Avatar of Dion


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20 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
22 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
22 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
23 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
23 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

- The name of the world is called Lhivoria
1) Should the land be like our own?

In the nature of geography and the ways culture corresponds with that geography? Yes, I absolutely think so. Think of a tribe living in the snow, but they walk around in loincloths. Makes no sense.

If you're inquiring about the more nuanced things like the shape and form of trees then yes I do think it should be like ours. Having built an extensive world before (as you've seen) imagine how long that post would be if I also added original wildlife and such. It's easier to keep it to what we know.

2) Should there be creatures like; giants, dwarves, centaurs, dragons, etc?

Maybe in spirit of GoT, yes, but keep it limited to mythical creatures and not other races, and make them very rare. So giants, dwarves, centaurs, no, not really, they don't do it for me. However this is, of course, up to popular demand. If the people want it then you should consider it.

3) Should there be magic in general?

Make a distinction between high and low magic. High magic being shooting fireballs at eachother, and low magic being more like subtle curses, superstition that could be real, and such. I am not a fan of magic (as a GM) because it involves a lot of work in keeping it balanced and the nuances are often lost in IC.. However if it were to be implemented I'm not against it, I just wouldn't use it.

- There won't be any legitimate ties to the Game of Thrones world. Just ideas from it
1) Is that something people would want?

I don't see why not.

- To make things not TOO overwhelming there will only be about 5 locations to choose between
1) Is 5 too many?


2) Would it be better to have everyone from 1 location?


- From these locations there will be about 12 last names/lines to come from
1) Is 12 too many?

I feel like it would be better to just let people play as they want -- with the annotation that if you want to be from anything other than these 12 lines, you should pick some family that you work for. I.e. a poor farmer who becomes a soldier has to work for ______ (one of those families.) This to avoid lone wolves going around doing random stuff in their own corner of the RP.

2) Would it be better to have everyone from the same family?

Depends on how you want to set up the RP. Maybe two families might work better than 1. Twelve is a lot, thinking about it. You'd barely be able to fill the roster with 1 in every family. 12 is definitely too much.
I am afraid I shall be dropping this RP. I'm sorry but the process is just too slow for me to see us reaching anything worthwhile in a timely manner, mostly due to people not being very consistent in their posting times. I had high hopes when we started but I think when most people abandoned without saying anything, that was a sign we had lost before we began.

Either way I hope I do not discourage you, I'd love to see this RP do well. But I shall be taking my leave. Best of luck!

Mods plz
Some of these questions are literally retarded.

''Racial issues will never be resolved. It is human nature to prefer one's own race.''

This question has literally been proven in sociological and biological studies before. It's something called in and out group and favoritism for your in group. In groups are not limited to race however race is probably the biggest factor in it asides religion.

''It should be against the law to use hateful language toward another racial group.''

Define hateful? Is me calling a black person an asshole or calling black people assholes hateful? Or is it whenever you border on calling for violence against a group? Definitions are everything for such questions like these because what is hateful to me might not be hateful to you.

(PS: offense is always taken and never given so the concept of hateful is stupid to begin with)

''If our leader meets with our enemies, it makes us appear weak.''

That entirely depends on the context. If he meets with them and is a sack of flour in negotiations, then yes, it does make us appear weak. There's a difference in how the Dutch prime minister meets with people (weak) and how Putin meets with people (strong).

''Radio stations should be required to present balanced news coverage.''

I assume they mean that they should provide objective news, and not subjective to their own opinions or the opinions of their donators. But the way it's written is that they should be required to present ''balanced'' news which can be anything from the above to providing news about every country. It's stupid formulation.

''School science classes should teach intelligent design.''

I didn't know what intelligent design was and I don't really have an interest in it anyway so I don't know why they specifically chose this topic.

''Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.''

Define some people. Are we talking about mentally disabled people, in which case I'd vote ''strongly disagree'' or are we talking pedophiles and child murderers, in which case I'd vote strongly agree. Who the fuck wrote these questions.

''Laws should restrict abortion in all or most cases.''

This question probably takes the cake for me. I'm very pro-choice but also pro-life. I view abortion as a tool that should be available to everyone however, if you ask me, I'd never hire someone if I knew they had an abortion mostly because to me abortions scream 'I am too stupid to use protection, and I am to irresponsible to think about the serious effects of what I do.'

''It makes sense and is fair that some people make much more money than others.''

DEFINE! Who is more people? Some people? Who?

Criminals? No that's not fair.
Doctors that spend 20 years of their life studying and doing the shit-jobs before they make actual money? Fuck yes.

''Gay equality is a sign of progress.''

Stupid question insinuates that if you don't like gay equality then you are anti progress. I like gay equality, but do I see it as progress? No not really.

''We'd be better off if we could just lock up some of the people expressing radical political views, and keep them away from society.''

I would assume this question is asked from a perspective of democracy in which case I would disagree strongly. But assuming this question is from any other governance form, then I would agree strongly.

Dumbest result I've ever gotten. :/ I am actually right wing authoritarian. But I guess if this idiotic program says this is who I am..

I'll vote SP or PVDA next election.

@Flynn So I could get started on some sheets, but I am currently finding myself lacking some information on the kingdom which would be helpful in creating a province.

I do want to have a sort of religious/military themed province, would that be possible?
I'm very interested. @Flynn




Currently the year in Broacien is counted as 127 P.B. (Post Broacien). This time has been counted ever since the first noted existance of a Broacienian state, referring to the Broacien villages, who wished to suppress the influence of other kingdoms nearby. In other countries, other time terms are used, like in the North where they use 'winters' to simply say a year.

The Royal Family


An Overview

In this small overview, you will be told about the history of Broacien in accordance to the records and books inside the king's library. However, if you're looking for glory, bloodshed and a small but defiant kingdom that stood alone, impoverished and without power, against a greater empire and won, you'd best look elsewhere. The kingdom of Broacien only knows those tales from long, long ago as their recent years have been spent more in servitude of other kingdoms and empires.

But one thing that has become clear through that; the lands of Broacien may be conquered, the hearts of men and women on these lands can never be taken. Over the years they have been conquered, but broken free time and time again. This is seen in the borders of the country too, which grew slightly every time they broke free, taking pieces of land in the rebellions. As such they have grown from a mediocre piece of land, merely contested by large countries for the sake of bloodshed and greed, into a force to be reckoned with.

arches of an ⊰

A Deo rex, a rege lex.

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ℭomes ℳan, looks for fame, looks for gold, looks for purpose and looks for glory. ℭomes ℳonarch, blesses ℳan with bounties simple but required, but ℳan squanders and spills, looking for that which is not there. We are all from the same iron cast, but the ℳonarch smiths us all differently ━━━ some for fame and some for death.
━━━ King Iochlan, 0 P.B. 2nd of June, First king of Broacien, First Monarch on Earth.

Ⱦhe Ⱥrea

Ⱦhe setting of Marches of Man takes place in a medieval styled world, where kings and queens rule their lands as is their right given to them by the Gods, or God, depending on what faith you follow. We will be playing in the kingdom of Broacien, a harsh and unforgiving land, home to an equally tough people. The kingdom is surrounded by other kingdoms, empires and the odd tribal wasteland or southern sultanate. The kingdom's many allies and friends have brought it in a precarious situation as it lies amidst the big powers, causing Broacien to become a battlefield over the years. Many graveyards, some marked, some nothing more than a heap of bones, are spread across the kingdom.

Ƀroacien's sustainability comes from it's flourishing fisheries, and small agricultural prowess. The Broacienians have become adept at sustaining themselves, and through that, sustaining the kingdom. Besides that they have many many woodworks, as well as iron and coal mines. Broacien isn't particularily powerful, although it stands it own amidst the other kingdoms. Most others see them as a buffer between them and any others, although Broacien has been known to allow access to military parties to move through their lands if motivated enough for it.

Ⱥs per their own military, the kingdom of Broacien fields mostly militia's of spearmen, swordsmen and archers. The levy is quite large, given the fact that most people in Broacien are either farmers or fishers, labourers or work in the towns. However there is a small percentage of nobility, who are exactly what you expect nobility to be. Some are noble, brave, true warriors who protect those below them as per chivalrous code. The others are craven, barely deserve the title of nobleman, and cannot tell one end from the sword to the other. There is a broad range of nobility, each with their own small castle-keep, or with their own estates within townships. Ofcourse, there are varying ranges of nobility within the nobleman group too, based on lineage, prestige and ofcourse favor from the king.

Ɍeligion plays a big role in the area, and that is the same for Broacien, where religion depends mostly on what faith your father had or where you are from. As such, those who live in the north are mostly 'pagans' or 'heathens' following a wide pantheon of gods, of which some are cruel, war loving individuals who see worth in martial prowess, and others are gentle, nature adoring souls who tend to matters like marriage, love and pregnancies.

Ϻore to the south you will find a monotheistic religion, with accompanying branches of faiths. The faith as a whole names itself 'Monarchism', and all believe in a single entity called the Monarch. The Monarch created man, woman, animals and all other things in the world. His anti-entity is the Pretender. This pretender aims to only destroy what is built by the Monarch, to reclaim it as his and build his own 'version' of the Monarchs' domain, but would ultimately twist it. Both names are obvious in their origins, coming from the titles of a monarch, and those who have a claim to that title, the pretenders. There are numerous branches in this faith, all of which have similar, but differing visions on how the faith should be, and how it shouldn't be. The 'main group' of the religion simply believes in whatever the king believes, he is after all, Monarch on Earth. As expected, since the King's faith is Monarchism, this is the dominant faith in Broacien.

Ⱦhe religion can be both cherishing and brutal at the same time, shown in the Monarchistic cross well with it's circle adorned with spikes. The faith is loving in that it promotes a good life containing generousity, being just and fair and living a pious life where you believe in the Monarch with a grand conviction. But as loving as it can be, there are cruel aspects. The faith is unforgiving towards it's enemies, such as the desert lords of the south. But it's not just external enemies, since people who oppose the Monarch, or it's church, will find themselves either beheaded in a river, or on a pyre ready to burn for their sins. Furthermore, not neccesarily a religious conviction, the Monarchistic priests promote warriorhood by stating braveness, strength and a strong loyalty are all virtues, and cowardice, weakness and a lack of loyalty are sins - an accord smithed with the king, so that the king may have better soldiers.

“A Monarchistic Cross.”

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Geographically speaking, Broacien is home to a wide variety of biodomes. At the center are lush forests, covered in moss, grass and all sorts of plants. Naturally, this is where the king houses. To the north are more harsh lands, covered in snow completely three months out of twelve, and dealing with snowfall five months out of twelve. The lands are arid, but house a tough variant of people, who mostly tend to sheep, farm for sustainability and work in the wood industry. The lands here are covered in pine tree's, iced over rivers and large open fields. To the west of the center point of Broacien, there are flat grasslands, mixed with marshes and swamps every now and then. Not overly hostile or particularily friendly, the western fields provide a good neutral ground for anyone wishing to settle a farm.

Ⱦo the north-east is an ocean called the Crashing Gulfs. The sea here is particularily rough due to it being an inlet towards mainland, before the coastline retreats again to it's natural course. There is many kinds of fishes here, and even whales if the time is right, giving Broacien a wealthy source of food, and even wale hides. Sailing in the sea here is possible although there have been a great many ships swallowed by the water's hungry mouth.

Ⱦhen to the south of Broacien, the lands slowly turn into a red sand, with the occasional irrigated farm with grassy plains here and there. These southern areas of Broacien border a sultanate that follows a foreign fate, and who have engaged Broacien and the others in many holy wars over the years, never fully successful at claiming lands and converting infidels, but always doing a great job at murdering innocents in the name of their God.

Ғurthermore there are numerous kingdoms surrounding the kingdom of Broacien. Of course, to the south, is the ibn-Wahad Sultanate, but they are more commonly referred to as desert lords by any who doesn't live in the sultanate. They follow a different religion than any other kingdom currently known to the Broacienians. Their beliefs is that of the Sawarim. The Sawarim believes in God and his wife, who both have similar powers to the Monarch. It's said, in songs of the Sawarim, that God rides over the skies with his black desert horse, and his wife rides on the white desert horse. This symbolizes the good and bad, or the 'cruel' and the 'good.' The ibn-Wahad sultanate is led by sultan Kalim al-ibn-Wahad. The throne rules here focus on the sultans' many many children, of which the youngest receives the throne, and the others are expected to either be generals or bodyguards for him, in case of brothers, or become political assets or spymasters, in case of sisters.

Ⱦo the north is, well, the North. There is no real name for this place, since it's home to tribal federations who believe in a pantheon of multiple gods, much alike with the Northern believes in Broacien. These tribes are always feuding, for one reason or another, with the most common reason or casus belli being hunting lands. Food is scarce in the region, so it's a warlord's duty to preserve old grounds, and obtain new hunting grounds. There are tribes that were completely wiped out, not because of war, but because of starvation after they failed to amass enough grounds to hunt on. Because of this, a major offense is poaching. It's punishable with immediate execution on the spot if you're caught, without as much as a single word to be said. To many of those in the civilized world, this is very strange, since poaching is only a minor offense. But in the North, it means you take away a valuable animal for yourself without the right to do so. Especially important since killing a single animal might mean the death of a whole family of those who had rights to that animal.

Ⱦhere are numerous more kingdoms that are very alike Broacien, to both the east and west. Some are more sophisticated than others, while others are.. rudimentary at best, and a kingdom only in name. There is abundant trade, although only in low value commodities such as wicker baskets, foods, pots, weaponry and armor and ales. For high value commodities, you'd have to either directly order it, since no tradesman is wealthy enough to afford these, only to trade them away at a market.

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Ѻoc Ɍulings

So after reading that, welcome to my OOC. I hope that I kept you reading long enough to get interested, but not too long so that you lose interest. I guess this thread will tell me if I succeeded or failed. Regardless of that, I feel like I should at least give you all a list of things to expect and not to expect. It's only fair you know that, before you delve into this too deep only to find out it's not what you want.

What to expect?

  • A GM who wants to create content for the roleplay as much as you do.
  • A GM who is active on a day to day basis, and doesn't shy away from posting.
  • A world that is still open for creative freedoms, but that is filled in enough so that you can work with anything you want.
  • A (hopefully) friendly community.
  • An RP that is open to additions, lore and criticism.

What not to expect?

  • A GM who will constantly put up with 'I'll post later this week' if you've already said that 5x. I am not going to babysit you. If you abandon the RP, I'm not going to send you a message. I will also not RP with you ever again. Be nice, let me know you're quitting the moment you want to stop, not a week later.
  • A GM who will see it as his sole purpose to create your entertainment whilst sacrificing his own.
  • An RP where you can roleplay on your own, in your own corner, without anyone saying 'hey, stop.'
  • Magic. Or atleast, not the fire-ball from my hand kind of magic.
  • Assasins who will fly through the air, throwing knives at 4 targets, pulling three (yes three!) swords from nowhere and stabbing everyone to death right as the throwing knives kill people. I hate assasins like this. Especially if they have a name like 'Dark Wolf' and have a, how could it be anything else, black wolf as a companion.

Ground rules

  • RPG rules apply. I don't really need to say it, but really, I kinda do.
  • A GM will have the final say. That doesn't mean you can't argue with me, but if I say no, don't continue.
  • Don't be an ass. If you're posting 'sarcastic' comments all the time, ripping into other people's characters, don't think you are slick and think we don't notice. I notice. Other's notice. Just don't.
  • If there's a discussion, that is fine. That is good. If there's an argument it's different. Just don't do it.
  • If you decide to break above rule and argue with people, have the decency to do it over PM, so I don't need to read your shit.
  • If it escalates, please don't continue in the OOC, IC and whatever. If you want to meet up in real life to fight, that's not my issue or problem, just don't make it my problem by putting it in the thread.

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xpedition for the anner of St. riedrich.

So, now that we have a new king, what is the first order of business? A grandiose ball? Well, that has already passed. He's not that new. He's got five years under the belt now. Five good years too. Either way, he is looking to finally begin some greater endeavors ━━ the kingdom is stabilized for now and the recent harvest was good. And due to his History in the Servants he has decided on an expedition to retrieve the long lost banner of St. Friedrich ━━ a revered saint who spread the word of the Monarch through the North of Broacien, long before Broacien existed.

Now the king has ordained all explorers, medicine men and women, camp followers, mercenaries, honorable knights, pious Servants and Robed Swords to step forward, and take the role of Expeditioners of St. Friedrich upon them. A prized bounty was promised, as well as honor and fame and a possible title.

Hiring begins in the Hoffburgt, and that is where our characters shall be.

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