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1 hr ago
Current used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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4 hrs ago
what the frick
23 hrs ago
i see you stalkers that hate me cus they aint me and i suck toes and you don't. baby blue toes in my mouth, sucking.
1 day ago
red skull, nuclear death
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1 day ago
fledermaus you're a freak, get a life and a job
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Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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<Snipped quote by Odin>

I'd rather not have something half-assed, but if you have an idea or can come up with one fairly quickly, I'd still be game.

I have a vague idea but I'd need time to come up with a plotline and I am currently mid-exams studying for the next 2 weeks so it might have to wait, if that is okay with the respective players.

Otherwise, I suppose this is dead.
@NightinGem Welcome to the guild, very very gay NighinGem. I know there's a lot of pokemon RP's, especially in the 1x1 section, so I'm sure you'll feel some RP that you can feel at home in!

Cool avatar!
So if Grim is banned, what happens here?

I could continue the RP for us but that might become a bit convoluted since I literally had no idea where she was going with this.
@JeannetteM Welcome to the guild. That's a lengthy introduction, which is rare but good to see. For your interests this would be the best place to go. Perhaps make a thread of your own to get people interested.

If there are any questions on your side feel free to PM me or reach out elsewhere.
@Lady Amalthea I can get a kick out of some good banter on the status bar but currently it's not really doing anything for me other than making me wanna bet on how long this will continue.

30 bucks on another 2 hours.
In Heya! 7 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
@OneLastMonday Welcome on the guild! If you have any questions feel free to ask, whether it's here or in PM. I hope you'll have a good time on RPG!
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Wait, for real!? Assen represent! And also Amerfoort, but that's where my apartment is, doesn't quite feel as homey as Assen :')

Cocksleeve made me giggle. But it's quite often very true.

And same, a friend of mine can write the shy, easily intimidated sort in an amazing way (one of her characters actually gets into a lot of odd situations, simply because he's very bad at saying no and walking away).

I mean, I'm not a real Hagenees, since I'm from Voorburg originally and currently living in Leidschenveen. But I live like 200 meters from the Kyocera stadion, so I guess even the most Haags thing isn't even in the Hague anymore. But yeah, for real. I already noticed you were Dutch, the name on your art gives it away.

I think something to keep in mind when writing shy characters is that... I wanna say 'nobody cares about them' which sounds harsh and is not entirely true in the sense that people do care about them, it's just that shy people tend not to get noticed. Playing an invisible character then by extent can be interesting in the 'fly on the wall' formula by having them observe crazy things, and nobody notices them because they blend in.

But just having your character scream 'I AM SO ALONE PLEASE TALK TO ME BUT OH I AM SO SHY SO I CAN'T REALLY SAY MUCH BACK' to avoid putting in that effort creatively is not even bad writing, it's just bad character.

I also kinda wonder why people would actively choose to play a character so shy that they can't even be around other people, unless the goal of the rp is to get them less shy)

The other reason I can think of is just to put their own personality into the character, I just woke up so my brains a bit muddled

Because it's a self insert, because it's the easiest thing to write, because they are lazy, or because they want their character to be the center of attention (which is somewhat paradoxical because you're writing a shy character that doesn't like attention).

It's funny, because the people that always complain about nobody interacting with them in a roleplay tend to also be the same people who have characters that shy away from any form of interaction unless it's about their character.

Similarly, I've noticed these are the same people who forcibly begin shipping their character with other characters and going 'hehe would be cool if they dated amirite' about every potential relationship candidate. I feel like these characters are typically just lazy self-inserts and an attempt at playing out boring fantasies we have already heard of 200x.

It's really just 'the shy nerdy guy gets the girl' innit.
<Snipped quote by Odin>

Where have you been all my life.

In Den Haag ;)

And yeah, the sub-thing in 1x1 is also painfully prevalent. It's quite often an excuse for the writer being really passive. Not always, but it has become something I'm a little bit cautious about.

I found it is either that, an excuse to be really passive, or it's just an excuse for the character to be a cock-sleeve, excuse my language, for the other character. There's no substance.

Perhaps worth noting that I have had good experiences with people that wrote sub characters (or, rather, I have had one) but that was an expert writer. Shy, depressed characters are the same. It needs to be done well, or not at all.
<Snipped quote by Mercenary Lord>

Bonus points if someone's character keeps leaving the group. Sure, there's undoubtedly times/situations in which it works, but my God are those rare.

"My character is a loner so he's going to go out of his way every. single. time. to avoid talking to people - oh did I also tell you guys he's a closet-nice-guy that actually really really wants to befriend people but he's just so shy, effectively giving me a justification for making no meaningful impact on the story by constantly removing him from any conversation that isn't about a) my character b) his depression c) his loneliness d) his desire to make friends or e) all of the above. It also gives me a great great reason to avoid writing and coming up with new ideas! After all he's so shy, people have to come to my character with their ideas so I don't have to do any creative thinking!"

Yeah, kudo's to the people who can write shy or anti-social characters with flair, keeping it interesting to read even if he's not actively partaking. But god damn. Shy, friendless, lonely, depressed characters in group RP's are the equivalent of sub characters in the 1x1 section - they're wet paper husks of a character that have no personality and a single lazy gimmick.

<Snipped quote by Surtr>

THIS is the reason why I am solely found in the 1x1 threads. It's much more easier to do 1x1's and the few times I have ventured out to try roleplays with multiple roleplayers they generally die quickly. That's why I'm always afraid to even try a multi-RPer thread because honestly what's the point if it's going to die?

Find friends that you enjoy RPing with, introduce them to each other, and if they get along, bam, you have a dedicated group of roleplayers. That's how I've started doing it and that's what I typically have best results with. But I have friends that are whimsical, so it doesn't work as well. When you have friends that are still very into roleplaying, then it'll work. And then you can use randoms to fill in the blank spots.
@Melkor fuk u for ruining Eä damnit
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