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20 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
22 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
22 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
22 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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22 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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Dutch culture -- providing shock value for Americans since the birth of the Dutch republic.
Much less set in stone. I wouldn't quite say that. Basically we're at an impasse GM wise because there's conflicting views in the interest check, and we need to make a decision on how to organize the families, which families to pick, how many families, and where to set the RP.

Ultimately Crunch makes the call.
@Roosan I agree with you. We are talking about 2 different things.

I agree the city can be at a base of the mountain. That.. arguably already is in the picture Capn Crunch showed me. It's awesome.

But the vote is about where the RP takes place -- if we make it take place in 'the mountain' then that refers to the mountain province -- i.e. not the capital city. The mountain province probably has a city yes, in the mountains yes, but it's not 'the city' which exclusively refers to the capital city of the kingdom (and not of 'the mountains'.) I think this might be a bit more clear if Crunch had released some of the info I've seen, because right now it seems like we're voting more on a biome where we want to be in which isn't quite the case.
@Roosan Because the mountains don't indicate people but rather a province of sorts.

I guess it could be at the bottom of a mountain for sure, but it'd make no sense if it was bang smack on the border of the province.
@Roosan 'the city' refers to the capital city where the royal family resides. Ya dig?
@Ali look @wolf paws another person with no friends and who wants to die
@mdk i am amused
@MissCapnCrunch I'm gonna have to vote for the city. It makes most sense from an OOC perspective that exchanges between two courts take place in the royal court.
@boomlover I think many of the 'bad characters' were written to be bad.

As much as Joffrey was an asshole I absolutely loved him as he represented what frankly most noblemen were in the medieval times were - sick twisted humans that had their own quirks. Sansa is the representation of a medieval girl -- albeit that she has received fantasy traits now. Never the less she is still a woman in the sense that she is meek and calm, quiet and doesn't speak unless spoken to. Now she's more like a Boudica, that stands up for her people, the Northerners.

Whichever it is.

I've always liked these flawed characters more -- Tyrion was cool, because he was flawed, and because his family hated him. It drives interesting characters. Now that he did what he did to his family, he is suddenly less interesting, because he went from being an underdog to being 'a hero' of sorts.

I've stopped watching every since last season. All my favorite characters died, and those few interesting ones that remained were quickly swallowed in the ever lasting cesspit that is heroism. Jon Snow is a hero now? Really? Last I heard a bastard was a bastard, and it's only wishful writing that allows him to take the position he has taken. It takes away from the 'gritty reality' aspect that represented history which I loved so much, and it has become a random fantasy saga at this point.

I think it is mostly that switch that made me stop watching. Little more than wishful writing remains, where plot twists were interesting and unexpected before (really, fucking red wedding, who saw that shit coming) they have become rather pale now. Everyone knew Jon Snow was alive before it was revealed to be like that (mostly because killing Jon Snow would kill the show. So many fangirls watch GoT just to get their panties wet off of a wet dream of Jon Snow being emo in their face.) and it's all become rather stale and predictable. :/

If you can get past that it's easily in the top 10 shows of modern times, but to be honest the plot holes are just too gaping for me to ever consider it like that.

Still better writing than Walking Dead though.
@Roosan Awesome signature.
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