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12 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
14 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
14 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
14 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
14 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

@Mr Allen J so he's basically just like you

got it
Time to make it 10x more special with the great and almighty Savo!

can i make insensitive jokes now
<Snipped quote by Buddha>
Make a gospel for Roleplaying and put this in there.

in a singing voice;

You play a loner cause you lame!
The personality says he's nice really, he's not!

You play a loner cause you lame!
The personality says he's lonely but he talks like an extravert!

You play a loner cause you lame!
His history is really sad but somehow he's still upbeat?

You play a loner cause you lame!
Also he's bloody handsome, all the girls want him but no girl player characters talk to him!

Who wants to interact with my character please, i'm desperate!

It's because he's too cool and edgy self-insert much?

It's the tenth in a week but it can't be my fault!!

I miscounted, it's like 4 sentences WHY DID YOU VANISH FROM THE RP???

@Mr Allen J despite your thread making skills it seems you got everyone mad at us

i like it
<Snipped quote by Buddha>
I've seen this as well, but it seems to have a new magnitude in highschool Roleplays. It is amazing to me that so many Roleplays can be filled with loner archetypes and still manage to stay alive.

It's just like how Naruto is considered the shonen of all shonen - in a bad way - where all the characters in those RP's typically follow the archetype;

X was a young child when he was orphaned. His father died doing y (usually a special super top secret mission) and his mother died doing y too. See they were partners. Just like Naruto's father and mother! So anyway, he didn't have any friends, because everyone hated him. But also, he is really friendly! But because he never had any friends he's kinda lonely and sad. Like emo-sad.

Bonus points if they self harm. Seen these characters a lot in Naruto RP's. I guess it's kinda the same for highschool/college/educational facility RP's in the sense that there's a common archetype people follow with their characters.

Lonely characters just seem to be something people like for some reason because it makes them look cool, edgy and gives them a reason for their character to play the victim (which is easy, unlike playing a villain. For most people anyway). When in reality it just leads to over saturation of loners who are cool and don't need nobody.

On the other hand there's also a shit tonne of 'super happy' people that could have their arms chopped off and they'd still be happy about it.
@Cynder I've found that the whole wandering around while screaming in the OOC; 'WHO WANTS TO INTERACT WITH MY CHARACTER' thing is present in many RP's. Often these RP's have the same people/same type of people in them too, so I guess it's not so surprising.

@BlytheChi alright, to be honest I can't really imagine that so the blonde does look very natural on you. Either way, do enjoy the guild, yadda yadda, all the friendly introduction stuff! If you ever feel like chatting feel free to hit me up. Have a good time!
@BlytheChi damn near gave me a heart attack and it's all your fault. As for the blonde - good job, with most non-natural blondes you can see clearly that it's not natural! With you I can't so .. bonus points.

What color is your hair naturally if I may ask?
@BlytheChi Your eyes, hair and the shape of your face mostly. Lots of blondes with big eyes and a round face here. Though, admittedly, that could be said for most of Northern Europe (?).

It's confusing because you remind me a lot of my ex, so when I saw you it was a moment like 'what the hell when did you sign up here' which was weird. It took me a moment to realize what features specifically reminded me of her.

Again, not a bad thing. Just kinda caught me off guard,
@BlytheChi You remind me a lot of how Dutch girls look. Not that that's a bad thing, it's just.. very confusing.

Welcome to the guild. The tie looks good on you.
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