NAME: Hatori Ghande
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES: Long, sleek black hair that is normally kept in a topknot. High quality oriental silks that are a part of his garb. Excellent physical conditioning. Generally appears to be a samurai.
SCARS AND BIRTHMARKS: Vertical scar across his left eye.
Despite purposely appearing quite intimidating, Hatori is actually very well mannered and extremely respectful to everyone he meets. Being raised strictly by the code of Bushido, he never hesitates to help others in a time of need, even when it might be an inconvenience to himself. Those who take the time to know him soon learn that he is actually a very friendly and deeply spiritual person.
WHO ARE THEIR FRIENDS AND FAMILY? WHAT SORT OF PEOPLE DO THEY SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH? Having been orphaned when he was just a child, Hatori never met his biological mother or father. A shogun picked him up and placed him under the tutelage of a samurai after staying at the orphanage for the early years of his life. Growing up, he spent most of his time training his martial arts and studying philosophy with the other proteges.
Hatori was born on a feudal island covered in grassy plains and sparsely decorated with massive volcanoes. He lived in a small, quiet village while training to become a samurai. Having been banished from his home, recent years have seen him wandering the bamboo forests and staying with a kind old hermit.
Although he rarely becomes angry or even agitated, he finds that meditating while watching the sun rise in the morning soothes his soul and fills him with inner peace.
WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST FEAR? WHO HAVE THEY TOLD ABOUT IT? WHO WOULD THEY NEVER TELL? Perhaps his biggest fear is to be locked away in a prison somewhere, the years of his life withering away whilst unable to practice his samurai art and bladesmanship. Not too many people know about it, but he certainly wouldn't mind telling anyone who has earned his trust.
After eventually learning that his father was a drunk who contributed nothing to society, and that his mother was a harlot, Hatori buried any hopes and dreams of seeking out his biological parents. After all, they had left him when he was just a baby and it was his sensei that raised him and became his father figure. He has never talked about this revelation with anyone, instead just keeping it bottled up deep inside himself.
WHAT MAKES THEM LAUGH OUT LOUD? Although he usually maintains a calm and quiet composure, any outrageously silly comedy will still manage to get a chuckle out of him, especially after his demeanor is relaxed a bit with sake or wine.
HAVE THEY EVER BEEN IN LOVE? After becoming a full fledged samurai, Hatori fell madly in love with a beautiful geisha, and still thinks of her on occasion even to this day. They shared many nights together admiring the stars, but eventually their difference in social status and Hatori's solemn duty meant they could not be together. Still, when he has acquired a fair amount of wealth and has become the greatest warlord in the land, he plans to seek her out again and rekindle their relationship, if it isn't already too late.
DESCRIBE THE THINGS THAT WOULD BE HARD FOR THEM TO PART WITH. His most prized possession by far is Hallowed Moon, the katana that he was presented with upon becoming a samurai. It was created specifically for him by the best blacksmith on the island, and is irreplaceable.
LOOK DOWN AT THEIR FEET. DESCRIBE WHAT YOU SEE. Tabi wrapped around his feet and ankles as he stands on comfortably carved wooden sandals. Above that, his legs are wrapped tightly with cloth, and sturdy but flexible shinguards are strapped just below the knee.
WHEN THEY THINK OF THEIR CHILDHOOD KITCHEN, WHAT SMELL DO THEY ASSOCIATE WITH IT? WHY DOES IT RESONATE? The smell of fresh rice and seafood resonates strongly within his mind. It was plentiful on the island and actually quite delicious, even when he lived in the orphanage. One thing he will always miss from his home land will be the food.
DESCRIBE ONE STRONG MEMORY THAT HAS STUCK WITH THEM FROM CHILDHOOD. Although he has many fond memories, one that he will never forget is the day he first picked up a wooden sword. A handful of other samurai were training that day, absolutely mesmerising him with their skill and finesse. After sparring with his mentor and being easily defeated, it became his lifelong goal to improve and become the greatest swordsman in the land.
WHAT DO THEY WANT MOST OF ALL? To become the best swordsman in the land, to honor the code of bushido and protect the weak, and to eventually return to his home and adopt a protégé from the orphanage, like the shogun had done for himself so long ago.
RIGHT NOW, IN THE FIRST MOMENT OF OUR STORY, WHAT IS THEIR BIGGEST PROBLEM? A corrupt emperor has recently taken over his home kingdom and banished the samurai from their lands, claiming that they are no longer needed. The emperor, in a preemptive strike, banished them because their concept of bushido contrasted so greatly with his own greed, hubris, and lust for glory. Being greatly outnumbered and outmatched by the kingdoms massive army, the samurai had no choice but to leave and start anew. With their very way of life being threatened, Hatori hopes to eventually ally with foreigners from off the island that can help he and the other samurai overthrow the emperor.