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16 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
18 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
18 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
18 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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18 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Buddha>

Sorry to just jump in, but you made a statement that always bothers me.
"also insulting to me for making me waste my time looking at sexuality where I don't want to see it (namely public space)."
I don't understand how there are people who say this and don't realize the flaw with it. You are, simply by being in public, incredibly likely to be looking at sexuality. Specifically, heterosexual acts of attraction. Go to your local mall and count the number of straight people on dates, who kiss in public, hold hands, hug, so on and so forth. These things are regarded as "normal" and nobody bothers to think of them as "showing sexuality in public" because it's heterosexuality being shown, which isn't considered "sexuality" because it's the norm and we've been conditioned that way. People only ever say "I don't want to see sexuality in public" when talking about those who aren't hetero of some description.
This lends itself to why gay pride is something worthwhile while straight pride isn't. When you see a male and female hold hands or kiss, nobody cares. Nobody even bothers to think "I don't want to see their sexuality in public" unless they're really going at it, for example, heavily making out. But if a male and male or female and female do the same things, the thought "don't do that in public" appears.
I honestly don't care how openly sexual people are in public, regardless of their pairing. Sure, I might get grossed out if one of the participants has traits that I find undesirable, or if they make noises or give a visual that I personally find disgusting, (for example, heavily making out) but I have no intention of saying or even thinking "hey, they really shouldn't do that in public." I can see why people would feel that way, but if they do, it should be all or nothing. No PDA of any kind, not just no gay PDA.

Thankfully it's really all or nothing for me.

As I've explained before. Thanks mate. As for your 'you are exposed to heterosexual sexuality'

Yeah but these aren't guys going around wearing BDSM clothes are they now? I have no problems with homosexuals holding hands or kissing, I said that. It's cool with me but there's a line that gay pride partakers like to cross where I start saying 'okay, no more' and it's a line that I don't see hetero's cross very often.
@mdk Thank you. Nail, hammer, head, you got precisely what I was saying.

inb4 'not all gay prides are guys clad in BDSM gear licking dildo's' well do 1 simple google search and you'll find out that there's tonnes of gay prides that are like that.

If it's just a bunch of people waving around a flag then sure. But that's often not what it is. I'd dare say 9 out of 10 times it's not a celebration of survival, it's a celebration of sexuality. And like you said, that often manifests in.. well, sexual shit. I don't want to see that.

It's like having those weirdo's walk around in public with a dog leash on their s/o. I don't want to see that and it makes me cringe.

I have to admit it was a misleading post but you have to realize it's hard to come up with a well-flowing counter argument to 20 points that are raised by gay people, that more often than not have 0% to do with 'gay pride' and more so with 'look, I'm gay, see how poorly we are treated!!!' as a counter argument to everything.

... people like @Darcs who see their ideology as the best one despite that it will simply never work.

Dude fuck that. The goal shouldn't be, and isn't to fit in, there is no goal-- there are just people who have been part of a marginalized (still marginalized) group and varying levels of pride in that identity. Some people might make it a bit flashy and take it overboard, but so long as it's just metaphorical beating over the head and not literal, it's not yours, or anyone's place to regulate the excitement with which someone chooses to express themselves.

Yes it should be. Acceptance = fitting in. Hatred comes from standing out. This is basic history and also basic sociology so please stop inferring you can stand out and at the same time be accepted.

Like this here.

As I said before, gay prides are doing nothing whatsoever to help homosexuals that are a marginalized group (in the USA, which isn't even where I am from).

And yes it is my place to regulate the excitement of people and how they choose to express themselves.

Public space. I explained this before. I'll give you a brief summary, read back my other posts if you want to know more.

The issue I have with gay prides (besides their uselessness) is the fact that they are forced upon people that do not want to partake. For example people living in a certain neighborhood or people traveling to work. 'But heterosexuality is forced upon us too in public spa-' no it's not.

Because it's public space, everyone (including, yes, me, so no thanks, I won't be shut up) can critique and comment on it and that includes making it clear they do not enjoy it and would rather not have it.

You would be right in saying I have no right to regulate it if they did it at a private venue. Which I actually advocated. I would very much enjoy if they did it in a private venue. So I leave you with that. If you're not gonna read my other posts and simply pretend you realize what I am saying, I would not like to further this debate with you simply because you've already assumed multiple things about what I've said and I'd rather not argue with a brick wall.


>I wouldn't have known you're gay, which is exactly why I think people like you are a good example of how to further acceptance for homosexuals.

>The goal should be to fit in even if you're gay, not to stand out. Standing out makes you a target. The nail that stands out... ya get it.

Holy fuck, this was pulled directly from some Uncle Tom's Cabin shit, dude-- this is the type of shit masters say to their best house niggas, the type of shit white people say tot heir non-ghetto black friends, the type of shit you say to a 'civilized and calm' mixed person in America during literally any time period.

Okay, so you're calling me an Uncle Tom, a slave master, or one of those cray white people that hates black people? Okay fam. If you wanna talk to me about that kinda shit, I'll gladly accept that label. You want to call me a racist right? Fair. I'm a racist. You can call me that from now on if you need to have some label to refer to me as instead of 'Buddha'. Cheers. 'Buddha the Racist' that's me now.

As for those people, no, I'm not really one of those people. I don't go 'but my friend is black so I can't be racist.' I roleplay with a bunch of black guys and I've always been incredibly honest with them when I said I think there is some issues with the black community in America, but how is that at all related to what we are discussing here, you absolute mong? And I think the 'non-ghetto black guy' label is incredibly stupid so fuck you for using that. Being from the ghetto or not does not define blackness you moron.

Besides, I am incredibly ok with black culture and I partake in it myself. Just because I act like the whitest motherfucker alive doesn't mean I don't like black people or anything. I don't go around asking black people 'can I touch your hair' or thinking that I can call them my n____ mostly because I'm not a fucking retard.

Acceptance comes from not standing out. If I don't know a hetero person from a gay person, then how can I do anything other than accept them? And no, this has nothing to do with heteronormativity. It has absolutely nothing to do with pretending you are hetero. I don't care if you fuck a man in the ass every night of the week, I care about if you act like a normal person.

And I'm sorry brother, shit like

doesn't stand out as 'normal person' to me. It's the same reason I don't have a problem with men kissing or holding hands, because it's none of my god damn business, as long as they provide to be normal functioning people of society and don't run around committing some public indecency, I'm fine with it.

It's shit like this that fuels the flamboyant af pride queens. True acceptance doesn't come from having everyone conform to some hetero-normative standard, excuse the buzzword, but that's cultural fascism.

And forcing acceptance on people who do not want to accept something because they disagree is somehow better?

Also I can not agree with calling it cultural fascism mostly because nobody is forced to adhere to a standard (it's not hetero normative in my eyes and my country) because we're not Saudi Arabia.

It's realizing that if you're annoyed by a person, then you don't have to spend your time making judgments around them. If you do, don't let those judgement inform your actions. Hippie shit, we're all stardust, we should be kind and in awe of each other. etc.

... today in things that would never happen in real life.
@Belle Depends on what you mean with 'notice'. Anyone can notice her.

Not everyone would be interested in her.
In In My Pants 8 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants in my Pants

Dan will out mop anyone. I'm just waiting for a post from our companion before I post, by the way, Ryo.
Tybalt's also a fair bit older than anyone else. I doubt he'll find a spouse that isn't an NPC.
Welcome to the guild.

Lotsa shit on here.
@Evil Snowman Cheers mate.
@Evil Snowman Yes! There's still room. Just get a CS up.

Yeah, seems like someone that would insult the king would be a bit inclined to be seen as a suspect, despite that they didn't really do anything special.

I mean it's just an insult.

So in that case Monsoon's character would hardly make a difference. If you're suspect of having something to do with the death of a king nobody can stop you from getting hauled away.
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