@TheUnknowable - Because our phones aren't "compatible" :( What kind of crap-ola is that?
9 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Old Guild Username: Myeongsang
11 yrs ago
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VMs: 3
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9 yrs ago
@TheUnknowable - Because our phones aren't "compatible" :( What kind of crap-ola is that?
9 yrs ago
I just had to set my boyfriend down for a nap after capturing Pokemon. I think we're back in 2005, everybody.
9 yrs ago
I left my string cheese on a cart that I was using at work and came back to find it on the floor. My coworker's butt had knocked it over :(
9 yrs ago
"Wouldn't you like to be a big brother to someone like me?"
9 yrs ago
Ground Control to Major Tom.
I've been kicking & screaming for the past 23 orbits around Sol. If you learn about me through the multimedia I upload, then I am whoever you interpret me to be. My interests are ever-wavering, but I am always down for a space adventure or history lesson. I am not big on E.R.P but if the story happens to naturally come up to that point, please keep it tame.
{The Austean stuck between two parallel worlds: one she loved & one she grew accustomed to.}
[color=#A3C0D5][h3]I've been kicking & screaming for the past 23 orbits around Sol. If you learn about me through the multimedia I upload, then I am whoever you interpret me to be. My interests are ever-wavering, but I am always down for a space adventure or history lesson. I am not big on E.R.P but if the story happens to naturally come up to that point, please keep it tame.[/h3]
[h3]{[i]The [url=]Austean[/url] stuck between two parallel worlds: one she loved & one she grew accustomed to.[/i]}[/h3]
[h3][b][u]Currently in:[/u][/b][/h3]
{1} [url=]Powerbound: Sense of Right Alliance[/url] as [i]Nyt Årud the Wavetraveler[/i].
{2} [url=]Powerbound: Deviated Timelines[/url] as [i]Nyt Årud the Wavetraveler[/i].
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /><br><font color="#a3c0d5"><div class="bb-h3">I've been kicking & screaming for the past 23 orbits around Sol. If you learn about me through the multimedia I upload, then I am whoever you interpret me to be. My interests are ever-wavering, but I am always down for a space adventure or history lesson. I am not big on E.R.P but if the story happens to naturally come up to that point, please keep it tame.</div><br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><br><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3">{<span class="bb-i">The <a href="">Austean</a> stuck between two parallel worlds: one she loved & one she grew accustomed to.</span>}</div><br><br><hr class="bb-hr"><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><span class="bb-u">Currently in:</span></span></div><br>{1} <a href="">Powerbound: Sense of Right Alliance</a> as <span class="bb-i">Nyt Årud the Wavetraveler</span>.<br>{2} <a href="">Powerbound: Deviated Timelines</a> as <span class="bb-i">Nyt Årud the Wavetraveler</span>.</font></div></div>