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12 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
15 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
15 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
15 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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15 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I'd be inclined to agree.
So after a rather heated discussion I had today I decided to write down a little rant. This discussion showed me that many women are very confused about what men are told to do and not to do. It seemed almost as if, according to a lot of people, women were told that 'men do whatever the hell they want' and that they should be the ones to protect themselves. I was told that, actually, rapists are normal guys. So the norm for males is that everyone goes around raping and spiking drinks? And then it's confusing for this person why I, as a man, would feel insulted that she insinuates that I too could possibly be a rapist and/or could spike someones drink. I'm dumbfounded.

I will probably say 'women' a lot but I mean a specific brand of women, and some of the men. Don't take it personally - if the shoe doesn't fit then buy another shoe.

Now if I ignore my strong feelings that, yes, women should do more to protect themselves, such as learn self defense.. I am very confused as to why this person I discussed this with was under the impression that men aren't taught anything about rape. Furthermore, why they thought that men thought rape and abuse is somehow ok.

We need to teach men not to rape. Instead of telling women not to get their drink spiked before going out, why not tell men not to do this?

Are you fucking serious? You have to be fucked in the brain to spike someones drink to begin with, do you really think telling men 'don't spike women's drinks' is gonna do ANYTHING? We do tell men not to do this, in fact we hear it all the time! If you're a man and don't know that this is unacceptable behavior (by law and simply by social fucking norms) then you're fucked, your parents are fucked, and you deserve to go to jail.

Rapist: “I'm gonna have fun tonight and rape a woman!”
Person: “No, rape is bad!”
Rapist: “Shit, I didn't know that, thank you! I'll never do it again.”

BRUH. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Do you really think that will work?

A) men are told rape is bad 20x a year already
B) the media does enforce 'rape is bad' 300x a year already
C) a rapist does know rape is bad


And then this idea that all men are potential rapists. Do you have any idea how insulting it is for a woman to tell me to my face that I am a potential rapist? So no matter what I do, how careful I am, how specifically far I stay away from women unless they tell me verbally that it's okay for me to come closer just to talk... no matter all of that I would ultimately still be a potential rapist. Guilty until proven innocent, right? And that's a battle you can't win because you can't prove you're not a rapist.

So what's next, contracts to have sex? Wait no, we have those already in the US, lol, go figure. You need to schedule an appointment with the office of sex and pleasure to schedule a sex appointment, do all the required paperwork, wait 30 working days for a government reply, and if it's accepted you have to pay 100€ for a sex-permit that's valid for the day you want to have sex.


And then she hit me with the 'I'm scared of men because they can hurt me'. Anyone can hurt you if they carry a weapon, anyone can do anything to you. People can stalk you to your house or just contact you endlessly for no apparent reason, but physical harm is somehow the prime reason you're scared of men.

And yeah sure I can understand that. No matter what those Tumblr feminists tell you, two sexes are very real and there are certain biological traits attached to those sexes that make men stronger than women in most cases. But fuck me. Please don't, I might get called a rapist. If physical harm is the only reason you're scared of men I have news for you:

this so called 'toxic masculinity' that women hate so much is also a good reason for us to step in when we see a woman getting harassed. You know, chivalry and honor and all that. Makes it so that we feel compelled to throw our weight around if a woman is being harassed and obviously not enjoying the person that she's talking with.

It's a double edged sword, because the same men that you're scared of are probably compelled to help you if shit goes wrong. And you can't deny that that is pretty damn fucking helpful.

You want to live in a world where women are never told 'watch your drink.' 'Dress appropriately.' 'Don't talk to strangers.' Me too.

Shame that it'll never happen. Reality is cruel, get used to it.

MAN. Y'all Tumblr dwellers are really something else.
@Wade Wilson if it's alternative it's probably postable here.
@Dinh AaronMk You don't have to live in Lithuania to be Romuva, but yes, Lithuanians do have internet.
Just wondering if there's any Romuva believers?

the beard stay trimmed dawg
@Rogue Colm Indeed, I have adapted the beliefs to what I think Óðinn would want from me now. Óðinn wasn't the vengeful man that the world thinks he is and wasn't only after war. In fact the vikings were more capable explorers and traders than they were warriors. It just happened to be so that they were also magnificent fighters.

Respect was a big thing for Óðinn which is why I find it so sad that a lot of our symbols (no, all of our symbols) were taken by the Nazi's and used for shitty shit.

My necklace has a Sonnenrad/Odal circle rune on it.

Center piece.

Compare it with the white power logo:

It's embarrassing really. I still wear my necklace and I don't really care, but in America I'd probably get a lot of shifty looks.
@Cynder I've never had to ask Óðinn for help yet. Bravery and strength are things that are, quite literally, #1 on Óðinn's list of values you need to have. I can't be brave if I always ask him for stuff, and I can't show strength if I need his help in every battle.

Typically a variety of things were offered, mostly food. Eh, that means animals blood, animals meat, or live animals being slaughtered and offered to him at a runestone or holy place.

There's some accounts that also detail human sacrifice. .. varying accounts agree or disagree with these accounts. I honestly think it's very realistic that human sacrifices were real. Enemy soldiers were often captured as were slaves. I think the most favorable sacrifices were enemies of the Norse religion - so Christian lords that wanted to kill all the pagans and conquer the lands.

Then again it's important to notice that the Norse people were way ahead of most medieval societies. Slaves had rights (they were pretty much equal to the serfs of medieval European countries) and were allowed to privately own items, own money, and buy their freedom. Most slaves were treated well. Masters weren't allowed to beat their slaves for no reason.

Fun note also was that the Vikings dabbled in hygiene long before the more Southern medieval people did.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>
This is probably one of the best religious philosophies I've ever seen.

It also means that I theoretically have to offer him bloodshed to get what I want. Translating Norse paganism into modern terms is a big pain in the ass.

For instance you are not allowed into Valhalla unless you die in battle. .. for some insight, that meant that old people that were dying of old age were handed a spear and sword, and were then stabbed repeatedly so that they 'died with a sword in their hands' just so they can go to Valhalla.

How does that translate to women? Short story: it doesn't. Long story: it does, but it requires you to die in childbirth (which is sometimes described as a battle even in old saga).

How does that translate to modern times? Short story: it doesn't. Long story: it does, but it requires you to always fight for what you think is right even if nobody else sides with you. So, a verbal battle is seen as a battle too.

But these are modern philosophies, so we are unsure if they are true, and so I am unsure if I will ever really go to Valhalla. I hope so, but only Óðinn decides if he sends the Valkyrja to get me. If so I can become Einherjar - one time warrior and fight in Ragnarök. If not.. then I will likely spend my eternity either 100% dead, or 100% in some other world that isn't as good as Valhalla.

Another thing that is required is 100% pure blood. It's described by 'jarl' being fair, with pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. He can go to Valhalla, since he is of the right blood, and from the right earth. (The North.) Jarl literally translates as a rank equal to duke. They were noble men.

Thrall on the other hand can't go to Valhalla - he is described as ugly, dumb and dark (likely meant for skin, but not in the 'white black' terms but in terms of tan. Because southerners were less pale than northerners, this could be anything from Italians, Spanish and Moors to Africans. There are 100% factual accounts of Vikingr in Greece, so who knows). He can't enter Valhalla.

Now my question is: that's nice, I have blue eyes and blonde hair and I am pale. But over the years it's possible my blood became impure. Can I still go to Valhalla?

These questions are deep fought within the Pagan community and I have to admit there's wide varieties of ideas and a lot of the ideas are straight up things I can't agree with. :/
@Rogue Colm Wouldn't you be able to say that, in laymans terms, that that mostly just relates to the occult side of Christianity? During medieval times this happened too, with tarot etc. but also in the supernatural that wasn't directly sourced from the Church but more so God/Nature etc.

Obviously there's more to it than that but even in medieval times/church this was basically how people that had a .. more abnormal interest in Christianity were described - occultists. Do you feel you can relate to that?

For me personally I don't have anything with that. Norse paganism is very bare bones when it comes to that. The most I can think of are the seers, gýðja's and goði's that dealt with that kind of stuff, and even then they were mostly just spiritual guidance and not fortunetellers and stuff like that (except maybe the seers). There's no occult side to Norse paganism.

In that way it's very different - it's less about supernatural forces and such and more so about living a life according to the stories of Óðinn, but above all, to live your own life and be strong and brave in that time.

It's for that reason we don't bend the knee to anyone unless they deserve it. Even Óðinn does not receive the privilege of my servitude. I don't beg him for favors but rather I ask him and offer him something in return. He's a god, yes, but he's still a man.
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