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not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
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do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I honestly see this having the same criticism that I gave the karma system.

Too easy to abuse, too hard to make objective.
@The Harbinger of Ferocity I do believe that issue was dropped already given a lengthy and good discussion with arena members specifically and they manage to convince me that my idea was perhaps not the right way to move forward. This doesn't fix inactivity though, which is an issue for another time and the inactivity of the arena board is certainly something that needs to be addressed at some point, regardless of 'this inactivity being inherent' to arena.

I disagree that we should demerit people that drop from RP's.

If your family member dies, I understand that you can't directly post that and I understand that that is something that might take a lot of time.
I am reluctant to ask, however, for proof of death. That's morbid and not right.

This goes for literally any other scenario just the same. I don't want to ask people for proof of why they disappeared.

So what, we either ban everyone that disappears for whatever reason. Good, then everyone with a valid reason is banned. Useful. Or we ban nobody.

I'd rather do the latter.

Engaging RP with people that disappear is BUYER BEWARE. It's your duty to check up on your partners to make sure they're not flaky or known for being shitty RP'ers. Not the moderators.
@Inkarnate Try this:

Like I said there's no reason not to try it, but I imagine that it'd not be the same as arena.
@Cynder Errrr. Maybe for NRP and tabletop and MAAAAAAAAAAYBE advanced. Big maybe. Casual and free? Fuck no. No reason not to try it but I doubt it'll work like it did in arena.
@Cynder I don't think it's worth it because no other forum is as tight knit as arena.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>
The moderators do not run GCS, dedicated members of the community do. It is not an officially made or officially sanctioned channel to represent this website by the administration. Any behavior that is out of tone or spirit with this website jeopardize the integrity of the brand; especially on a server that is the equivalent of the wild west.

I must admit I see little problems in this given that the moderators themselves have already stated they want self-governance in terms of reporting. I'm sure that the GCS in itself is not much different from that, especially if we can select a few trustworthy and involved people to lead the GCS.

Although I understand the concern, I honestly think that you're putting too much thought into it in this case. If someone posts some shit on RPG that is out of tone similarly, that doesn't jeopardize the integrity of the brand right away.

It might mean the moderators have to clean up their act a little bit and actually enforce the rules we have, but I was advocating for that for a long time already anyway.
@Inkarnate Can you list some dangers for me? I'm not entirely up to date on this debate and I don't see any direct drawbacks.
<Snipped quote by Ruby>
If GCS was made official the entire management of it would have to change. It'd have to be designed to how Iwaku does their discord channel which is actually official and actually ran by the administration of the site. Nobody in GCS as it currently stands would want that and the moderation staff on RPG are too stretched for time as it is. It won't work.

To give you guys an idea, take a look:

It won't happen.

It won't happen because RPG is nowhere near as big. Nor is the discord that active.

I also don't really have a problem with making the discord ''official'' by just re-leading the RPG chat button to a discord join thingie. That's all it has to be.

Of course I do. You've become a tad hostile, though.

And you're not being constructive, so if you don't have anything constructive to add, I'd just request you leave my thread altogether. That sound fair? Yes it does.
Disagree about the unofficial Discord Guild Chat server needing to be made official.

OK. Good statement. Got a reason why, or are you just filling space atm?
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