the kitchen. To her it was one of those bonding times she read it in newspaper articles and heard from friends. Watching Alexei was like watching a calm lake, there were seldom any signs that gave away what he was feeling at any moment. He was always this picture of calm, firm reassurance that moved her. To look at him, one could be at ease instantly, his sincerity was without a doubt one of the most moving qualities about him. But it was that muted aggression in his wine red eyes that sometimes was unsettling.

She knew that there was nothing her brother loved more in this world. Something that he has murmured in his sleep a few times and in those group family hugs that he gives to her mother and herself but she couldn't help shake that lingering feeling that there was a sort of sorrow hidden inside him. As a brother he was too perfect and as a human being too model, she could talk about anything with him but still was terrified probing inside his mind. Often times, she felt that he was pushing himself too hard, that he was too tired but he would always soldier on with a smile. She never had seen her mother take such pains, for she had been stuck to a bed for as long as she could remember, their father's death had devastated her so thoroughly that she was just a shell of her former self, one that she was unlucky to have missed.

Alexei had seen that and judging by how hard he pushed himself, it was something he would trade everything in his life for. She had a mix of pity and envy for him but it was all shadowed by the massive pride she had for him to be her darling brother. She was confident that most mothers don't take such good care of their families that his brother did. He was a mother, a father, a brother, a mentor and a friend all rolled into one and she felt that even with all that she barely knew him. He was an expert at making it everything about the other person, so much that it made the other completely forget that he himself has some passions and interests.

A part of her enjoyed this princess treatment but a part felt guilty, she could only wait for the time she could grow up quickly and get married,so that she can leave him to care for himself and be happy. She often felt like this in the long silences they shared but oftentimes, it all left a bittersweet taste in her.

"Elena!" came a low grumble, breaking her out of her reverie.

"Y..Ye...Yess!" she replied with a start.

"The kidnappings are on the rise again. Have you been taking those Judo classes seriously." he stated calmly, mixing the kimchi in a large bowl to spread the seasoning evenly.

"Ye..Yes." she said with a slight blush, she can't tell him that she had skipped the last few days. Going out with her friends instead on their incessant pushing.

"Good. I want you to know that it is all okay. But should you ever find yourself in a situation. Call me first and then engage if you have to. Okay?"

"Yes..Ni-san!" she replied timidly. Alexei meanwhile finished what he was doing and washed his hand. Wiping it from his apron before heading over to Elena, patting her head lovingly.

"No matter where you are, I promise I'll be there as fast as I can, okay." he said before kissing her forehead. Here it was again, though she couldn't blame him for being protective of her since his schoolmates had been the most targeted in the last few months but she could see that even without these turn off events, he would have been the same.

"Well let's finish the soup and head out for lunch in the evening. You'd like to go to that Cosplay cafe again?" he asked her politely.

"Ye..Yeah, I'd love to."


Star Drop Cafe

As soon as they opened the door, a string of people dressed as some kind of manga royals greeted them in a flourishing bow.

"Wah!" Elena exclaimed as she went all starry eyed at the handsome men and women in the room. Alexei was a bit surprised as well, about the depth of synchronization of the make-up and the costumes, he certainly felt like Guts walking in on the iconic ballroom scene in Vritanis in the Berserk manga with his tight long sleeved black crew-neck and pair of relaxed cargos. He felt a bit out of place but he was here to have a good time and so it shall be.

They both found a seat and sat down waiting for a server to come over.
I'm here but have nothing to write about, since all those I have interacted with are in the Dungeon barring Shizu and I can't think of anything logical to do and disturb her on a sunday.
sorry, meant to post today. I'll try to do that tomorrow.

I guess I just need to greet you and show you around before signing you up? A collab would work great, but I'm not sure if we could all three meet up in Titanpad or something. It's 10:20 pm here, but I can't really do a collab until 6 pm tomorrow.

post a link of the titanpad here and I'll jump in when I get the chance. I think we are around 8 hrs apart. So it may work.
whooo!! ~waits for the Sith lord with bated breath~
@KatherinWinter Brigit nodded absent-mindedly before realizing Katherin's handicap. With how her own impeded in effectively communicating, she opted to gently press her friend's hand to affirm her well being. The water was surprisingly warm, a bit of a disappointment. Since birth Brigit had been fascinated with Ice and having befriended an Ice Queen like entity she was overjoyed but warm water wasn't on her wish list. She just stood near the edge waiting for further instructions, it wasn't like she knew anything beside standing in water. It was her first time even being in a pool.

I am so extremely sorry! I have had issues with life that I am dealing with... And college has been taking up a lot of time this season. Again, very very sorry and I am trying to be on more often now. I see Briget has moved on, which is completely fine of course :) However, I'm not entirely sure how to respond with Jess.

take your time and work at your pace, this should be fum not pressure. My best wishes for you.
How big is the @Diabolicalrhapsody ride you took to get to Korriban? Could I of stowed away with you?

You could ride beside me if you wish. I don't think Kilgaris and Miavenna would have an outward hostile relationship. We can even work it as my mother having sent you for my aide since she is oldschool zealot of the nightsister clan.

But, please write as a pleasant surprise to the change in my personality. She is markedly different when she is away from her mother.

As for the size of the ship, I'd say a standard carrier. 15-20 Men ride.
@TheUnknowableI have posted. I want to be the mechanic for the droids and general caretaking.
Finally, Mia was away. Away to her own machinations and her own destiny. Born with the powerful blood of Dathomiri, she had a headstart in survival against a good many of the other species but it was infact that she was away from her controlling mother that she felt relieved and alive. The stories tend to get a bit grating at times. She sympathized with getting the lost glory back but the more she gathered the snippets on Mother Talzin's empire, the more she could see why the Sith never really held their bargain.

It was all very wasteful and they stood to gain nothing from it. She saw how her mother treated Kilgaris and his family and she was none to please in that cattle like treatment. Not that she wasn't cruel or fierce like a typical Dathomiri girl but she never understood the concept of Nightbrothers and the massive waste that tradition made of their potential.

In secret she had seen her so called brothers grow stronger in the implements of the Jedi, it was all an empty daydream and the order was lost with time, no one wondered much about it. The times had changed and like many things, they had been forgotten. But lightsabers fascinated Mia and the glimmer and hum of the one that Kilgaris practiced with in shadows, away from the prying eyes of her mother really mesmerized her.

She acted like her shadow for the risk of being term rebellious, no matter how she hated the dogma and long boasts, she still loved her mother to death. But having grown up with a rather resourceful father, she just couldn't figure out the concepts that her mother harped about.

But now, nothing of that mattered. She had heard of an excavation on Korriban and she had immediately grown excited. Though the Sith were long gone, it was only through sifting through their playground that she could salvage something that could entice her. Her cousin was heads and shoulders above her but she knew that given a guiding hand she was confident that her blood may give her the advantage.

She sat silently on the space carrier, calling in some favors on her mother's name she had been able to get a ride to Korriban, all that was left was now to be included in the team.


As they broke through the atmosphere, she saw another ship near the docking bay. The Muun incharge silently took the credits and left her with her bags at the station. His exit as eventless as his entry. With a bag up on her shoulder, she walked silently towards the building that seemed like the base of operations for the archaeological squad coming upto a dismayed Chizz, armed with a blaster.

"I am here to meet Monsieur Dren, there seemed a vacancy for a mechanic for his little squad." she said to the Chizz, with a slight smile. Her silver eyes looking him straight into the eyes.


I'll write an introductory post to my character that discusses her journey to Korriban and her interaction with the resident crew and if @theUnknowable is okay with it, he can include me in his next post to establish my current position.
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