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6 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
8 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
8 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
9 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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9 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Legion02 That's actually kind of what I meant! Like the physical harnessing of his power. But I like the suggestion of having his primary block the secondary. That'd be interesting because that means that, when he's not wounded, he's not entirely useless.
@Gowi Simply put, you believe in things like rape culture and a wage gap (that is my assumption anyway) where as I do not. Therefore, either of us will be unwilling to let go of their beliefs and therefore any discussion we hold in these subjects is doomed to fail as it would devolve into a primitive shouting match between two brick walls.

Now, I am definitely a primitive, so it's not like I would be lowering myself, but you on the other hand, hmm.

A subject for another thread, though.
@Gowi Don't worry though. I already knew we wouldn't get along when I first saw you, so no hard feelings.
@Legion02 Aw yeah, criticism. First of all, cheers. I appreciate it!

The name change makes sense. It sounds a bit too floaty for me but I like the concept behind it and it definitely flows off the tongue better than 'Pain-strength conversion' so I will probably change that. Did you know equilibrium is also a German metal band? The more you know.

Second point: point taken. I mean, there should be danger to him. Otherwise, this power is literally the most overpowered thing ever, that allows him to keep going infinitely because his body can take it anyway. The way I would rationalize it is maybe 'the added strength in the muscles also does a better job at shielding his bones, or his body in general, allowing him to take hits that would otherwise snap a person in half, if his power is adequately charged'. Does that make sense?

Third: I think my main issue with it was the fact that it's so general and vague. Furthermore it also encroaches on the territory of other characters. I don't want my guy to have 'sense heightening powers' if others have that as a primary power. Obviously my thought was to power mine down so that it becomes _near_ irrelevant at first and later on becomes more notable.

I guess what I'm saying is, we can both agree it's an unoriginal and general power that is useful but not that cool, since other people already have it as a primary power. He's nowhere near their level obviously.. so I think I will keep it on. As you said, it can be expanded upon later in the plot.

Another idea I had is that he could harness whatever powers in his body it is that give him this strength-enhancer, and then 'shoot' it out of his body in a circle around him. Kinda like a force blast.

But that seemed reaaaaaaaaaaally far fetched. Definitely more specialized than what he has now, though.

Regardless, thanks for the input. I appreciate it.
@Gowi LOL. As someone that knows Beta, you should really take that back.

That guy .. god damn. Don't ever liken me to him again.
@Gowi Honestly I'm way ahead of you on that one. I'd be surprised if people liked me at this point.
@Gowi Nothing makes me angry except for people who insist that I'm angry even when I am not.

People like that are annoying.
@Wade Wilson some fat guy idk lol
@oqossum whatsup homo
@Wade Wilson we never met before

this is cool
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