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6 days ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
8 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
8 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
8 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
8 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
1 like


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

Most Recent Posts

Hi there! Similarly welcome to RPG! If you need help, want to chat or want to roleplay, feel free to PM me! Enjoy your stay!
Welcome, comrade. Tabletop is, more often than not, good enough to get someone going. There's a tabletop section with on-off games, as far as I know, but I don't think they generally last long. Best of luck tovarish, may Stalin guide your posts.
@Fatima It generally is not a problem, no, and harassment is not tolerated here, so if people harass you over it, the moderators are sure to intervene. Have a good time!
As salam aleykum, @Fatima. I hope you feel welcome on this website. One correction - adult content is not forbidden, but should be private. I believe the same goes for (excessive) gore and language. I believe this mostly goes for 1x1 roleplay. In general, the rules are mostly just summarized as: use common sense. Or according to the rules: be cool like Fonz.

I like your name, and I am quite surprised the name Fatima was still available. Either way, I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope you can find some decent roleplaying partners. If you have any questions, requests or god forbid need someone to talk to, feel free to hit me up (or, otherwise, someone else. The community on this website is quite good, even if we all kinda hate each other ironically.)
Vault Buddha

Hello and welcome to my Vault Buddha interest check. After replaying Fallout New Vegas over the timespan of.. well, maybe a day or two (ah, weekends, amazing) I've resparked my interest in the Fallout Universe. Primarily I find myself interested in Vaults, hence the name, but of course this wouldn't be Fallout if we didn't end up either in some crazy ass experiment that kills us, or escaping the vault. So if you find yourself interested in the same thing, keep reading, and otherwise, get the heck out my thread.

Standard info: I'm 20 year old and male. I can write female and male characters. I have no preference, but I am more experienced with writing males. I am in the GMT+1 timezone. I'm willing to write mature scenes if we can do it in a somewhat classy way that befits the RP. If you want to write about anything relating to 'putting the cawk into de pusi, b0ss' please write me out. I will typically prefer MxF or FxF romance, MxM if it makes sense. (Yes, I am straight as far as I know, so yes, MxM is unnatural to me. Not uncomfortable, just unnatural, and so, harder to write). Please have common sense. Please do not chase me endlessly if I stop posting. Please do not tell me endlessly about your personal life. If I care, I will ask.

Most importantly: be willing to work with me, think with me, come up with ideas of your own, and be assertive when it comes to the plot. I don't want to roleplay with a 'sub' that does as I say. And no, I'd prefer not to work with dom/sub roles (because a) they are stupid and misunderstood and b) I'm tired of 'sub' characters that are nothing more than sacks of flour that don't do anything. (Unless you write it well and make it understood why they are that way.)


Alright, so lets get to the meat and potatoes. The thing is I hate when a plot is already too pre-defined, but I also noticed that plots that lack direction and a pre-defined plot often die. So the thing I'm going to do is I'm going to create ideas that you can possibly place down your character in. The background, etcetera, that would all be up to you (because I bloody hate when a person forces me to make my character like x or y). Or at least, I am going to try and do that.

More could be added later. I don't know. I'm whimsical, yo.
@shylarah It didn't so much break as 'got broken' by the server hosts. Entirely on purpose, as Mahz missed a payment (by accident) and instead of notifying, shut down the place.

Me and @lovely complex still discussing the collaboration.

I'm just posting this to show a) I am alive and b) to keep up the appearances of activity for this thread.
@Falka and the cherry blossom must be because 'tis the season innit?
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