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11 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
13 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
13 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
14 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
14 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Days Basically take what you liked from 1 and 2, subtract it from the movies (like Genji is gone, Serizawa, the general way of acting in the movie etc.) and add some new bad actors and then you have crows explode.

It was that bad.
@Days probably my favorite Japanese movies, though Crows 3: Explode was kinda shit.
@MissCapnCrunch it was hellish to find .gifs for him, because all of them are really low quality.

The movie I took them from (Crows Zero 1 and 2) are old, so, that's why.
Uh, yeah, if you load that on your phone while you're on data..


“There's no clean fight in a war.”

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“No matter who is in front of you, you always get back up and keep going, even if you know you'll die. That's what you do. That's the difference between a fighter and a warrior.”

⌜ ⌝
⧼ seventeen ⫼ male ⫼ hetero ⧽
⌞ ⌟

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n a m e -
Yamato “Yᵃᵐᵃ” Kurisawa
a g e -
17, born on 09/04/1999 (or 04/09/1999 for Americans)
g e n d e r -
b i r t h p l a c e -
Osaka, Japan.
s e x u a l i t y -
r e l a t i o n s h i p s t a t u s -
Single (stop stalking my Facebook, idiots...)

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a p p e a r a n c e -
Yamato is ethnically Japanese, and so he looks like your typical Asian dude, pertaining mostly to his eyes and skin color. His eyes are slanted, and due to his monolid and smaller eyes, seems to fit into the stereotype more or less perfectly. His face is more or less oval-shaped, with little to no bone definition. The only bones that might stand out are his cheekbones, which are higher and protrude slightly. However, this isn't much, and doesn't leave him feeling any more handsome.

His nose is flat, and brims out slightly towards the bottom of his nose. Below his nose are (obviously) his lips which are a slightly more red-rosy tint. For what it's worth his lips are average in size, though compared to some of his white classmates, that's already more than most.

His body itself is what one would expect from a 17 year old - he's fit, skinny and in general seems to be in peak physique. He doesn't have to work to maintain his figure, allowing him to pig out and still be skinny as ever. At the same time he does not exactly work out so one should not expect him to look like some bodybuilder - this is highschool, not college. He's just naturally fit, enjoys personal exercise and just has an affinity for fitness.

If one were to look at Yamato, the implication that his looks would give you were clear - he's a delinquent, a trouble maker, and most certainly not an honor roll student. His eyebrows are furrowed most of the time and the only time he's smiling is when he's causing mischief and mayhem. His permanent facial expression is stuck somewhere between angry and annoyed but most likely a mixture between both.
h e i g h t -
w e i g h t -
s c a r s t a t t o o s m a r k s -
Due to Yamato's history as a delinquent and a troublemaker, he has quite a few marks and scars on his body. Primarily in his face, since he seems to have an affinity for being punched in the jaw and/or chin. There's a single scar running from about a centimeter above his eyebrow, down through his eyebrow, stopping just before his eye. Besides that there are numerous scars more that are inconspicuous unless one were to pay careful attention to his face (back off, weirdo..). The few that do stand out are a set of crossed scars on his chin, small in size but noticeable due to the texture, as well as multiple small cuts around his face. Most of these are from scuffles and fights that he frequently gets into.

No tattoo's or other marks such as piercings. Strict parents are a bitch.
c l o t h i n g s t y l e -
Yamato dresses in simple clothes, though he keeps up with fashion slightly. He doesn't have the money to buy those type of clothes, naturally, but he keeps up regardless and does what he can. Most often you'll find him wearing joggers in assorted colors, skinny fit jeans, sweaters, simple t-shirts in, again, assorted colors, and sneakers and slip-ins as he sees fit.

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stand-offishasshole to peersdoesn't take shit from nobodyreckless

p e r s o n a l i t y -
Yamato is exactly how he looks - stand offish, delinquent, and an asshole. He generally does whatever he wants, not exactly being a role model, but in class he tends to stay out of trouble - mostly. Every now and then he'd get reprimanded but it was nothing major.

For what it's worth, Yamato is quite loyal to his friends and would stick up for them if they return the favor - or even if they didn't - probably because there's not much else that he has around school. That said, friends are few and far between, since he's not the most open of people. It takes some time to get used to him, and most people don't have the patience for that. Mostly those that stick around him are people like him - delinquents, troublemakers, people who think that the mischief Yamato causes is funny.

When it comes to authority there is no question about it that Yamato can be respectful - in fact, he can even be quiet, which is a sight not many of his classmates will ever see. For a regular teacher, they don't hold enough power for Yamato to respect it, but when speaking to his elders (parents, uncles and aunts, family) or someone with authority, he will often be respectful. The question is more whether this is genuine or if it's feigned to avoid getting into trouble.

But his delinquent attitude also makes him seem cool (to some people). Frequent smoking, hell the guy is a chainsmoker, as well as drinking and going out, make him seem slightly more mature. Whether or not this affects your view of him depends on you as a person, but it does give him a certain attitude of doing the more adult stuff that most highschoolers don't typically engage in before graduation.
l i k e s -
his parents and family, tradition, martial arts movies, hanging out with his friends, causing trouble, 'hilarious' mischief, scuffles and fights, drinking, smoking.
d i s l i k e s -
getting caught doing shit, drugs, annoying idiots that get all up in his business, people that ask for attention, having nothing to do (yes, homework is better than boredom), not being able to sleep for no damn reason.

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h i s t o r y -
Yamato was born in Osaka, Japan. His father and mother were both from a relatively average family regarding their wealth, and they made due with working. Since both of his parents were working, Yamato was most often in the daycare. Uh, not that he cared. At that age he barely realized. His father worked as a manager in a local industrial plant, his mother worked as a florist. They were a couple that never matched - his father was strict, strong and bulky despite being a manager. He was a real brute, at times, and was always very outspoken within the family about his thoughts. In a way he was definitely the families patriarch. His mother on the other hand was delicate and subtle - everything she did was rested in patience and small gentle movements.

Like said, they were direct opposites, and how they made it work was beyond anyone at that point. Perhaps the obligation of a child was what bound them together - but regardless, Yamato always took more after his father. It was something that happened a lot - boys wanted to be like their dad, daughters wanted to be like their mothers, it only made sense. As such Yamato wanted to be a strong man.

In the end, at age 17, that might be a different interpretation.

But going back to his childhood, he spent his early infancy (0-5) not doing much, playing around and going to preschool. There's not much interesting to tell here, he does not have a sobstory and he did not become orphaned.

At the age of 9 they moved to the USA, Pennsylvania, where his father was offered a new job for the corporation he worked for in Japan. His mother took over the role of a stay-at-home mother and all was well. Though at an early age Yamato did not seem to fit into the American schools too well.

Teachers were often not authoritarian enough to quell his troublemaking, and usually that meant it was already too late when they did take action. A lot of parent-teacher conferences were had, which had some small impact for a while causing Yamato to calm down before inevitably he crossed the line again. The only thing he seemed to respect was his fathers anger.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, then, that up til the age of 15 he was frequently grounded. His father warned him one final time, threatening with military school, which ultimately caused Yamato to simmer down entirely. Or, rather, he just became better at picking his targets. Rather than picking on the teachers, he just picked on fellow students when he felt like having some fun. It wasn't ever really anything serious - some might've called him a bully, but he did not focus his efforts on one target, and could switch between picking on someone and then having a friendly conversation with them later with remarkable ease.

This kept up until now, but recently at the age of 16 he picked up smoking, and soon after, drinking at clubs. He likes going out and doing what he's not supposed to be doing using a fake ID. At the same time it seems like his father has slowly given up too, and lets Yamato do as he pleases as long as his grades are kept up - which they are. Yamato is reckless but not stupid.
t h e m e s o n g -

@Death Grips I'm putting basically the title of that bit. So the first bit (name, age, sexuality, blabla) relates to the characters personal info. The 2nd bit relates to appearances/looks. Then the last bit is miscellaneous.

I'm having to switch some of the bits around, but that's how I'm reading it.
A small sidenote. If anyone wishes to establish some pre-relations, I'd be game for that. I'm going for a asshole/bully kind of character, but anything is possible in the messy politics of a highschool.
@Filthy Mudblood Yeah, it's a big mess, but it looks good. But from a perspective of me having to fill in, yeah, it's a mess. That's why I'm gonna have the tab with yours open and just copy paste it over to a separate PM to myself as I fill it in.
@Filthy Mudblood You mind if I possibly shuffle around the CS a bit to make it easier on myself?

I forgot how much work aesthetic CS' were, and if I'm gonna make it a e s t h e t i c af, I wanna do it proper.
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