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19 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
21 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
21 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
22 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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22 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Kho bro, the extent of real life wars that has been fought over religious semantics that didn't end up mattering is incredible. That's why it's more interesting to have a single religion in my eyes. They're much more interesting to argue about, than when there are 2 clearly opposing religions who are clearly never going to argue, but just straight up hate each other and go to war. :/

@Bright_Ops see this would work except, the religion of the king probably matters, and it's generally in a kings interest to promote religious unity because religious unity = religious stability = national stability.
@Vilageidiotx These are traits of fascism. I don't neccesarily dislike these traits but yes they are traits. However you should mind that, if the roles were reversed, and the Axis had won, we'd likely be saying the same about the Americans, who had interment camps and killed off German PoW's too..

It's all perspective, don't you think. :D

@The Spectre I've always found gay pride parade's to be stupid. I mean, I don't have anything against it, if people wanna dance around on a boat/float wearing revealing clothes then be my guest.

But it doesn't do anything to raise awareness that LGB's are normal people. In fact, when you promote your sexuality as just sexuality then people will only see you as a sexuality and not as a person. I think gay pride parade's are the worst way to spread awareness because not only are you enforcing your sexuality on passer by's who might not want to see it (not because they are anti-gay, but just because people don't have an interest in half naked men dancing on a float/boat in the same way I am straight, but wouldn't want to see women dancing around naked on the street 24/7) but you are also not fitting in.

And while it sounds really cool and edgy to not fit in and do what you want, it's also the worst way to enforce acceptance. In fact, it's the opposite, people will oppose you more the more you stand out. The best way to enforce acceptance is to show people that you're a normal person that happens to like men and not women. :/ And you do that by -- guess what -- not dancing on a boat/float, but rather going to work, being friendly, not making avances on colleagues that aren't into you (I know gay men don't do this, but like, the idea is to act like a normal person) and going out after work and having a drink like normal people do with eachother.

But what do I know. I'm just a cishet white boy.
@Kho I did mention churches so that does mean there's no total abstinence from a clergy. But there is probably not a head of religion, which might be why my knight is also there -- he knows a lot about religion as well as fighting. Perhaps your character is there to give some spiritual guidance too. @The Narrator I didn't see you mention anything about religion, but since your province is based on the Arabic world, I would assume that religion is sort of widespread there.

In fact, it might be important to consider if religion is a 100% sum where everyone is religious, as atheism is punished by death? That seems to represent the medieval world the best. It would give my character and Kho's a bit more of a leg up, on the others who seem to mostly focus on backstabbery and intrigue.

@The Narrator You don't say. What gave that away, the Arabic name of your nation? I think having a unified religion would be more interesting. (Bar maybe the cossacks..?) Because then we can argue about semantics in religion, and it creates a basis for my country to have some value at least (because we produce pious knights) rather than being your run of the mill stupid province that doesn't offer much.
@Kho you obviously based yours off of Islam, and I based mine off of Christianism.

I think if nothing was made up, we can take creative liberties when it comes to that, yes?

No, only the superiors of the German side were about committing atrocities. The sticker underneath reads 'German prisoners-of-war watch footage of concentration camps in an American PoW camp' in German. The wehrmacht, luftwaffe and panzerdivisions were not really in charge of most of the atrocities, and the atrocities that happened in conflict areas (i.e. civilian deaths) were largely due to Soviet tactics that employed civilians to do random shit. And also because war is cruel, Russians were more cruel, and people have a tendency to get savage when they are given power.

Other Axis states (like the Italians) were so incompetent that they didn't even get to commit atrocities.

Japanese committed atrocities due to their feral warlike culture that promoted showing no mercy. It's terrible, yes, it's also war culture, so can we really blame the soldiers. :/ I studied international peacebuilding and I can say that the dilemma of justification during peacemaking is one that is very critical.

If we didn't offer Japanese soldiers amnesty from crimes, there would be such a stupid situation. It's just impossible to blame the Japanese soldiers for anything except in your head.
@Ace of Hearts at least you're funny when you try to represent me as a fuckboy/dudebro.

@Kho Alright, my character and yours will have a great bloody ol time.

@Bright_Ops HERESY.
@Kho On that note, are your scholars into religion?
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