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20 hrs ago
Current and y'all were mad i was out here talking about sucking toes. now you're stuck with this guy. hope you're happy, fools.
3 days ago
i love your cat more than you btw
3 days ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
4 days ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
1 like
4 days ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
1 like


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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and its not overrun with edgy teenagers.

just wait and see


nr. 1 edgy teen (i'm 20 does that still count?)
Please do not speak negatively about my posts. My life is validated by your likes and attention.

You're kinda amusing, somehow.
I just wanna see more .
@Sarmatian Also, I'd advice mentioning the few people again. I don't think your initial pings went through. (They were edited in, right?)
<Snipped quote by Tulpa>

I wonder if this counts as spam.

Their friend has a stone mason avatar, so I'm guessing they're going for some 'we're creepy and illuminati' vibe. Whichever it is, I think people are more amused than anything.

And yes it probably does count as spam. But when did the mods ever care about that before?
@Sarmatian If you need some other simple images, I could perhaps provide. My bio look okay to you?
The Snark is Real

I felt like the ending would be her saying the correct answer would be something like 'I just like Asian women' like what I'd answer to that question, but no, I was disappointed. Not sure why I expected anything else, really. I had completely forgotten that having a preference is something of the past.
@Sarmatian Perhaps like so:

الأخ والأخوات من طارق وشعبه
Al'akh wal'akhwat min Taraq washaebih

The Brother- and Sisterhood of Taraq and its' people.

Al'akh wal'akhwat min Taraq washaebih (الأخ والأخوات من طارق وشعبه, the Brother- and Sisterhood of Taraq and its' people),
shortened to Al'akh wal'akhwat Taraq (الأخ والأخوات طارق, Brothers and Sisters of Taraq).


Subject to change once we establish a flag for Taraq, perhaps. Or if I get creative.


Amir is a veteran of the (now disbanded) armed forces of Taraq, who is better known under the name 'el-Hashem' which translates into 'the Crusher'. He has a loyal nature, and as such, did not involve himself with talks of revolution. He was happy to turn from the gun to the ploughshare - little did he know he'd have to pick up his arms again to fight for his country. With him came many people, though it was hard to find any combat experienced troops. As such, his forces are more of a militia than a real combat unit. Never the less, Amir can be trusted to make full use of them.

Although he is working with the UN now, he in fact does not like them. He rather enjoys the freedom of his country, and sees the UN as a threat to that freedom. Although he dislikes them, he is forced to work with them, upon realization that the Black Cobra's are most certainly not a group that he's capable of facing on his own. The UN are a means to an end - to restore the government of Taraq, and to ensure that the process happens without hiccups or stalling.

Total: 30 combatants
Team divisions:
N/A (fill in before operations?)

The Brother- and Sisterhood of Taraq consists mainly of average combatants. They fight not for religion, or ideology. They fight for the freedom of their government, to liberate themselves from the tyranny of the Black Cobra's while they still have a chance.

As a result, and perhaps contrary to most groups in Taraq, they come from all walks of life, and their members reflect this. Most of the members are from el-Hashem's hometown, which is a small town near the east-border region of Taraq. But there are members from other areas of Taraq, and even from other areas of the world, who have signed on, either for the thrill, for ideological conviction and the desire to fight for the freedom of Taraq, or for their vested interest.

23 males
7 females

25 muslims
1 Sikh
1 christian
2 atheists

19 lower-class citizens
6 middle-class citizens
5 upper-class citizens

23 from Taraq
2 from neighboring countries
1 from Chechnya (Russian Federation)
1 from India
2 from Great Britain
1 from the United States of America

The group originated from a small town in the eastern border regions, where farming and keeping cattle were the most common manners of survival. Life was what you'd expect from a third world country, and most people lived in poverty. The town wasn't quite big enough to sustain any type of larger scales of business, and the lack of resources nearby meant that there wasn't an incentive to industrialize this part of Taraq.

As such, a common choice was for young men to join the armed forces of Taraq. When the armed forces were mostly disbanded after the recent election, many youngsters returned to their town. Their peace was short lived, as soon enough the Black Cobra's appeared to take control of al-Qurait. Some of the veterans from the town had joined the Black Cobra's, outraged at their disbandment. Others followed under the leadership of al-Hashem, and began preparing to defend their new autonomous region until the government was reinstated. Their intentions were clear, however, and others joined the group along the way - they even made their intentions clear in an interview on international television, done by al-Hashem himself.

This attracted foreign attention and caused several foreigners to seek them out on their own accord for reasons of their own. Much beyond that, they were contacted by the UN (which proved hard, as the Brother- and Sisterhood of Taraq and its' people were a real militia, lacking any real equipment) and asked to send them an advisor to help defeat the Black Cobra's. Originally predisposed against working with the UN, al-Hashem quickly realized that there was no chance of taking on the Black Cobra's on their own, and gave in, altering their course and accepting the aid of the UN, and their advisor.

Cooperate with your friends, surprise your enemies.
@Sarmatian I'll see if I can make one then. Expect my CS before that.
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